Culture Essays (Examples)


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Culture Formation In The Internet Age

Pages: 3 (1044 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:46746942

Online Access and Culture
Access to the Internet has been linked to a number of different influences over culture. As a new means of communication, the Internet has transformed how culture is disseminated around the world, but it has also had a significant influence on how culture is created. All told, the influence of the online access to culture is far-reaching, and there are few touchpoints of culture that have not been subject to the influence of the Internet. Yet, there is often a temptation to oversimplify the influence that the … subject to the influence of the Internet. Yet, there is often a temptation to oversimplify the influence that the Internet has had on culture, and cultures. This paper will provide an overview of some of the most important among the complex interactions between online access and culture.
One of the major themes in the discussion of the……



Bauer, J., Berne, M. & Maitland, C. (2002) Internet access in the European Union and in the United States. Telematics and Information. Vol. 19 (2) 117-137.

Castells, M. (2019) The impact of the Internet on society: A global perspective. Open Mind BBVA. Retrieved February 10, 2020 from 

DiMaggio, P. (2014) The Internet and cultural industries. MIT Technology Review. Retrieved February 10, 2020 from 

Huizer, E., Shah, S., Arroyo, J., Okorafor, U. & MacKinnon, R. (2017) A brave new world: How the Internet affects societies. Chatham House. Retrieved February 11, 2020 from 

Voiskounsky, A. (1998) Internet: Culture diversity and unification. Proceedings on Cultural Attitudes Towards Communication and Technology. Retrieved February 11, 2020 from 


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Culture And Nursing

Pages: 11 (3252 words) Sources: 14 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:16877652

Introduction: The Concept of Culture
Culture is the way of life for a person, society or group of people. It embodies the soul of the community and the heart … honor the principles that guide them. It is different for every society, as Hofstede (1980) showed—and yet there are universal elements to every culture that allow people from different backgrounds to understand one another and rise above their differences to find common ground. Culture shapes the way people, families and communities communicate, perceive the self, think about sexuality, express spirituality, manage stress, cope with less, and deal … and communities communicate, perceive the self, think about sexuality, express spirituality, manage stress, cope with less, and deal with death and grief. Some cultures are open and indulgent about individuals’ choices, spirituality, sexuality and how they choose to communicate themselves. Others are more restrained and promote a … promote a collectivist approach……



Bassert, J. M. (2017). McCurnin\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Clinical Textbook for Veterinary Technicians-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Bovee, C.L., & Thill, J.V. (1992). Business Communication Today. NY, NY: McGraw- Hill.

Burnett, M.J., & Dollar, A. (1989). Business Communication: Strategies for Success. Houston, Texas: Dane.

Davidson, L., Tondora, J., Miller, R., O’Connell, M. (2015). Person-Centered Care. Person-Centered Care for Mental Illness. WA: American Psychological Association.

Hambrick, D.C., Davison, S.C., Snell, S.A. & Snow, C.C. (1998). When groups consist of multiple nationalities: Towards a new understanding of the implications. Organization studies, 19(2), 181-205.

Hofstede, G. (2011). Dimensionalizing cultures: The Hofstede model in context. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 2(1), 8.

Hofstede, G. (1980). Motivation, leadership, and organization: do American theories apply abroad?. Organizational Dynamics, 9(1), 42-63.

Hofstede Insights. (2019). Retrieved from,the-usa/


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Culture Analysis At A Software Company

Pages: 5 (1573 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:44019185

Culture Analysis Paper
Company Overview
I’m studying a software company that shall be known as K. K is not based in Silicon Valley, but … hundreds of millions, and over 1000 employees. This company has also acquired several small firms in recent years. Integrating all of those individual cultures into a cohesive one has been one of the organization’s biggest challenges. This paper will outline the culture at K via primary sources, supplemented with secondary source material on organizational culture theory.
Primary research consisting of several employee interviews revealed some challenges, especially the domains of underlying assumptions and values. There is a lack … I know people who work in this company I was able to conduct a few interviews and get a sense of what the culture is like. At the baseline level, K has a culture that blends some of the classic software company culture with a more……



Chambers, K. & Honeycutt, A. (2009) Telecommunications mega-mergers: Impact on employee morale and turnover intention. Journal of Business & Economics Research. Vol. 7 (2) 43-52.

