Cold War Essays (Examples)


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1960s Cold War

Pages: 2 (725 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:32710214

Conceptions of the cold war
The cold war was the time period following the end of World war II, when the world was basically divided between Communism on the one hand and Capitalism on the other. The West favored Capitalism and … main power in the East. The economic approaches of the two powers were only part of the story, however; this was also a war for hegemony. The U.S. wanted to influence the world order just as much as the Soviets did. Each tried to spread their influence—the … the result of this scare, but the assassination of JFK in 1963 and RFK in 1968 only added to the paranoia. The Vietnam war, supposedly fought to prevent the Soviets from extending their Communist influence throughout Asia, added to the tension at home and abroad. The arms … added to the tension at home and abroad. The arms race escalated……



Hogan, M. J. & Hogan, M. (1989). The Marshall Plan: America, Britain and the

Reconstruction of Western Europe, 1947-1952. Cambridge University Press.

Stone, O. & Kuznick, P. (2012). The untold history of the United States. NY: Gallery.


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McCarthyism Fear Of The Red Menace And The Cold War

Pages: 1 (336 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:response paper Document #:76945842

cold war’s Impact on American Life
As John David Skrentny points out, the cold war helped to remove some of the obstacles that prevented African Americans from obtaining their civil rights in the 20th century. The Communists of … which to browbeat America for its hypocritical values and so-called freedom. America was essentially forced to respond by adopting a more liberal stance war equal rights and to pursue a policy and culture of desegregation.
Middle class white Americans were shaped by the cold war in other ways: rather than open up for them an avenue of social advancement as it did for African Americans, many middle class … the Communist party or for not giving up names to the government of people suspected of being a Communist. The threat of nuclear war also frightened many middle class white Americans, especially in the 1960s as a standoff between the US and……



Kennedy, John F. “Speech, 22 October 1962.”

Skrentny, John David. "The effect of the Cold War on African-American civil rights: America and the world audience, 1945-1968." Theory and Society 27.2 (1998): 237-285.



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Peace Efforts Of The American Friends Committee War Relief USA

Pages: 5 (1635 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:43488948

… part in the fight for peace (Ingle, 2016). The AFSC essentially helped to support and come to the aid of the victims of war, whether they were Jewish, Russian, European, African, etc. (Frost, 1992). This paper will discuss the background of the organization and show that the … were Jewish, Russian, European, African, etc. (Frost, 1992). This paper will discuss the background of the organization and show that the Nobel Committee war them the Peace Prize because at a time when nations were bombing one another into oblivion the Quaker-led organization was a reminder to … than all the gold, palladium, silver and platinum: the basic support the AFSC gave—such as shelter and food supplies—to people impacted by the war and its opposition to the detainment of Japanese-Americans in concentration camps in the US following the bombing of Pearl Harbor showed that the … British co-religionists, the Quakers started……



Franklin, S. (2020). American Friends Service Committee. Retrieved from " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">


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John Lewis Gaddis

Pages: 8 (2280 words) Sources: 9 Document Type:Essay Document #:77530466

John Lewis Gaddis - The cold war Historian
Blaming Stalin and the Soviets for the cold war
Part 1: Life of John Lewis Gaddis
John Lewis Gaddis was born in 1941 and thus grew up and came of age during … 1: Life of John Lewis Gaddis
John Lewis Gaddis was born in 1941 and thus grew up and came of age during the cold war, which he would go on to write about as a historian to great acclaim. Gaddis was raised in Texas and received his education … of 27. He taught at Indiana University, Ohio University, founded the Contemporary History Institute, and became a Visiting Professor of Strategy at Naval war College in the mid-70s. He was also a Visiting Professor at Oxford, Princeton, and Helsinki. By 1997, Gaddis had accepted the position of … The assassination of JFK happened in his home state the same year……



Alpha History, “Cold War Historiography.” 

Branch, Mark Alden. “Days of Duck and Cover,” Yale Alumni Magazine, 2000. 

Encyclopedia. “John Lewis Gaddis,” 2020. 

Gaddis, John Lewis. We Now Know: Rethinking Cold War History. Oxford University Press, 1997.

Kaplan, Fred. “America’s Cold War Sage and His Discontents,” NYTimes, 2007.

Lundestad, Geir. "The Cold War According to John Gaddis." Cold War History 6, no. 4 (2006): 535-542.

National Endowment for the Humanities. “John Lewis Gaddis,” 2005. 

Paxton, Robert. Anatomy of Fascism. New York: Vintage, 2012.


