Career Essays(Examples)


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Career Counseling

Pages: 8 (2777 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:22553329

Part One
I am currently a middle school math teacher who works with kids that have emotional behavior disorders. To advance my career, I am currently pursuing a Master’s degree in school counseling. My short term goal is to be a high school guidance counselor, and … feel we are reaching our potential or helping students do the same. One of the reasons I am shifting to counseling as a career is that I believe I can empower others through this line of work.
I see my career as a counselor as progressing in stages. First, I want to continue working in the school setting. I want to work in high … and underprivileged students who might not otherwise know what opportunities they have and how to pursue them.
Part Two
A) My path of career development started as a young child who was influenced by peers, parents, and my……



Holland, J.L., Johnston, J.A. & Asama, F. (1994). More evidence for the relationship between Holland’s personality types and personality variables. Journal of Career Assessment 2(4): 331-340.

“Holland’s Six Personality Types.” Career Key. Retrieved online: 

Occupational Information Network (ONet, 2017). Website; 

Rogers, M.E. & Creed, P.A. (2011). A longitudinal examination of adolescent career planning and exploration using a social cognitive career theory framework. Journal of Adolescence 34(1): 163-172.

Rogers, M.E., Creed, P.A. & Glendon, A.I. (2008). The role of personality in adolescent career planning and exploration: A social cognitive perspective. Journal of Vocational Behavior 73(1): 132-142.

Savickas, M.L. (2004). The theory and practice of career construction. In Career Development and Counseling. John Wiley.

Walsh, B. W., & Holland, J. L. (1992). A theory of personality types and work environments. In W. B. Walsh, K. H. Craik, & R. H. Price (Eds.), Person–environment psychology: Models and perspectives (pp. 35-69). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


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Career Path Plan

Pages: 9 (2560 words) Document Type:Essay Document #:50150800

How to Make a Career Path Plan
Mission or Purpose
I perceive that my purpose in life is to serve others by using my training, experience, knowledge, skills, … take shape—so I value being a good colleague by fulfilling my role and assisting my peers in fulfilling their roles whenever I can.
Career Plan
My career plan is to transition from the military into the education field by serving as a teacher or an administrator. In my current career, I am very happy with where I am because I am putting in the time and will be able to retire from service … university system and that my military experience and training would allow me to complete a smooth transition into education after I retire.
Career Path Goals
The different career paths that interest more are all in higher education. Right now, my aim is to retire from the……


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A Career As A Psychologist

Pages: 2 (620 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Essay Document #:35026659

...Career As an aspiring psychologist, I know that my future clients will be tackling a variety of psychological challenges. Some of these may have physical roots, given that many mental health complaints have at least some genetic component. Also, psychological difficulties can create physical problems. Anxiety can cause symptoms like a pounding heart. Eating disorders can cause a host of malnutrition-related concerns, and substance abuse can do so likewise. Mental disorders can interfere with normal, daily cognitive functioning, including the ability to make good decisions, and also impede the individual’s ability to have normal social relationships at work and school. Unfortunately, the fact that mental disorders can interfere with the ability to secure a proper social support network or even to work at all, means that the people who need help the most may be the least able to access it. As a psychologist, an understanding of the complexities of such……



Psychologists. (2019). Bureau of Labor and Statistics. Retrieved from: 

Student guide. (2019). Ashford University.


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Parent Family And Engagement Advocacy Event Plan

Pages: 5 (1604 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:48140575

Event Plan
Evidence has shown that involving parents for college selection and career guidance is fruitful for a brighter future of their children. Involving parents is valuable since they help their child in considering options for … guidance is fruitful for a brighter future of their children. Involving parents is valuable since they help their child in considering options for career development and influence the way the child has to make transitions from high-school to college, their career determination, exploration, consideration, and self-belief (Oomen, 2016). The school counselors help the parents to create an impact on their child’s prospective exploration in … parents’ personal goals. Studies have also shown that students themselves were affirmative of the positive effects of school counselors in helping them gain career guidance thorough organization of career days and conferences along with the direction of occupational guidance information for making intelligent decisions (Amoah, Kwofie & Kwofie,……



Amoah, S.A., Kwofie, I. & Kwofie, F.A.A. (2015). The school counselor and students’ career choice in high school: The assessor’s perspective in a Ghanaian case. Journal of Education and Practice, 6(23), 57-65. 

