Study Document
The most significant terrorist attack on American soil was the September 11 attacks by Al Qaeda terrorists. The attacks changed the perception that America cannot suffer such attacks, considering how far away it is from where terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda are based. The attacks also initiated America’s war against terrorism, which continues to date. Before the September 11 attacks, Americans had never experienced a large scale terrorist incident within their country’s borders. Moreover, most local and state security agencies had no experience … never experienced a large scale terrorist incident within their country’s borders. Moreover, most local and state security agencies had no experience with such attacks and were, therefore, very ill-prepared to respond to them. The only historic attacks or incidents that compare to the September 11 attacks were the airplane hijackings of the seventies and the eighties. The fact that Americans were not prepared and……
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Weapons of Mass Destruction
An electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) attack could crash the American economy and bring virtually every industry to a standstill—such is the reliance of modern business upon the digital infrastructure. … economy and bring virtually every industry to a standstill—such is the reliance of modern business upon the digital infrastructure. Thus, considering an EMP attack is something that government should take very seriously. As more and more of the world becomes dependent upon cyber infrastructure for the maintenance … upon technology and that this overreliance can actually compromise a country’s progress and increase its risk of falling into ruin should a sudden attack like an EMP attack hit where it hurts most? Absolutely—and both state and non-state actors know that, which is why either one could conduct a high altitude … where it hurts most? Absolutely—and both state and non-state actors know that, which is why either……
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… implement appropriate procedures and policies to respond to cybersecurity incidents effectively.
Cybersecurity refers to the ability of entities to prepare for possible attacks initiated through the internet, react to those attacks, and be able to recover from those cyber incidents (Kimberly, 2018). Cybersecurity in the maritime industry is not an isolated development, and recent … those cyber incidents (Kimberly, 2018). Cybersecurity in the maritime industry is not an isolated development, and recent incidents such as the Estonia cybersecurity attack in 2007 and Stuxnet in 2009 should have served to demonstrate to the Maritime industry the disruptiveness of cybersecurity breaches (Herzog, 2011). Having … industry seems to have let its guard down. The maritime industry has played down any of the legitimate fears of a potential cybersecurity attack, despite 90% of the world trade being facilitated by the maritime industry (Hoffmann, 2018). Expectations, competition, and tensions are at highest……
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… wireless phone. Notably, the vulnerable and open nature of wireless communications networks causes wireless transmissions to be substantially more susceptible to different malicious attacks by impostors. This varies from identity theft, eavesdropping to interrupt data, violating the rights for privacy, denial-of-service attacks, to incorporation of viruses, Trojan horse and other mischievous codes to interrupt valid transmissions, and jamming attacks (Ijemaru et al., 2018). What is more, imposters and trespassers have the ability to incapacitate or deactivate firewall protection to attain accessibility to … conducted by Laeeq (2011), the survivability of wireless communications is associated to the protection mechanism of wireless communications and toughness or strength against attacks and failure of network components or communication in its own. These issues comprise of the Wireless Sensor Network gateway forming a sole point … reason that the communication medium, the airwave, of wireless networks is wide open to trespassers, who exploit and……
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… the Iraqi Kurds (Pilat, 2009, 15). The threat is real as non-state actors are the ones that have mainly used biological and chemical attacks. In 2006/2007, Iraqi insurgents used Chlorine with traditional explosive devices in an experiment to inflict the most harm possible. While the attack led to the injury of hundreds of people and the loss of death, it was not as lethal as the insurgents had hoped … not as lethal as the insurgents had hoped largely because of suboptimal delivery systems. A few days after 9/11, there was an anthrax attack in Washington DC that led to the death of five people and the infection of 17 other people. As per the FBI’s account, … led to the death of five people and the infection of 17 other people. As per the FBI’s account, the investigation into the attack was one of the most complex operations……
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… the wounding of several more, the USS Cole Bombing was in reality just one more terrorist incident in an already growing line of attacks (both foreign and domestic) that revealed a pressing need for a counterproliferation strategy. When the USS Cole was hit in Aden harbor, the … U.S. intelligence. From COINTELPRO to today, covert action is an important process in preventing cells or groups from taking steps to undermine or attack the interests of America. [8: The Commission to Assess the Organization of the Federal Government to Combat the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass … of the country and thus rob the nation of a brighter future but also because they could easily be used in a terror attack or placed into a water supply and thus used to poison the country’s citizens. For that reason it is very important to have … be considered from the standpoint……
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The assassination of Major General Qassem Soleimani
In early 2020, January 3, the U.S. launched airstrike attacks around Baghdad International Airport and killed two of the most influential leaders in Iran, Iraq, and the surrounding regions. The strike killed Qassem … powers to stop an insurrection (Vladeck, 2004).
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