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war on Drugs Futile Failing and Nefariously Linked to the war on terror
Effectiveness of the war on Drugs
I. Introduction
A. History of drugs, cross-cultural perspective
1. Opium war
2. Since Nixon, the modern “war on drugs”
3. History of drug use in different societies
B. History of government intervention in the private lives of individuals via drug … drug use in different societies
B. History of government intervention in the private lives of individuals via drug policy.
C. Effects of the war on drugs
1. Is it effective? Quantify the deaths related to the WOD, as well as the social entropy in communities, families, and … Discussion
A. Race, class, power perspectives
B. Government, public policy, global affairs
C. Criminalization, justice
D. Other sociological issues
1. Organized crime and terror
2. White collar crime (tobacco and pharmaceutical industries)
III. Literature Review
A. Balancing public health/safety with personal……
ACLU (2020). Against drug prohibition. Retrieved from: " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">
Study Document
I. Introduction
A. History of drugs, cross-cultural perspective
1. Opium war (ACLU, 2020)
2. Since Nixon, the modern “war on drugs” (Pearl, 2018)
3. History of drug use in different societies (ACLU, 2020)
B. History of government intervention in the private lives … 2020)
B. History of government intervention in the private lives of individuals via drug policy (ACLU, 2020); Baumbauer, 2012).
C. Effects of the war on drugs
1. Is it effective? Quantify the deaths related to the WOD, as well as the social entropy in communities, families, and … 2016).
B. Government, public policy, global affairs (Coyne & Hall, 2017; Godlee & Hurley, 2016)
C. Criminalization, justice (ACLU, 2020; “America is At war,” n.d.; Farabee, Prendergast & Anglin, 1998).
D. Other sociological issues
1. Organized crime and terror (“America is at war,” n.d.; Coomber, Moyle, Belackova, V., et al., 2018; Pearl, 2018).
2. White collar crime (tobacco……
ACLU (2020). Against drug prohibition. Retrieved from: " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">
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Evaluating a terror Strategy
One of the problems with the “war on terror” as first conceived in the wake of 9/11 was that it lacked objectivity and realism (Taddeo, 2010). The mission calculus was unclear, the … unclear, the operation involved lacking in all the variables of iSTART (ideology, strategy, tactics, accounting/financing, recruitment, targets). What was the aim of the terror operation in Afghanistan? Numerous negative consequences of the mission followed: the liberation of the poppy fields and the spike in the heroin trade … and the deaths of nearly 40,000 Afghani civilians (Almukhtar & Nordland, 2019). Because the US lacked an adequate iSTART framework going into its terror operation in Afghanistan, the result has been an extended, largely ineffective and costly war without end.
The iSTART Framework
The iSTART framework provides six principles for effective terror strategies. Ideology focuses on providing legitimacy for the terror operation by showing……
Almukhtar, S. & Nordland, R. (2019). What Did the U.S. Get for $2 Trillion in Afghanistan? Retrieved from
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Kiras, J. D. (2002). Terrorism and Irregular Warfare, in John Baylis, James Wirtz, Eliot Cohen and Colin Gray eds., Strategy in the Contemporary World (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), 208–232.
Study Document
… 9/11. With the killing of several crewmen and the wounding of several more, the USS Cole Bombing was in reality just one more terror incident in an already growing line of attacks (both foreign and domestic) that revealed a pressing need for a counterproliferation strategy. When the … Cole was hit in Aden harbor, the FBI began focusing on suspects who would later be tied to 9/11 and the spread of terror cells throughout the Middle East.[footnoteRef:2] It was not, of course, the only incident to spark that focus—but it was an important factor in … in the development of a new counterproliferation strategy that would inevitably become the plan to stop the spread and usage of WMDs by terror against America. As the primary research question of this study is “In what ways can the nonproliferation regime connect and collaborate with homeland … question of this study is……
Arnold, Aaron and Daniel Salisbury, “The Long Arm,” Belfer Center, 2019.