Kaplan. (2020). Planning your family engagement event. 

Oomen, A. (2016). Parental involvement in career education and guidance in secondary education. Journal of the Institute for Career Education and Counseling, 37. DOI: 10.20856/jnicec.3707

Survey Monkey. (2020). Post event feedback survey template. template/?program=7013A000000mweBQAQ&utm_bu=CR&utm_campaign=71700000064348497&utm_adgroup=58700005704021004&utm_content=39700052007397610&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=adwords&utm_term=p52007397610&utm_kxconfid=s4bvpi0ju&gclid=Cj0KCQjw7ZL6BRCmARIsAH6XFDLPCt8pJXJnfLRhNpT_EG2X1BzHdZyoA0FXVEQgCY42MsHc2GfZw8aAsV9EALw_wcB&gclsr c=aw.ds

US Department of Education. (2007, October 16). College and career guidance and counseling. 


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Strategies To Improve Retention Rates At A Consulting Firm

Pages: 8 (2352 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Research Proposal Document #:75835646

… description of the problems of interest and what can be done to mitigate these issues. A description of the implications of implementing the career management program is followed by the key recommendation that emerged from the research. These recommendations include providing employees with a career management plan that motivates them to acquire additional education and training as well as instilling an enhanced sense of organizational loyalty to reduce … turnover levels. In addition, a secondary recommendation concerns the need to encourage employees to develop their knowledge and expertise in successfully navigating their career ladder In order to achieve their full professional potential. Finally, a summary of the proposal and key findings that emerged from the research … their full professional potential. Finally, a summary of the proposal and key findings that emerged from the research are presented in the conclusion.
Career Management/Development Proposal
This proposal sets forth relevant recommendations……



Christie, J. (2014, September). Cochrane review brief: Exit interviews to reduce turnover amongst healthcare professionals. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. 19(3), 7-11.

Dobbs, K. (2009, April). Knowing how to keep your best and brightest. Workforce, 80(4), 56-60.

Hansen, F. (2009, March 27). Refining signing bonuses. Workforce Management, 85(6), 1-3.

Johns, R. & Gorrick, J. (2016, April). Exploring the behavioral options of exit and voice in the exit interview process. International Journal of Employment Studies, 24(1), 25-29.

Ohunakin, F. & Adeniji, A. (2018, March). Perception of frontline employees towards career growth opportunities: Implications on turnover untention. Business: Theory and Practice, 19(1), 278-283.

Tatham, P. (2008, Spring). At my desk. Australian Journal of Career Development, 17(3), 6-9.

Turnover rates by industry. (2019). Compensation Force. Retrieved from .


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Transitioning From Student To Nurse Leader

Pages: 5 (1522 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:39548108

… future by setting achievable goals and formulating appropriate strategies for achieving these goals through the creation of a one-year and five-year professional nursing career plan. The one-year plan describes my plans immediately following graduation including the identification of selected potential employers• and the details concerning what is … have received my medical-surgical certification followed 4 months later by securing my progressive care certification. Over the first 5 years of my nursing career, I also intend to formalize plans concerning which route of master’s degree nursing is most appropriate. Although I intend to pursue an advanced … also intend to formalize plans concerning which route of master’s degree nursing is most appropriate. Although I intend to pursue an advanced nursing career, it remains uncertain at this point whether this means a nurse practitioner in family care or mental health or education position, but this ……



About Saint Peters University Hospital. (2019). Saint Peters University Hospital. Retrieved from .

de la Fuente, E. I. & García, J. (2015, May 1). Psychometric properties and scales of the Granada Burnout Questionnaire applied to nurses. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 15(2), 130-134.

Kuehn, M. B. (2018, October 1). Creating a healthy work environment for nursing faculty. Creative Nursing, 16(4), 193-196.

Nursing school degrees. (2019). Becoming an RN in New Jersey. Retrieved from https://

Tollefson, M. & Kite, B. (2018, Winter). Effectiveness of student-led stress reduction activities in the undergraduate classroom on perceived student stress. College Student Journal, 52(4), 505-511.

Welcome to Robert Wood Johnson. (2019). Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital. Retrieved from .