Dencker, J., Joshi, A, & Martocchio, J. (2007) Employee benefits as context for intergenerational conflict Human Resource Management Review. Vol. 17 (2) 208-220.

Lund, D. (2003) Organizational culture and job satisfaction. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. Vol. 18 (3) 219-236.

North, M. & Fiske, S. (2015) Intergenerational resource tensions in the workplace and beyond: Individual, interpersonal, institutional and international. Research in Organizational Behavior. Vol. 35 (2015) 159-179.

Yamanoi, J. & Sayama, H. (2013). Post-merger cultural integration from a social network perspective: A computational modeling approach. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory Vol. 19 (2013) 516-537.


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Arabic Language And Culture Course Middle East Culture

Pages: 9 (2626 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Project Proposal Document #:35105739

Arabic Language and Culture Course: Middle East Culture
This grant proposal seeks funds to support the development of the Arabic Language and Culture Course. This course will provide opportunities for students to further enhance their Arabic language skills outside the class setting. The target audience is … preparing students to communicate effectively in Arabic.
Project Description
This theme of Hookah Lounges enables me as an instructor to incorporate Arabic Culture concurrently with developing the linguistic skills of listening, understanding, speaking, reading, and writing. Hookah Lounges in Dearborn incorporate such elements as traditional Arabic … two Arabic courses. The majority of Arabic learners (ALs) are planning to visit the Middle East so that they can experience the Arab culture first hand. This course will introduce students to Arabic culture because they will visit Hookah Lounge in Dearborn where Levantine style is very authentic and Ishtar Restaurant, which represents Middle……



Center for Arabic Study Abroad (Casa). (2012). USED Grant Proposal, 2008-2012. Cairo, Egypt, The University Of Texas, Austin. Retrieved from 

Center for Cross-Cultural Learning. (2008). Arabic Course Description and Syllabus. Boston University Morocco Program. Department of Moroccan Languages and Culture CCCL. Retrieved from 

General English Activities Worksheets Games. s

Learn Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) Online with Arab Academy. 

Syllabus for Spanish Culture - Instructure.

Utah State University DigitalCommons@USU. Retrieved from


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Impact Of Culture On Domestic Violence

Pages: 12 (3547 words) Sources: 21 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:31105337

Representations of Black Culture in the Media
Culture theory is one theory that can be used to explain domestic violence. As Serrat (2017) notes, culture is the set of “distinctive ideas, beliefs, values, and knowledge” that define the way people behave and think (p. 31). This theory suggests … their environment; and peers, groups, and media all go into shaping their perception of themselves and those around them (Bandura, 2018). If the culture in which they grow up signals to them that treating people in an inhumane way is acceptable, then those individuals are likely to … likely to engage in domestic violence acts as they feel or believe that it is an acceptable mode of behavior, sanctioned by the culture in which they live. The culture of media, friends, family, schools, churches and other organizations may all play a part in explaining domestic violence situations. The African American……



Adorno, T. & Horkheimer, M. (2007). The culture industry: Enlightenment as mass deception. Stardom and celebrity: A reader, 34, 2007.

Bandura, A. (2018). Toward a psychology of human agency: Pathways and reflections.  Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13(2), 130-136. 

Breger, M. L. (2017). Reforming by re-norming: How the legal system has the potential to change a toxic culture of domestic violence. J. Legis., 44, 170.

Cashmore, E. (2006). The Black culture industry. Routledge.

Coleman, L. (1974). Carl Van Vechten Presents the New Negro. Studies in the Literary Imagination, 7(2), 85.

Cramer, E. P., Choi, Y. J., & Ross, A. I. (2017). Race, Culture, and Abuse of Persons with Disabilities. In Religion, Disability, and Interpersonal Violence (pp. 89-110). Champaign, IL: Springer.

Davis, A. (2012). The Meaning of Freedom. San Francisco, CA: City Light Books.

Decker, J. L. (1993). The state of rap: Time and place in hip hop nationalism. Social Text, (34), 53-84.


