Study Document
… and Practice of Business Psychology
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 3
2 Motivators in the Workplace 3
2.1 Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory of Workplace motivation 3
2.2 Vroom’s Expectancy Theory 5
2.3 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory 7
2.3.1 Primary Motivators in the Workplace 8
2.3.2 Secondary Motivators … the Workplace 8
2.3.2 Secondary Motivators in the Workplace 10
2.4 Extent of the Impact of Primary Motivators 12
3 References 12
motivation can be delineated as a psychosomatic feature, which urges individuals to achieve both personal and organizational objectives. In the workplace context, it is … market, it is essential to design jobs, and duties in a way that stress id diminished, and the levels of employee satisfaction and motivation, as well as their performance, can be heightened. Notably, motivation rejuvenates, and invigorates behavior, provides direction to such mannerisms, and underlines the tendency to persevere. motivation is a significant……
Asim, M., 2013. Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance with effect of training: Specific to Education Sector of Pakistan. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 3(9), 1-9.
Heneman, H. G., & Schwab, D. P., 1972. Evaluation of research on expectancy theory predictions of employee performance. Psychological Bulletin, 78(1), 1.
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Johnson & Johnson. , 2018. 2018 Health for Humanity Report: Creating Unique Career Opportunities. Retrieved 25 February 2020 from
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Problem with Extrinsic motivation and How Maslow's Theory Can Help
Tesla has been identified as a company that struggles with employee motivation under CEO Elon Musk, who has attempted to push his employees to outperform in order to meet production targets (James, 2019). Rather than … Elon Musk, who has attempted to push his employees to outperform in order to meet production targets (James, 2019). Rather than using intrinsic motivation to compel employees to self-actualize and reach their fullest and maximum levels of potential, Musk uses extrinsic motivation—which only takes one so far before the trade-off between excessive labor and long hours fails to seem worth it to employees (James, 2019). … benefits or bonuses. The reliance by the company upon extrinsic motivators hits a wall. The solution to this problem is to promote intrinsic motivation, which is where the employee is motivated by a desire to succeed, to……
Automotive News. (2019). Tesla burning through execs like cash. Retrieved from
Gerhart, B., & Fang, M. (2015). Pay, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, performance, and creativity in the workplace: Revisiting long-held beliefs. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 2, 489-521
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Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370.
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… a sequence of notes and chords over time to make out a melody. Visual perception is of course another way to test the theories of Gestalt psychology. A shape is comprised of many smaller elements. Those constituent parts, such as the lines that make up a square, … & Toman, 2005, p. 13). Gestalt psychologists also accounted for perceptual inaccuracies and cognitive biases that arise due to factors like emotional states, motivation, expectation, and prior experience (Corey, 2016, p. 203). Perhaps quite appropriately, Gestalt psychology has dissipated rather than remaining a distinct segment of psychology.
Corey, G. (2016). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Levine, T. B. Y. (2012). Gestalt Therapy: Advances in Theory and Practice. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.
Woldt, A. L., & Toman, S. M. (2005). Gestalt Therapy: History, Theory, and Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
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There are several motivation issues at work in Sanderson Soaps. Examining the company through the lens of Maslow’s hierarchy, the family members are secure and have little … couple of people feel entitled to promotions and opportunity without really having to earn them, and any non-family member would either lack intrinsic motivation or see Sanderson as a stepping stone to success elsewhere. In either case, nobody is particularly motivated by higher order needs relating to … needs taken care of, there is little left to motivate people because one’s career path at Sanderson almost seems predetermined (MindTools, 2019).
These theories are relevant because the speak to the fundamentals of what motivates people in the workplace. If productivity is low, these factors can offer … the fundamentals of what motivates people in the workplace. If productivity is low, these factors can offer explanation of why people lack the motivation to improve,……
Buckman, E. (2018) Motivating and retaining non-family employees in family-owned businesses. Family Business Center. Retrieved March 23, 2019 from
McLeod, S. (2018) Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Simply Psychology. Retrieved March 23, 2019 from (2019) Herzberg’s motivators and hygiene factors. MindTools. Retrieved March 23, 2019
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… read people more effectively and learning how to motivate people using I/O psychology. One of the important principles I have learned about human motivation in the past, at least according to Maslow’s (1943) theory of the needs hierarchy is that the goal is to get people to … move on towards becoming self-motivated because one is no longer dependent upon external incentives.
Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370.
Peer Reply 2: Audrey White
Nice to meet you, Audrey, and it sounds like you have a very interesting life. I ……
Rogers, C. (1951). Client-Centered Therapy. MA: Riverside Press.
Study Document
… Theory
General strain theory (GST) offers a unique explanation of delinquency and crime, which is in direct contrast to control and learning theories. The differentiation is through the type of social relationship that leads to delinquency, and the motivation for delinquency. By analyzing GST, we can determine the effect or how criminal behavior is developed. GST looks at how a negative relationship … research articles. General strain theory (GST) offers a unique explanation of delinquency and crime, which is in direct contrast to control and learning theories. The differentiation is through the type of social relationship that leads to delinquency, and the motivation for delinquency. GST focuses on the negative treatments that an individual experiences from others and it is the only major crime theory that ……
Agnew, R. (2002). Experienced, vicarious, and anticipated strain: An exploratory study on physical victimization and delinquency. Justice Quarterly, 19(4), 603-632.
Agnew, R. (2007). Pressured into crime: An overview of general strain theory. Los Angeles,CA: Roxbury.
