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Pages:2 (640 words)
Document Type:Essay
Medical Condition Diagnosis
The symptoms that the patient in question presents are hair changes, weight gain, and fatigue. On the basis of the symptoms presented, my primary diagnosis in as far as this 34-year-old female patient is concerned would be hypothyroidism. In the words of Athanassiou and Ntalles (2010), “hypothyroidism is the most common disorder arising from hormone deficiency” (83). In this case, certain crucial hormones are not produced by the thyroid gland. It should, however, be noted that during the very early stages, the condition may not necessarily trigger noticeable symptoms. According to Chaker, Bianco, Jonklass, and Peeters (2017), some of the symptoms associated with hypothyroidism are inclusive of fatigue, weight gain, constipation, changes in memory and mood, sore joints and muscles, as well as menstrual changes and hair loss. Other symptoms are goiter (enlarged thyroid gland), slowed heart rate and thinning hair. The symptoms that the female patient presents in this particular case match those highlighted herein.
To ascertain the diagnosis on the basis of the physical examination, it would be prudent to conduct the relevant blood tests. One appropriate test in this case would be the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) test. In basic terms, this particular test seeks to assess the TSH levels. It is important to note that TSH levels are boosted by the pituitary glands in those instances whereby the hormones being produced by the…
…is likely to be determined by the patient’s TSH levels – which will be assessed after a period of approximately one to two months. Later on, TSH levels can be checked after six months and then yearly. It is important to note that this will most likely be a lifelong treatment.
The relevance of treatment in this case cannot be overstated. This is more so the case given that lack of treatment could result in serious complications including, but not limited to, heart disease and infertility. Other complications of hypothyroidism are obesity and joint pain. Further, it should also be noted that for a woman who is pregnant, thyroid concerns could have a negative effect on the…
Athanassiou, I.K. & Ntalles, K. (2010). Hypothyroidism - New Aspects of an Old Disease. Hippokratia, 14(2), 82-87.
Chaker, L., Bianco, A.C., Jonklass, J. & Peeters, R.P. (2017). Hypothyroidism. Lancet., 390(10101), 1550-1562.
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Hypothyroidism The condition of hypothyroidism is caused by a thyroid gland that does not produce the proper amount of certain important hormones. Pathophysiology: The gland is located in the center of the neck and is described by WebMD (2012) as being butterfly shaped. The gland's hormone production is an important dimension of the metabolic process. Therefore, when its functionality is impaired, the body's capacity to digest, metabolize and utilize the nutrients and proteins
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In addition, she must engage regular thyroid function checkups to ensure that the standard regimen of treatment for this condition remains effective. In this case, the hormone replacement therapy that is the traditional method of treatment is one which absolutely must be continued to the benefit and survival of the unborn child. As the article by Shomon (2006) indicates, "you must continue to take your thyroid hormone replacement (i.e.,
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Geriatric The author of this report has been asked to review the results and history of a woman who has come for treatment. She is a woman with Irish descent and there are some fairly disturbing signs that can be seen through her medical history, her current results, what she is taking in terms of drugs and her list of diagnoses. Each of those factors, facts and diagnoses will be explored
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PID, Amenorrhea, and PCOS
An 18-year-old female presents to the clinic for evaluation of amenorrhea. She complains of having irregular menstruation cycles that started since menarche at age 13. While she lives with both parents, the patient expressed concerns regarding fertility as she engages in unprotected sex with her boyfriend regularly. She denies having any other health problems and stopped taking birth control pills more than a year ago. The
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Patient Assessment DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT PLAN Diagnosis and Disease Processes Using an appropriate patient assessment form (Sample Forms, 2013), D.M. has been found to have uncontrolled Type 2 diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, uncontrolled hypertension, chronic anemia, and probable hypothyroidism (Sample Forms). Diabetes Type 2 is most probably on a poorly controlled diet of high cholesterol and high simple sugars. Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a metabolic disease wherein the body is not able to properly use ingested
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" This drug has already won approval for use in Europe and the United States. Studies conducted show that the drug "targets the tumor to control in four areas: in the site where hypersecretion starts, in GH secretion, IGF-1 and in the symptoms associated with the disease (Unknown, 2004)." While the drug has been approved, there are still contraindications to taking it such as a patient who has an irregular