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Intercultural Situations

Pages: 6 (1787 words) Document Type:Essay Document #:84659463

… family did not lose everything in the coming years.
So Pio traveled to America—to Ann Arbor, Michigan, to be exact. He began his career as an IT worker here, but he was quite miserable. He felt alone in America and was very sensitive about his appearance and ……


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Healthcare Professionals Undergoin Ethics Training

Pages: 2 (723 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Essay Document #:91819783

...Career Framework for Ethics Training
Ethical behavior plays a critical role in the healthcare industry as the industry is faced with numerous difficult decisions that need to be made quickly (Fiske et al., 2020). In many cases, healthcare professionals are faced with ethical dilemmas, and in some cases, they end up making the wrong ethical choice. The framework being developed will educate the healthcare professionals on how to tackle some of the common ethical dilemmas they might face when they are treating patients. All healthcare professionals are required to always demonstrate appropriate knowledge, behaviors, skills, and judgment anytime they are in a clinical setting (Manson, 2018). In case a healthcare professional feels they are not capable to handle a case they should consult with a colleague or refer the patient to a professional they are certain has the knowledge and skills to treat the patient. This way they can be certain……



Fiske, A., Tigard, D., Müller, R., Haddadin, S., Buyx, A., & McLennan, S. (2020). Embedded ethics could help implement the pipeline model framework for machine learning healthcare applications. The American Journal of Bioethics, 20(11), 32-35.

Manson, L. (2018). Ethical Integrated Healthcare Training to Deliver Integrated Care (pp. 213-224). New York, NY: Springer.


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Financial Planning

Pages: 6 (1896 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Case Study Document #:56724567

...Career Debt Management and Retirement Planning
It is very important for Howe to pay all their debts and free themselves of the liability since a lot of loan like credit card loan, car loan, student loan, are hampering Howes to save up more. If they have plans for retiring in 22 years, they need to free themselves of all the loans and credit they have on them, thus saving up the interest money that goes out monthly. They can use that money for other expenses and purposes. In short term they might feel like they have lesser funds but they can have the relief that they don’t own anything to anyone and focus on saving for their future. There will be one more debt addition because of Pat’s college education, so it’s better they slowly focus on paying off the loans first and then proceed to making progress with the savings……



Doyle, A. (2019, May 14). How much is the average wage in America. The Balance Careers. Retrieved from 

Solution, I. D. (n.d.). How To Set Financial Goals: 6 Simple Steps. InCharge Debt Solution.


Study Document Study Document

Current Issue In Nursing Nursing Shortage

Pages: 6 (1864 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:72215355

...Career Current Issue in Nursing: Nursing Shortage
Nursing quality and adequate staffing are intertwined. Adequate levels of nurses, lower nurse to patient ratios, and also more highly trained nurses are associated with better health outcomes and lower mortality rates. But despite the fact that there is high demand for nurses, and also increased interest in entering this very exciting profession, retaining qualified nurses and recruiting new nurses is a struggle for many hospitals. Also, in a desire to cut costs, many institutions are often unwilling, despite evidence-based research supporting higher staffing ratios as leading to lower-cost and superior patient outcomes, to hire more nurses as healthcare staffing makes up as much as 40% of all intuitional operating costs (“Nursing Shortage,” 2019).
The attempt to cut costs by reducing staff levels reflects an unfortunately misguided view of the value of the nursing profession. It also reflects a misguided view of an aging……



ANA health care economist Peter McMenamin on the nursing shortage outlook. (2019). Nursing

World. Retrieved from: safety/rnjobmkt_peterminterview_final_030713.pdf

Bond, D. (2017). Will BSN students consider a future nursing faculty role? Nursing Education Perspectives, 38(1):9–17.

Botha, E., Gwin, & Purpora, C. (2015). The effectiveness of mindfulness based programs in reducing stress experienced by nurses in adult hospital settings: a systematic review of quantitative evidence protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 13(10):21–29. Retrieved from: 

Crawford, C. (2019). Addition of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses to the trauma team: An integrated systematic review of literature. Journal of Trauma Nursing. 26(3):141–146,

Gillespie, G. L., Grubb, P. L., Brown, K., Boesch, M. C., & Ulrich, D. (2017). ‘Nurses eat their young:’ A novel bullying educational program for student nurses. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 7(7), 11–21. doi:10.5430/jnep.v7n7P11

Haddad, L.M., Toney-Butler, T.J. (2019). Nursing shortage. StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing. Retrieved from: 

Nurse staffing crisis. (2019). Nursing World. Retrieved from:

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