Adolescence Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Why Ageism Needs To Be Stopped In Society

Pages: 9 (2613 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Prompts Document #:38322228

...Adolescence The Issue of Age in Cultural Diversity
Age is an important aspect of cultural diversity that often goes ignored. For that reason ageism is a particularly problematic issue. Racism and sexism are often reported on but prejudice against the elderly is not so commonly touched upon in society. For example, the current presidential candidate Joe Biden is often mocked on social media by people engaging in ageist behavior, attacking him for being senile and having dementia because he stutters or stumbles in his speech or train of thought while campaigning. What people do not realize is that they would likely not fare any better were they to hit the campaign trail and have to give numerous speeches. As Albom (2019) notes, “jabs at Joe Biden mask our growing ageism issue.” This paper will discuss the cultural factors regarding age, developmental theory models, relevant laws, other diversity issues, resources available……



Albom, M. (2019). Jabs at Joe Biden mask our growing ageism issue. Retrieved from 

David, K. E. (2018). The Poster Child of the “Second” Cultural Revolution: Huang Shuai and Shifts in Age Consciousness, 1973–1979. Modern China, 44(5), 497-524.

Heggeness, M. L., Carter-Johnson, F., Schaffer, W. T., & Rockey, S. J. (2016). Policy implications of aging in the NIH-funded workforce. Cell Stem Cell, 19(1), 15-18.

Landeiro, F., Barrows, P., Musson, E. N., Gray, A. M., & Leal, J. (2017). Reducing social isolation and loneliness in older people: a systematic review protocol. BMJ Open, 7(5), e013778.

Lassila, S. (2019). Managing Risks of an Aging Workforce. Construction Executive, 2020. Retrieved from 

Liu, S. J., Lin, C. J., Chen, Y. M., & Huang, X. Y. (2007). The effects of reminiscence group therapy on self-esteem, depression, loneliness and life satisfaction of elderly people living alone. Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine, 12(3), 133-142.

Lumen. (2019). Theoretical perspectives on deviance. Retrieved from 

McLeod, S. (2018). Erik Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development. Retrieved from


Study Document Study Document

Individual Self Esteem Growth And Development

Pages: 4 (1244 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:45484325

...Adolescence Development of Self-Esteem
As self-aware and self-reflective beings, numerous individuals instinctively identify the significance of self-esteem. Self-esteem is, therefore, more of perception instead of a reality. It alludes to an individual’s belief regarding whether one is whether appealing or competent, and it does not necessarily mean anything regarding whether the individual is appealing and competent. Conventionally, the majority of people consider self-esteem to be significant. It is hard, in not intolerable, for people to continue being unconcerned to information that impacts their self-esteem, for instance, being told that they are stupid, ugly, or deceitful. An escalation or decline in self-esteem usually generates significant emotional responses. Furthermore, these changes are usually corresponding with key successes and failures experienced in life. Therefore, self-esteem facilitates happiness, greater performances, and also improved standards of living.
By Maslow (1943), the actions of human beings are motivated to accomplish particular needs. Maslow delineates five various levels……



Baumeister, R. F., Campbell, J. D., Krueger, J. I., & Vohs, K. D. (2003). Does high self-esteem cause better performance, interpersonal success, happiness, or healthier lifestyles? Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 4(1), 1–44.

Cosentino, B. W. (2020). Loving Yourself. How to raise your self-esteem.

Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370.

Robinson, R. B., & Frank, D. I. (1994). The relation between self-esteem, sexual activity, and pregnancy. Adolescence, 29(113), 27–35.

Watts, R. (2015). Adler’s individual psychology: The original positive psychology. REVISTA DE PSICOTERAPIA, 26 (102) 123-131.


Study Document Study Document

Psychological Test Evaluation Beck Anxiety Inventory BAI

Pages: 10 (3024 words) Sources: 14 Document Type:question answer Document #:27835511

...Adolescence Psychological Test Evaluation: Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI)
Section 1: General Features
a) Title: Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI)
b) Author(s): Aaron T Beck, Robert A Steer
c) Publisher: Pearson Education, Inc.
d) Publication Year: 1993
e) Age Range: 17 years to adult (Beck & Steer, 1993)
f) Qualification Code: CL2
Section 2: Instrument Description
a) Instrument Function: What does it measure?
BAI is a tool used to measure the level of anxiety in persons aged 18 and above. It is the criteria referenced assessment instrument. The Beck Anxiety Inventory provides professionals with a strong basis on which to anchor their diagnosis and decisions about the same (Beck et al., 1988; Beck & Steer, 1993). The instrument can be used to measure baseline anxiety to establish how effective treatment is as it goes on. It can also be applied as an outcome measure during the post-treatment period.
(a) Population: Who does the……



Arnold, L. M., Clauw, D., Wang, F., Ahl, J., Gaynor, P. J., &Wohlreich, M. M. (2010). Flexible dosed duloxetine in the treatment of fibromyalgia: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. The Journal of rheumatology, 37(12), 2578-2586.