Carter, Ashton B. "Overhauling counterproliferation." Technology in Society 26, no. 2-3 (2004): 257-269.
The Commission to Assess the Organization of the Federal Government to Combat the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction. “Combating Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction,” Washington, D.C., 1999.
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Fischer, Rowena Rege. “Guide to the Study of Intelligence: Counterproliferation,” Journal of U.S. Intelligence Studies 21, no. 1 (Winter 2014-15), 78-82.
Liow, Joseph Chinyong. "The Mahathir administration's war against Islamic militancy: operational and ideological challenges." Australian Journal of International Affairs 58, no. 2 (2004): 241-256.
Manchikanti, Laxmaiah, Jaya Sanapati, Ramsin M. Benyamin, Sairam Atluri, Alan D. Kaye, and Joshua A. Hirsch. "Reframing the prevention strategies of the opioid crisis: focusing on prescription opioids, fentanyl, and heroin epidemic." Pain physician 21, no. 4 (2018): 309-326.
Study Document
… is always undergoing redevelopment. Thus, the political objectives are not achieved because the objectives may change along with strategy. Third, the global opinion war the U.S. has itself changed over time, meaning that allies are more and more hesitant to work with the U.S. after the disastrous … U.S. has itself changed over time, meaning that allies are more and more hesitant to work with the U.S. after the disastrous Iraq war and the bungling of the Libyan regime change and the Syrian intervention. The Muslim population is divided in its stance war the U.S. Saudi Arabia remains an ally, but one that is also open to working with Russia. Turkey is openly being courted by … an ally, but one that is also open to working with Russia. Turkey is openly being courted by Russia. Iran is openly antagonistic war the U.S. As Mary Habeck notes, the U.S.……
Builder, Carl H. “The Masks of War: American Military Styles in Strategy and Analysis.”
Gray, Colin S. “Why Strategy is Difficult,” JFQ.
Habeck, Mary. “Why They Did It,” Knowing the Enemy: Jihadist Ideology and the War on Terror.”
Walt, Stephen. “Why Alliances Endure or Collapse,” Survival, vol. 39, no. 1 (Spring 1997), 156-179.
Study Document
One of the goals of the G. W. Bush Administration, which launched the war on terror campaign, was to “end the state sponsorship of terror” (White House, 2003). The top goals of the Bush Administration, however, were to defeat Bin Laden and Al-Zarqawi, as well to identify terror organizations and demolish them. The first two goals have been accomplished. The latter is dependent upon eradicating state sponsorship of terror. Thus, as shall be seen in this strategy paper, ending the state sponsorship of terror should be the number one goal of this administration, as state sponsorship is the primary means by which terror continues to this day (Malzahn 2002).
Successes and Failures Since 2001
While the U.S. has been successful at defeating terror since 9/11, it has not done as well when it comes to defeating the idea of terror (Bipartisan Policy Center, 2017). Even though ISIS has been……
Bipartisan Policy Center. (2017). Defeating terrorists, not terrorism. Retrieved from
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Nordland, R. & Mashal, M. (2019). U.S. and Taliban Edge Toward Deal to End America’s Longest War. Retrieved from
White House. (2003). National strategy for combating terrorism. Retrieved from
Study Document
… own independent clandestine operations at times—often in ways that are not supportive of a unified aim or of a particular administration’s policy, as war and McDonald (2005) point out in their research. The Overview of the United States Intelligence Community for the 111th Congress (2009) states, for … not necessarily going to be working together or sharing intelligence or even pursuing the same ends simultaneously.
In their research on this issue, war and McDonald (2005) note that these various intelligence agencies can be politicized, meaning their actions may not always be aligned with the policies … aligned with the policies and platforms of the administrations under which they are operating. This was seen in the lead-up to the Iraq war when in the aftermath of 9/11 there was a push by an inner “cabal,” as Seymour Hersh (2003) called it in his research … aftermath of 9/11 there was……
Arnold, A. and D. Salisbury. The Long Arm, 2019. Retrieved from
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Carter, Ashton B. \\\\\\"Overhauling counterproliferation.\\\\\\" Technology in Society 26, no. 2-3
(2004): 257-269.
