Higher Education Essays (Examples)


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Families Of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Pages: 7 (2023 words) Sources: 12 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:27788997

… for Families of Preschool Children with Autism

Children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are the most rapidly growing student population served in special education. As a result, several early childhood programs targeting such students have been established in the education sector. These programs are established to help meet the special needs of these children while promoting and enhancing their academic growth and achievements. … years and generated new demands on families and special needs educators. ASD account for the highest population of special needs students in the education sector. According to Zuckerman, Lindly, Bethell & Kuhlthau (2014) recent evidence has shown that diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders in children has become … difficulties in social communication and behavior as well as impaired child and family functioning. Consequently, children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders need intensive education, healthcare, and behavioral services in comparison to normal children. These intensive services are……



Coogle, C.G., Guerette, A.R. & Hanline, M.F 2013. Early Intervention Experiences of Families with an Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Qualitative Pilot Study. Early Childhood Research & Practice, vol. 15, no. 1. Viewed 7 August 2019, http://ecrp.uiuc.edu/v15n1/coogle.html

Forest, E.J., Horner, R.H., Lewis-Palmer, T. & Todd, A.W 2004. Transitions for Young Children with Autism from Preschool to Kindergarten. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, vol. 6, no. 2, pp.103-112.

Jansen, H 2010. The Logic of Qualitative Survey Research and its Position in the Field of Social Research Methods. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, vol. 11, no. 2, pp.1-21.

Ponto, J 2015. Understanding and Evaluating Survey Research. Journal of the Advanced Practitioner in Oncology, vol. 6, no. 2, pp.168-171.

Reeves, S., Kuper, A. & Hodges, B.D 2008. Qualitative Research Methodologies: Ethnography. BMJ, vol. 337. Doi:  https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.a1020 

Reeves, S., Peller, J., Goldman, J. & Kitto, S 2013. Ethnography in Qualitative Educational Research: AMEE Guide No. 80. Medical Teacher, vol. 35, no. 8, pp.e1365-e1379.

Stahmer, A.C., Akshoomoff, N. & Cunningham, A.B 2011. Inclusion for Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Autism, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 625-641. 

Stahmer, A.C., Collings, N.M. & Palinkas, L.A 2005. Early Intervention Practices for Children with Autism: Descriptions from Community Providers. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, vol. 20, no. 2, pp.66-79.


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Developing A Research Hypothesis

Pages: 8 (2368 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Essay Document #:36304259

...Higher education Abstract
Developing a researchable question is one of the challenging tasks a researcher encounters when initiating a project. In current clinical practice, both unanswered issues or when experiences dictate alternative therapies may provoke an investigator to formulate a clinical research question. This paper describes PICO (population, intervention, control, and outcomes) criteria in framing a research question. Finally, it assesses the characteristics of a peer-reviewed article on urinary tract infections.
Part 1
EBM, shorthand for Evidence-Based Medicine, is a core aspect of the medical profession. EBM provides statistical analyses and matters of clinical concern. It is based on research, reading, analysis, and combining many papers generated within the medical fraternity. EBM applications based on research evidence and clinical knowledge and reviews of the system go a long way in improving clinical decisions. Usually, the PICO guideline is applied in developing a comprehensive, focused definition of clinical concern. In such a system,……



Considine, J., Shaban, R. Z., Fry, M., & Curtis, K. (2017). Evidence-based emergency nursing: designing a research question and searching the literature. International emergency nursing, 32, 78-82.

Eriksen, M. B., & Frandsen, T. F. (2018). The impact of patient, intervention, comparison, outcome (PICO) as a search strategy tool on literature search quality: a systematic review. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA, 106(4), 420.

Yuan, X., Xiaoli, L., Shilei, L., Qinwen, S., & Ke, L. (2019, May). Extracting PICO elements from RCT abstracts using 1-2gram analysis and multitask classification. In Proceedings of the third International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics 2019 (pp. 194-199).

Scells, H., Zuccon, G., Koopman, B., Deacon, A., Azzopardi, L., &Geva, S. (2017, November). Integrating the framing of clinical questions via PICO into the retrieval of medical literature for systematic reviews. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (pp. 2291-2294).