Beck, A. T., & Steer, R. A. (1993). Beck Anxiety Inventory manual. San Antonio, TX: Psychological Corporation.

Beck, A. T., Epstein, N., Brown, G. & Steer, R. A. (1988). An inventory for measuring clinical anxiety: psychometric properties. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 56, 893–897.

Biggs, Q. M. (2008). Transportation trauma and psychological morbidity: Anxiety, depression, PTSD, and perceived control in a hospitalized sample. (Doctoral dissertation, University of North Texas).

DeFeo, J. (2005). Beck Anxiety Inventory. NCTSN Measure Review Database. Retrieved from 

Gillis, M. M., Haaga, D. A., & Ford, G. T. (1995). Normative values for the beck anxiety inventory, fear questionnaire, Penn state worry questionnaire, and social phobia and anxiety inventory. Psychological Assessment, 7(4), 450.

Halfaker, D. A., Akeson, S. T., Hathcock, D. R., Mattson, C., &Wunderlich, T. L. (2011). Psychological aspects of pain. Pain procedures in clinical practice (pp. 13-22). Hanley &Belfus.

Julian, L. J. (2011). Measures of anxiety: state?trait anxiety inventory (STAI), Beck anxiety inventory (BAI), and Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale?anxiety (HADS?A). Arthritis care & research, 63(S11), S467-S472.


Study Document Study Document

Overmedicated Children In ADD And ADHD

Pages: 4 (1194 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:53180886

...Adolescence Are children overmedicated in regards to ADD and ADHD?
According to a report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 10,000 children could be receiving psych stimulant medication, e.g., Methylphenidate referred to as Ritalin. This report lead was reported by among others, the media indicates that children are being overmedicated, because of mainly the notably high numbers (Insel). Also, a study by the University of Florida College of Pharmacy showed that there is about a 40% chance of having three-year-olds who have been diagnosed with ADHD taking up to three kinds of mental health drugs by the time they are aged eight years old (Lea Reynolds). These drugs include anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, and other multi-mental health drugs. The findings of these two reports bring to the forefront the claim that children with ADD or ADHD are being overmedicated (Lea Reynolds). This essay, therefore, seeks to argue this……


Works cited

Insel, T. R. "Post by former NIMH director Thomas Insel: Are children overmedicated." National Institutes of Mental Health (2014). Web.

Kazda, Luise, et al. "Evidence of potential overdiagnosis and overtreatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents: protocol for a scoping review." BMJ Open 9.11 (2019).

Lea Reynolds, Jennifer. Are We Overmedicating Our Children With ADHD? U.S. News & World Report L.P., (2017). Web.

Olfson, Mark, et al. "National trends in the office-based treatment of children, adolescents, and adults with antipsychotics." Archives of general psychiatry 69.12 (2012): 1247-1256.


Study Document Study Document

Gun Violence Among African American Community

Pages: 8 (2438 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:71870574

...Adolescence Introduction
The Violence Policy Center (2020) notes that African Americans are only 13% of the US population yet they represent more than half of all American homicides; but what is worse is that 87% of African American homicides are killed by guns. It is evident from these statistics that gun violence among the African American community is a real problem. This paper will provide an overview of the problem, who it affects and why it is important for social workers to address it.
Overview of the Problem
Who is Affected
According to FBI data, in 2016 there were 7,756 African American homicide victims in the US. This equals to a homicide rate for African Americans of 20.44 per 100,000 (Violence Policy Center, 2020). 6,505 out of 7,442 victims were killed with guns. 17% of the killings were gang related. Nearly half of the killings were a result of an argument……



Brown, J. (2005). Tupac Shakur, (2-Pac) in the Studio: The Studio Years (1989-1996). Phoenix, AZ: Colossus Books.

Carbado, D. W. (2017). From Stop and Frisk to Shoot and Kill: Terry v. Ohio's Pathway to Police Violence. UCLA L. Rev., 64, 1508.

Howard University. (2020). PHD in social work. Retrieved from 

Jones, N. (2014). “The regular routine”: Proactive policing and adolescent development among young, poor black men. New directions for child and adolescent development, 2014(143), 33-54.

Llewellyn, J. J., Archibald, B. P., Clairmont, D., & Crocker, D. (2013). Imagining success for a restorative approach to justice: Implications for measurement and evaluation. Dalhousie LJ, 36, 281.

Spergel, I., Wa, K., & Sosa, R. (2005). Evaluation of the Mesa Gang Intervention Program (MGIP). School of Social Service Administration, The University of Chicago.

