Study Document
… included breakfast, interest areas, morning meetings, small group teaching, quiet time, lunch, gross motor sessions, and small and large group read-louds. The Creative curriculum that is founded in scientific studies and grounded on comprehensive child development values, is also used in educating the children.
Related services
Special needs services offered in the school include physical therapy and language/speech pathology. … Children aged four are given priority, and the spots left are given to children aged…[break]…of high-quality personnel. The ECE program principal closely monitors curriculum development and ensures that it is founded on the Illinois Early Learning and development Standards. The role of the principal is to be conversant with the EC regulations. The principal has to understand the administration process, teacher-student … The role of the principal is to be conversant with the EC regulations. The principal has to understand the administration process, teacher-student ratio, curriculum, budgeting needs, as……
Avdameg. (2020). Early childhood education. Retrieved from
Illinois Early Learning Project. (2020). 2013 Illinois early learning and development standards. Retrieved from
Rock, A. (2020). What your child will learn in pre-school. Retrieved from
Study Document
… before they enter into college and a nursing program. Students need to start developing real world skills that will translate well to professional development in the healthcare industry—and that means they need to develop communication skills, technological understanding, and have access to intro-level health care courses when … little guidance otherwise (Shackelford, 2019). This paper will discuss why introducing informatics early in nursing education can have a positive effect on professional development and the healthcare industry overall. It will also include a discussion of how informatics skills and knowledge were used in the process relevance … to collaborate and coordinate with nurse leaders in the industry to develop a standard informatics competency that schools can use to guide their curriculum development; and 3) devise a new curriculum for nurse educators that will place informatics right alongside all other aspects of nursing practice and care, preferably early on in the……
Eardley, D. L., Krumwiede, K. A., Secginli, S., Garner, L., DeBlieck, C., Cosansu, G., & Nahcivan, N. O. (2018). The Omaha System as a Structured Instrument for Bridging Nursing Informatics With Public Health Nursing Education: A Feasibility Study. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 36(6), 275-283.
Kinnunen, U. M., Rajalahti, E., Cummings, E., & Borycki, E. M. (2017). Curricula challenges and informatics competencies for nurse educators. Forecasting informatics competencies for nurses in the future of connected health, 232, 41-48.
Piscotty Jr, R. J., Kalisch, B., & Gracey?Thomas, A. (2015). Impact of healthcare information technology on nursing practice. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 47(4), 287-293.
Risling, T. (2017). Educating the nurses of 2025: Technology trends of the next decade. Nurse education in practice, 22, 89-92.
Shackelford, S. (2019). Industry Voices—Healthcare is changing. We need to reach the future workforce earlier. Retrieved from
Shin, E. H., Cummings, E., & Ford, K. (2018). A qualitative study of new graduates’ readiness to use nursing informatics in acute care settings: clinical nurse educators’ perspectives. Contemporary nurse, 54(1), 64-76.
Tubaishat, A. (2019). The effect of electronic health records on patient safety: A qualitative exploratory study. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 44(1), 79-91.
Study Document
Arabic Language and Culture Course: Middle East Culture
This grant proposal seeks funds to support the development of the Arabic Language and Culture Course. This course will provide opportunities for students to further enhance their Arabic language skills outside the … in the program include 4 Arabic multi-media book units (book title - “Hadduuta MaSriyya” “An Egyptian Story”), which is, at present, in the development phase, by three senior CASA educators. The textbook is in its final stage of editing and revision and is expected to be published … stage of editing and revision and is expected to be published in the spring.
· Eight hours weekly dedicated to additional MSA skills development in the areas of listening, reading, writing, and speaking via Egypt: Culture and Society course. This program especially emphasizes listening to and reading … significance. This program takes 14 weeks and offers three context hours per……
Center for Arabic Study Abroad (Casa). (2012). USED Grant Proposal, 2008-2012. Cairo, Egypt, The University Of Texas, Austin. Retrieved from
Center for Cross-Cultural Learning. (2008). Arabic Course Description and Syllabus. Boston University Morocco Program. Department of Moroccan Languages and Culture CCCL. Retrieved from
General English Activities Worksheets Games. s
Learn Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) Online with Arab Academy.
