Time Management Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Identifying Key Characteristics Of A High Performance Project Team

Pages: 6 (1759 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:33471333

… are the resulting problems?
The criteria that FEL uses to assign manager to project teams are only partially efficient. The criteria consist of time (who is available at the time a new project starts) and experience (those with experience are given preference). More criteria should be considered, such as, which workers have a … clearly has a negative perception of the job because it is abroad and this is influencing her perception of it getting done on time. Before assigning workers to jobs like this, FEL should consider which workers prefer to travel abroad and which prefer to stay stateside. Knowing … and gotten jobs done—but that was in the past, and the relationship between two of the team members has only soured in the time and another team member has no interest in being abroad (though she did not openly admit this, it does seem a logical rationale……



Lumsden, G., Lumsden, D., & Weithoff, C. (2010). Communicating in groups and teams: Sharing leadership (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Muslihat, D. (2018). Why You Need Good Teamwork For Project Management Success. Retrieved from  https://zenkit.com/en/blog/why-you-need-good-teamwork-for-project-management-success/ 

Natvig, D., & Stark, N. L. (2016). A project team analysis using Tuckman's model of small-group development. Journal of Nursing Education, 55(12), 675-681.


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Globalization Of Insurance

Pages: 8 (2325 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Term Paper Document #:88593479

… result of an outcome that went back to the FASB’s desire to serve the needs of economics, accounting and finance all the same time (Flegm, 2008): “The problem developed because of the conflict between economics, accounting and finance—and the education of accountants. All three fields are vital … that it does not allow one to inflate one’s balance sheet. Fair value accounting allows companies to create impressive balance sheets when the time are good and the market is moving in their favor. It is when the market turns against them that things become dire. And ……



Egan, M. (2018). Tax cut triggers $437 billion explosion of stock buybacks. Retrieved from  https://money.cnn.com/2018/07/10/investing/stock-buybacks-record-tax-cuts/index.html 

Flegm, E. H. (2008). The Need for Reliability in Accounting. Why historical cost is more reliable than fair value. Journal of Accountancy, 205(5), 34.

Healy, P. M., Palepu, K., & Serafeim, G. (2009). Subprime Crisis and Fair-Value Accounting. HBS Case, (109-031).

Laux, C., & Leuz, C. (2010). Did fair-value accounting contribute to the financial crisis?. Journal of economic perspectives, 24(1), 93-118.

Light, L. (2019). More than Half of All Stock Buybacks are Now Financed by Debt. Here’s Why That’s a Problem. Retrieved from  https://fortune.com/2019/08/20/stock-buybacks-debt-financed/ 

Reda, J. (2018). How Stock Buybacks Can Affect Executive Compensation. Retrieved from  http://clsbluesky.law.columbia.edu/2018/08/03/how-stock-buybacks-can-affect-executive-compensation/ 

Young, M. R., (2008). Both sides make good points. Journal of Accountancy, 205(5), 34.

Vaughan, E. J., & Vaughan T. M., (2013). Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance, 11th Edition.


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Why Having A Proper Work Life Balance Reduces Burnout

Pages: 2 (661 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Essay Document #:85899115

… have friends, they have children or spouses, and they have duties and obligations that they must meet outside of what they do professionally. time these duties relate to the community or to a church or to a school or to a house or family. The bottom line … The bottom line is that these duties necessitate that a person be able to balance the work-life relationship in a way that sufficient time is given to both one’s professional responsibilities and to one’s private responsibilities.
The concept of work-life balance is that one should have a … both one’s professional responsibilities and to one’s private responsibilities.
The concept of work-life balance is that one should have a healthy and effective management of time with regards to work and life. It is going to be different for everyone, so knowing what works for oneself is important (Sanfilippo, … so knowing what……



Sanfilippo, M. (2020). How to improve your work-life balance. Retrieved from  https://www.businessnewsdaily.com/5244-improve-work-life-balance-today.html 

Weber, J. (2018). 17 Ways Companies Help Employees Achieve Work-Life Balance. Retrieved from  https://www.projectmanager.com/blog/companies-help-employees-achieve-work-life-balance 


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Ethical Issues Conflicts Of Interest

Pages: 4 (1232 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Essay Document #:89213693

… The basis of conflict of interest is the social values structure and the standards of ethics in a given setup. At the same time, some people do not realize that there is a problem when there is a conflict of interest, the bar for civilized people demands ……



Alterio, E. (2011). From judicial comity to legal comity: A judicial solution to global disorder?I-CON, 9(2), 394-424. doi: 10.1093/icon/mor036

BrainMass. (2019). Correctional officer subculture: Ethics. Retrieved from  https://brainmass.com/law/familylaw/correctional-officer-subculture-ethics-165895 

Filgueiras, F. (2011).Transparência e controle da corrupção no Brasil. In: Corrupção e sistemapolítico no Brasil, edited by Leonardo Avritzer and Fernando Filgueiras. Rio de Janeiro: CivilizaçãoBrasileira.

