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… the CSM/SGM needs to build a responsible and responsive sustainment staff, delegating tasks as required and ensuring ongoing coordination of services. Positions of leadership in sustainment include the executive officer and the logistics staff officer, with specialists serving in human resources management and financial management positions too ……
ADRP 4-0
FM 3-96
Runnels, J.A. (2013). The role and responsibility of the Command Sergeant Major within the Armor Brigade Combat Team in the Sustainment Warfighting Function
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The major problem that New Orleans faced in the wake of Hurricane Katrina was a lack of preparedness and leadership at both the local and the federal level. New Orleans’ Incident Command System (ICS) was not prepared for the type of flooding the … (Lewis, 2009; Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina, 2006). Thus, it was basically up to the military to provide assistance, and since the military—particularly the U.S. Coast Guard was animated by coherent and unified “spirit of mission,” it was able to rise to the challenge and provide … relief, support and rescue operations that FEMA and the local agencies were unable to give. This paper will discuss the role of the military in the disaster response to Katrina.
Coast Guard
The U.S. Coast Guard played one of the most important roles. The Brookings Institution (2007) … personally responsible……
The Brookings Institution. (2007). 9/11, Katrina and the future of interagency disaster response. Retrieved from
E-PARCC Collaborative Governance Initiative. (2008). Collaboration Amid Crisis: The Department of Defense During Hurricane Katrina Teaching Note. Retrieved from
Lewis, D. E. (2009). Revisiting the administrative presidency: Policy, patronage, and agency competence. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 39(1), 60-73.
Philipps, D. (2017). Seven hard lessons responders to Harvey learned from Katrina. Retrieved from
Samaan, J. L., & Verneuil, L. (2009). Civil–Military Relations in Hurricane Katrina: a case study on crisis management in natural disaster response. Humanitarian Assistance: Improving US-European Cooperation, Center for Transatlantic Relations/Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD/Global Public Policy Institute, Berlin, 413-432.
Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina. (2006). A failure of initiative. Retrieved from
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In 1864, Ulysses S. Grant assumed command of the Union Armies, shifting the Union’s military strategy and leading to some key victories. But the Union also faced setbacks in this phase of the war. In this discussion you … as well as their successes and failures.
Consider the following in a post of at least 550 words:
• How was the Union military strategy in 1864 successful and unsuccessful in the eastern and western theaters of the war?
The military strategy of Ulysses S. Grant and the leadership of President Lincoln are widely credited for the success of the Union Army during the Civil War. But Grant’s strategy at the time … and attempting to take advantage of its greater knowledge of the land on which the battles were being fought. Lincoln himself had little military experience but stressed the need to press the Confederacy at multiple, rather than single……
Brooks, R. (2017). What were the major strategies of the Civil War? Civil War Saga. Retrieved from:
Pearlman, M. (2016). Union at risk: How Lincoln and Grant nearly lost the war in 1864. Civil War Times. Retrieved from: in-1864.htm
Study Document
Have you heard about servant leadership in the army? What about followership in the army? Have you been asked to write an essay about these topics? Many students in … the army? What about followership in the army? Have you been asked to write an essay about these topics? Many students in the military will be asked to write about leadership.
This article will show you how to write an essay about a specific topic of leadership as it pertains to the army or the military more generally. For one, this article shows you how to broach the topic of servant leadership and followership in the army, which is a common concept in the field of leadership studies.
Another topic this article covers is followership in the army. Follwership is a concept that focuses more on followers and their behaviors, … that focuses more on followers and their behaviors,……
Citroen, L. (n.d.). What is servant leadership? Retrieved from:
“Followership,” (n.d.). Citadel. Retrieved from:
Jenkins, M.A. (n.d.). Compare and contrast servant leadership with followership. Retrieved from:
Wesson, C. (2017). The NCO. Army University Press. Retrieved from:
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Part One
My Personal Model: Transformational leadership
My own personal model of leadership is transformational leadership. This model focuses on giving following a vision of what they should work to become. The transformational leader identifies and explains the goal … the vision and the mission. When it comes to organizational development, transformational leaders can be a very valuable asset (Warrick, 2011).
My personal leadership model reflects servant leadership characteristics in that I incorporate into it the aspects of servant leadership that all the leader to support the workers and assist them in fulfilling their potential. In my model, it is important to communicate … the needs are met—which is basically what Maslow (1943) recommends with his theory of human motivation and the hierarchy of needs model. Servant leadership in my model is used to help the workers achieve a level of self-actualization so that they no longer require the leader’s……
Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370.
Nawaz, Z. A. K. D. A., & Khan_ PhD, I. (2016). Leadership theories and styles: A literature review. Leadership, 16, 1-7.
Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and practice (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks: CA: Sage Publications.
Reivich, K. J., Seligman, M. E., & McBride, S. (2011). Master resilience training in the US Army. American Psychologist, 66(1), 25.
Warrick, D. D. (2011). The urgent need for skilled transformational leaders: Integrating transformational leadership and organization development. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 8(5), 11-26
Study Document
military is an extension of culture, politics and history. As Eric Ouellet (n.d.) points out, understanding a nation’s military requires that one focus “on the organized violence of armed groups; whether this violence is actual, potential, or symbolic” (p. 30). When it … the U.S. and Iran, no two countries could be more different. The U.S. is a liberal, Western democracy with the world’s biggest all-volunteer military. Iran is a Middle Eastern nation that operates under a theocracy and mandates military service for its men. In the U.S., the military is something separate and distinct from civilian life—soldiers are respected and honored for their courage and sacrifice and regarded as heroes for defending … from civilian life—soldiers are respected and honored for their courage and sacrifice and regarded as heroes for defending the nation; but in Iran, military service is mandatory and there is no clear line between civilian……
Adams, G., & Murray, S. (Eds.). (2014). Mission creep: the militarization of US foreign policy?. Georgetown University Press.
