Teaching Methods Essays (Examples)


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Qualitative Methods In Education Research

Pages: 6 (1944 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:88925548

… cultural diversity among the population.
Because of the evidence-based connection between parental involvement and student achievement, many schools have put into place formal methods to encourage parental involvement. Institutional supports that encourage and promote parental involvement has also been shown to be one of the most reliable ……



Benner, A.D., Boyle, A.E. & Sadler, S. (2016). Parental Involvement and Adolescents’ Educational Success: The Roles of Prior Achievement and Socioeconomic Status. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 45(6): 1053-1064.

Castro, M., Esposito-Casas, E., Lopez-Martin, E., et al. (2015). Parental involvement on student academic achievement: A meta-analysis. Educational Research Review 14(2015): 33-46.

Creswell, J.W. & Poth, C.N. (2018). Qualitative Inquiry Research Design. Los Angeles: SAGE.

Hill, N.E., Witherspoon, D.P. & Bartz, D. (2016). Parental involvement in education during middle school: Perspectives of ethnically diverse parents, teachers, and students. The Journal of Educational Research 111(1): 12-27.

Ma, X., Shen, J., Krenn, HY., et al. (2016). A meta-analysis of the relationship between learning outcomes and parental involvement. Educational Psychology Review 28(4): 771-801.

Park, S. & Holloway, S. (2018). Parental Involvement in Adolescents\\' Education: An Examination of the Interplay among School Factors, Parental Role Construction, and Family Income. School Community Journal 28(1): 9-36.

Ule, M., Zivoder, A. & duBois-Reymond, M. (2015). ‘Simply the best for my children’: patterns of parental involvement in education. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 28(3): 329-348.


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Traumatic Stress In Age Of COVID 19 Student Teacher Syllabus

Pages: 9 (2722 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Article Review Document #:56613298

… syllabus that has a positive perception of the learners is likely to influence positive expectations in such learners before the commencement of actual classes/teaching. This improves the tendency for pre-class preparations in the students, which also facilitates actual learning during classes. This, in turn, leads to better ……



Richmond, A., Slattery, J., Mitchell, N., & Morgan, R. (2016). Can a learner-centered syllabus change students’ perceptions of student-professor rapport and master teacher behaviors? Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 2(3), 159-168.

Saville, B. K., Zinn, T. E., Brown, A. R., & Marchuk, K. A. (2010). Syllabus Detail and Students’ Perceptions of Teacher Effectiveness. Teaching of Psychology, 37(3), 186–189. DOI:10.1080/00986283.2010.488523 

Harrington, C. M., & Gabert-Quillen, C. A. (2015). Syllabus length and use of images: An empirical investigation of student perceptions. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 1(3), 235.

Wilson, J. H., & Ryan, R. G. (2013). Professor–student rapport scale: Six items predict student outcomes. Teaching of Psychology, 40(2), 130-133.

Cullen, R., & Harris, M. (2009). Assessing learner?centredness through course syllabi. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 34(1), 115-125.



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Indirect Vs Direct Abortion And Catholic Teaching

Pages: 3 (1021 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:51097022

...Teaching methods Ethics
First off, no decision can be made without the informed consent of the parents and if they are opposed to a hysterectomy then it is unethical to go ahead with the operation. Additionally, if they are opposed to an abortion to save the mother’s life then this option cannot be advised or considered either. The principle of the double effect states that there are times when it is morally permissible to perform an action in pursuit of a good end even though it will also have bad effects as well. This is the basic concept behind an indirect evil. In the pursuit of a good, i.e., the preservation of the mother’s life an indirect bad may result but it is not immoral because the bad result was not pursued directly. This would be the situation with a hysterectomy and the direct vs. indirect sterilization issue. The mother does not……



Cancer Cures. https://chemo.st/cancer-cures/

Evangelium Vitae 62

Watanabe, Y., Tsuritani, M., Kataoka, T., Kanemura, K., Shiina, M., Ueda, H., & Hoshiai, H. (2009). Radical hysterectomy for invasive cervical cancer during pregnancy: a retrospective analysis of a single institution experience. European journal of gynaecological oncology, 30(1), 79-81.


