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same sex marriage Ethics
sex Morality
Matters of sex may appear innate, but it has been demonstrated over time that sex has evolved over the ages, just like other aspects of life. Studies show that orientations, sex identities, and the knowledge of physiology have been shaped by historical forces. As opposed to being intrinsic, human sex is influenced by a range of factors, including the food one eats, social class, family systems, and psychological theories. As opposed to being … food one eats, social class, family systems, and psychological theories. As opposed to being segregated and split into small privacies of people's lives, sex has also influenced people's lives in turn. Indeed, it has had a strong influence on governance systems to worship styles. When mass society … strong influence on governance systems to worship styles. When mass society developed in the course of the war, it gave rise……
Akpan, C. O. (2017). The Morality of Same-Sex Marriage: How Not to Globalize a Cultural Anomie. Online Journal of Health Ethics, 13(1), 2.
Ellison, M. (2012). Is Same-Sex Marriage a \\\\\\"Must\\\\\\" or a \\\\\\"Bust\\\\\\"? In Making Love Just: Sexual Ethics for Perplexing Times (pp. 59-76). Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress. DOI:10.2307/j.ctt22nm74r.8
Koppelman, A. (2014). Judging the case against same-sex marriage. U. Ill. L. Rev., 431.
Millstein, S. (2014). How to argue for gay marriage and win any debate with a hater. Retrieved from
Morini, M. (2017). Same-sex marriage and other moral taboos: cultural acceptances, change in American public opinion, and the evidence from the opinion polls. European Journal of American studies, 11(11-3).
Primoratz, I. (2013). Sexual Morality. In International Encyclopedia of Ethics, H. Lafollette (Ed.). DOI:10.1002/9781444367072.wbiee127
Rachels, J., &Rachels, S. (2012). The Elements of Moral Philosophy. (7th ed). New York: McGraw Hill Press.
Study Document
Gay and Lesbian Fight for rights based on \"One Nation Under God\" Documentary
sex is very religious in the context where the people believe that God created people in pairs of the opposite sex, and involved within the same-sex people is considered highly sinful (Rzeznik, 1993). In this sense, sex is considered a natural sex orientation. At the same time, sex are contrasted in this film in different ways, where people have devised various analogies to explain this sex orientation other than being natural. sex are considered mentally ill to the point where people have researched their family history and came up with different theories like having a … with different theories like having a distant father or mother and son relationship configuration creates a disturbance in childhood, which results in problematic sex orientation (Rzeznik, 1993). It is considered ungodly to practice sex orientation by the sex (Rzeznik, 1993)
Dworkin, S. H. (2002). LGBT Identity, Violence, and Social Justice: The Psychological is Political.
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Meyer, I. H. (2007, November 09). Prejudice, Social Stress, and Mental Health in Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Populations: Conceptual Issues and Research Evidence.
Roth, K. (2015, January 23). LGBT: Moving Towards Equality. World Economic Forum.
Rzeznik, F. (Director). (1993 ). One Nation Under God [Motion Picture].
Study Document
… not want to be seen in immodest attire. They do not advocate that unmarried girls use birth control as it indicates that premarital sex is okay, when they believe that all sex should be reserved for married couples. So for a nurse to recommend birth control to an unwed Adventist girl as a way to ……
Buettner, D. (2005). The Secrets of Long Life. National Geographic, 208(5), 2–27.
Fraser, G. E. (2003). Diet, life expectancy, and chronic disease: studies of Seventh-Day Adventists and other vegetarians. Oxford University Press.
Leininger, M. (2008). Transcultural nursing: Its importance in nursing practice. Journal of cultural diversity, 15(1), 37-43.
Phillips, R. L. (1975). Role of life-style and dietary habits in risk of cancer among Seventh-Day Adventists. Cancer Research, 35(11 Part 2), 3513-3522.
Study Document
Social Policy Analysis Report
Definition of Social Problem
In recent decades, sex trafficking has become a substantial social problem affecting the whole world and continues to necessitate worldwide collaboration to combat it (Brooks and Heaslip, … conducted by the United Nations, statistics indicated that persons across 106 different nations across the globe had experienced trafficking either for labor or sex, or both. Twenty-eight percent of this statistic comprised of children, with the number of girls surpassing that of boys by 40 percent (Greenbaum, … this statistic comprised of children, with the number of girls surpassing that of boys by 40 percent (Greenbaum, 2017). The United Nations defines sex traffic to encompass the act of recruiting, transferring, harboring, or receiving of individuals, by way of either threat or through use of force … Nations, 2020).
Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2013, as a social policy, institutes, and reinforces programs to……
Alliance to End Slavery and Trafficking. (2017). Summary of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) and Reauthorizations FY 2017. Retrieved from:
Benoit, C., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Healey, P., & Magnuson, D. (2019). “The prostitution problem”: Claims, evidence, and policy outcomes. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48(7), 1905-1923.