Cullen, F. T., Unnever, J. D., Hartman, J. L., Turner, M. G., & Agnew, R. (2008). Gender, bullying victimization, and juvenile delinquency: A test of general strain theory. Victims and Offenders, 3(4), 346-364.
Warner, B. D., & Fowler, S. K. (2003). Strain and violence: Testing a general strain theory model of community violence. Journal of Criminal Justice, 31(6), 511-521.
Watts, S. J., & McNulty, T. L. (2013). Childhood abuse and criminal behavior: Testing a general strain theory model. Journal of interpersonal violence, 28(15), 3023-3040.
Study Document
A Review of Organizational Behavior theories
Because organizations are the primary means by which capital is earned and job are created, it is not surprising that there has been … real world. The purpose of this paper is to provide a current definition of organizational behavior together with a statement of three prominent theories of organizational behavior, French and Raven's Five Bases of Power, Complexity Theory and Resource Dependence Theory. An explanation concerning the fundamental concepts of … and Raven's Five Bases of Power, Complexity Theory and Resource Dependence Theory. An explanation concerning the fundamental concepts of each of these three theories is followed by an analysis of their respective importance to a business. In addition, an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of each … an analysis of their respective importance to a business. In addition, an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of each of these three theories……
‘About Air India.’ Air India. [online] available: .
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Jain, AK ‘Organizational Citizenship Behaviour as a Potential Source of Social Power.’ Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 45, no. 3 (January 2010): 396-401.
Study Document
...Motivation theories Agency Theory
Agency theory refers to the relationship with the principle and the agent, where the principle delegates its financial decision making to the agent. In most cases, the agent is the owner/executive of the company while the principle is the shareholder. Challenging scenario arises as there are two distinct sets of interest which cause decision making problems. Due to this complex and intricate relationship, conflicts of interest arises sometimes where the agent puts his interest before the principle’s causing problems to the principle sometimes. This is known as Principle-Agency Problem. It has long affected the key decisions related to the firm where the agent and principle both have asymmetric interest, causing any one party to suffer at an extreme case.
To remove the problem, the theory states that the goals of managers and the shareholders should be aligned and certain frameworks and practices should be adopted to overlook the……
Demsetz, R. S. (1997). Agency Problems and Risk Taking at Banks.
Heath, J. (n.d.). Uses and Abuses of Agency Theory. Business Ethics Quarterly.
Kuypers, A. (2011). How is dealt with the agency problem and what is the role of the board of directors in it?
Lumen. (n.d.). Agency and Conflicts of Interests. Lumen. Retrieved from
Murray, I. (2016, September ). Wells Fargo and the Principle Agent Problem. Competitive Enterprise Institute.
Palia, D. (2007). “Agency Theory in Banking: An Empirical Analysis of Moral Hazard and the Agency Costs of Equity. Banks and Banks System.
Pennsylvania, W. U. (2017, August 08). Wells Fargo: What It Will Take to Clean Up the Mess. Wharton University of Pensylvannia.
Study Document
...Motivation theories Organizational Behavior
Case Incident 1: Sharing Is Performing
12-13. Shared leadership obstacles occur when there is no consensus or alignment in terms of vision. The leaders butt heads and block one another. They cannot agree or, worse, no one in the group wants to make the go-ahead decision. Leadership is about deferring and making decisions, so to solve these problems, the people need to be aware of the reality of their role and position.
12-14. I would implement a shared leadership initiative in a limited way because I would not want a committee mentality. I would want leaders to communicate and foster ideas but at the end of the day I want decision makers who make informed decisions calling the shots.
12-15. I think that traditional approaches to leadership are always to be preferred because not everyone wants to be a leader. Leaders have duties and responsibilities and they get……
De Vries, M.F.K. (1998). Charisma in action: The transformational abilities of Virgin\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Richard Branson and ABB\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Percy Barnevik. Organizational Dynamics, 26(3), 7-21.
Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370.
Study Document
Evidence-Based Programs and Practices
Part 1: Define and Refine
Evidence-Based theories
Evidence-based programs are defined as a prevention or treatment practice, that is based on consistent scientific evidence providing proof that the practice improves … set of parameters or guidelines for how to interpret evidence and how to implement the recommendations based on the evidence into one’s practice. theories serve as the lens through which to look at the evidence. Just as a microscope has a lens and a focus so that … details of the subject, the theory allows the data to be put into perspective, and that perspective is defined by the theory or theories that are used in the research.
In the field of addiction, there are numerous evidence based theories: behavioral theories, pharmacological theories, psychotherapeutic theories, and so on. Each theory has been tested in research and examined from multiple dimensions. There is not always agreement……
Asen, E. & Fonagy, P (2012) Handbook of Mentalizing in Mental Health Practice. Washington DC.
Kern-Godal, A., Arnevik, E. A., Walderhaug, E., &Ravndal, E. (2015). Substance use disorder treatment retention and completion: a prospective study of horse-assisted therapy (HAT) for young adults. Addiction science & clinical practice, 10(1), 21.
Rogers, C. (1951). Client-Centered Therapy. MA: Riverside Press. Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology. (2006). American Psychologist, May-June, 271-285.
Muela, A., Balluerka, N., Amiano, N., Caldentey, M. A., &Aliri, J. (2017). Animal-assisted psychotherapy for young people with behavioural problems in residential care. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 24(6), O1485 O1494. doi:
Operational Definition for Evidence-Based Practices Addictions and Mental Health Division. (2017). Week 4 material.
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