Online Education Essays (Examples)


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Swapping The Studio Based Pedagogy For Online Learning

Pages: 6 (1926 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:33333539

Why to Adopt Pedagogy Based on Digital online Interactions with Students
With the arrival of the digital age has come a shift in the way information is pursued, transacted, shared, … seem like a transition that is too great of a leap for them to welcome. After all, the pedagogy of the studio-based design education has its own special uniqueness that cannot be replicated in a digitalized format. However, what design educators need to realize is that it … about improving the pedagogy by way of innovation. The pedagogy of the past had its place, but today there are new features in education that should be leveraged (Fleischmann, 2013). These features have been embraced in the professional world as well and if design educators want to … graduates to be skilled in (Justice, 2019). This paper will show the arguments for why design educators should adopt pedagogy based on……



Fleischmann, K. (2013). Big Bang Technology: What's Next in Design Education, Radical Innovation or Incremental Change?. Journal of Learning Design, 6(3), 1-17.

Justice, L. (2019). The Future of Design Education. Design Management Review, 30(1), 33-37.

Mayadas, A. F., Bourne, J., & Bacsich, P. (2009). Online education today.  Science, 323(5910), 85-89.

Souleles, N. (2015). Elearning in art and design: the elephant in the room. In 9th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (pp. 6659-6665).

Vaughan, S., Austerlitz, N., Blythman, M., Grove-White, A., Jones, B. A., Jones, C. A.,... & Shreeve, A. (2008). Mind the gap: Expectations, ambiguity and pedagogy within art and design higher education. In The student experience in art and design higher education: Drivers for change (pp. 125-148). Jill Rogers Associates Limited.


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Benefits And Advantages Of Learning Online At College Level

Pages: 4 (1313 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:30385591

Why online Learning Works
With the arrival of the Digital Age and the advent of distance learning, taking college level courses over the Internet … the advent of distance learning, taking college level courses over the Internet has become a real possibility for today’s students seeking a higher education. But is it worth it? Does it provide the kind of quality education that learners need in order to excel in the real world? Or are their drawbacks to distance learning that outweigh the pros? This … world? Or are their drawbacks to distance learning that outweigh the pros? This speech will go over the benefits and advantages of learning online at the college level while addressing some of the potential disadvantages that might make some hesitant to pursue distance learning as a viable … level while addressing some of the potential disadvantages that might make some hesitant to pursue……



Anderson, T. (Ed.). (2008). The theory and practice of online learning. Athabasca University Press.

Concannon, F., Flynn, A., & Campbell, M. (2005). What campus?based students think about the quality and benefits of e?learning. British journal of educational technology, 36(3), 501-512.

?enda?, S., & Odaba??, H. F. (2009). Effects of an online problem based learning course on content knowledge acquisition and critical thinking skills. Computers & Education, 53(1), 132-141.

Yang, Y. T. C., Newby, T. J., & Bill, R. L. (2005). Using Socratic questioning to promote critical thinking skills through asynchronous discussion forums in distance learning environments. The American Journal of Distance Education, 19(3), 163-181.


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Web 2 0 And Online Studio Education

Pages: 6 (1931 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:53632130

online Studio education
The rise of Web 2.0 Technologies paves the way to a collaborative and interactive learning environment making the exchange of content and collaboration … and collaboration over the web (Loannao, 2018). The internet, since then, started becoming the reservoir of knowledge, giving free access to information and education resources (Loannao, 2018). Because of these developments, online courses and online education began and were incorporated in different education fields as the means of expanding knowledge and enhancing the learning procedure (Loannao, 2018). Studio-based learning is the practical education where the learning is done through doing, relying on the jury system for evaluating and assessing the student’s projects (Siddiqi, 2002). The entire … relying on the jury system for evaluating and assessing the student’s projects (Siddiqi, 2002). The entire course is designed in the traditional pedagogy.
online Studio education is more than just a different teacher and student interaction……



Bender, D. M. (2006). Using Online Education Technologies to Support Studio Instruction. Educational Technology and Society.

Kurt, S. (2009). An analytic study on the traditional studio environments and the use of the constructivist studio in the architectural design education. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 401-408.

Loannao, O. (2018). Opening up design studio education using blended and networked formats. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education.

Nottingham, A. (2014). Reshaping design education: teaching graphic design online and onsite. The University of Melbourne.