Brooks, A., & Heaslip, V. (2019). Sex trafficking and sex tourism in a globalized world. Tourism Review of AIEST - International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism, 74(5), 1104-1115. doi:
Bruckert, C., & Parent, C. (2002). Trafficking in human beings and organized crime: A literature review (pp. 1-35).
Clawson, H. J., Dutch, N., Solomon, A., & Grace, L. G. (2009). Human trafficking into and within the United States: A review of the literature. Washington, DC: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, US Department of Human and Health Services. Retrieved December 25, 2009.
Greenbaum, V. J. (2017). Child sex trafficking in the United States: Challenges for the healthcare provider. PLoS medicine, 14(11).
International Labour Organization. (2017). Global Estimates of Modern Slavery. Retrieved from:
Kelly, C. (July 30, 2019). 13 sex trafficking statistics that explain the enormity of the global sex trade. USA Today. Retrieved from:
Study Document
marriage, Love and the Division of Household Labor
Part 1
What does marriage mean in the U.S. today? For roughly half the people who marry it does not mean something permanent or “till death do us … today? For roughly half the people who marry it does not mean something permanent or “till death do us part”—for half of all marriage today end in divorce and as Pew Research Center points out, family sizes are getting smaller (marriage is no longer about having children) and family types are becoming more diverse: “Two-parent households are on the decline in the United States … longer about having children) and family types are becoming more diverse: “Two-parent households are on the decline in the United States as divorce, marriage and cohabitation are on the rise” (Pew Research Center, 2015). This is not much of a striking departure from where the status of ………
Bianchi, S.M., Sayer, L. C., Milkie, M.A., & Robinson, J. P. (2012). Housework: Who Did, Does or Will Do It, and How Much Does it Matter? Social Forces; a Scientific Medium of Social Study and Interpretation, 91(1), 55-63.
Ehrenreich, B. (2000). Maid to order. Retrieved from
Gerson, K. (2010). The Unfinished Revolution: Coming of Age in a New Era of Gender, Work, and Family. New York: OxfordUniversity Press.
Pew Research Center. (2015). Parenting in America. Retrieved from " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">
Study Document
… family that can both lead to and result from divorce.
The fact that family sizes are shrinking and diversifying while half of all marriage end in divorce (Pew Research Center, 2015) shows that something is happening in the American family that is altering the way families are … Center, 2015) shows that something is happening in the American family that is altering the way families are thought about and the way marriage is viewed. marriage, love and romance between two people has been romanticized for hundreds of years and whereas in the past it was less socially acceptable … it is more socially acceptable for people to divorce. Henry VIII set the example for all modern couples who are unhappy with their marriage.
However, most people enter into marriage with the idea that it is permanent. That is the whole point of marriage, traditionally speaking (Hamilton & Armstrong, 2019).……
BLS. (2013). Marriage and divorce: patterns by gender, race, and educational attainment. Retrieved from
Hamilton, L. & Armstrong, E. (2019). Shifting the Center: Understanding Contemporary Families. Thousand Oaks.
Jones, E. M. (2000). Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control. IN: St. Augustine’s Press.
Marsee, S. (2019). Which couples are most likely to divorce? Retrieved from
Nelson, M. K. (2010). Parenting out of control: Anxious parents in uncertain times. NYU Press.
Pew Research Center. (2015). Parenting in America. Retrieved from " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">
Study Document
… the future of the family will be culture. As the culture of today becomes more and more open to cohabitation, childbirth outside of marriage, and more closed off to the principles and values of religion, the family itself is going to change more and more. Today’s families … is in decline because the morals and mores that defined the traditional family unit and disappearing from the modern culture. Media celebrates the sex family as though it were just as good if not better than the old traditional family unit. It does not matter that sex cannot procreate because the culture has already accepted the idea of sex-without-procreation as normal and healthy.