Violence Policy Center. (2020). Black homicide victimization. Retrieved from 


Study Document Study Document

Social Support Networks For Mental Health

Pages: 1 (362 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:32434138

… A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370.
Woods, H. C., & Scott, H. (2016). # Sleepyteens: Social media use in adolescence is associated with poor sleep quality, anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. Journal of adolescence, 51, 41-49.…



Feenstra, J. (2013). Social psychology. Retrieved from 

Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370.

Woods, H. C., & Scott, H. (2016). # Sleepyteens: Social media use in adolescence is associated with poor sleep quality, anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. Journal of adolescence, 51, 41-49.


Study Document Study Document

Separation Anxiety Disorder SAD

Pages: 5 (1574 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Evidence Based Practice Document #:75175545

...Adolescence Abstract
Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD) causes significant impairment in kindergarten studies, social functioning, and family relations among children. This paper is a case study of SAD in an eight-year-old African-American female child, named Chloe, under foster care. The paper includes an annotated bibliography and an evidence-based model recommending cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for the given case. The research question for this paper is: how effective is CBT in the treatment of SAD among preschool children diagnosed with SAD? Based on the findings of the annotated literature review, it is concluded that CBT is highly effective as a SAD treatment among preschool children diagnosed with anxiety disorder. Hence, it is recommended that Chloe should undergo a CBT counseling program. The initial treatment goal for Chloe is to help her recognize her anxious feelings and physical responses.
Part 3: Applying Research to a Case Study (Evidence-Based Practice)
Annotated Bibliography
The manifestation……



Minde, K., Roy, J., Bezonsky, R., & Hashemi, A. (2010). The effectiveness of CBT in 3–7 year old anxious children: Preliminary data. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 19(2), 109.

Ruocco, S., Gordon, J., & McLean, L. A. (2016). Effectiveness of a school-based early intervention CBT group programme for children with anxiety aged 5–7 years. Advances in School Mental Health Promotion, 9(1), 29-49.

Schneider, S., Blatter-Meunier, J., Herren, C., Adornetto, C., In-Albon, T., & Lavallee, K. (2011). Disorder-specific cognitive-behavioral therapy for separation anxiety disorder in young children: a randomized waiting-list-controlled trial. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics, 80(4), 206-215.

Van der Sluis, C. M. (2016). Anxiety disorders in young children: Parent and child contributions to the maintenance, assessment and treatment. (Ph.D. Thesis, University of Amsterdam).


Study Document Study Document

Sexual Addiction And Treatment

Pages: 7 (2185 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Case Study Document #:23935207

...Adolescence Case Study Assessment
Chemical Use Assessment/History and Treatment Recommendations
Name: Alan
DOB/Age: 42
Dates of Interviews: July 10-15, 2019
Evaluator: X
Reason for Assessment
Alan is addicted to pornography and masturbation and wants to stop looking at pornography while alone. He has been “hooked” since the age of 14 but has never come close to expiring the same feeling he had when he looked at porn for the first time. He wants to stop his addiction because he feels it is hurting his marriage and he does not want to lose his wife, who knows about his one infidelity as well as his addiction and worries that he might stray again. He has already been divorced once and has a son who does not live with him. Clearly he wants to break free of his addiction but does not know how to do it.
Sources of Information
Alan is the……



Brand, M., Snagowski, J., Laier, C., & Maderwald, S. (2016). Ventral striatum activity when watching preferred pornographic pictures is correlated with symptoms of Internet pornography addiction. Neuroimage, 129, 224-232.

Doweiko, H. E. (2015). Concepts of chemical dependency (9th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

Gilbert, D. (2014). The Novena to St. Boniface of Tarsus: A Pastoral Program for Addressing Sexual Addiction in Colonial Mexico. Catholic Social Science Review, 19: 87-109.

Laaser, M. (2004). Healing the wounds of sexual addiction. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.

Manley, G., & Koehler, J. (2001). Sexual behavior disorders: Proposed new classification in the DSM-V. Sexual Addiction &Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 8(3-4), 253-265.

McKeague, E. L. (2014). Differentiating the female sex addict: A literature review focused on themes of gender difference used to inform recommendations for treating women with sex addiction. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 21(3), 203-224.

Park, B., Wilson, G., Berger, J., Christman, M., Reina, B., Bishop, F., ... & Doan, A. (2016). Is Internet pornography causing sexual dysfunctions? A review with clinical reports. Behavioral Sciences, 6(3), 17.

Young, K., Pistner, M.,O’Mara, J., & Buchanan, J. (2009). Cyber disorders: the mental health concern for the new millennium. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 2(5), 475-479.