Pasin, B. (2017). Rethinking the Design Studio-Centered Architectural Education. A Case Study at Schools of Architecture in Turkey. The Design Journal.

Siddiqi, A. A. (2002). ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STUDIO PROJECTS AND THE CHARADES OF CURRICULUM. The 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, KFUPM. Architecture Department, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM Dhahran.


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Online Auctions For Fund Raising By Non Profit Organizations

Pages: 8 (2322 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:34213505

A Systematic Review of online Auctions for Fund Raising by Non-Profit Organizations
Its origin dating back to Babylon in 500 BC auctions account as one of the oldest … supporting communities, families, and children in fragile economic status in over 100 countries globally. The World Vision could leverage the opportunity of an online auction, particularly mobile auctions, to raise funds. Mobile auctions enable donors and guests to submit their bids via smartphones from the convenience of … of their seats. Mobile auctions open a charity auction to a wider audience, increase competition translating to revenue maximization by World Vision. Undertaking online auctions breaks the geographic barriers and would enable World Vision to extend its auctions to longer periods as opposed to a single night ……



Cachon, G. P., Daniels, K., & Lobel, R. (2015). The Role of Surge Pricing on a Service Platform with Self-Scheduling Capacity. 

Connelly, A., & Winter, M. (2003). Going...Going...Gone!: Successful Auctions for Non-Profit Institutions (Second). Target Funding Group, Inc. All.

Fasli, M., Co, C., & Co, C. (2014). Designing and Implementing E-market Games. Designing and Implementing e-Market Games. January 2005.

Forbes Magazine. (2019). The 100 Largest U.S. Charities. Forbes Magazine. 

Hasker, K., & Sickles, R. (2010). eBay in the Economic Literature: Analysis of an Auction Marketplace. Review of Industrial Organization, 37(1), 3–42. 

Kingston, K. (2015). A Higher Bid: How to Transform Special Event with Strategic Benefit Auctions. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

Klemperer, P. (2004). Auctions: Theory and Practice. In Princeton University Press. 

McAfee, P. (2017). The Ideal Auction - Numberphile. YouTube.


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Observation Portfolio Classroom Of Special Education

Pages: 12 (3573 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:58451564

Observation Portfolio – Special education Classroom
This observation portfolio paper presents a summary of my experience and knowledge gained from analyzing four observation sessions in a special … Classroom
This observation portfolio paper presents a summary of my experience and knowledge gained from analyzing four observation sessions in a special education classroom setting. Observation 1 and 2 was conducted in the morning, observation 3 of 4 took place during lunch break, and observation 4 … (Hallahan et al., 2018). Dandy-Walker Malformation (DWM) refers to human brain malfunction that occurs during embryo development.
According to Hallahan et al. (2018), education strategies for students with ASD should include the following: 1) direct instruction skills, 2) behavior management, and 3) instruction in a natural setting. … students can do the tasks independently (Hallahan et al., 2018).
Observation 2 of 4
Observation Summary
This observation was conducted at a special education…[break]…involved critical……



Hallahan, D. P., Kauffman, J. M., & Pullen, P. C. (2018). Exceptional Learners: An Introduction to Special Education (14th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.


Shabani, K., Khatib, M., & Ebadi, S. (2010, December). Vygotsky\\\\\\'s Zone of Proximal Development: Instructional Implications and Teachers\\\\\\' Professional Development. Retrieved from 


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Role Of Parents And Students In Special Education Systems

Pages: 6 (1774 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Essay Document #:53757847

IDEA LAW IEP Special education
Since the majority of parents of disabled students struggle with navigating special education systems, advocacy training provides a means of helping parents secure the right education service for their disabled child. In this paper, parents' need for advocates for asserting special education rights as well as advocate training in the areas of special education advocacy and legislation will be addressed. Additionally, the impacts of advocacy training for disability-linked special education will be discussed.
Parental engagement in child education is a raging topic these last twenty-five years. Before the 80s, school-family partnerships were not the norm but an exception. But ever since, … positively influences both child learning and academic performance. The subject of parental engagement is accorded, even greater focus when it comes to special education. Before the 80s, several parents depended on professionals to receive emotional aid and training. But on account……


Works Cited

Arnini, Sarah, \\\\\\"Parents as Partners: An Analysis of the Barriers to Parental Involvement in Special Education\\\\\\" (2007). Social Work Theses. 12. 

