One of the primary goals of every educational institution is to ensure a positive development in the lives, mentality, and intellectual capacity of its students. This goes beyond just academic rigour and extends to the incorporation of extra-curricular activities, infrastructure, and other such elements that foster a conducive, friendly, and supportive environment for an excellent learning experience (Commodore, Gasman, Conrad, & Nguyen, 2018. pp.1-2). While the academic affairs unit of an educational institution is responsible for the design and execution of curricular activities, the student affairs units have a better idea of the most effective extra-curricular activities and programmes that can enhance the learning experience of students: student affairs units usually consist of student development professionals, and they also work with organizations focused around that goal (Terri, 2013, p. 139). Considering the impact of these two units and their individual responsibilities, as regards the student learning and development experience in an academic institution, it is imperative for “them” to have an effective collaboration across all facets of academic planning, activity suggestions, and the overall educational experience (Blake, 2017, p.65).
This paper examines a few examples of such collaborations with a focus on two areas: support for a “learning-living environment”, and addressing problems related to poor personal or behavioural problems (e.g. suicide) which impair academic performance. Also, a practical example of an approach to bridge the commonly emphasized gap between academic and student lives/goals on campus is presented.
Literature review
Collaboration between various parts of an institution is usually influenced by the level of bureaucracy, as well as the degree of autonomy of each unit within it. Considering the high segmentation within academic institutions, its is quite common to find units working independently of each other. While this is an intentional design, which achieves the goal of decentralization of resource values and access points for all stakeholders of the institution—especially for the students, the goal of the student affairs unit within an educational institution is better achieved, informed, and reinforced by a direct and strong collaboration with the academic affairs and planning unit (Terri, 2013, p. 144). An example of the positive influence of such a collaboration is seen in the case study described by Blake (2017, p.66-68). Another case study of a Midwestern university business school is described by Terri (2013, pp. 141-143). In that case study, the university faculty decided to integrate the student affairs unit in its study abroad programme for students. This was motivated partly due to the overwhelmed academic staff, who felt incompetent at handling the emotional and extra-curricular needs of the students during the programme. Through the experienced contributions and activity suggestions of the student affairs unit, the students were able to experience a seamless learning environment, which included activities on group formation and cohesion. Also, the student affairs unit helped to mitigate the common risks associated with study abroad programmes. They educated the students on applying risk-assessment methods to their interactions within the foreign environment, and they also acted as first responders to crises or emergencies of the students. Overall, the faculty had a positive feedback about the collaboration—especially as regards the efforts and activities of the student affairs unit—and were interested in such collaborations for future activities.
Having considered general examples of the positive influence of student affairs and academic affairs collaboration, we switch to a more streamlined focus—in line with the aim…
…dean’s office supported the financial involvements of the coalition across its activities: seminars, courses, symposiums, etc.
· In the case of learning-living environments, the faculty should have an overwatch of the programme. In this supervisory role, the faculty can integrate academic involvements in the LLCs, as done in the University of South Florida. The collaboration or coalition design should have an aim that is consistent with the vision and mission of the institutions.
· As in the case study described by Terri (2013), graduate students can easily be integrated into the student affairs programme as faculty staff. When dealing with issues concerning the undergraduate students, graduate students have first-hand and recent experiences of these same issues and can better inform of the solutions or consequences of inaction. Furthermore, their engagement in such activities helps the professional development of such graduate students, while absolving busy faculty staff of the extra work. Things like planning and executing study abroad programmes, advising study options, and other extra-curricular activities that enhance overall student experience.
This paper has considered various cases of collaborations and coalition between faculty staff/academic unit of educational institutions and the student affairs division of the same institution (and external ones). The positive outcomes of these studies further reinforce this paper’s original stand on the necessity for this partnership. The focus of these programmes is on the student’s experience within these institutions, and it is highly contingent on the degree of integration between these two independent units. Bridging the student academic-social life gap has been found to foster improved retention rates of students in their programmes, increase graduation rates, and offer the students more than a learning environment. It is expected…
Blake, J. H. (2007). The crucial role of student affairs professionals in the learning process. New Directions for Student Services, 2007(117), 65–72. doi:10.1002/ss.234. Retrieved from:
Commodore, F., Gasman, M., Conrad, C., & Nguyen, T.-H. (2018). Coming Together: A Case Study of Collaboration Between Student Affairs and Faculty at Norfolk State University. Frontiers in Education, 3. doi:10.3389/feduc.2018.00039. Retrieved from:
Kaslow, N. J., Garcia-Williams, A., Moffitt, L. B., McLeod, M., Zesiger, H., Ammirati, R., Berg, J.P., & McIntosh, B. J (2012). Building and Maintaining an Effective Campus-Wide Coalition for Suicide Prevention, Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, (26)121–139. DOI: 10.1080/87568225.2012.659160. Retrieved from:
Rohli, R.V., Keppler, K.J., & Winkler, D.L. (2013). Academic Development of First-Year Living-Learning Program Students before and after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita of 2005. Learning Communities Research and Practice, 1(3), 1-16. Retrieved from:
Spanierman, L. B., Soble, J. R., Mayfield, J. B., Neville, H. A., Aber, M., Khuri, L., & De La Rosa, B. (2013). Living Learning Communities and Students’ Sense of Community and Belonging. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 50(3), 308–325. doi:10.1515/jsarp-2013-0022. Retrieved from:
Terri, F. B. (2013). Utilizing student affairs professionals to enhance student and faculty experiences and mitigate risk in short-term, faculty-led study abroad programs. Journal of International Education in Business, 6(2), 136-147. doi: Retrieved from:
Study Document
" Gabriel is an employee of a small business and agrees with the results of numerous reports that highlight that irrespective of the increase in the overall opportunities for work, the overall living expenditures, student loans, utilities etc. leaves most graduates in a dire state of (Franke-Ruta, 2003). Another Nellie Mae report conducted in 1998 showed that nearly 40% of the graduated lawyers and doctors and 25% of graduates of private
Study Document
Student Affairs as Both A Field of Study and a Profession What is Student Affairs? Tyrell (2014) believes student affairs professionals have a continually expanding and evolving role in community colleges, with recognition of increasingly complex student experiences and with broadening of community colleges' role in the way students are engaged outside of and within formal, institutional settings. The student affairs domain is an extensive and complex part of college campus operations, covering
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Student Affairs For many years, the college has collected and analyzed data for program evaluation and service provision. As the institution has grown, the established assessment systems have become focused on department functions and, in many instances, taking on the attributes of a work silo. It is easier today than it has ever been to integrate data and link analyses, a fact that highlights just how archaic the college's present
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Moreover, the simulation also made available several branching and interdependent decision pathways. The simulations presented in the beginning pertinent background information and then subsequent screens presented at least three decision choices. Based on the selection, a new screen presented the client's response. The process ended when the students reached the end of a decision pathway. The simulation also took into account that many counseling situations do not have right
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45), it is probable that teaching faculty are more focused on their specialization than seeking to develop students as a whole or focusing on non-academic growth. This is not to say that teaching faculty are unconcerned about student achievement, but rather it is probable that they see this as the job of student affairs personnel, while their job is to focus on the development of the students as scholars.
Study Document
Staff AuditorCorporate responsibility, accountability, and ethics have become some of the most critical and hot issues in the business world (Nuseir & Ghandour, 2019). Business organizations are faced with numerous ethical issues relating to workplace safety, privacy threats, and legal liability. For business managers and management personnel, ensuring trust, honesty and integrity is an essential step toward promoting ethical decision-making and practices in an organization. Given the complexities relating to