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Creating A Culture Of Diversity Healthcare For Veterans

Pages: 5 (1407 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:39849745

… to recent views and ideas, and this is easily identified in their communication, attitude to rules and commands, values, etc. However, besides military culture, this group has other negative commonalities: post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD), drug addiction and abuse, mental disorders, brain damage, and other major traumas (Olenick, ……



Chamorro-Premuzic, T. (2017). Does diversity actually increase creativity? Retrieved from: 

Feldman, S., Dickins, M., Browning, C., & DeSoysa, T. (2015). The health and service needs of older veterans: a qualitative analysis. Health Expect, 18(6), 2202-2212. DOI: 10.1111/hex.12190

Olenick, M., Flowers, M., & Diaz, V. (2015). US veterans and their unique issues: enhancing health care professional awareness. Adv Med Educ Pract, 6, 635-639. DOI: 10.2147/AMEP.S89479

Reid, S. (2018). Helping our older veterans. Retrieved from: 

Taylor, S. L., Bolton, R., Huynh, A., Dvorin, K., Elwy, A., Kliger, B., Bokhour, B. G. (2019). What should health care systems consider when implementing complementary and integrative health: Lessons from Veterans Health Administration. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 25, S52-S60. DOI:10.1089/acm.2018.0445.

Veterans Health Administration Organizational Excellence. (2018). What’s the forecast for VA innovation in 2018? Retrieved from:


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Feminism In Popular Culture

Pages: 5 (1477 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Annotated Bibliography Document #:46863850

Feminism/Post-Feminism in Popular Culture
Search Terms
“feminism pop culture,” “post-feminism pop culture,” “feminist studies current,” and “feminist post-feminist popular culture
H. (2016). Redoing feminism: digital activism, body politics, and neoliberalism.  Feminist Media Studies, 16(1), 17-34.
This study looks at the influence of digital … digital platforms. The main weakness of the article is its lack of discussion on post-feminism and what it means for feminism in popular culture.
M. (2019). Hesitating to go see ‘Captain Marvel’? Then you must be a bad feminist. Retrieved from
This article discusses why … source is a website newspaper—The Washington Post—and it is relevant to my study because it shows how Feminism can be exploited in pop culture for corporatist gains. The strength of the article is that it calls out the hypocrisy of corporations trying to sell Feminism to audiences … from anyone, whether Feminist or anti-Feminist. The weakness of……


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Greek Culture

Pages: 1 (334 words) Document Type:Essay Document #:44355315

Greek culture is really no different from modern culture. For example in today’s culture, there are various iterations of the super heroes who are popular today—and so readers of comic lore will know different variations on the … than did Aeschylus or Homer. The reason for this is that the form of the drama had changed but so too had the culture from the time of Homer to Aeschylus to Euripides. Zeus in Hesiod’s Theogony is different from Zeus in Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound. In Aeschylus’ … more detail. Sophocles followed along with Aristophanes (a satirical playwright) and Euripides (who wrote some of the saddest of the Greek classics).
Greek culture was very fluid in the sense that it appreciated all these different takes on the stories and lives of the gods, because each ……


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Sex And Culture In The United States

Pages: 1 (387 words) Document Type:question answer Document #:20510905

… that “cultural codes of sexual expression dictate whether an act is legal, normal, deviant, or pathological.”
1. Choose one of the countries or cultures included in that section and describe their sexual norms and customs (at least 8 sentences)
One of the countries included in the section ……


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Media And Its Grip On Youth Culture

Pages: 8 (2308 words) Document Type:Essay Document #:55265241

… stereotypical images and characters that perpetuate and propagate biased beliefs. Because so much media is directed at and consumed by young people, youth culture itself becomes inundated with prefabricated ideas that are developed by the Culture Industry for their consumption. The Frankfurt School argued that the reason people in America never rose up against the owners of the means … Frankfurt School argued that the reason people in America never rose up against the owners of the means of production was because the Culture Industry had pacified them by way of the media—films, TV shows, musicals, music albums and so on—all of it had depleted the working … to rise up and take control of their own destiny, like Marx said they would. One of the most powerful companies within the Culture Industry is Disney, and as Giroux points out, it is all about hooking the kids while they……


Works Cited

Drake, Jennifer, et al. Growing up postmodern: Neoliberalism and the war on the young. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2002.

Giroux, Henry. “Disney, Casino Capitalism and the Exploitation of Young Boys: Beyond the Politics of Innocence.” TruthOut, 2009. 

Hall, Stuart. “Representation & the Media.” Media Education Foundation, 1997. 

Marger, Martin N. \\\\\\\\\\\\"The mass media as a power institution.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Power in modern societies (1993): 238-249.

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