Butler, S. (2003). War is a Racket. LA: Feral House.
Chambers, J. (2003). To Raise an Army: The Draft Comes to Modern America. New York: The Free Press.
Forsling, C. (2017). The military has a toxic leadership problem. Retrieved from
Jacobson, M. (2008). Sanctions against Iran: A promising struggle. Washington Quarterly, 31(3), 69-88.
Ouellet, E. (n.d.). New directions in military sociology.
Reuters. (2019). Senior Iranian military adviser threatens broad response to any U.S. move. Retrieved from
Snow, R., & Wynn, S. T. (2018). Managing Opioid Use Disorder and Co-Occurring Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Veterans. Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services, 56(6), 36-42.
Study Document
What is Army leadership
leadership philosophy is one of the most important things an Army leader can bring to a unit because it is the intellectual foundation upon … can bring to a unit because it is the intellectual foundation upon which all action is based. A leader without a philosophy of leadership is like a house built on sand: the first wave that comes along will exhaust it and quickly a succession of waves will … built on sand: the first wave that comes along will exhaust it and quickly a succession of waves will reduce it to nothing. leadership philosophy on the other hand is like a castle built on rock: no wave can wear it down, no assault can penetrate it. … is like a castle built on rock: no wave can wear it down, no assault can penetrate it. As an Army leader, the leadership philosophies……
ADRP 6-0. (2012). Mission command. Headquarters, Department of the Army.
Santas, G. (1980). The form of the Good in Plato\\'s Republic. Philosophical Inquiry, 2(1), 374-403.
Study Document
Compare and Contrast Paper on Abraham Lincoln on leadership
Successful leadership, like any other endeavor, can be replicated. The recipe for such replication is the study and understanding of the leadership ideologies and approaches of successful leaders in the field of interest. One of the greatest leaders of modern civilization is Abraham Lincoln, and … of modern civilization is Abraham Lincoln, and his method, life, and ideologies have been studied and proposed across multiple books and journals of leadership discipline. Lincoln on leadership is one of such studies that introduce the life of Abraham Lincoln as one of the most successful and memorable statesmen in American … as one of the most successful and memorable statesmen in American political history, and his success is examined under various contexts. Lincoln on leadership is the primary study for this paper; however, observations are made from other leadership literature to reinforce the……
Maxwell, J.C. (2005). Ethics 101: What Every Leader Needs to Know. Center Street Publishing. ISBN: 9780446578097. Retrieved from:
Maxwell, J.C. (1998). The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Thomas Nelson Publishing. ISBN: 9780785288374. Retrieved from:
Northouse, P.G. (2012). Leadership: Theory and Practice. California, USA: publications Inc. ISBN: 9781483317533.
Phillips, D.T. (1992). Lincoln on Leadership. New York, NY: Warner Books. ISBN: 9780446394598
Study Document
… to wage “the mother of all battles,” including threats to use chemical weapons of mass destruction, would come to fruition. Although the Iraqi military was never able to live up to their leader’s claims, the political and social fallout from this successful prosecution of this regional war … political and social fallout from this successful prosecution of this regional war by the United States had long-term implications for American political and military leaders alike. This topic is important to analyze today because the Middle East remains a global hotspot with the very real potential to … Desert Storm and its effect on the American consciousness.
Analysis of Humanities
On January 16, 1991, President George H. W. Bush launched the military intervention, Operation Desert Storm, in an effort to force occupying Iraqi troops out and restore Kuwait’s democratic institutions (Taylor, 2016). Like many other … intervention, Operation Desert Storm, in……
Curtis, J. (2015, November). Reflecting on strategic results of Operation Desert Storm. Army, 65(11), 24-27.
Khan, H. (2011, July 1). An unbiased estimate of present American competitiveness from deontological and teleological perspectives of utilitarianism. Competition Forum, 9(2), 348-352.
Klotzer, C. L. (2002, October). A lesson for Americans: Desert Storm operation reports were full of lies and distortions. St. Louis Journalism Review, 32(250), 34-39.
Lindsey, J. M. & Smith, C. (2003, Summer). Rally 'round the flag: Opinion in the United States before and after the Iraq War. Brookings Review, 21(3), 20-24.
Operation Desert Storm. (2020). U.S. History. Retrieved from us/60a.asp.
Stilwell, B. (2015, September 12). 21 facts about the first Gulf War. Retrieved from .
Taylor, A. (2016, January 14). Operation Desert Storm: 25 years since the first Gulf War. The Atlantic. Retrieved from .
Tilford, K. H., Jr. (1993, Summer). Review: The meaning of victory in Operation Desert Storm: A review essay. Political Science Quarterly, 108(2), 327-331.
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… support to the South—because then it would essentially be lending support to slavery.
Another vital factor in the Union Victory was Gen. Grant’s military leadership in the war. Grant succeeded where other Union generals had failed. McClellan for instance had been a big bust for Lincoln, often failing ……
Foote, S. (1958). The Civil War: Ft. Sumter to Perryville. NY: Random House.
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