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Grade Six Mathematics

Pages: 6 (2529 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Lesson Plan Document #:85325876

A. The Learners
Sixth grade learners have basic knowledge on fractions, how to perform basic operations on fractions.
To accommodate diversity (learning), different methods of instructions will be used. The primary method of instructions will be guidance notes to ensure challenged learners are carried along.
B. Learning … and to create robust ideas on mathematical concepts.
C. Resources/Materials
· Guidance notes
· Chalkboard and chalk
· Writing materials for students
4. teaching/Learning Strategies
Lesson will be introduced by reflecting on students understanding of fraction, through oral questions. The knowledge students have will inform the … sixth grade students. New concepts will be taught through the guided notes, with students expected to make notes on the spaces provided.
Other methods that will be used in learning include;
· Integration of technology. In addition to calculations, calculators and computers will be used by students.
… to promote integration of ethnicity……



Spooner, F., Baker, J. N., Harris, A. A., Ahlgrim-Delzell, L., & Browder, D. M. (2007). Effects of training in universal design for learning on lesson plan development. Remedial and special education, 28(2), 108-116.

Wiggins, G. P., & McTighe, J. (2012). The Understanding by design guide to advanced concepts in creating and reviewing units. ASCD.


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Observation Portfolio Classroom Of Special Education

Pages: 12 (3573 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:58451564

… reading comprehension. Visual aids and written cues helped the students communicate, learn and develop self-control.
The host teacher demonstrates strong communication skills when teaching students. In order for a teacher to be successful, they must express themselves verbally and nonverbally in a clear, concise, and intriguing manner. … also known as mental retardation.
Learning considerations for students with intellectual disabilities often include reinforcement and systematic instruction. Systematic instruction refers to the teaching method that is repeatable and learnable through step by step procedure (Hallahan et al., 2018). Any teacher who wishes to use this method … intervention and support (PBIS) to reduce or eliminate inappropriate behaviors. The host teacher used pictures to initiate and maintain functional communication especially when teaching vocabulary signs.
Critical Review
After this observation session, I engaged the host teacher. From our interaction, I learned about Vygotsky’s zone of proximal … perform lectures, due to the……



Hallahan, D. P., Kauffman, J. M., & Pullen, P. C. (2018). Exceptional Learners: An Introduction to Special Education (14th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.

Holley, D., & Park, S. (2017). LESSONS LEARNED AROUND THE BLOCK: AN ANALYSIS OF RESEARCH ON THE IMPACT OF BLOCK SCHEDULING ON SCIENCE TEACHING AND LEARNING. Retrieved from https://www.isres.org/books/chapters/Education_Research_Highlights_in_Mathematics_Science_and_Technology_2017_15_21-12-2017.pdf

Shabani, K., Khatib, M., & Ebadi, S. (2010, December). Vygotsky\\\\\\'s Zone of Proximal Development: Instructional Implications and Teachers\\\\\\' Professional Development. Retrieved from  https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1081990.pdf 


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Field Experience Report Observation In The Deaf Classroom

Pages: 9 (2606 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:99266210

...Teaching methods Field Experience Report - Observation in the classroom at the school for the Deaf
In the US, residential institutions of learning have had a long relationship with the deaf community. They are the centers where linguistic and cultural transmission takes place. The residential, educational institutions for deaf people serve learners at K-12 levels. They avail dormitories for learners who hail from far geographical distances. Usually, each state has built, at least, one residential program of education for the deaf (Romano, 2013). It has also been noted that large communities of the deaf usually settle near a residential school. A good number of states offer education programs that provide language services and training for the deaf, including a rich cultural environment where American Deaf learners are taught American Sign Language and English Bilingual instruction. Such settings are also referred to as deafcentric. Learners are enabled to interact with teachers, heads,……



Guardino, C., & Antia, S. D. (2012). Modifying the classroom environment to increase engagement and decrease disruption with students who are deaf or hard of hearing. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 17(4), 518-533.

Hombo, C. M. (2003). NAEP and No Child Left Behind: Technical challenges and practical solutions. Theory into Practice, 42(1), 59-65.

