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The Seventh Day Adventist Church is a Protestant Christian denomination that observes the Sabbath (a holy day of rest) on Saturdays (like Jews) rather than on Sundays (like most other Christians). The group focuses especially on the Second Coming of Christ, which they believed would be imminent and would result in the faithful being taken to the Promised Land. Like other Protestant groups, they hold firm to the idea that Scripture is infallible, that there are Three Divine Persons in the Holy Trinity, and that there will be a resurrection. This paper will discuss the beliefs, hopes, traditions, etc. of the Seventh Day Adventists.
The Church was formed in Maryland in 1800s but it has since become international with over 20 million members worldwide. They have 28 Fundamental Beliefs, which are similar to Trinitarian Protestantism and include belief in justification by faith alone, baptism by immersion, and a literal interpretation of the Bible. They believe that the Law is embodied in the Ten Commandments given to Moses, that the soul is not immortal and that death results in a loss of consciousness (until the resurrection).
Adventists do not work on the Sabbath. They will not engage in secular forms of recreation on the Sabbath, prepare meals or any such thing. They will, however, go for walks, partake of family activities, do charitable works, and have potlucks. Typically, a Sabbath School Lesson is held on the Sabbath, which is like a small Bible study group. The Church service includes a sermon, singing, Bible reading, prayer and tithing.
Health and wholeness are very important to Adventists, so diet is a particular consideration of the group. Vegetarianism is often promoted among Adventists (Fraser, 2003). Their health focus includes adhering to the same kosher laws that are observed by Jews and which stem from a reading of Leviticus. They abstain from eating…
…do not want to be seen in immodest attire. They do not advocate that unmarried girls use birth control as it indicates that premarital sex is okay, when they believe that all sex should be reserved for married couples. So for a nurse to recommend birth control to an unwed Adventist girl as a way to treat difficult menstruations would be an unacceptable approach to care. Transcultural nursing is about being informed so that respect and sensitivity can be shown at all times.
In conclusion, the Seventh Day Adventists are a group that has only been in existence for just over 100 years—but they have grown rapidly all over the world after beginning in Maryland. Their practitioners tend to try to lead health lives because of their belief in the human being filled with the Spirit. They are social conservatives at heart. They enjoy being in nature, resting on the Sabbath, which they identify as Saturday,…
Buettner, D. (2005). The Secrets of Long Life. National Geographic, 208(5), 2–27.
Fraser, G. E. (2003). Diet, life expectancy, and chronic disease: studies of Seventh-Day Adventists and other vegetarians. Oxford University Press.
Leininger, M. (2008). Transcultural nursing: Its importance in nursing practice. Journal of cultural diversity, 15(1), 37-43.
Phillips, R. L. (1975). Role of life-style and dietary habits in risk of cancer among Seventh-Day Adventists. Cancer Research, 35(11 Part 2), 3513-3522.
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Ellen White claimed that the date Miller predicted as the absolute Advent of Christ did not set the time for the physical appearance of Christ. Rather, the prediction merely referred to the commencement of a period of divine judgement in which all souls would be pre-judged in heaven in preparation for the actual Advent of Christ. Seventh-Day Adventists believe that Investigative Judgement has been occurring since the 1840s and
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Sanitarium Heal & Wellbeing Company is the operating/trading name of twin fod companies (New Zealand Health Association Ltd. And Australian Health and Nutrition Association Ltd.). Both of these companies are owned and operated by the Seventh-Day Adventist Church .The company produces a wide range of breakfast cereals and a wide range of vegetarian products. Sanitarium was founded in 1898 with Weet-Bix being its flagship products that topped sales in
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I feel I would especially like to work with children in a hospital setting in my chosen profession, and help them cope with their diseases and illnesses in a positive way. I feel I can connect with ill children and their families in a positive and empathetic way. I am applying for this scholarship because it will enable me to further my education at a crucial time in my life.
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In order to gain insight into these it is necessary that they all be combined into one. 6) Miller states the rule that visions are always mentioned as being 'visions'. 7) the rule relating to determine when a word is used literally or physically and states that if the word makes good sense as it stands, and does not violence to the simple laws of nature, then it must be understood
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On June 27, 1844, hundreds swarmed the jail and brutally murdered the Smith brothers, leading their followers to conclude that they were martyred (Sisk). At Joseph's death, Brigham Young was president of the Twelve Apostles of their church and became the leader of the largest faction within (Sisk 1992). Some who separated from Young's group formed their own, called the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, under
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Loma Linda University are particularly attractive and meaningful to you and why you have chosen to apply for advanced education. I have been in search of an excellent academic program with top quality faculty that also suits my interests, aptitudes, and preferences in geographic locale. Loma Linda University meets all my needs. I grew up in Southern California, and wish to remain here during the course of my education because