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Education Law Policy and social Justice Mother Tongue Instruction
The population of students receiving their instruction in another language apart from their mother tongue is increasing as a … its linguistic aspects. To a large extent, mother tongue should also be conceptualized from the perspective of a child’s cultural as well as social identity. This is the meaning of mother tongue that will be embraced in the context of this discourse.
To a large extent, English … other language skills. This is more so the case given that it serves as a foundation upon which other languages are mastered. The social as well as cultural identity of a child ought not to be interfered with as doing so could cause discomfort and interfere with … classroom settings cannot be overstated. This is more so the case given that linguistic diversity and multiculturalism are two important factors in the social justice……
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Study Document
… (Doyle, 2018).
The themes associated with the literature on domestic terrorism, extremism and violence focus three important categories: 1) how culture makes extremism social acceptable; 2) how culture fosters violent attitudes and beliefs; and 3) how laws are responsible for shaping the culture that fosters the first … in American society. Culture has to be addressed at the legislative level because this is where laws are determined and where expectations for social behavior are identified (Breger, 2017). If people do not know what is acceptable behavior or what will not be tolerated, they cannot be … is the key by which domestic violence can be both understood and effectively addressed. Cramer et al. (2017) state that “culture is a social construction that is influenced by the ways in which people make sense of who they are; the beliefs, practices, and values with which they ……
Breger, M. L. (2017). Reforming by re-norming: How the legal system has the potential to change a toxic culture of domestic violence. J. Legis., 44, 170.
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… days, whenever more than a handful of middle-income people move into a formerly down-at-the-heels neighborhood, they are accused of committing that newest of social sins: ‘gentrification’” (36).
Not surprisingly, this negative perception of gentrification on the part of the American public has represented a major, long-term constraint … in rents and upticks in cultural conflicts—greatly outweigh any benefits” (3). Residents’ concerns over the potential negative effects of gentrification even halted the construction of a second headquarters operation in New York City by Amazon, an initiative that would have otherwise brought thousands of new jobs to ……
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… historical state correctional system have changed since the founding of the nation more than 200 years ago. The Jacksonian Era, the Era of construction and the Progressive Era on up to the reform of the 1970s all effected different changes to the function—i.e., the goals and activities—of … first to introduce solitary confinement as a way of removing the deviant element from society. This was part of William Penn’s attempt at social reform, a fundamental characteristic of his Quaker ideals (Fantel, 1974). The goal of Penn’s plan was to promote moral rehabilitation and it was … corrections. This paper will look at the functions of the state correctional system, analyze criminal justice issues, examine the impacts of incarceration and social justice issues for one correctional institution and one private institution, identify cultural sensitivity and diversity awareness issues, discuss two methods of alternative sentencing, … problems as well with respect……
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… trends of PPP research are still unclear. There has been some research to establish the trends by analysis of the content of popular construction magazines, but the researchers still have little to show for objectivity. The problems are associated with a lack of understanding by the given … and even organizational structure. External traits include the business model, the mission, input, the technology used, the political environment, economy, routine, stakeholders, and social setup. When the level of organizational integration is determined, the success of an organization evaluated, and ways of improving it are identified.
For … its role in paying for healthcare services. In some situations, the government will not make any payments to the private partner until the construction of structures is completed, and service delivery starts. This arrangement can run from 2 to 4 years from the beginning of the contract. … modern-day, nothing works better than……
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… Fortunately, these communities are already very tight knit and supportive of one another—but that presents a problem now because of the issue of social distancing. Latino communities love to get together at parks and churches and social, and the fears of a pandemic have made this harder to do, so it is an additional blow to their social support networks and systems. That blow adds to the stress that is being experienced by this population.
Latino families have always had it … the kind of benefits they need in order to weather these economic storms. If businesses remain closed, hotels do not open back up, construction work falls to depression-era levels, and schools stay in an online-only format, these families will have a very difficult time getting back on … in their approach to work. Their cultural traditions are also being pressed, and so it will be difficult for……
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… through understanding the expectations and needs of important stakeholders indirectly or directly impacted by change (Chirenje, Giliba & Musamba, 2013).
The unindustrialized world’s social structures continue to focus on small groups of communities based on cultural, geo-political, and economic relationships, particularly in rural places. To these communities, ……
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Study Document
This paper addresses the significance of ethnic or cultural identity. It deals with the identity of social advantaged as well as disadvantaged groups and my relation to them. Additionally, it highlights the significance of the self-identity concept. The Multidimensional Model … multifaceted in nature: it may be relational and circumstantial, as well as concurrently permanent, changing and dynamic. Identity development occurs via a process of social. It may or may not be self-established. It is, rather frequently, employed in the labeling and categorization of persons believed to possess oppositional or dual … frequently, employed in the labeling and categorization of persons believed to possess oppositional or dual differences. Additionally, identity represents a construct applied in creating social orders of dominance and persecution, characterized by some groups being at an advantage in terms of influence and freedom and others, concurrently, being … community is neutral. With regard to racial/ethnic identity, I belong to a……
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Study Document
… Obasogie’s book Blinded by Sight: Seeing Race Through the Eyes of the Blind which challenges the notion that racial identity exists outside of social constructs and that race can be identified visually. The book encourages a reevaluation of the concept of colorblindness just as much as race, … writes the author, highlighting how the concrete reality of blindness highlights the absurdity of what can appear concrete due to racial prejudices and construction (Obasogie 176).
One example of both the pervasiveness and the ridiculousness of racism cited by Obasogie is that which was fostered against Japanese-Americans … suggested by the concept. But, Obasogie notes, colorblindness “is an affirmative nonrecognition of how racial meanings, constructed as they may be, still impact social and legal decision making in a manner that fundamentally shapes everyday life” (Obasogie 116). It reduces color to the superficial—often people who claim … that individuals should not be……
Works Cited
Obasogie, Osagie. Blinded by Sight: Seeing Race Through the Eyes of the Blind. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2014.
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