Burke, Meghan M. \\\\\\"Improving parental involvement: Training special education advocates.\\\\\\" Journal of Disability Policy Studies 23.4 (2013): 225-234. DOI: 10.1177/1044207311424910

Dameh, Bilal A., \\\\\\"The Impact of Parent Involvement Practices in Special Education Programs\\\\\\" (2015). Culminating Projects in Education Administration and Leadership. 11. 

Hornby, Garry, and Rayleen Lafaele. \\\\\\"Barriers to parental involvement in education: An explanatory model.\\\\\\" Educational review 63.1 (2011): 37-52.

Rehm, Roberta S et al. \\\\\\"Parental advocacy styles for special education students during the transition to adulthood.\\\\\\" Qualitative health research vol. 23,10 (2013): 1377-87. DOI:10.1177/1049732313505915

Sapungan, Gina Madrigal, and Ronel Mondragon Sapungan. \\\\\\"Parental involvement in child\\\\\\'s education: Importance, barriers, and benefits.\\\\\\" Asian Journal of Management Sciences & Education 3.2 (2014): 23-43.

Statewide Parent Advocacy Network. \\\\\\"Questions and Answers about IDEA: Parent Participation.\\\\\\" Center for Parent Information and Resources, 3 Jan. 2019,

Thatcher, Steven Brown, \\\\\\"Increasing Parental Involvement of Special Education Students: The Creation of Smartphone-Friendly, Web-Based Legal and Procedural Resources\\\\\\" (2012). All Graduate Plan B and other Reports. 147.


Study Document Study Document

The Rising Cost Of Public Education In United States

Pages: 7 (2143 words) Sources: 13 Document Type:Essay Document #:91796938

The US government has reduced its state funding for the higher education institutes to lower the college costs, especially for ethnic groups since the increase in education costs have made it harder for color and lower-income student to enroll in these colleges. There are numerous benefits for enrolling in the … have made it harder for color and lower-income student to enroll in these colleges. There are numerous benefits for enrolling in the best education institutions after the students are graduated that mainly includes higher incomes. Still, it puts pressure on those students whose households are earning low. … low. With such stagnant earnings, it is greatly difficult for racially and economically diverse students to have affordability and access to the highly-priced education institutes. Recently, the costs for attending a public college have surged up to $21,370 as compared to $8,250 in 1980, which means it … have surged up……


Works Cited

Amour, Madeline. “Report: living expenses, not tuition, are the problem.” Inside Higher Ed, 13 May 2020,  barrier-students-tuition-report-finds. Accessed 30 Jul. 2020.

Cude, Katherine. The Rising Cost Of Tuition At Four Year Public Universities: A Comparison Of The Explanations Offered By The Academic Literature And University Decision Makers. 2016. University of Vermont, Undergraduate theses. Scholar Works,

Davidson, Adam. “Is College Tuition Really Too High?” The New York Times Magazine, 8 Sep. 2015, . Accessed 30 Jul. 2020.

Desrochers, Donna, and Kirshstein, Rita. Labor Intensive or Labor Expensive? 2014. American Institutes for Research, Delta Cost Project. Lumina Foundation,  education-staffing-brief-feb2014.pdf

Dickler, Jessica. “Why College Tuition Keeps Rising.” CNBC, 24 Oct. 2019,,  Accessed 30 Jul. 2020.

Hemelt, Steven, and Marcotte, Dave. Rising Tuition And Enrollment In Public Higher Education. 2008. IZA, Discussion Paper. IZA, 

Hemelt, Steven, and Marcotte, Dave. “The Impact of Tuition Increases on Enrollment at Public Colleges and Universities.” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, vol. 33, no. 4, Dec. 2011, pp. 435-457.

Hess, Abigail. “The Cost of College Increased by More Than 25% In the Last 10 Years- Here’s Why.” CNBC, 13 Dec. 2019, increased-by-more-than-25percent-in-the-last-10-years.html. Accessed 30 Jul. 2020.