Kindregan, C. (1975).Conflict of interest and the lawyer in civil practice. Retrieved from  https://scholar.valpo.edu/vulr/vol10/iss3/2 

Legal Dictionary. (2018). Conflict of interest. Retrieved from  https://legaldictionary.net/conflict-of-interest/ 

Lilles, H. (2002). Circle sentencing: Part of the restorative justice continuum. IIRP. Retrieved from  https://www.iirp.edu/news/circle-sentencing-part-of-the-restorative-justice-continuum 

Montes, A., Mears, D., &Conchran, J. (2016). The privatization debate: A conceptual framework for improving (public and private) corrections. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 32(4). Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/305418634_The_Privatization_Debate_A_Conceptual_Framework_for_Improving_Public_and_Private_Corrections

Off, C. (1999). How can we trust our fellow citizens? In: Democracy and trust, edited by Mark Warren. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


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Physical And Mental Disabilities In The Workplace

Pages: 9 (2585 words) Sources: 15 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:74915062

...Time management Introduction
By analyzing the critical issues of diversity in today’s world through the lenses of history, the humanities, the natural and applied sciences, and the social sciences, one can see how the feedback loop within society is created. This paper explores the issue of physical and mental disabilities in the workplace. Until recently in this nation’s history, individuals with disabilities were viewed as liabilities—but now the very language that people use when discussing individuals who have physical or mental disabilities is changing. Even the term “disabled” seems to stem from the problematic concept of ableism: as the Center for Disability Rights points out, some managers still operate under “the assumption that disabled people need to be 'fixed' in one form or the other.” That assumption is being challenged across the country as the rights of disabled people are asserted and defended—and this paper shows how. Historically, the disabled population has been one……



Baruch, Y. (2000). Teleworking: benefits and pitfalls as perceived by professionals and managers. New technology, work and employment, 15(1), 34-49.

Bortz, D. (2018). Can Blind Hiring Improve Workplace Diversity? Retrieved from  https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/news/hr-magazine/0418/pages/can-blind-hiring-improve-workplace-diversity.aspx 

Center for Disability Rights. (2019). Ableism. Retrieved from  http://cdrnys.org/blog/uncategorized/ableism/ 

Corrigan, P. W. (2016). Lessons learned from unintended consequences about erasing the stigma of mental illness. World Psychiatry, 15(1), 67-73.

Fabian, R. (2019). New Marvel Film \\\\\\\\\\\\'The Eternals\\\\\\\\\\\\' Will Feature First Deaf Superhero. Retrieved from https://finance.yahoo.com/news/marvel-film-eternals-feature-first-211402332.html

Faurer, J., Rogers-Brodersen, A., & Bailie, P. (2014). Managing the re-employment of military veterans through the Transition Assistance Program (TAP). Journal of Business & Economics Research (Online), 12(1), 55.

Guruge, S., Wang, A. Z. Y., Jayasuriya-Illesinghe, V., & Sidani, S. (2017). Knowing so much, yet knowing so little: a scoping review of interventions that address the stigma of mental illness in the Canadian context. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 22(5), 507-523.

Marquis, J.P., Lim, N., Kavanagh, J., Harrell, M.C. & Scott, L.M. (2007). Managing Diversity in Corporate America: An Exploratory Analysis. Pittsburgh, PA: Rand Corporation.


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Pages: 4 (1230 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Case Study Document #:69370752

...Time management Problem with Extrinsic Motivation and How Maslow's Theory Can Help
Tesla has been identified as a company that struggles with employee motivation under CEO Elon Musk, who has attempted to push his employees to outperform in order to meet production targets (James, 2019). Rather than using intrinsic motivation to compel employees to self-actualize and reach their fullest and maximum levels of potential, Musk uses extrinsic motivation—which only takes one so far before the trade-off between excessive labor and long hours fails to seem worth it to employees (James, 2019). As Gerhart and Fang (2015) explain, pay, benefits and bonuses are extrinsic motivators that companies use to push employees to meet targets. However, at some point employees will conduct a cost-benefit analysis of their own and determine whether the additional labor and longer hours are worth the extra benefits or bonuses. The reliance by the company upon extrinsic motivators hits……



Automotive News. (2019). Tesla burning through execs like cash. Retrieved from  https://www.autonews.com/executives/tesla-burning-through-execs-cash 

Gerhart, B., & Fang, M. (2015). Pay, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, performance, and creativity in the workplace: Revisiting long-held beliefs. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 2, 489-521

James, G. (2019). Elon Musk Ain't All that Great at Motivating Employees. Retrieved from  https://www.inc.com/geoffrey-james/elon-musk-ant-all-that-great-at-motivating-employees.html 

Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370.

