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Student Code of Conduct

Honorable Use

Resources such as study documents, book notes, study guides, writing tutorials, flash cards, and writing tools can help you achieve your academic and professional goals quickly and effectively.

But be careful—if you use these tools in the wrong way, you will get caught and you will be responsible for paying the penalty.

You cannot claim you did not know that you were not supposed to hand in our documents as your own, or that you didn’t know that copying and pasting was wrong.

Our agreement with you is clear: these are services to help you succeed, not to help you cheat.

This Honor Code is designed to help you understand the principles of Academic Integrity so that you can reap all the benefits of using these services. Read this and our Terms of Service carefully.

What Is Academic Integrity?

Academic integrity means being honest in how you represent yourself in school, to your teachers, professors, and classmates.

This means never stealing someone else’s work or ideas.

It means never handing in any material—including answers on an exam or full essays—that you did not write yourself.

It also means reviewing your school’s code of conduct, and if you have any questions or concerns, ask for help!

Is It Wrong to Use Study Documents?

Absolutely not! As long as you cite the source properly, you are doing the right thing.

The resources available on Study Spark have been carefully created and obtained with your best interest in mind.

The same is true for study guides and book notes. These resources are there to help you, not hurt you. If you use our tools correctly, you can achieve success. If you ignore the honor code, you risk losing everything.

How Can I Avoid Plagiarism?

Avoiding plagiarism is simple: just cite any source you use in your Bibliography/Works Cited/References page.

Plagiarism is a serious offence, and could cause you to fail a course or be expelled from school. If that happens, you lose the tuition you have already paid, and all the hard work you have done so far will have been for nothing.

The incident can come back to haunt you for the rest of your life. So think twice before copying and pasting or handing anything that you did not write yourself.

The golden rule for using our resources is: cite, cite, cite. When in doubt, include a citation. It’s that simple.

Is this service accepted by Educational Institutions?

Yes, professors believe that a learn-by-example approach is a great method for teaching students.

If you follow our Terms of Service, and follow the Honor Code Dos and Don’ts below, this service will be a valuable tool in your education arsenal.

If you think you can get away with cheating, keep in mind how easy it is for you to get caught.

Anti-plagiarism software detectors are not the only way to catch cheaters.

It is very easy to find out if someone copied and pasted from the Internet, or filled in the blanks on a test with the material they found online.

Honor Code Dos and Don’ts


  • Cite all sources, including the resources you use here.
  • Use these guides to improve your confidence, skills, and performance.
  • Ask for help when you need it.
  • Model your own work after the guides and sample essays from this website.
  • Refer to our guides and services as often as you need.


  • Copy and paste without giving an in-text citation as well as a bibliographic entry.
  • Download materials from this website and hand them in as if they were your own work.
  • Use these resources and materials if you were strictly prohibited from doing so.

With little to no cost to you, these guides and services can improve your writing skills and help you overcome challenges and obstacles. Use these tools and resources wisely!

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