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Indirect Vs Direct Abortion and Catholic Teaching Essay

Related Topics: Cancer Life Health Care Death

Pages:3 (1021 words)


Subject:Social Issues


Document Type:Essay



First off, no decision can be made without the informed consent of the parents and if they are opposed to a hysterectomy then it is unethical to go ahead with the operation. Additionally, if they are opposed to an abortion to save the mother’s life then this option cannot be advised or considered either. The principle of the double effect states that there are times when it is morally permissible to perform an action in pursuit of a good end even though it will also have bad effects as well. This is the basic concept behind an indirect evil. In the pursuit of a good, i.e., the preservation of the mother’s life an indirect bad may result but it is not immoral because the bad result was not pursued directly. This would be the situation with a hysterectomy and the direct vs. indirect sterilization issue. The mother does not want to be sterilized but in order to stop the spread of the cancer it is recommended. Determination of death is a trickier area because the Church has never really defined this, as all medical definitions are flawed in their own ways. There are essentially three definitions: a biological definition—i.e., death occurs with the loss of the physiological integrative unity of the body (this is essentially the most acceptable definition—but there is no clear determination as to when death occurs, though the Church has stated that extraordinary means are not required to maintain integrative unity; there is also a psychological definition—i.e., death occurs with the permanent loss of consciousness or other essential human properties associated with personhood (this definition is problematic from a Catholic point of view); and a sociological definition—i.e., death occurs with the loss of socially conferred membership in the human community (again, this definition is also problematic from a Catholic perspective). Death from cessation of cardio-pulmonary function would fall under the biological definition; whole brain death could possibly or it could fall under the third definition or the second…

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…as the Church has condemned it.[footnoteRef:4] Indirect abortion is abortion that is neither willed nor pursued for its own end—but killing a child to save a mother’s life cannot be justified, and so it cannot be recommended here either. Indirect abortion is a way of attempting to justify abortion or to justify what is wrong. [4: Evangelium Vitae 62]

I would recommend in prudence seeking out alternatives by discussing with an alternative health doctor. A solution to this problem of cancer could possibly be found using this route and it would allow the parents to avoid the hysterectomy (potentially) and to avoid abortion. It would give them time to act and to think rationally and not as though they are under the gun, which is how the health care industry often makes people feel. It is not the best industry in the world in my opinion and I would let the parents know that so that they feel supported in their reluctance to do as the health care…

Sample Source(s) Used


Cancer Cures.

Evangelium Vitae 62

Watanabe, Y., Tsuritani, M., Kataoka, T., Kanemura, K., Shiina, M., Ueda, H., & Hoshiai, H. (2009). Radical hysterectomy for invasive cervical cancer during pregnancy: a retrospective analysis of a single institution experience. European journal of gynaecological oncology, 30(1), 79-81.

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