Mood Disorders Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

How PTSD Affects Combat Veterans

Pages: 4 (1280 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Case Study Document #:45113003

… demographics for this population and/or how pervasive is the problem?
A growing body of evidence confirms that veterans have higher prevalence of PTSD-related disorders compared to the general population when matched for age and sex (Britvic & Anticevic, 2015). Likewise, the various injuries and traumatic episodes that ……



Beks, T. (2016, April). Walking on eggshells: The lived experience of partners of veterans with PTSD. The Qualitative Report, 21(4), 645-651.

Britvic, D. & Anticevic, V. (2015, May 1). Comorbidities with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among combat veterans: 15 years postwar analysis. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 15(2), 81-85.

Howley, E. K. (2019, June 28). Statistics on PTSD in veterans. US News & World Report. Retrieved from

Pressley, J. & Spinazzola, J. (2015, Spring). Beyond survival: Application of a complex trauma treatment model in the Christian context. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 43(1), 8-12.

Sloan, D. M. & Bovin, M. J. (2012, May). Review of group treatment for PTSD. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development, 49(5), 689-695.

Vet Centers. (2019). Department of Veterans Affairs. Retrieved from https://www.


Study Document Study Document

Intake Information For Mental Health

Pages: 9 (2605 words) Sources: 13 Document Type: Document #:76744601

… patient must experience more than five symptoms during a period of two weeks and one of the symptoms should either be a depressed mood or loss of pleasure/ interest.
Below are the some of the other symptoms:
1. Depressed mood for most part of the individual’s day, almost daily
2. Considerably reduced pleasure or interest in nearly all activities for most part of ……



American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. BMC Med, 17, 133-137.

Buntrock, C., Ebert, D. D., Lehr, D., Smit, F., Riper, H., Berking, M., & Cuijpers, P. (2016). Effect of a web-based guided self-help intervention for prevention of major depression in adults with subthreshold depression: a randomized clinical trial. Jama, 315(17), 1854-1863.

Davaasambuu, S., Aira, T., Hamid, P., Wainberg, M., & Witte, S. (2017). Risk and resilience factors for depression and suicidal ideation in Mongolian college students. Mental health & prevention, 5, 33.

Gilbert, P. (2016). Depression: The evolution of powerlessness. Routledge.

Hammen, C. (2018). Risk factors for depression: An autobiographical review. Annual review of clinical psychology, 14, 1-28.

Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow. Macmillan.

Khoury, B., Langer, E. J., & Pagnini, F. (2014). The DSM: mindful science or mindless power? A critical review. Frontiers in psychology, 5, 602.

MacGill, M. (2017). What is depression and what can I do about it? Medical News Today. Retrieved from


Study Document Study Document

Depression In The Military

Pages: 11 (3156 words) Sources: 11 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:55497619

...Mood disorders The Military and Mental Health
The military provides an opportunity for men and women to serve their country. However, in the conduct of that service there are certain risks that can damage the mental health of military servicemen. Those risks can be associated with PTSD incurred from situations in combat, abuse, drug addiction, or lack of a positive value system that causes a soldier to deteriorate from within as he has nothing beyond his duty in the military to give him meaning or to sustain him through the long hours, months and years. Some servicemen go to their doctors for assistance and end up being overprescribed medications that only exacerbate their issues and further the decline of their mental health (Snow & Wynn, 2018). If not treated, service-related depression can lead to suicide—and as Kang et al. (2015) show, suicide risk among veterans returning from the Middle East has……



Bonde, J. P., Utzon-Frank, N., Bertelsen, M., Borritz, M., Eller, N. H., Nordentoft, M., ... & Rugulies, R. (2016). Risk of depressive disorder following disasters and military deployment: systematic review with meta-analysis. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 208(4), 330-336.

Bonelli, R., Dew, R. E., Koenig, H. G., Rosmarin, D. H., & Vasegh, S. (2012). Religious and spiritual factors in depression: review and integration of the research. Depression research and treatment, 2012.

Casey Jr, G. W. (2011). Comprehensive soldier fitness: A vision for psychological resilience in the US Army. American Psychologist, 66(1), 1.

Dolphin, K. E., Steinhardt, M. A., & Cance, J. D. (2015). The role of positive emotions in reducing depressive symptoms among Army wives. Military Psychology, 27(1), 22-35.