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Weapons Of Mass Destruction

Pages: 9 (2563 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:76982977

… as a result.
But is this method of acting a good or effective one? Today, groups are fighting for control of Libya, with war and the terrorist organizations competing for dominance. The threat of WMDs being smuggled out or used by one of these groups has increased … for weapons. The US and Russia have ended their non-proliferation treaties and there have been plenty of signals in the mainstream media that cold war 2.0 is now here, with the stockpiling of WMDs a certainty. The use of poxies in the last cold war was evident and this time around the same utilization of proxies is bound to occur as well. Already this can be seen with ……



Asada, M. (2008). Security Council Resolution 1540 to combat WMD terrorism: effectiveness and legitimacy in international legislation. Journal of Conflict & Security Law, 13(3), 303-332.

Carter, A. B. (2004). Overhauling counterproliferation. Technology in Society 26(2-3), 257-269.

CBS. (2011). Clinton on Qaddafi: We came, we saw, he died. Retrieved from 

The Commission to Assess the Organization of the Federal Government to Combat the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction. (1999). Combating Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Washington, D.C.

Forest, J.J.F. (2012, Winter). Framework for Analyzing the Future Threat of WMD Terrorism. Journal of Strategic Security 5, 4. Retrieved from 

Hochman, D. (2006). Rehabilitating a rogue: Libya's WMD reversal and lessons for US policy. Parameters, 36(1), 63.

Lang, C. G. (1937). Archbishop's Appeal: Individual Will and Action; Guarding Personality. London Times, 28.

Stone, O., & Kuznick, P. (2013). The untold history of the United States. Simon and Schuster.


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The Hollywood Blacklist Dalton Trumbo And Spartacus

Pages: 12 (3721 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:66297682

… Introduction
By the 1950s, America had moved on from the turmoil of WW2 and was enjoying a bit of peace and prosperity. The cold war was but a looming threat that would escalate fiercely in the 1960s—but in the 50s, Americans were generally content to enjoy themselves. Still, … and had been perceived as an encroaching problem in Hollywood since the 1930s. Following WW2, Senator Joe McCarthy began his crusade to raise war about this specter by flaunting a list of Communists that he knew were secretly hiding in the American government. As fear grew that … in Hollywood.
Part 2: The Communist Party and the Blacklist
The US had been allied with the Soviets in WW2—but now that the war was over, American politicians were rethinking that relationship. The Communist Party became a target though the perceived threat of the Party within the ……



Ceplair, Larry and Christopher Trumbo. Dalton Trumbo: Blacklisted Hollywood Radical. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 2015.

Griffith, Robert. McCarthyism: The Politics of Fear: Joseph R. McCarthy and the Senate. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1987.

Krutnik, Frank. “Un-American” Hollywood: Politics and Film in the Blacklist Era. New Brunswick N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2007.

McGilligan, Patrick and Paul Buhle. Tender Comrades: A Backstory of the Hollywood Blacklist. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2012.

Schrecker, Ellen. The Age of McCarthyism: A Brief History with Documents. Boston: St. Martin’s Press, 1994.

Schrecker, Ellen. Many are the Crimes: McCarthyism in America. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press, 1998.

Smith, Jeff. Criticism, the Cold War, and the Blacklist: Reading the Hollywood Reds. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2014.


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The American Friends And The Peace Movement

Pages: 8 (2337 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:47374510

… Philadelphia’s Quaker-led world-class fight for peace (Ingle, 2016). The AFSC essentially helped to support and come to the aid of the victims of war, whether they were Jewish, Russian, European, African, etc. (Frost, 1992). This paper will discuss the background of the organization, why the Nobel Committee … whether they were Jewish, Russian, European, African, etc. (Frost, 1992). This paper will discuss the background of the organization, why the Nobel Committee war them the Peace Prize and what that means today.
The AFSC is a global social justice association with a mission that has … a mission that has its foundation in the moral philosophy of the Quaker religion. Established in 1917, after the United States entered World war I, the AFSC at first acted as principled conscientious objectors to war. Their peace activism was based on their religious beliefs, which had been manifested in their public life……



Franklin, S. (2020). American Friends Service Committee. Retrieved from " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">


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Influence Of The PRC With Great Power Competition Globalization

Pages: 6 (1708 words) Sources: 9 Document Type:Essay Document #:99402887

… within the Indo-Pacific region.
People’s Republic of China Context
The People’s Republic of China emerged as the winning side in the post-WWII civil war between the Communist Party of China and the ruling Kuomintang. The latter was exiled to Taiwan, the PRC invaded Tibet, and the next … for a long while, that there is a great competition between major powers. In a speech by US Vice-President Mike Pence, a looming cold war was indicated, in turn revealing how the US perceives the PRC, and likely showing that the PRC feels similarly war the US and other major rivals – such views are seldom birthed in a vacuum, but as the result of evidence, actions and ……



Chatzky, A. & McBride, J. (2019) China’s massive Belt and Road Initiative. Council on Foreign Relations. In possession of the author.

“China as a Trading State” (n.d.) In possession of the author. s

“Foreign Direct Investment” (n.d.) In possession of the author.