Study Document Study Document

Impact Of Phobias

Pages: 14 (4238 words) Sources: 12 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:96563573

...Adolescence Abstract
Phobias are a kind of anxiety disorder that can make an individual to experience extreme irrational fear regarding a situation, object, or living creature. Phobias should not be confused with normal fears since phobias are linked to a particular situation or object and they are persistent for 6 or more months. In this paper, we will describe what a phobia is and offer the differentiation of phobias from normal fear. We will then provide the diagnosis criteria for phobias as indicated in the DSM-5 manual. The 4Ds will be analyzed as they relate to phobia and the models of abnormality will be discussed. Treatment, history, culture, and prognosis will form the later part of the paper.
According to Sutherland, Middleton, Ornstein, Lawson, and Vickers (2016) a phobia is defined as a type of anxiety disorder that makes an individual experience extreme irrational fear about a living creature, situation,……



Campos, D., Mira, A., Bretón-López, J., Castilla, D., Botella, C., Baños, R. M., & Quero, S. (2018). The acceptability of an internet-based exposure treatment for flying phobia with and without therapist guidance: patients’ expectations, satisfaction, treatment preferences, and usability. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 14, 879.

Carleton, R. N., Thibodeau, M. A., Weeks, J. W., Teale Sapach, M. J. N., McEvoy, P. M., Horswill, S. C., & Heimberg, R. G. (2014). Comparing short forms of the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale and the Social Phobia Scale. Psychological assessment, 26(4), 1116-1126. doi:10.1037/a0037063

Erceg-Hurn, D. M., & McEvoy, P. M. (2018). Bigger is better: Full-length versions of the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale and Social Phobia Scale outperform short forms at assessing treatment outcome. Psychological assessment, 30(11), 1512-1526. doi:10.1037/pas0000601

Goetter, E. M., Frumkin, M. R., Palitz, S. A., Swee, M. B., Baker, A. W., Bui, E., & Simon, N. M. (2018). Barriers to mental health treatment among individuals with social anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. Psychological Services, No Pagination Specified-No Pagination Specified. doi:10.1037/ser0000254

Halldorsdottir, T., & Ollendick, T. H. (2016). Long-term outcomes of brief, intensive CBT for specific phobias: The negative impact of ADHD symptoms. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 84(5), 465-471. doi:10.1037/ccp0000088

Hirsch, J. A. (2018). Integrating Hypnosis with Other Therapies for Treating Specific Phobias: A Case Series. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 60(4), 367-377.

Leitenberg, H., Agras, W. S., Barlow, D. H., & Oliveau, D. C. (1969). Contribution of selective positive reinforcement and therapeutic instructions to systematic desensitization therapy. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 74(1), 113-118. doi:10.1037/h0027063

Probst, T., Berger, T., Meyer, B., Späth, C., Schröder, J., Hohagen, F., . . . Klein, J. P. (2019). Social phobia moderates the outcome in the EVIDENT study: A randomized controlled trial on an Internet-based psychological intervention for mild to moderate depressive symptoms [Press release]


Study Document Study Document

Teaching Sexual Education In Public School

Pages: 8 (2487 words) Sources: 9 Document Type:Term Paper Document #:19342188

...Adolescence Background: Why Teach Sexual Education?
With about half of all high school students admitting to have already had sex, and only 60% of those students claiming they used a condom, sexual education can be considered a public health imperative (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2019). Unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases are the most important health-related reasons to teach sexual education in public schools. Research has shown that “when sex education is comprehensive, students feel more informed, make safer choices and have healthier outcomes — resulting in fewer unplanned pregnancies and more protection against sexually transmitted diseases and infection,” (“America’s Sex Education: How We Are Failing Our Students,” 2017, p. 1). Children will seek out and find information related to sex outside the classroom, such as on the Internet, opening them up to potentially poor sources of information. Compounding the problem is that only 13 states currently require sexual education……



Abbott, K., Ellis, S. J., & Abbott, R. (2016). “We”ve got a lack of family values’: an examination of how teachers formulate and justify their approach to teaching sex and relationships education. Sex Education, 16(6), 678–691. doi:10.1080/14681811.2016.1169398 

“America’s Sex Education: How We Are Failing Our Students,” (2017). USC Department of Nursing. Retrieved from 

Bauman, S.D. (2018). When sex ed pretends to be secular. Senior Independent Study Theses. Paper 8059. Retrieved from 

Kirby, D. B. (2008). The impact of abstinence and comprehensive sex and STD/HIV education programs on adolescent sexual behavior. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 5(3), 18-27

Lepore, J. (2015). The facts of life. 94 Foreign Aff. 144 (2015).

National Conference of State Legislatures (2019). State policies on sex education in schools. Retrieved from 

Pardini, P. (2019). The history of sexuality education. Rethinking Schools. Retrieved from 

Planned Parenthood (2019). What is sex education? Retrieved from

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