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McCormick, G. H., & Owen, G. “Security and coordination in a clandestine organization.” Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 31, no. 6-7 (2000), 175-192.
Study Document
Operation Ajax
The war was triggered by the Anglo-Iranian crisis of 1951 to 1953. The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company was largely viewed as a colonial influence bent on … and bloodshed – the Siyer-Tir on July 21, Mohammad Mossadeq, was granted powers to appoint the chiefs of staff and the minister for war. The British noticed a chance to depose the premier from the differences between the Shah and the government. 18 Nevertheless, Mohammad Mossadeq was … in a coup, but Truman had earlier rebuffed the idea. However, when Eisenhower took charge of the American nation, he was determined to war any communist advances by the Soviet Union. He, therefore, ordered the CIA to pursue the secret overthrowing of a foreign government. The aim … was denied by the coup.
The thinking patterns exhibited by the coup engineers do not fundamentally differ from the view that the so-called war on terror……
Contini, C. (2013). A Realistic View on Iran: International relations and Global Politics. GRIN Verlag.
De Seve, M. (2020). Operation Ajax: The Story of the CIA Coup that Remade the Middle East. Verso Books.
Fowler, R. (2018). More Than a Doctrine: The Eisenhower Era in the Middle East. U of Nebraska Press.
Lee, C. T. (2013). A Cold War Narrative: The Covert Coup of Mohammad Mossadeq, Role of the U.S. Press and Its Haunting Legacies. Senior Theses, Trinity College, Hartford, CT.
Levin, Y. A. (2018). Operation Ajax in the CIA analytics: colonial knowledge in postcolonial age. Samara Journal of Science, 7(2), 200-203.
Luce, D. D. (2017, September 20). The specter of operation AJAX. The Guardian.
Merica, D., & Hanna, J. (2013). In declassified document, CIA acknowledges role in\\\\\\'53 Iran Coup. CNN News. Retrieved June 15, 2020.
Roosevelt, K. (1979). Countercoup, the Struggle for the Control of Iran. McGraw-Hill Companies.
Study Document
… are to the other branches of the military. First, military aviation was dedicating insufficient resources, including time, to maintenance. The period of the war on terror many specialized personnel in many departments working around the clock to ensure things were running smoothly. Maintenance issues were, therefore, rarely a … rarely a problem. With most of the maintenance work being done by contractors, pilots were left to fly several hours with some accumulating war of 100,000 hours within a year (Burke, 2018). The situation after the war is totally different. At home, a great portion of the maintenance work is done by service members. It is true that maintainers are … that is mainly seen in the Army is occasioned by the Aviation Restructuring Initiative. The initiative led to the divesting of the Kiowa war helicopter and its replacement with Apache helicopters that were provided by the National Guard.……
Reference List
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Study Document
The Tactics of the British Intelligence against the IRA
History of the IRA
The Provisional IRA formed in response to a war between the Irish Republican Army and the British state in Northern Ireland from 1969 to 1998. The IRA or what is commonly referred … flaunt on the surface of things, though it was a strategy supported in ways behind the scenes.
The Troubles began in 1969 as war broke out between the Irish nationalists and the unionists, the former mainly Catholic and the latter mainly Protestant. Violence against nationalists had occurred … talks and so the stand-off continued. The aim of the IRA at that point was to cripple the economy of Belfast through a terror campaign (Maloney, 2010). Five years later, the Provisional IRA converted itself into a cell structure as mass arrests were occurring and the ranks … state to withdraw fully from Northern Ireland by……
Bamford, B. (2005). The Role and Effectiveness of Intelligence in Northern Ireland. Intelligence and National Security, 20(4), 581-607.
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Maloney, E. (2010). Voices from the Grave: Two Men’s War in Ireland. NY: Faber, Faber.
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