Syllabus for Spanish Culture - Instructure.
Utah State University DigitalCommons@USU. Retrieved from
Study Document
This paper provides an overview of Butler College Prep, its demographics, and its programs and services for special needs students. It looks at curriculum and instruction efforts as well as at the role of the principal in the school and how he oversees special education services and … and physical exercise equipment to support special needs, and parent education programs that focus on professional activities that parents can pursue.
Section 4: curriculum and Instruction
Research-based curriculum used for literacy in the school consists of modified regular education materials designed for ELA students with unique learning needs. The connection to … both of whom focus on providing ELA students with new ways in which to acquire language through activities that promote active learning.
One curriculum unit for example that is research-based rests on the theory that task-based learning is helpful in giving students an opportunity to acquire language ……
Baker, S. K., Chard, D. J., Ketterlin-Geller, L. R., Apichatabutra, C., & Doabler, C.(2009). Teaching writing to at-risk students: The quality of evidence for self-regulated strategy development. Exceptional Children, 75, 303–320.
Browder, D., Ahlgrim-Delzell, L., Spooner, F., Mims, P. J., & Baker, J. N. (2009). Using time delay to teach literacy to students with severe developmental disabilities. Exceptional Children, 75, 343–364.
Donohoo, J., Hattie, J., & Eells, R. (2018). The power of collective efficacy. Educational Leadership, 75(6), 40-44.
Illinois at a Glance Report Card. (2019). Noble Butler College Prep. Retrieved from
The Japanese Association for Language Teaching (2005). Vocabulary [Special issue]. The Language Teacher, 29(7) .[PDF]
Jitendra, A. K., Burgess, C., & Gajria, M. (2011). Cognitive strategy instruction for improving expository text comprehension of students with learning disabilities: The quality of evidence. Exceptional Children, 77, 135-159.
Prabhu, N. S. (1987). Second Language Pedagogy. Oxford University Press. Retrieved from
School Performance. (2017). Illinois Network of Charter Schools. Retrieved from
Study Document
… and issues facing African American/minority community. In this regard, students will make connections on the role and impact of ancient civilizations on the development and growth of African American/minority community. These connections help to create a suitable foundation for development and understanding social studies and social justice standards among students. Grade-level social studies content incorporates Connecting Concepts, which is a term referring to … 2014). Teachers needs to understand these concepts and structure their lessons in a manner that enhances students’ understanding of the issues. Through proper curriculum and lesson structure, educators enable students to make connections between the concepts and new information. This in turn supports comprehension of the knowledge, ……
Archdiocese of Santa Fe. (2011). Social Studies Curriculum. Retrieved April 27, 2020, from
This publication provides an overview of world history and geography as part of social studies curriculum for 6th grade students. It provides an outline of learning outcomes and assessments/strategies that can be employed in a 6th grade history class. These strategies, assessments, and learning outcomes are developed in line with common standards and based on what students at this grade level should achieve by the end of the unit. It was utilized to determine suitable strategies, assessments and learning outcomes to incorporate for the success of this unit.
Blake, C. (2020). Teaching Social Justice in Theory and Practice. Retrieved April 27, 2020, from
This article examines the process of teaching social justice in relation to existing theory and best practices. The author examines how classrooms are designed to be avenues for social change by promoting learning of new ideas. This article was used to identify a contemporary educational theme in diversity and social justice. The identified theme was utilized to shape the unit content and teaching strategies.
