Target Market Essays (Examples)


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Brazilian Market Entry Pricing Strategy

Pages: 11 (3155 words) Sources: 11 Document Type:Reaction Paper Document #:56127693

Entering the Brazilian market
Problem Statement
Peak must decide on a pricing strategy for entering the Brazilian market. It has narrowed its options down to three: penetration pricing, skim pricing and cost-plus pricing. This report will evaluate the company, the market and each of these three options in order to determine the best choice of pricing strategy when entering the Brazilian market.
Concept/Theory: SWOT Analysis
The SWOT analysis is a tool whereby the company analyzes its internal strengths and weaknesses, and its external threats and … shore up weaknesses in order to defend against threats. In this case, where the company is determining a strategy for entering a new market, it will probably take into account how it can leverage its strengths to take advantage of this opportunity (Furgison, 2019).
There are a … that they already have a distributor in the country, Amazonas. With a distribution already in place,……



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Riley, C. (2019) Jair Bolsinaro says Brazil is open for business. CNN Business. Retrieved March 28, 2020 from


Study Document Study Document

Federal Reserve Operations And Market Impact

Pages: 4 (1239 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:28039044

… implementation of monetary policy about its statutory obligation to nurture maximum employment and stability in prices. The following are the tools:
1. Open market operations (OMO)
The Fed carries out OMO in domestic market. The terminology open market implies that the Federal Reserve does not decide on its own concerning the kind of securities dealers it will carry out business with … concerning the kind of securities dealers it will carry out business with on a certain day. Instead, this choice emanates from an open market whereby the different securities dealers that the central bank conducts business with, have competition based on price.
Open market operations can, on the one hand, be permanent and encompass the downright buying and selling of Treasury securities or government-sponsored enterprise debt securities. … been employed in the past to make adjustments in the supply of reserve balances to maintain the federal funds rate……



Brandl, M. (2020). Money, banking, financial markets & institutions. New York: Cengage Learning.

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Lumen Learning. (n.d). Macroeconomics: How a Central Bank Executes Monetary Policy. Retrieved from: 


Study Document Study Document

Investing Overseas Market Entry Decision Making

Pages: 8 (2428 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Term Paper Document #:23626142

… fairly complex regulatory environment that could prove challenging, the decision as to where to expand internationally still has to be more of a market-based decision. That means looking at an ROI or net present value type of calculation, weighing the cost of entering the market against the size of the market opportunity. That calculation might show that the EU is the best choice for international expansion, or it might not.
There is a lot … it might not.
There is a lot of information available about expanding into Europe, so at least the decision to enter the EU market or not can be made with a fairly robust set of information guiding it. Each of the 28 member nations publishes material for … 28 member nations publishes material for exporters, and there are US Commercial Service teams deployed across Europe to help American companies enter these market (, 2019).……



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Chapman, K. & Edmond, H. (2010) Mergers/acquisitions and restructuring in the EU chemical industry: Patterns and implications. Regional Studies. Vol. 34 (8) 753-767

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Girma, S. (2002) The process of European integration and the determinants of entry by non-EU multinationals in UK manufacturing. DOI:10.1111/1467-9957.00305

Girma, S. (2005) Technology transfer from acquisition FDI and the absorptive capacity of domestic firms: An empirical investigation. Open Economies Review. Vol. 16 (2) 175-187.

Lamson, M. (2016) 5 things you need to know before doing business in Europe. Inc. Magazine. Retrieved December 5, 2019 from


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Customer Persona For Filshie Clip System

Pages: 12 (3656 words) Sources: 11 Document Type:Capstone Project Document #:94593472

Executive Summary

This is a report providing detailed description of Filshie Clip System’s customer persona based on the selected target market. The creation of this persona was based on a comprehensive analysis of the target market and a brief background of the company. The discussion demonstrates how professional women who are of childbearing age are the ideal target market for this stylish and effective method of contraception. We have established that customers in the target market are differentiated based on demographic factors, personal histories and expectations. These women are interested in a reversible contraception method that is safe and … safe and effective since it enables them to make decisions on getting pregnant when they want. Finally, justified recommendations with respect to the market mix have provided. 