Jeffries Jr., R. L. (2010). A Case Study of a Teacher Implementing Guided Reading in a Deaf Classroom. ProQuest LLC.

Malik, A. M., Rashid, M., Awan, M. Y., & Alvi, I. B. (2018). The Role of Architecture in the Identification of Obstacles and Spatial Solutions to Inclusive Education. UMT Education Review (UER), 1(2), 39-58.

Renard, M. (1999). Les sourds dans la ville: surdités et accessibilité. ARDDS (Association pour la réadaptation et la défense des devenus-sourds).

Romano, A.M. (2013). Observing a Residential School for the Deaf: Identifying Factors in Creating a Deafcentric Environment. (The Honors Program, Gallaudet University).

Staten, F. D. (2011). Examining the influence of the residential school for the deaf experience on deaf identity. (Doctor of Philosophy thesis, University of Iowa).

Van Gent, T., Goedhart, A. W., Knoors, H. E., Westenberg, P. M., & Treffers, P. D. (2012). Self-concept and ego development in deaf adolescents: a comparative study. Journal of deaf studies and deaf education, 17(3), 333-351.


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11th Grade History

Pages: 3 (1623 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Lesson Plan Document #:79552905

… Critical Relevant Pedagogy principles (GAY, 2010):
• List CRP principles, and at least one other reading that apply to this lesson unit.
· teaching is validating.
· teaching is comprehensive.
· teaching is multidimensional.
· teaching is empowering.
· teaching is transformative.
· teaching is emancipatory.
· The other reading that apply to this lesson unit is Inclusive Principles and Practices in Literacy Education by Marion Milton.
… understanding of U.S. industrial development while the third principle will be used as the premise for developing a suitable learning environment and collaborative teaching. Empowerment will be used to enable students understand the issue of reconstruction and industrialization in U.S. history while transformation will be the premise … to enable students understand the issue of reconstruction and industrialization in U.S. history while transformation will be the premise for adoption of alternative teaching methods. The final principle relates to the lesson theme……



Gay, G. (2010). Culturally responsive teaching – theory, research and practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Teachers College Press.


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Positive And Negative Effects Athletic Performance And Caffeine

Pages: 8 (2524 words) Sources: 9 Document Type:Essay Document #:48760717

...Teaching methods Positive and Negative Effects of Caffeine on Athletic Performance
Caffeine is an alkaloid as well as a natural intoxicant that is prevalent in coffee, tea, as well as cacao. In the contemporary setting, caffeine is the most extensively consumed psychoactive drug across the globe, enabling an individual to continue being attentive and precluding the onset of fatigue. In recent times, caffeine has become the prevalent supplement for numerous athletes. As a result of its positive impacts on exercise performance, a number of athletic organizations such as the National Collegiate Athletic Association have even began to proscribe caffeine in high doses. According to Mishra (2018), the United States Olympic Committee has reported that there are numerous positive impacts of caffeine use for athletes. These comprise of increased endurance during workout performance, team sports, as well as for short duration sports. In contrast, there are parties that believe caffeine has a……



Anthony, G. (2019). Positive and negative effects of caffeine on athletes. Align Thoughts. Retrieved from: https://www.alignthoughts.com/positive-and-negative-effects-of-caffeine-on-athletes/

Dunford, M., & Doyle, J. A. (2011). Nutrition for sport and exercise. Cengage Learning.

Evolution Nutrition. (2015). How Caffeine Affects Athletic Performance. Retrieved from: https://www.acefitness.org/education-and-resources/professional/expert-articles/5407/how-caffeine-affects-athletic-performance/

Jenkinson, D. M., & Harbert, A. J. (2008). Supplements and sports. American family physician, 78(9), 1039-1046.

Letter, W. (1995). The New Wellness Encyclopedia. University of California at Berkeley.

Mattioli, A. V., Sisca, G., & Farinetti, A. (2019). Potential negative effects of caffeine in athletes. Progress in Nutrition, 21(1), 241-242.

McDaniel, L. W., McIntire, K., Streitz, C., Jackson, A., & Gaudet, L. (2010). The effects of caffeine on athletic performance. College Teaching Methods & Styles Journal (CTMS), 6(1), 33-38.