California Department of Education. (2000). History – Social Science Content Standards for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve. Retrieved from California Department of Education website:
The publication provides an overview of standards relating to the study of history and social science from kindergarten to grade twelve. Standards are used as the premise for shaping learning content, expectations, and outcomes for students in different grades. Insights from this publication was used to shape learning content, expectation, outcomes, and strategies for this instructional unit.
edCount. (2014). World History and Geography: Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, and Ancient Israel. Retrieved from Tennessee State Government website:
The article examines grade 6 topic on world history and geography in relation to common standards. The author reviews different subject areas relating to this topic including ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and ancient Israel. Through this review, the publication seeks to enhance knowledge of grade-appropriate social studies concepts, skills, and knowledge. The publication was used to identify relevant knowledge, skills and social studies concepts relating to this instructional unit.
Study Document
… ELLs and their parents, 2) the district’s procedures for identifying, assessing and placing students in ESOL program, 3) the district’s educational approach and curriculum, 4) the district’s methods and procedures for students exiting from ESOL program, and 5) the district’s method of evaluating the effectiveness of the … This goal is consistent with bilingual language policy that calls on teachers to create instructional plans that incorporate adequate time for English language development (Diaz-Rico & Weed, 2010).
The procedure for evaluation involves reviewing the procedures for identifying, assessing, and placing potential ELLs into the ESOL program, … procedure for evaluation involves reviewing the procedures for identifying, assessing, and placing potential ELLs into the ESOL program, the district’s educational approach and curriculum, and procedures for exiting students. Program evaluation helps the district to comply with its obligations to ELLs and their families.
Danville School ……
Danville School District ESOL Program Handbook. (2019, October). Cloud Object Storage | Store & Retrieve Data Anywhere | Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).
Díaz-Rico, L. T., & Weed, K. Z. (2010). The Crosscultural, language, and academic development handbook: A complete K-12 reference guide (4th ed.). Allyn & Bacon.
Sutton, L. C., Cornelius, L., & McDonald-Gordon, R. (2012). English language learners and judicial oversight: Progeny of Castaneda. Educational Considerations, 39(2).
U.S. Department of Education. (2012, May). Language Instruction Educational Programs (LIEPs): A Review of the Foundational Literature.
U.S. Department of Justice. (2019, October 15). Types of educational opportunities discrimination.
Study Document
Length of Period: 1hr 30 minutes
Standard: Pennsylvania’s Common Core State Standard CC.2.3.2.A.2 for Mathematics
2. Lesson objective(s)
Expectation(s) (Directly from The State curriculum):
i. Understanding of fractions (parts of a fraction)
ii. Understand basic operations with fractions
· Addition
· Subtractions
· Division
· Multiplication
iii. … The oral questions will be asked by the teacher on random students. The questions will be based on prior knowledge from lower grade curriculum requirements.
The lesson will then progress to cover the course requirements for sixth grade students. New concepts will be taught through the …
Length of Period: 1hr 30 minutes
Standard: Pennsylvania’s Common Core State Standard CC.2.3.2.A.2 for Mathematics
2. Lesson objective(s)
Expectation(s) (Directly from The State curriculum):
By the end of the course, students are expected to;
· Learn to connect to ideas of ratio and rate and division and … within the classroom will be……
Spooner, F., Baker, J. N., Harris, A. A., Ahlgrim-Delzell, L., & Browder, D. M. (2007). Effects of training in universal design for learning on lesson plan development. Remedial and special education, 28(2), 108-116.
Wiggins, G. P., & McTighe, J. (2012). The Understanding by design guide to advanced concepts in creating and reviewing units. ASCD.
Study Document
… The internet, since then, started becoming the reservoir of knowledge, giving free access to information and educational resources (Loannao, 2018). Because of these development, online courses and online education began and were incorporated in different educational fields as the means of expanding knowledge and enhancing the learning … where both the teachers and the students need to be physically present at the same time and at the same place for fulfilling curriculum goals (Bender, 2006).
Education has incorporated technological innovation for its success, making the online education the solution for today’s modern era, eradicating the … also realized the importance of technology in making the entire learning procedure more effective. Online studio education has immense benefits for the entire curriculum, learning objectives, course outline, and the educational environment of the students, imparting within them the new technological changes that will enhance their overall … more useful for the modern……
Bender, D. M. (2006). Using Online Education Technologies to Support Studio Instruction. Educational Technology and Society.