Femcare is a group of companies owned by Utah Medical Products Inc. in the United States. This company has … has perfected……



Antoun, L., Smith, P., Gupta, J. K., & Clark, T. J 2017. The feasibility, safety, and effectiveness of hysteroscopic sterilization compared with laparoscopic sterilization. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, vol. 217, no. 5, pp.e571-570. e576. 

Beerthuizen, R 2010. State-of-the-art of non-hormonal methods of contraception: V. Female sterilisation. The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, vol. 15, no. 2, pp.124-135.

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Duran, A 2018. Sink or swim: how to create buyer personas to ensure marketing success. Forbes. Viewed 20 August 2019,

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Johnson, S., Pion, C. & Jennings, V 2013. Current methods and attitudes of women towards contraception in Europe and America. Reproductive Health, vol. 10, no. 7, pp.1-9.

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Magrath, A.J 1986. When Marketing Services, 4Ps are not enough. Business Horizons, pp.4450.


Study Document Study Document


Pages: 10 (2886 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Marketing Plan Document #:99752177

market to a target Population and Differentiating Services
The New Product
The new product is a spa that services mothers of young children. It is called Ma … met in spite of the small burdens they carry around with them everywhere they go.
Why the Ma Spa is New to the market
There is nothing quite like the Ma Spa in the spa industry. Most spas require a reservation and no spas offer childcare services … in the spa industry. Most spas require a reservation and no spas offer childcare services as part of their standard approach to the market. This spa differentiates itself from other spas because it is completely focused on moms and their small children and making sure Mom gets … making sure Mom gets to have an opportunity to enjoy time at the spa during her busy schedule.
Other spas exist in the market but they……



Kim, W. & Mauborgne, R. (2005). Blue ocean strategy: From theory to practice. California Management Review, 47(3), 105-121.

Mangold, W. G., & Smith, K. T. (2012). Selling to Millennials with online reviews.  Business Horizons, 55(2), 141-153.

Neely, M. E., Schallert, D. L., Mohammed, S. S., Roberts, R. M., & Chen, Y. J. (2009). Self-kindness when facing stress: The role of self-compassion, goal regulation, and support in college students’ well-being. Motivation and Emotion, 33(1), 88-97.


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Strategic Marketing Plan For Lemon Thirst Energy Drink

Pages: 11 (3288 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:54106401

The American soft drink market has been gradually shrinking over the last two decades due to health concerns. Many health experts are warning against sugary and carbonated drinks, … growth of healthier non-carbonated drinks (Al-Shaar et al., 2017). Among the many alternative drinks recording, steady growth in energy drinks.
The energy drink market has seen steady growth since its launch in the United States in the year 1997. According to Kunst (2019), since energy drinks were … the United States in the year 1997. According to Kunst (2019), since energy drinks were launched in the United States in 1997, the market or segment has grown steadily at an annual rate of about 20 percent every year. The market is now valued at over 53 billion U.S. dollars in sales every year and has recently overtaken the soft drinks market (Kunst, 2019). More and more energy drinks are being sold……



Ahmed, R. R., Vveinhardt, J., Streimikiene, D., & Awais, M. (2016). Mediating and Marketing factors influence the prescription behavior of Physicians: An Empirical Investigation. Amfiteatru Economic Journal, 18(41), 153-167.

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Kunst, A. (2019). Energy drinks consumption: consumers of energy drinks in the United States in 2018. Statista.

Mahajan, S. (2020). Sports And Energy Drinks Market Size & Share Analysis Report, 2019-2026.