Study Document Study Document

Trading Classroom Authority For Online Community

Pages: 3 (1036 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:29778738

… Access to Internet in Classrooms
Why Kids in Classrooms Today Do Not Need Any More Wild West in Them: “Trading Classroom Authority for online Community” is a Bad Idea
As Rorabaugh notes, the Internet has evolved from a once “primitive” place to a kind of digital Wild … it allows them room to spread their wings in a controlled environment (under their teacher’s eyes) and begin sifting and sorting through information online, using their own powers of deduction to determine where to go next on the journey for answers. Rorabaugh states that it encourages active … researchers have noted, they also are very vulnerable to misinformation and still require a great deal of guidance. Even Dante the poet…[break]…levels of education, such as college, online learning has grown in popularity because it allows learners to overcome space and time obstacles. Adult learners know that they need a degree … need……


Works Cited

Domhardt, Matthias, et al. \\\\\\\\\\\\"Resilience in survivors of child sexual abuse: A systematic review of the literature.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 16.4 (2015): 476-493.

Perkins-Gough, Deborah. \\\\\\\\\\\\"The significance of grit: A conversation with Angela Lee Duckworth.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Educational Leadership 71.1 (2013): 14-20.

Rorabaugh, Pete. “Trading Classroom Authority for Online Community.” Hybrid Pedagogy, 5 Jan 2012. 

Tough, Paul. How children succeed: Grit, curiosity, and the hidden power of character. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012.


Study Document Study Document

Integration Of Social Networking In Design Education In China

Pages: 3 (809 words) Sources: 1 Document Type:Article Review Document #:38182762

… framework are its ability to facilitate innovation, collaboration, and interaction.
The researchers additionally “validated necessary techniques and design features required to make an education-related social networking site effective and affective for the students and teachers” (Jiang et al., 2018, p. 189). The overall finding was that social … 10 of them being of high quality, there is a problem of deficiency in Chinese design schools that needs to be addressed. Design education at the high school levels lags behind Europe and the US. Because Chinese schools focus on memorization, the students miss out on the … Europe and the US. Because Chinese schools focus on memorization, the students miss out on the collaborative and interactive experience needed for design education. In order for innovation and creativity to be encouraged, schools should focus less on memorization and more on collaboration and interaction. That is … using social networking comes into……



Jiang, H., Tang, M., Peng, X., & Liu, X. (2018). Learning design and technology through social networks for high school students in China. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 28(1), 189-206.


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Nursing Informatics In Education

Pages: 8 (2518 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:17602860

Introducing Informatics Early in Nursing education
As Shackelford (2019) notes in “Industry Voices—Healthcare is Changing,” there is a serious need to reach future workforce members at an earlier … what to do academically and professionally, having received little guidance otherwise (Shackelford, 2019). This paper will discuss why introducing informatics early in nursing education can have a positive effect on professional development and the healthcare industry overall. It will also include a discussion of how informatics skills … so that by working together they can properly identify nursing informatics needs and issues that should be covered more substantially in early nurse education (Eardley et al., 2018). Risling (2017) argues that some of the informatics issues that nurse educators should be focusing on based on technology … they enter nursing school at the college level.
The Impact
Introducing informatics early on in…[break]…stage of students’ academic careers. Google Scholar is an online……



Eardley, D. L., Krumwiede, K. A., Secginli, S., Garner, L., DeBlieck, C., Cosansu, G., & Nahcivan, N. O. (2018). The Omaha System as a Structured Instrument for Bridging Nursing Informatics With Public Health Nursing Education: A Feasibility Study. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 36(6), 275-283.

Kinnunen, U. M., Rajalahti, E., Cummings, E., & Borycki, E. M. (2017). Curricula challenges and informatics competencies for nurse educators. Forecasting informatics competencies for nurses in the future of connected health, 232, 41-48.

Piscotty Jr, R. J., Kalisch, B., & Gracey?Thomas, A. (2015). Impact of healthcare information technology on nursing practice. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47(4), 287-293.

Risling, T. (2017). Educating the nurses of 2025: Technology trends of the next decade. Nurse education in practice, 22, 89-92.

Shackelford, S. (2019). Industry Voices—Healthcare is changing. We need to reach the future workforce earlier. Retrieved from 

Shin, E. H., Cummings, E., & Ford, K. (2018). A qualitative study of new graduates’ readiness to use nursing informatics in acute care settings: clinical nurse educators’ perspectives. Contemporary nurse, 54(1), 64-76.

Tubaishat, A. (2019). The effect of electronic health records on patient safety: A qualitative exploratory study. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 44(1), 79-91.

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