Griffith, J., & West, C. (2013). Master resilience training and its relationship to individual well-being and stress buffering among Army National Guard soldiers. The journal of behavioral health services & research, 40(2), 140-155.

Kang, H. K., Bullman, T. A., Smolenski, D. J., Skopp, N. A., Gahm, G. A., & Reger, M. A. (2015). Suicide risk among 1.3 million veterans who were on active duty during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Annals of epidemiology, 25(2), 96-100.

Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370.

Reivich, K. J., Seligman, M. E., & McBride, S. (2011). Master resilience training in the US Army. American Psychologist, 66(1), 25.


Study Document Study Document

Psychological Test Evaluation Beck Anxiety Inventory BAI

Pages: 10 (3024 words) Sources: 14 Document Type:question answer Document #:27835511

… health practice and c. regarded s the choice instrument among a wide range of setups and professional users for self-reporting measures in assessing disorders of mood. Other factors, such as likely competitors, including new measures or already established ones that may affect the trends in the future relating to … with the revised Hamilton Depression Rating Scale of r(153)=.25
In their review, Leyfer, Ruberg & Woodruff-Borden (2006) administered the BAI and the Anxiety disorders Interview Schedule (ADIS-IV) to 193 adult subjects at a Midwestern university drawn from a research and treatment center for anxiety. They compared the ……



Arnold, L. M., Clauw, D., Wang, F., Ahl, J., Gaynor, P. J., &Wohlreich, M. M. (2010). Flexible dosed duloxetine in the treatment of fibromyalgia: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. The Journal of rheumatology, 37(12), 2578-2586.

Beck, A. T., & Steer, R. A. (1993). Beck Anxiety Inventory manual. San Antonio, TX: Psychological Corporation.

Beck, A. T., Epstein, N., Brown, G. & Steer, R. A. (1988). An inventory for measuring clinical anxiety: psychometric properties. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 56, 893–897.

Biggs, Q. M. (2008). Transportation trauma and psychological morbidity: Anxiety, depression, PTSD, and perceived control in a hospitalized sample. (Doctoral dissertation, University of North Texas).

DeFeo, J. (2005). Beck Anxiety Inventory. NCTSN Measure Review Database. Retrieved from 

Gillis, M. M., Haaga, D. A., & Ford, G. T. (1995). Normative values for the beck anxiety inventory, fear questionnaire, Penn state worry questionnaire, and social phobia and anxiety inventory. Psychological Assessment, 7(4), 450.

Halfaker, D. A., Akeson, S. T., Hathcock, D. R., Mattson, C., &Wunderlich, T. L. (2011). Psychological aspects of pain. Pain procedures in clinical practice (pp. 13-22). Hanley &Belfus.

Julian, L. J. (2011). Measures of anxiety: state?trait anxiety inventory (STAI), Beck anxiety inventory (BAI), and Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale?anxiety (HADS?A). Arthritis care & research, 63(S11), S467-S472.


Study Document Study Document

Anxiety And Depression Treatment Through Mindfulness

Pages: 3 (959 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:question answer Document #:94130498

… of people with a diagnosed anxiety disorder also suffer from depression (Cameron, 2007).
Q3. What is the average age of onset for anxiety disorders?
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (2020), 31 is the average age of onset of anxiety disorders.
Q4. Fear and anxiety disorders are more often reported by girls and women than men and boys. However, when placed in anxiety-producing situations, both sexes show equal physiological … areas, and gave me a time to focus on myself and cultivating a positive mindset.
Q6. Provide one hallmark symptom of the following disorders:
a. Body Dysmorphic Disorder: A sense of extreme self-consciousness, usually accompanied by low self-esteem, about one’s physical appearance.
b. Hoarding Disorder: Keeping objects ……



Cameron, O.G. (2007). Understanding comorbid depression and anxiety, 24 (14). Retrieved from: anxiety

Facts and Statistics. (2020). Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Retrieved from: 


Study Document Study Document

Impact Of Phobias

Pages: 14 (4238 words) Sources: 12 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:96563573

… and one should be prepared for a negative outcome. Patients suffering from a phobia are also at an increased risk of future anxiety disorders. There are some phobias that will get better with age and others will get worse with age. A phobia like……



Campos, D., Mira, A., Bretón-López, J., Castilla, D., Botella, C., Baños, R. M., & Quero, S. (2018). The acceptability of an internet-based exposure treatment for flying phobia with and without therapist guidance: patients’ expectations, satisfaction, treatment preferences, and usability. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 14, 879.

