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Motivational Theories Case Study

Pages:1 (424 words)


Subject:Personal Issues


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There are several motivational issues at work in Sanderson Soaps. Examining the company through the lens of Maslow’s hierarchy, the family members are secure and have little reason to work too hard, but the non-family members have zero reason to work hard because they know that their upward mobility is stifled. This creates a situation where a couple of people feel entitled to promotions and opportunity without really having to earn them, and any non-family member would either lack intrinsic motivation or see Sanderson as a stepping stone to success elsewhere. In either case, nobody is particularly motivated by higher order needs relating to personal fulfillment or actualization (McLeod, 2018). The two-factor theory reveals a similar problem. While everybody at Sanderson has their hygiene needs taken care of, there is little left to motivate people because one’s career path at Sanderson almost seems predetermined (MindTools, 2019).

These theories are relevant because the speak to the fundamentals of what motivates people in the workplace. If productivity is low, these factors can offer explanation of why people lack the motivation to improve, to work hard, to do better. In the case of Sanderson Soaps, there are some fairly clear and obvious gaps between where a company should be in terms of motivation and where it actually is.

There are other theories that might offer some value here as well. Buckman (2019) notes that non-family members will have the same motivators as family members, which means that there needs to be opportunities for growth and actualization. Issues such as family members squabbling can also prove to a distraction – a toxic environment is bad for motivation, so family disputes can definitely reduce motivation…

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…notes that non-family members will have the same motivators as family members, which means that there needs to be opportunities for growth and actualization. Issues such as family members squabbling can also prove to a distraction – a toxic environment is bad for motivation, so family disputes can definitely reduce motivation in a workplace like Sanderson. Senior leadership needs to recognize that offering upward pathways for non-family members is important for motivation, but also that keeping family conflict out of the company is also important, so when there is a toxic actor, like the dynamic between John and the twins, and senior leadership does not deal with it, that simply creates a negative atmosphere throughout the company, so that everybody loses motivation. Applying theories relating to family dynamics, and generating intrinsic motivation among non-family members would also be valuable to improving productivity at…

Sample Source(s) Used


Buckman, E. (2018) Motivating and retaining non-family employees in family-owned businesses. Family Business Center. Retrieved March 23, 2019 from

McLeod, S. (2018) Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Simply Psychology. Retrieved March 23, 2019 from (2019) Herzberg’s motivators and hygiene factors. MindTools. Retrieved March 23, 2019

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