Studyspark Study Document

Grade Six Mathematics Lesson Plan

Pages:6 (2529 words)



Topic:Lesson Plan

Document Type:Lesson Plan


Part 1:

Lesson plan 1

1. Lesson Plan Information

Subject/Course: Mathematics


Grade Level: Sixth

Date: Time:

Topic: Fractions

Length of Period: 1hr 30 minutes

Standard: Pennsylvania’s Common Core State Standard CC.2.3.2.A.2 for Mathematics

2. Lesson objective(s)

Expectation(s) (Directly from The State Curriculum):

i. Understanding of fractions (parts of a fraction)

ii. Understand basic operations with fractions

· Addition

· Subtractions

· Division

· Multiplication

iii. Ability to perform operations with fractions

Learning Skills (Where applicable):

· Creative thinking

· Critical analysis

3. Learning Context

A. The Learners

Sixth grade learners have basic knowledge on fractions, how to perform basic operations on fractions.

To accommodate diversity (learning), different methods of instructions will be used. The primary method of instructions will be guidance notes to ensure challenged learners are carried along.

B. Learning Environment

A learner-centered classroom environment is to be used. Classroom practices will be aimed at discovering what the students think, their misconceptions, and help students readjust their ideas and to create robust ideas on mathematical concepts.

C. Resources/Materials

· Guidance notes

· Chalkboard and chalk

· Writing materials for students

4. Teaching/Learning Strategies


Lesson will be introduced by reflecting on students understanding of fraction, through oral questions. The knowledge students have will inform the background information to be covered on fractions. The oral questions will be asked by the teacher on random students. The questions will be based on prior knowledge from lower grade curriculum requirements.


The lesson will then progress to cover the course requirements for sixth grade students. New concepts will be taught through the guided notes, with students expected to make notes on the spaces provided.

Other methods that will be used in learning include;

· Integration of technology. In addition to calculations, calculators and computers will be used by students.

· The learning process will be done through a problem-based approach. The teacher will use problem to help students understand how to perform the various operations with fractions. The mathematical problem will be written on the board, and then solved by engaging the students in the process to solve it.

· After, a significant number of problems are solved; the class will be divided into groups and given problems to tackle them as a group.

CONCLUSION: How will I conclude the lesson?

Lastly, the lesson will be completed with an individual problem. A problem will be given for each student to complete individually. The problem will then be marked by the teacher instantly. The problem will be assessed not just on the correctness of the problem, but also the time taken to complete the problem.

5. Diversity integration

First, the class setting and the sitting arrangement will be done to ensure every student is comfortable based on their physical capabilities. Second, sitting arrangement will be done to promote integration of ethnicity and racial diversity and learning capabilities, this will also be promoted in the groups. Lastly, various learning and teaching methods will be used as discussed earlier so as to ensure inclusivity and learning of every student.

Lesson plan 2

1. Lesson Plan Information

Subject/Course: Mathematics


Grade Level: twelfth

Date: Time:

Topic: Fractions

Length of Period: 1hr 30 minutes

Standard: Pennsylvania’s Common Core State Standard CC.2.3.2.A.2 for Mathematics

2. Lesson objective(s)

Expectation(s) (Directly from The State Curriculum):

By the end of the course, students are expected to;

· Learn to connect to ideas of ratio and rate and division and multiplication.

· Complete their understanding of the division of fractions, the system of rational numbers, and negative numbers.

· Learn to write equations and expressions. Students will be able to write equations to represent a given situation. As such, students will understand the solutions of an equation and the variables that make an equation true.

· Develop understanding of statistics. Students will understand that the distribution of data might not have a definite center thus the methods of measurements can provide varying values. Students will also be able to measure variability of a given piece of data to describe it.

Learning Skills

· Creative thinking

· Critical analysis

· Listening and observation

· Knowledge presentation

3. Learning Context

A. The Learners

At the 12th grade, students have adequate understanding of fractions as to understand the various components of a fraction, how to solve expressions, and such concepts as BODMAS (Bracket of Division Multiplication Addition and Subtraction). At this level, the students are able to work with fractions to find unknown values (algebra). 12th grade students are developed critical and creative thinking skills.

To ensure inclusion of all the learners, different methods of instruction and teaching strategies will be used. These include;

a. Strategies

· Guided notes

· Implementation of universal design for learning

· Adoption of a strong behavior management plan

b. Instruction methods

· Direct instruction

· Questions and answer

· Practice

· Discussion

· Inquiry

B. Learning Environment

The teacher will use proactive strategies to create and maintain a positive learning environment that accommodates all students through;

· Establishment and utilization of ground rules

· Prioritize questions than answers

· Provide and promote opportunities for students to practice

· Learning will be incorporated with real every day activities

· The sitting arrangement within the classroom will be done to promote integration

C. Resources/Materials

· Students writing materials

· Guided notes

· Chalkboard and chalk

· Curriculum prescribed text.

4. Teaching/Learning Strategies


The lesson will be introduced by seeking students knowledge on the subject, on…

Sample Source(s) Used


Spooner, F., Baker, J. N., Harris, A. A., Ahlgrim-Delzell, L., & Browder, D. M. (2007). Effects of training in universal design for learning on lesson plan development. Remedial and special education, 28(2), 108-116.

Wiggins, G. P., & McTighe, J. (2012). The Understanding by design guide to advanced concepts in creating and reviewing units. ASCD.

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