Study Document Study Document


Pages: 8 (2450 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Marketing Plan Document #:95871630

Company Description
Company Summary
Valiant market is a new conception in market. Our market agency will be tilted toward gaining clients to work with LGBT consumers and businesses. Basically, Valiant will work towards connecting businesses in America … with major companies, brands, entities and government institutions in the endeavor to comprehend, reach, serve and work with the LGBTQ. By conducting extensive market research across the spectrum of this community, Valiant market will provide our clientele with a profound and substantial understanding of how to realistically link with and engage with this increasing, influential, potent …
We shall operate our business with excellence in all facets and at all times, treasure the exquisiteness and distinctiveness within the advertising and market industry, and we will purpose to sustain our brand name and reputation in the highest regard possible.
Valiant market prides itself in creating a link between businesses and the LGBTQ……



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Hill, C. W., Jones, G. R., & Schilling, M. A. (2014). Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning.



Study Document Study Document

Fero Beauty

Pages: 7 (2143 words) Sources: 9 Document Type:Marketing Plan Document #:70961218

ABC market Plan (FERO BEAUTY)
The company in question is Fero Beauty. Fero Beauty is a boutique that sells the latest, fashionable and chic … is Fero Beauty. Fero Beauty is a boutique that sells the latest, fashionable and chic clothing, shoes, and accessories for women in the market. The company will be situated in Manhattan, New York City. Specifically, the product offerings will include shoes, accessories such as bracelets and earrings, … include shoes, accessories such as bracelets and earrings, and clothing for women such as dresses, jeans, and blouses.
In this section of the market plan, I will share the company’s pricing and distribution strategy, integrated market communications plan, public relations, sales promotion, and personal selling plan, competitive analysis, online and direct market plan, and social responsibility/cause-related market plan.
Pricing and Distribution Strategy
Pricing alludes to the practice of a business setting the price for retailing its……



Al-Hadban, N., Hadeel, A. G., Al-Hassoun, T., & Hamdi, R. (2014). The Effectiveness of Facebook as a Marketing Tool (Saudi Arabia case study). International Journal of Management & Information Technology, 10(2), 1815-1827.

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Smith, P. R., & Taylor, J. (2004). Marketing communications: an integrated approach. Kogan Page Publishers.


Study Document Study Document

Operations Management And Business Strategy

Pages: 11 (3437 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Reaction Paper Document #:30139516

… hotel trade in the state, along with a mail order retail business. Fiyeli also sells to select coffee shops, but most of its market is on the restaurant and hotel side.
In the United States, the retail coffee market is worth an estimated $12.8 billion and saw a growth rate of 7.9% (Morder Intelligence, 2017). The market is highly competitive and highly stratified, but the growth provides opportunity for companies to grow, and to find specialized niche market.
The Challenge
Fiyeli faces a long-term challenge to ensure a stable supply chain of high quality coffee beans. Rising consumption has increased demand, … drinking at least one cup per day (Sherman, 2018). The participants of this survey were adults, and children are not part of the target demographic. Most of the company’s customers on are the B2B side. They are usually men, middle aged, and white. They may or may……



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Mordor Intelligence (2017) United States coffee market – growth, trends and forecasts. Mordor Intelligence Retrieved June 13, 2019 from


Study Document Study Document

Nike S Colin Kaepernick Ad Campaign

Pages: 7 (2187 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:13776078

… authenticity, innovation and sustainability. Creating iconic brand campaigns aligns with these values (Storey, 2019).
Corporate and Competitive Strategies
Nike’s competitive strategies focus on product differentiation, market niche, and building customer loyalty. Its corporate strategy focuses on diversification, international appeal, and developing partnerships.
External Analysis
Industry/Competition—Five Forces
Current Rivalry Opportunities
… Nike’s brand is dominant across all sports and its partnerships with professional athletes make it difficult for new entrants to break into the market. The Big Baller Brand of Lonzo Ball is an example of how difficult it is for new entrants.
Potential Entrants Threats
· Upstarts … This takes some of the shine off Nike’s dominance. If more stars turn to other brands, Nike could lose its control of the market.
Bargaining Power of Buyer Opportunities
· Numerous brands are available, thus brand appeal through star power, image and partnerships has the biggest impact … at the international level



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