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Governments Procurement Methods in Integrated Public Service Research Paper

Pages:8 (2291 words)



Topic:Public Service

Document Type:Research Paper


Integrated Public Service


PPPs, as they have come to be popularly referred, are methods of procurement by governments where there is a larger number of stakeholders involving the government, the private sector, and the general public is securing services and, or goods. The model focuses on the delivery of services, products, and infrastructure to the public. The areas under focus transcend a broad span, including water treatment, transportation, health, education, energy, environment, among others. It is a common belief that PPP is a great approach to handle the provision of services and products to the public. The procurement strategy is known as the Public-Private Partnership. As the name suggests, the program is meant to encourage the government to involve the private sector and the general public in the provision of public services. There are conflicting views regarding the process of negotiation, participation by the public and private financiers, and accountability. In recent days, a lot of research has been focusing on the implementation of PPPs. The Public-Private Partnership programs have been put to use in both developed and developing countries.


Experience shows that PPPs have been hard to handle from the onset. For the program to succeed, there has to be trust between the public and the private sector. There is additionally a demand to change the traditional mindset. The public sector mindset should move from being a regulator to being a facilitator of projects that the public would derive benefits from while at the same time serving as stimulators of the economy. The private sector, on its part, must shift its thinking from just being the adversarial applicant for public tenders and permits to an economic partner and collaborator. It should evolve into transparency and sit at the negotiating table to vouch for partnerships in profitable public projects. Still, it is necessary to create effective PPPs now than ever before because the public sector needs are enormous and dynamic.

While it is true that PPPs are still in their early stages of implementation in developing countries, there have been various proposals, and many have been adopted or tried. There are also case studies that have been widely used elsewhere. These initiatives have stimulated further research in PPPs. The result has been the development of new PPP models, frameworks, issues to do with concession, project financing, risk management, allocation, and critical success factors (CSFs). While there have been numerous efforts to streamline PPPs, efforts to streamline their framework have been random.

Further, the development trends of PPP research are still unclear. There has been some research to establish the trends by analysis of the content of popular construction magazines, but the researchers still have little to show for objectivity. The problems are associated with a lack of understanding by the given researchers.

Integration of Public and Private Organizations

When the internal and external factors of a company blend successfully, organizational integration happens. Every company has its unique internal characteristics, such as the style of management, organizational culture, staff, strategies, and even organizational structure. External traits include the business model, the mission, input, the technology used, the political environment, economy, routine, stakeholders, and social setup. When the level of organizational integration is determined, the success of an organization evaluated, and ways of improving it are identified.

For the present project, I will create a public organization on the one hand, and a private one on the other. The intention is to integrate them and demonstrate how PPPs can work best for the two under the integrated partnership. The two organizations are drawn from the government and the private sector, respectively. The two companies will enter a long term arrangement in which the private organization uses private capital to develop or renovate health facilities, and accents to providing service to the public over an extended period. The contract is weaved around a specific project and points out operational, clinical service standards that the private organization should meet and the financial obligations.

In the arrangement, the government will keep its role in paying for healthcare services. In some situations, the government will not make any payments to the private partner until the construction of structures is completed, and service delivery starts. This arrangement can run from 2 to 4 years from the beginning of the contract. Such a position encourages the timely…

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…the same instead. They will be managers in the partnership and buyers of the infrastructure and service provided. To ensure success, sufficient financial and workforce resources must be pumped into the project.

 The capability of the private and public sectors to develop a partnership arrangement that can evolve with the changes that are bound to arise from the multilayer relationship is the main determinant of the project's success. In the current arrangement of clinical service delivery, it means that there must be an agreement at the outset on what risks will be carried by who. The benefits that will accrue from the project must also be allotted with care. A partnership is more like a marriage in which trust is a mandatory ingredient. Employing such tools as open book accounting, multilateral agreements, joint risk management teams, shared governance, and expert resources will enrich the realization of the partnership goals. It is critical to invest in planning and expert resources. An early and thorough assessment will provide an impetus and guideline towards realizing the goals of the health policy. It, at the same time, relieves the government of the risk of excess capacity or outdated models of delivery.


In modern-day, nothing works better than public-private partnerships in delivering important development projects to the community. The approach is great with estate development, infrastructure construction, monetizing non-performing public assets, for the benefit of the public, and redevelopment initiatives. The partnerships utilize the experience and expertise of the private sector, including the financial resources, to achieve goals for the public sector. PPPs are complex, though. Thus, different communities and stakeholders approach them with varying concerns and viewpoints. The private sector views the public sector as limited in its understanding of the core drivers of progress, such as the overheads. The public sector, on its part, thinks that the private sector is too preoccupied with profit-making that it loses the bigger picture of the importance of service, and their perspective interferes with sincere deal-making. While the private sector does not understand that municipalities do not make profits, the public sector loses the point that developers must be paid for them to take risks and work. The goals of…

Sample Source(s) Used


Duff, V. (2020). What is organizational integration? Retrieved from

Friedman, S. (2016). Successful public/private partnerships from principles to practices. Washington, DC: Urban Land Institute.

Ma, L., Li, J., Jin, R., &Ke, Y. (2019). A holistic review of public-private partnership literature published between 2008 and 2018. Advances in Civil Engineering. Retrieved from

PrivacySense. (2016). Public sector. Retrieved from

Reddy, C. (2016). Staff training: Importance, benefits, advantages, and disadvantages. Retrieved from

Sekhri, N., Feachem, R., & Ni, A. (2011). Public-private integrated partnerships demonstrate the potential to improve health care access, quality, and efficiency. Health Affairs, 30(8).

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