Wong, C. (2018). Tesla workers say they pay the price for Elon Musk's big promises. Retrieved from  https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jun/13/tesla-workers-pay-price-elon-musk-failed-promises 

Youssef-Morgan, C. & Noon, A. (2017). Industrial/Organizational psychology (2nd ed.). Retrieved from  https://content.ashford.edu/  " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">


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Drone Technology

Pages: 2 (668 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:30881274

… the future.
Currently, last minute deliveries and last mile deliveries require drivers who must navigate the roads and traffic, all of which requires, time, manpower, energy and resources to do. With drones, however, a last minute delivery could be made by sending a drone to pick up ……



Military. (2019). Drones. Retrieved from  https://www.military.com/equipment/drones 

Oswald, E. (2017). Here’s everything you need to know about Amazon’s drone delivery project, Prime Air. Retrieved from  https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/amazon-prime-air-delivery-drones-history-progress/ 

Yurieff, K. (2017). Amazon patent reveals drone delivery \\\\\\'beehives\\\\\\'. Retrieved from  https://money.cnn.com/2017/06/23/technology/amazon-drone-beehives/index.html 


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Stock Dividend Vs Stock Split

Pages: 1 (335 words) Sources: 1 Document Type:Essay Document #:82025199

… equities market is being propelled to new heights. Therefore, a stock split coming from a company like Apple will reward investors handsomely over time. But coming from a company that is drowning in debt and is only splitting the stock with the intention of satisfying debt holders, ……



Stock Split. (2019). Retrieved from  https://www.stocksplithistory.com/apple/ 



Study Document Study Document

Self Regulation Proposal

Pages: 6 (1825 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:60406308

… is not only a viable alternative to external regulation by third party agencies, it is also a necessary step towards the reduction and management of risk. Companies alone have the most access to records and numbers, to workers and actions that may need investigating: external regulators do … and numbers, to workers and actions that may need investigating: external regulators do not generally have this access, and it can take substantial time for them to gain it and put a case together. Companies alone also have the power to monitor their own actions on the ……



Arner, D. W., Barberis, J., & Buckey, R. P. (2016). FinTech, RegTech, and the reconceptualization of financial regulation. Nw. J. Int'l L. & Bus., 37, 371.

Arnone, M., & Padoan, P. C. (2008). Anti-money laundering by international institutions: a preliminary assessment. European Journal of Law and Economics, 26(3), 361-386.

Greene, E., & Odorski, C. (2015). SEC enforcement in the financial sector: addressing

Omarova, S. T. (2010). Rethinking the future of self-regulation in the financial industry. Brook. J. Int'l L., 35, 665.post-crisis criticism. Bus. L. Int'l, 16, 5.

Omarova, S. T. (2011). Wall street as community of fate: Toward financial industry self-regulation. University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 159(2), 411-492.

Pritchard, A. C. (2003). Self-regulation and securities markets. Regulation, 26, 32.


Study Document Study Document

Childrens Amusement Park

Pages: 10 (3072 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Marketing Plan Document #:62460752

… play games and have a snack zone with healthy but good-tasting treats. It is to be a place where parents are comfortable spending time as well while they allow their children to play on their own.
The mission is to reach this vision by adhering to the … up. There has been demand for more games including miniature golf and a go-cart race track; however, the site is limited at the time, and the company would have to conduct a capital raise for investment. The company does not have a strong community connection at this … and the company would have to conduct a capital raise for investment. The company does not have a strong community connection at this time and should seek to engage in more promotional and sponsoring activities.
Opportunities are many: the community is growing via development for miles around. … be made of the environment.……



Andzulis, J. M., Panagopoulos, N. G., & Rapp, A. (2012). A review of social media and implications for the sales process. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 32(3), 305-316.

Appelbaum, S. H., Habashy, S., Malo, J. L., & Shafiq, H. (2012). Back to the future: revisiting Kotter's 1996 change model. Journal of Management Development, 31(8), 764-782.

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