Carleton, R. N., Thibodeau, M. A., Weeks, J. W., Teale Sapach, M. J. N., McEvoy, P. M., Horswill, S. C., & Heimberg, R. G. (2014). Comparing short forms of the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale and the Social Phobia Scale. Psychological assessment, 26(4), 1116-1126. doi:10.1037/a0037063

Erceg-Hurn, D. M., & McEvoy, P. M. (2018). Bigger is better: Full-length versions of the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale and Social Phobia Scale outperform short forms at assessing treatment outcome. Psychological assessment, 30(11), 1512-1526. doi:10.1037/pas0000601

Goetter, E. M., Frumkin, M. R., Palitz, S. A., Swee, M. B., Baker, A. W., Bui, E., & Simon, N. M. (2018). Barriers to mental health treatment among individuals with social anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. Psychological Services, No Pagination Specified-No Pagination Specified. doi:10.1037/ser0000254

Halldorsdottir, T., & Ollendick, T. H. (2016). Long-term outcomes of brief, intensive CBT for specific phobias: The negative impact of ADHD symptoms. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 84(5), 465-471. doi:10.1037/ccp0000088

Hirsch, J. A. (2018). Integrating Hypnosis with Other Therapies for Treating Specific Phobias: A Case Series. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 60(4), 367-377.

Leitenberg, H., Agras, W. S., Barlow, D. H., & Oliveau, D. C. (1969). Contribution of selective positive reinforcement and therapeutic instructions to systematic desensitization therapy. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 74(1), 113-118. doi:10.1037/h0027063

Probst, T., Berger, T., Meyer, B., Späth, C., Schröder, J., Hohagen, F., . . . Klein, J. P. (2019). Social phobia moderates the outcome in the EVIDENT study: A randomized controlled trial on an Internet-based psychological intervention for mild to moderate depressive symptoms [Press release]


Study Document Study Document

Criminal Profiling Of Serial Killers

Pages: 12 (3545 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Essay Document #:59713406

… in France, to Jack the Ripper in 19th century England, the West has no lack of cases to study. Sexual deviance, necrophilia, violent mood swings, isolation, and social dysfunction have generally stood out as cues of abnormal mental behaviors associated with serial killers. It was not until … profilers to have a background in psychology and behavioral health as these types of backgrounds provide great insight into how individuals with mental disorders or with personality disorders behave (Dogra et al., 2012). The more information and perspective that profilers can bring to the practice, the more useful a criminal profile ……



Alldredge, J. (2015). The" CSI Effect" and Its Potential Impact on Juror Decisions. Themis: Research Journal of Justice Studies and Forensic Science, 3(1), 6.

Bonn, S. (2019). How the FBI Profiles Serial Offenders. Retrieved from

Dogra, T.D. et al. (2012). A psychological profile of a serial killer: A case report. Omega: Journal of Death & Dying 65(4), 299-316.

FBI. (2019). Summary of the Uniform Crime Reporting Program. Retrieved from 

Karson, M. (2017). Why Profiling Serial Killers Can’t Work. Retrieved from

Miller, L. (2014). Serial killers: I. Subtypes, patterns and motives. Aggression and Violent Behavior 19, 1-11.

Samuel, D. B., & Widiger, T. A. (2007). Describing Ted Bundy's personality and working towards DSM-V. Practice, 27, 20-22.

Sarteschi, C. M. (2016). Serial Murder. In Mass and Serial Murder in America (pp. 45-67). Springer, Cham.


Study Document Study Document

Marijuana Is An Addictive Drug

Pages: 4 (1101 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:42050438

… Across the world, marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug and it is classified as Schedule 1 controlled substance. It alters the mood of a person and affects almost every organ in the body. The cannabis plant is normally dried out, ground up, and smoked. The ……



Ford, Benjamin M, et al. \\\\\\"Synthetic Pot: Not Your Grandfather’s Marijuana.\\\\\\" Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 38.3 (2017): 257-76. Print.