Global Times (2018) Best strategic opportunity since the Cold War. Global Times. In possession of the author.

Hoffman, S. (2002) Clash of globalizations. Foreign Affairs. July/August 2002. 105-115.

Morrison, W. (2017) China’s economic rise: History, trends, challenges, and implications for the United States. Congressional Research Service. September 15, 2017. In possession of the author.

NIC (2017) Paradox of progress. National Intelligence Council. In possession of the author.

Pollack, J. (no date). Competing visions: China, America and the Asia-Pacific Security Order. In possession of the author.


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Iron Contra The Covert Action Operation In Iran

Pages: 9 (2708 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:25726659

Operation Ajax
The war was triggered by the Anglo-Iranian crisis of 1951 to 1953. The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company was largely viewed as a colonial influence bent on … and bloodshed – the Siyer-Tir on July 21, Mohammad Mossadeq, was granted powers to appoint the chiefs of staff and the minister for war. The British noticed a chance to depose the premier from the differences between the Shah and the government. 18 Nevertheless, Mohammad Mossadeq was … in a coup, but Truman had earlier rebuffed the idea. However, when Eisenhower took charge of the American nation, he was determined to war any communist advances by the Soviet Union. He, therefore, ordered the CIA to pursue the secret overthrowing of a foreign government. The aim … was denied by the coup.
The thinking patterns exhibited by the coup engineers do not fundamentally differ from the view that the so-called war on terror……



Contini, C. (2013). A Realistic View on Iran: International relations and Global Politics. GRIN Verlag.

De Seve, M. (2020). Operation Ajax: The Story of the CIA Coup that Remade the Middle East. Verso Books.

Fowler, R. (2018). More Than a Doctrine: The Eisenhower Era in the Middle East. U of Nebraska Press.

Lee, C. T. (2013). A Cold War Narrative: The Covert Coup of Mohammad Mossadeq, Role of the U.S. Press and Its Haunting Legacies. Senior Theses, Trinity College, Hartford, CT. 

Levin, Y. A. (2018). Operation Ajax in the CIA analytics: colonial knowledge in postcolonial age. Samara Journal of Science, 7(2), 200-203.

Luce, D. D. (2017, September 20). The specter of operation AJAX. The Guardian.

Merica, D., & Hanna, J. (2013). In declassified document, CIA acknowledges role in\\\\\\'53 Iran Coup. CNN News. Retrieved June 15, 2020.

Roosevelt, K. (1979). Countercoup, the Struggle for the Control of Iran. McGraw-Hill Companies.


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The FBI Counterproliferation And Weapons Of Mass Destruction

Pages: 6 (1839 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:33590628

… progressive reduction and eventual elimination of the number of states with nuclear weapons (Mauroni 2010, 58).
The race for nonproliferation started during the cold war. During the era, conflict theory was relatively rational and enemies were well-defined. After 9/11, concerns about nuclear weapons began shifting from aggressive acts … actors could take control of some of the stock piles to cause harm. Nevertheless, even though the push for nonproliferation began during the cold war, the regime hasn’t modernized at a rate fast enough to keep up with the growing threats. Counterterrorism and nonproliferation have not yet come … focused on nuclear threats. Indeed, biological and chemical threats were not given as much attention as nuclear threats until after the first Gulf war in the 1980s that pitted Iran against the Iraqi Kurds (Pilat, 2009, 15). The threat is real as non-state actors are the ones … have the potential……



Busch, Nathan, and Joyner, Daniel (ed). 2009. “Introduction: Nonproliferation at a Crossroads.” In Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Future of Nonproliferation Policy. Athens, GA: The University of Georgia Press.

Reiss, Mitchell. 2009. “Foreword.” In Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Future of Nonproliferation Policy. Edited by Nathan Busch, and Daniel Joyner. Athens, GA: The University of Georgia Press.

Cameron, Gavin, Pate, Jason & Vogel, Kathleen. (2001). “Planting Fear: How Real is the Threat of Agricultural Terrorism?” Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 57(5), 38-44.

Jennings, Elain. 2013. U. S. proliferation policy and the campaign against transnational terror: Linking the U.S. non-proliferation regime to homeland security efforts. Master’s Thesis. Naval Postgraduate School.

Levi, Michael. 2009. “On Nuclear Terrorism.” Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.

Mauroni, Albert. J. 2010. “A Counter-WMD Strategy for the Future.” Parameters, 58-73.

Ogilvie-White, Tanya. 2008. “Facilitating Implementation of Resolution 1540 in South- East Asia, and the South Pacific.” In Implementing Resolution 1540: The Role of Regional Organizations. Edited by Lawrence Scheinman. New York: United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research.

Pilat Joseph F. 2009. “Dealing with Proliferation and Terrorism.” In Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Future of International Nonproliferation Policy, edited by Nathan E. Busch and Daniel H. Joyner. Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.

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