Basmaci, R., Vazouras, K., Bielicki, J., Folgori, L., Hsia, Y., Zaoutis, T., &Sharland, M. (2017). Urinary tract infection antibiotic trial study design: a systematic review. Pediatrics, 140(6).

Misra, D. P., & Agarwal, V. (2018). Systematic reviews: challenges for their justification, related comprehensive searches, and implications. Journal of Korean medical science, 33(12).

Belcher, B. M., Rasmussen, K. E., Kemshaw, M. R., &Zornes, D. A. (2016). Defining and assessing research quality in a transdisciplinary context. Research Evaluation, 25(1), 1-17.

Fu, D. Y., & Hughey, J. J. (2019). Meta-Research: Releasing a preprint is associated with more attention and citations for the peer-reviewed article. Elife, 8, e52646.


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Educational Assessments Fairness Constructs And Ethics

Pages: 1 (323 words) Sources: 1 Document Type:Essay Document #:26368681

Fairness is a term commonly used but rarely understood, critiqued, or analyzed. When used in relation to education testing, the concept of fairness is also cluttered by the conflicting evidence supporting the construct validity of assessments or the reliability of those … construct validity of assessments or the reliability of those assessments for a diverse population. When consequential validity is also called into question, then education testing itself becomes a quagmire. Yet teachers do need assessments to gauge student learning, or to provide students with the education resources they need to thrive. Consequential validity refers to the ways educators use assessments, standardized or not (Denner, Norman & Lin, 2009). Teachers … harm to students inadvertently. The harms coming from consequential validity can be ameliorated by using a Biblical worldview and corresponding ethical approach to education.
The Bible emphasizes fairness and equity, “for God shows no partiality,” (Romans 2:11). If God’s……



Denner, P., Norman, A. & Shu-Yuan Lin. Fairness and consequential validity of teacher work samples. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability 21 (2009): 235-254.


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How To Control Statistics Anxiety

Pages: 1 (371 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Essay Document #:62592948

… fact that it requires so much covering of so much new ground that the student has never before in all his or her education ever really encountered. So it is very much like entering into foreign territory or being adrift at sea. That is what makes me … That is what makes me nervous and gives me statistics anxiety.
Another key point that has been made is that “students who experience higher levels of statistics anxiety are assumed to be more likely to procrastinate learning, e.g., to postpone writing term papers, to study for examinations, ……



Macher, D., Papousek, I., Ruggeri, K., & Paechter, M. (2015). Statistics anxiety and performance: blessings in disguise. Frontiers in psychology, 6, 1116.

University of Kansas. (2019). \\\\'Statistics anxiety\\\\' is real, and new research suggests targeted ways to handle it. Retrieved from https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/01/190116111131.htm


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Preventing Drug Use Among Teens

Pages: 5 (1380 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:72171572

… includes the societal values together with the government’s plans towards managing negative substance use. The article also promoted the idea that public health education programs should be added as part and parcel of the national curriculum, which can encourage awareness among the adolescents and thereby greatly bring … authors first identify the trends and patterns found among the various literature available on these programs. They found evidence of prevention based on education and Persuasion techniques, Community-Based approaches, Legal Practices, and a focus on Harm Reduction approach. The authors suggest that a multi-prong approach is more … substances that are harmful to health. What the researchers found by conducting focus group discussions using a qualitative design was that when health education programs are used in school curriculum it is more likely that students will not engage in risky behaviors.
The researchers held 17 focus … the trends and patterns found……


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School Uniforms And Self Esteem

Pages: 6 (1683 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:27121716

...Higher education On Wearing School Uniforms
One of the biggest problems that teens face in school is the problem of peer pressure. As Bandura (2018) notes, the pressure to adapt one’s behavior in order to fit in or stand out comes from media, peers and groups—and in a school, peers are the biggest factor. One way to alleviate that pressure is to create an environment in which everyone fits in ipso facto—and that can easily be achieved by obliging all students to wear a school uniform. One is used to seeing students of private schools wear uniforms, but in public schools this idea is typically shunned. There are good arguments to be made, however, for uniforms to be mandated by public schools. First off, research has shown that school uniforms actually promote good conduct among students and more formal adherence to the rules and regulations of the school. Second, parents and teachers……



Bandura, A. (2018). Toward a psychology of human agency: Pathways and reflections.  Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13(2), 130-136.