Hefner, Kathryn R, Mark J Starr, and John J Curtin. \\\\\\"Altered Subjective Reward Valuation among Drug-Deprived Heavy Marijuana Users: Aversion to Uncertainty.\\\\\\" Journal of abnormal psychology 125.1 (2016): 138. Print.

Miller, NS, T Oberbarnscheidt, and MS Gold. \\\\\\"Marijuana Addictive Disorders: Dsm-5 Substance-Related Disorders.\\\\\\" J Addict Res Ther S 11 (2017): 2. Print.

Uhl, George R, George F Koob, and Jennifer Cable. \\\\\\"The Neurobiology of Addiction.\\\\\\" Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1451.1 (2019): 5. Print.

Wong, Su-Wei, and Hsien-Chang Lin. \\\\\\"Medical Marijuana Legalization and Associated Illicit Drug Use and Prescription Medication Misuse among Adolescents in the Us.\\\\\\" Addictive behaviors 90 (2019): 48-54. Print.


Study Document Study Document

Raising Families In The 1950s After World War II

Pages: 6 (1711 words) Sources: 9 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:94465868

...Mood disorders Usual Roles for Men and Women Raising Families in the 1950s after World War II
Background of researched generation or individual, historical and present
The 1950s epoch is often perceived as an era of conformity, during which both genders adhered to their stringent roles and acted following the society's expectations. After the damage and devastation caused by the Great Depression and the Second World War, numerous people in the society chose to build a society that is both peaceful and successful. Even though it was expected that women would identify themselves fundamentally as wives and mothers and to steer clear of work outside the home setting, women continued to constitute a substantial percentage of the post-World War II labor force. The culmination of the war instigated significant changes. Notably, working women were supplanted by the soldiers who were returning home after the war. The communications relayed in popular culture, as……



Baernholdt, M., Yan, G., Hinton, I., Rose, K., & Mattos, M. (2012). Quality of life in rural and urban adults 65 years and older: findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination survey. The Journal of Rural Health, 28(4), 339-347.

Canizares, M., Gignac, M., Hogg-Johnson, S., Glazier, R. H., & Badley, E. M. (2016). Do baby boomers use more healthcare services than other generations? Longitudinal trajectories of physician service use across five birth cohorts. BMJ Open, 6(9), e013276.

Cleary, K. K., & Howell, D. M. (2006). Using the SF-36 to determine perceived health-related quality of life in rural Idaho seniors. Journal of allied health, 35(3), 156-161.

Hall, R. C., Hall, R. C., & Chapman, M. J. (2003). Identifying geriatric patients at risk for suicide and depression. Clinical Geriatrics, 11, 36-44.

Khan Academy. (2020). Women in the 1950s: Learn about the myths and realities of women\\\\\\\\\\\\'s lives during the 1950s. Retrieved 8 March 2020 from 

Oguzturk, O. (2008). Differences in quality of life in rural and urban populations. Clinical and investigative medicine, E346-E350.

Phillipson, C., Leach, R., Money, A., & Biggs, S. (2008). Social and cultural constructions of aging: the case of the baby boomers. Sociological Research Online, 13(3), 1-14.

Rinfrette, E. S. (2009). Treatment of anxiety, depression, and alcohol disorders in the elderly: Social work collaboration in primary care. Journal of evidence-based social work, 6(1), 79-91.


Study Document Study Document

Hypothyroidism Medical Condition Diagnosis

Pages: 2 (640 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Essay Document #:84862813

… Bianco, Jonklass, and Peeters (2017), some of the symptoms associated with hypothyroidism are inclusive of fatigue, weight gain, constipation, changes in memory and mood, sore joints and muscles, as well as menstrual changes and hair loss. Other symptoms are goiter (enlarged thyroid gland), slowed heart rate and ……



Athanassiou, I.K. & Ntalles, K. (2010). Hypothyroidism - New Aspects of an Old Disease. Hippokratia, 14(2), 82-87.

Chaker, L., Bianco, A.C., Jonklass, J. & Peeters, R.P. (2017). Hypothyroidism. Lancet., 390(10101), 1550-1562.

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