It did that when it embraced birth control, which was actually set up by Margaret Sanger, who was a … blacks and undesirables or “deplorables” as they are called today (Grossu, 2014; Reilly, 2016). But people began to……
Grossu, A. (2014). Margaret Sanger, racist eugenicist extraordinaire. Retrieved from
Institute for Women’s Policy Research. (2017). Violence Against Black Women – Many Types, Far-reaching Effects. Retrieved from
National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence. (2019). Appropriate Sanctioning of Domestic Violence Crimes. Retrieved from
North, A. (2019). What’s next for #MeToo? This college might have the answer. Retrieved from
Reilly, K. (2016). Read Hillary Clinton's 'Basket of Deplorables' Remarks About Donald
Trump Supporters. Retrieved from
Understanding Elder Abuse. (2019). A guide for Ohioans. Retrieved from
Study Document
… had when he looked at porn for the first time. He wants to stop his addiction because he feels it is hurting his marriage and he does not want to lose his wife, who knows about his one infidelity as well as his addiction and worries that … which he has had since the age of 14. It is quite likely that this addiction played into the dissolution of his first marriage, and though he and his current wife look at pornography together he feels he is not helping his situation by looking at it … he may do it again. Alan is fearful his habit is something he cannot control and that it will end up hurting his marriage. He wants to stop looking at pornography and masturbating alone, but his work in IT is such that he always has convenient access … he had in previous attempts……
Brand, M., Snagowski, J., Laier, C., & Maderwald, S. (2016). Ventral striatum activity when watching preferred pornographic pictures is correlated with symptoms of Internet pornography addiction. Neuroimage, 129, 224-232.
Doweiko, H. E. (2015). Concepts of chemical dependency (9th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.
Gilbert, D. (2014). The Novena to St. Boniface of Tarsus: A Pastoral Program for Addressing Sexual Addiction in Colonial Mexico. Catholic Social Science Review, 19: 87-109.
Laaser, M. (2004). Healing the wounds of sexual addiction. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
Manley, G., & Koehler, J. (2001). Sexual behavior disorders: Proposed new classification in the DSM-V. Sexual Addiction &Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 8(3-4), 253-265.
McKeague, E. L. (2014). Differentiating the female sex addict: A literature review focused on themes of gender difference used to inform recommendations for treating women with sex addiction. Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 21(3), 203-224.
Park, B., Wilson, G., Berger, J., Christman, M., Reina, B., Bishop, F., ... & Doan, A. (2016). Is Internet pornography causing sexual dysfunctions? A review with clinical reports. Behavioral Sciences, 6(3), 17.
Young, K., Pistner, M.,O’Mara, J., & Buchanan, J. (2009). Cyber disorders: the mental health concern for the new millennium. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 2(5), 475-479.
Study Document
sex Morality
sex morality is the exploration of sex behavior in the light of moral consideration like what is morally right and wrong for sex behavior, which can be applied to other areas as well (Primoratz, 2013). These are further founded through various philosophies being around this topic … applied to other areas as well (Primoratz, 2013). These are further founded through various philosophies being around this topic that is rooted like sex and what function it plays in the life of a human being (Primoratz, 2013). Philosophers have long argued and named sex activities with different analogies, until Bertrand Russell and Sigmund Freud, who considered sex as morally righteous (Halwani, 2018).
The meta-ethics is the understanding of moral principles through deeply analyzing its origin and nature for reaching moral … (McCord, 2012). It also explores the motivation of human beings and other aspects to provide conclusive analogies on a……
Goldman, A. H. (2019, February 12). Why Sexual Morality Doesn\\\\\\'t Exist. iai News.
Haidt, J., & Hersh, M. A. (2001). Sexual Morality: The Cultures and Emotions of Conservatives and Liberals. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 191-221.
Halwani, R. (2018, October 19). Sex and Sexuality. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Haqiqatjou, D. (2005, September 17). Ashley Madison and the Problem of Liberal Sexual Ethics. Public Discourse.
McCord, G. S. (2012, January 26). Metaethics. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Primoratz, I. (2001). Sexual Morality: Is Consent Enough? Ethical Theory and Moral Practise.
Primoratz, I. (2013, February 01). Sexual Morality. Wiley Online Library.
Soble, A. (n.d.). Philosophy of Sexuality. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Study Document
… artists like Georgia O’Keefe would have no forerunners and no foundation for women creators in the field of painting. After having an aristocratic marriage arranged for her by Phillip II himself, Sofonisba became a wealth patroness of the arts in her old age when her husband passed. … develop the minds God gave them: She explicitly protested that a “false system of female manners [has] been reared, which robs the whole sex of its dignity, and classes the brown and fair with the smiling flowers that only adorns the land. This has ever been the … smiling flowers that only adorns the land. This has ever been the language of men, and the fear of departing from a supposed sex character, has made even women…[break]…pope. According to the customs of her time, she accepted an arranged marriage, made by Phillip II, and when her first husband died, she married……
Chisholm, H. (1911). Sophonisba Angussola. Encyclopædia Britannica, 2 (11th ed.), Cambridge University Press, p. 44.
Jones, E. M. (2000). Libido dominandi: Sexual liberation and political control. South Bend, IN: St. Augustine’ Press.
Juhasz, S. (1983). Feminist Critics Read Emily Dickinson. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
Sewall, R. B. (1974). The life of Emily Dickinson. NY: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux.
Wollstonecraft, M. (1792). Vindication of the Rights of Woman.
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