Bodine, A. (2003). School uniforms, academic achievement, and uses of research. The Journal of Educational Research, 97(2), 67-71.

Caruso, P. (1996). Individuality vs. conformity: The issue behind school uniforms.  NASSP Bulletin, 80(581), 83-88.

Fox, K. R., & Lindwall, M. (2014). Self-esteem and self-perceptions in sport and exercise. In Routledge Companion to Sport and Exercise Psychology (pp. 58-72). Routledge.

Murray, R. K. (1997). The impact of school uniforms on school climate. NASSP Bulletin, 81(593), 106-112.

NAESP. (2013). National Survey of School Leaders Reveals 2013 School Uniform Trends. Retrieved from  https://www.naesp.org/national-survey-school-leaders-reveals-2013-school-uniform-trends 

School connectedness: Strategies for increasing protective factors among youth. (2010). Reclaiming Children and Youth, 19(3), 20-24.

Stanley, M. S. (1996). School uniforms and safety. Education and Urban Society, 28(4), 424-435.


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Decision Making And Student Affairs

Pages: 6 (1910 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Case Study Document #:42118685

One of the primary goals of every education institution is to ensure a positive development in the lives, mentality, and intellectual capacity of its students. This goes beyond just academic rigour … friendly, and supportive environment for an excellent learning experience (Commodore, Gasman, Conrad, & Nguyen, 2018. pp.1-2). While the academic affairs unit of an education institution is responsible for the design and execution of curricular activities, the student affairs units have a better idea of the most effective … academic institution, it is imperative for “them” to have an effective collaboration across all facets of academic planning, activity suggestions, and the overall education experience (Blake, 2017, p.65).
This paper examines a few examples of such collaborations with a focus on two areas: support for a “learning-living … resource values and access points for all stakeholders of the institution—especially for the students, the goal of the student affairs unit……



Blake, J. H. (2007). The crucial role of student affairs professionals in the learning process. New Directions for Student Services, 2007(117), 65–72. doi:10.1002/ss.234. Retrieved from:  https://sci-hub.tw/https://doi.org/10.1002/ss.234 

Commodore, F., Gasman, M., Conrad, C., & Nguyen, T.-H. (2018). Coming Together: A Case Study of Collaboration Between Student Affairs and Faculty at Norfolk State University. Frontiers in Education, 3. doi:10.3389/feduc.2018.00039. Retrieved from:  https://sci-hub.tw/https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2018.00039 

Kaslow, N. J., Garcia-Williams, A., Moffitt, L. B., McLeod, M., Zesiger, H., Ammirati, R., Berg, J.P., & McIntosh, B. J (2012). Building and Maintaining an Effective Campus-Wide Coalition for Suicide Prevention, Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, (26)121–139. DOI: 10.1080/87568225.2012.659160. Retrieved from:  https://sci-hub.tw/https://doi.org/10.1080/87568225.2012.659160 

Rohli, R.V., Keppler, K.J., & Winkler, D.L. (2013). Academic Development of First-Year Living-Learning Program Students before and after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita of 2005. Learning Communities Research and Practice, 1(3), 1-16. Retrieved from:  https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1112658.pdf 

Spanierman, L. B., Soble, J. R., Mayfield, J. B., Neville, H. A., Aber, M., Khuri, L., & De La Rosa, B. (2013). Living Learning Communities and Students’ Sense of Community and Belonging. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 50(3), 308–325. doi:10.1515/jsarp-2013-0022. Retrieved from:  https://sci-hub.tw/https://doi.org/10.1515/jsarp-2013-0022 

Terri, F. B. (2013). Utilizing student affairs professionals to enhance student and faculty experiences and mitigate risk in short-term, faculty-led study abroad programs. Journal of International Education in Business, 6(2), 136-147. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/JIEB-05-2013-0019 . Retrieved from:  https://sci-hub.tw/10.1108/JIEB-05-2013-0019 


