Studyspark Study Document

Plagiarism and Academic Accountability Essay

Pages:3 (870 words)




Document Type:Essay


Academic Accountability

Define academic voice and plagiarism.

Academic voice is a form of communication that uses a formal tone with clarity, professionalism, and straightforwardness. At its core are declarative statements, avoidance of causal language, and authoritative register (Dirgeyasa & Hum, 2017).

Plagiarism is the representation of another author’s work or ideas as own and without full acknowledgment.

Apply your knowledge of academic voice and plagiarism to the rewritten passage, locating and identifying errors.

“The correlational method can be very useful, but it must be used with caution.” - (this direct quote is done well, but there is no acknowledged through in-text citation, thus plagiarism). If knowledge of one variable (height) helps predict another (weight), does that mean that one causes the other? Not necessarily. It is possible that the primary variable caused the secondary, or that the secondary variable caused the primary, or that some additional variable caused both variables. We cannot understand what chance is true without further studies. - (even though the rewrite has adapted the original idea, there is still a seemingly intentional and reckless representation of the author’s original work.) For example, ice cream consumption and violent crime are correlated. Does this mean eating ice cream causes violent crime? Or, does a spike in violent crime cause consumption of ice cream? – (this section of the paragraph is considered plagiarism of the author’s original work and idea.) Probably neither... rather, a common factor (e.g., heat) may be to blame for both. “Cum hoc propter hoc—correlation does not imply causation.” – (this direct quotation is not acknowledged through in-text citation,…

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…to the work. This happens mainly when a citation is made in a reference by another writer.

What methods/strategies can you use to ensure that you avoid these errors in your work?

To avoid self-plagiarism, I will practice caution, especially when writing revisions of the subject/topic I have previously written. Second, I will have reviewers and proofreaders who have adequate knowledge of any of my previous work edit and indicate any instances of self-management.

To avoid paraphrasing plagiarism, I will first seek to understand the context of any work by an author; then rewrite the text in my wordings based on my understanding of the original text. In cases where it is difficult to paraphrase, then I will quote and cite appropriately.

To avoid inaccurate authorship, in cases where I need…

Sample Source(s) Used


Dirgeyasa, I. W., & Hum, M. (2017). College Academic Writing a Genre-Based Perspective. Prenada Media.

Feenstra, J. (2013). Introduction to social psychology. [Electronic version].

Sutherland-Smith, W. (2018). Is student plagiarism still a serious problem in universities today? In Student Plagiarism in Higher Education (pp. 47-61). Routledge.

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