Kurt, S. (2009). An analytic study on the traditional studio environments and the use of the constructivist studio in the architectural design education. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 401-408.
Loannao, O. (2018). Opening up design studio education using blended and networked formats. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education.
Nottingham, A. (2014). Reshaping design education: teaching graphic design online and onsite. The University of Melbourne.
Pasin, B. (2017). Rethinking the Design Studio-Centered Architectural Education. A Case Study at Schools of Architecture in Turkey. The Design Journal.
Siddiqi, A. A. (2002). ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STUDIO PROJECTS AND THE CHARADES OF CURRICULUM. The 6th Saudi Engineering Conference, KFUPM. Architecture Department, College of Environmental Design, KFUPM Dhahran.
Study Document
… please all parents and other stakeholders. Some points of controversy specifically include abortion and LGBTQ rights. Other sources of controversy include adapting the curriculum to teach sexual education differently to people with disabilities.
Because sexual education can be so controversial, there are distinct drawbacks with incorporating it ……
Abbott, K., Ellis, S. J., & Abbott, R. (2016). “We”ve got a lack of family values’: an examination of how teachers formulate and justify their approach to teaching sex and relationships education. Sex Education, 16(6), 678–691. doi:10.1080/14681811.2016.1169398
“America’s Sex Education: How We Are Failing Our Students,” (2017). USC Department of Nursing. Retrieved from
Bauman, S.D. (2018). When sex ed pretends to be secular. Senior Independent Study Theses. Paper 8059. Retrieved from
Kirby, D. B. (2008). The impact of abstinence and comprehensive sex and STD/HIV education programs on adolescent sexual behavior. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 5(3), 18-27
Lepore, J. (2015). The facts of life. 94 Foreign Aff. 144 (2015).
National Conference of State Legislatures (2019). State policies on sex education in schools. Retrieved from
Pardini, P. (2019). The history of sexuality education. Rethinking Schools. Retrieved from
Planned Parenthood (2019). What is sex education? Retrieved from
Study Document
… to progress academically in school. To this perspective, income poverty, parental inputs, and family background, all have a considerable impact on the cognitive development of young children. The impact of income poverty on children's cognitive development is negative and significant. This negative effect is more significant for persistent poverty as it is more harmful to cognitive development than period to period poverty. It is noteworthy that teachers could play an essential role in helping students from low-income families when students … that teachers could play an essential role in helping students from low-income families when students face economic and educational challenges. The solution is development appropriate, and culturally sensitive interventions such as the EAP could help young children from low SES families to improve their literacy skills, prepare … trying to help those children. The objective of this research was to find ways in which better learning outcomes can……
The Problem
Compton-Lilly, C., & Delbridge, A. (2019). What Can Parents Tell Us About Poverty and Literacy Learning? Listening to Parents Over Time. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 62(5), 531–539.
Dickerson, A., & Popli, G. K. (2016). Persistent poverty and children\\\\\\\\\\\\'s cognitive development: evidence from the UK Millennium Cohort Study. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 179(2), 535-558.
Hampden-Thompson, G., & Galindo, C. (2017). School-family relationships, school satisfaction, and the academic achievement of young people. Educational Review, 69(2), 248–265.
Thompson, K., Richardson, L. P., Newman, H., & George, K. (2019). Interaction Effects of Socioeconomic Status on Emerging Literacy and Literacy Skills among Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Children: A Comparison Study. Journal of Human Services: Training, Research, and Practice, 4(1), 5.
The Solution
Borre, A., Bernhard, J., Bleiker, C., & Winsler, A. (2019). Preschool Literacy Intervention for Low-Income, Ethnically Diverse Children: Effects of the Early Authors Program Through Kindergarten. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR), 24(2), 132–153.
Comber, B., & Kamler, B. (2004). Getting Out of Deficit: Pedagogies of reconnection. Teaching Education, 15(3), 293–310.
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