Study Document Study Document

Social Skills Training With Autism In Secondary Classroom

Pages: 10 (3100 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Research Proposal Document #:23519150

… and may sometimes end up impacting the vocational or academic success of such individuals later in life. Even individuals with autism who have higher or average intelligence usually find it difficult to overcome social difficulties and to communicate in a manner that observes all the unwritten rules … demonstrate a skill in class or during a practice class and then fail to apply the same skill to a real-life scenario. In education circles, the term generalization is often used. It is usually used to show when a person’s behavior or response is produced in scenarios ……



Adams, C., Lockton, E., Freed, J., Gaile, J., Earl, G., McBean, K., ... & Law, J. (2012). The Social Communication Intervention Project: a randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of speech and language therapy for school?age children who have pragmatic and social communication problems with or without autism spectrum disorder. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 47(3), 233-244.

Adams, C., Lockton, E., Freed, J., Gaile, J., Earl, G., McBean, K., Nash, M., Green, J., Vail, A., and Law, J. (2011). An evidence-based program for school, & aged children: Social communication intervention project. Research report. Uppsala: Inst.

American Psychological Association (APA) (2006). Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology. American Psychologist, 61(4), 271–285. doi: 10.1037/0003-066X.61.4.271

Cohen, J. (2013). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. Routledge.

Egger, M., Smith, G. D., Schneider, M., & Minder, C. (1997). Bias in meta-analysis detected by a simple, graphical test. Bmj, 315(7109), 629-634.

Higgins, J. P., & Green, S. (Eds.). (2011). Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions (Vol. 4). John Wiley & Sons.

Hutchins, N. S., Burke, M. D., Bowman-Perrott, L., Tarlow, K. R., & Hatton, H. (2019). The Effects of Social Skills Interventions for Students With EBD and ASD: A Single-Case Meta-Analysis. Behavior modification, 0145445519846817.

Radley, K. C., O’Handley, R. D., & Sabey, C. V. (2017). Social Skills Training for Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In Handbook of Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorder (pp. 231-254). Springer, Cham.


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Learning Goals Real Life Experience And Personal Experience

Pages: 10 (3023 words) Document Type:Essay Document #:36646335

...Higher education Summary/synthesis of what I learned
The goal of the probation program is to help offenders to change for the better and to maintain that change. The probation program also works to ensure communities remain safe even while offenders are given a chance to re-integrate. The mission of probation is to ensure public safety through motivating offenders to change and to lead lives that are free of crime. The mission is achieved via the re-integration of offenders back into their communities, monitoring the offenders, supervising and controlling the offenders, and ensuring the offenders are re-entering in positive and safe environments where they can stay crime-free.
Offenders are usually monitored in various ways to ensure they are living crime-free lives and that they are truly reformed. Some of the ways include getting their telephone and mobile contacts for communication, visiting them at home, carrying out urine screens, referring them to substance abuse……


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Plagiarism And Academic Accountability

Pages: 3 (870 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:79505598

...Higher education Academic Accountability
Define academic voice and plagiarism.
Academic voice is a form of communication that uses a formal tone with clarity, professionalism, and straightforwardness. At its core are declarative statements, avoidance of causal language, and authoritative register (Dirgeyasa & Hum, 2017).
Plagiarism is the representation of another author’s work or ideas as own and without full acknowledgment.
Apply your knowledge of academic voice and plagiarism to the rewritten passage, locating and identifying errors.
“The correlational method can be very useful, but it must be used with caution.” - (this direct quote is done well, but there is no acknowledged through in-text citation, thus plagiarism). If knowledge of one variable (height) helps predict another (weight), does that mean that one causes the other? Not necessarily. It is possible that the primary variable caused the secondary, or that the secondary variable caused the primary, or that some additional variable caused both variables.……



Dirgeyasa, I. W., & Hum, M. (2017). College Academic Writing a Genre-Based Perspective. Prenada Media.

Feenstra, J. (2013). Introduction to social psychology. [Electronic version].

Sutherland-Smith, W. (2018). Is student plagiarism still a serious problem in universities today? In Student Plagiarism in Higher Education (pp. 47-61). Routledge.

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