Mishra, D. (2018). Caffeine For Athletic Performance: Good Or Avoid? Sideline Sports. Retrieved from: https://www.sidelinesportsdoc.com/caffeine-for-athletic-performance-good-or-avoid/


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Discriminating Between Phenomenology And Grounded Theory Qualitative

Pages: 7 (2226 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Case Study Document #:86692193

… social sciences. While grounded theory and phenomenology can sometimes be used simultaneously in ways that “slur” or “blur” the distinction between multiple qualitative methods, researchers in education should ultimately focus their attention on the best method for exploring single, focused research questions and their real-world applications (Baker, … p. 633). Therefore, grounded theory is sociological in origin and linked to the concept of symbolic interactionism (Starks & Brown Trinidad, 2007). The methods used for grounded theory approaches to research in the social science include observations and other ethnographic data collection techniques, coupled with open coding … ethnographic data collection techniques, coupled with open coding for data analysis (Creswell, 2013). Interviews are one of the most commonly used data collection methods in grounded theory, and is also used often in phenomenological research (Wimpenny & Gass, 2000). While the goals of grounded theory research in … qualities and categories of lived……



Baker, C., Wuest, J., & Stern, P. N. (1992). Method slurring: the grounded theory/phenomenology example. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 17(11), 1355–1360.doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.1992.tb01859.x 

Creswell, J. W. (2013). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. eBook.

Norton, S.M. (2013). A phenomenological investigation into the self-efficacy beliefs of teachers who have presisted in the teaching profession. Liberty University Dissertation.

Starks, H., & Brown Trinidad, S. (2007). Choose Your Method: A Comparison of Phenomenology, Discourse Analysis, and Grounded Theory. Qualitative Health Research, 17(10), 1372–1380.doi:10.1177/1049732307307031 

Suddaby, R. (2006). From the Editors: What Grounded Theory is Not. Academy of Management Journal, 49(4), 633–642.doi:10.5465/amj.2006.22083020 

Wimpenny, P. & Gass, J. (2001). Interviewing in phenomenology and grounded theory: is there a difference? Journal of Advanced Nursing 31(6): 1485-1492.

Yalof, B. (2014). Marshaling resources. The Grounded Theory Review 13(1).


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Reforming The High School System

Pages: 10 (2967 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:70939676

Paulo Freire rejected the traditional method of teaching, which consists mainly of passive learning, and advocated a more active learning approach. The style of learning he said worked best at shaping … Kristjansson have noted, schools need to be reformed by focusing on character education, and the way to do that is to use the methods of the ancients—Aristotle and Plato—to help students learn more both about themselves and about their roles and duties in the world. This paper … system? That is the sign of the Titanic sinking.
How to change it? Freire insists that teachers need to realize that they are teaching in a system that is actually designed to keep people oppressed. The idea of the classroom in general is one that is designed … run away—and that is what is happening with today’s schools. The students see right through the waste of time that is modern……


Works Cited

Adorno, Theodor and Max Horkheimer. The culture industry: Enlightenment as mass deception. Stardom and celebrity: A reader, 34, 2007.

DoSomething.org. “11 Facts about High School Dropout Rates.”  https://www.dosomething.org/us/facts/11-facts-about-high-school-dropout-rates#fn1 

Freire, Paulo. Pedagogy of the oppressed. Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2018.

Kristjánsson, Kristján. \\\\\\\\\\\\"There is Something About Aristotle: The Pros and Cons of Aristotelianism in Contemporary Moral Education.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Journal of philosophy of education 48.1 (2014): 48-68.

Lickona, Thomas. \\\\\\\\\\\\"The return of character education.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Educational leadership 51.3 (1993): 6-11.

Micheletti, Gabrielle. “Re-Envisioning Paulo Freire\\\\\\\\\\\\'s “Banking Concept of Education’.” Inquiries Journal 2.2 (2010): 1.  http://www.inquiriesjournal.com/articles/171/re-envisioning-paulo-freires-banking-concept-of-education 

Plato. Allegory of the Cave.  https://web.stanford.edu/class/ihum40/cave.pdf 

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