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Alternate Titles:
Rise of the Oligarchs in Russia and Ukraine
How Boris Berezovsky Fled Russia and Supported a Coup in Ukraine
The “expulsion” of Boris Berezovsky from Russia under the Putin Regime sparked a chain of events that led to Ukraine’s upheaval. Though considered an “expulsion” by the Russian billionaire, Berezovsky was actually summoned to appear for questioning by the Prosecutor General but chose to remain in exile in UK and obtain … who vowed revenge against Putin and immediately began meddling in Ukraine politics as a way of getting back at the new head of Russia—with the help of various investors, politicos and other power brokers from both the US and Israel (BBC, 2012). Regardless of where the influence … the influence and money came from, the falling out between the man who promised to strip the oligarchs of their political power in Russia and the oligarch who……
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Study Document
… entails developing international relations approaches and foreign policies that seek to protect the interests of the United States in this region. China and Russia are principal priorities for the United States given their long-term strategic competitions within and outside the Indo-Asia-Pacific region. The United States is faced … the 2018 National Defense Strategy of the United States of America”, National Defense Strategy, 2018,]
Given the strategic competitions between China and Russia, one of the regional security issues in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region is Russia’s military modernization and actions throughout the region. Moscow constantly plays the role of a spoiler in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region as it seeks to … as it seeks to undermine U.S. national interests and impose extra costs on the U.S. and her allies.[footnoteRef:4] Over the past few years, Russia has continued to modernize her military forces on the premise that military power is key to achieving……
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Study Document
… on the other. The West favored Capitalism and the East favored Communism. The U.S. was the main power in the West and Soviet Russia was the main power in the East. The economic approaches of the two powers were only part of the story, however; this was … and all of these answers are consistent with my view, as there were really many facets to the Cold War. They all acknowledged Russia and the U.S as the main actors in the Cold War and the main event was identified as the Cuban Missile Crisis (the ……
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… is wanted out of Iraq by the current Iraqi government. Saudi Arabia and Israel both want the U.S. to wage war on Iran. Russia, Iran, Turkey and Syria all want the U.S. presence of troops out of the area. International relations are at a low. The U.S. ……
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Study Document
… or transmitted through these networks or systems.[footnoteRef:3] Cyber espionage is used by different nations across the globe including the United States, China and Russia despite concerns regarding its legitimacy and view as an acceptable state behavior. [3: William C. Banks, “Cyber Espionage and Electronic Surveillance: Beyond the … established a cyber espionage unit that collects intelligence and help in establishment of appropriate countermeasures to any threats in the nation’s cyberspace. However, Russia utilizes the cyber espionage unit to collect intelligence that is used for offensive cyber warfare. For example, Russia recently hacked Iranian hackers to conduct attacks in over 35 countries.[footnoteRef:30] [29: Ibid., 1.] [30: Helen Warrell & Henry Foy, “Russian Cyberattack Unit ‘masqueraded’ as Iranian Hackers, UK Says”, Financial Times, 2019.]
Theme #3: Cyber espionage enhances intelligence gathering
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Study Document
… much higher now (Mellish, 2020). The random approach to geopolitics by President Trump has led to important enemies of the U.S. such as Russia, Iran, and North Korea to outsmart the USA by readjusting their foreign policies to counter Trump's approaches. Trump's administrative team does not seem ……
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Study Document
… another. Tensions are fueled by economic warfare (sanctions) and the walking away from treaties, such as recently took place between the U.S. and Russia with respect to the suspension of the Nuclear Arms Control Treaty.[footnoteRef:7] The destabilization of the relationship between the East and the West is … Intelligence Studies 21, no. 1 (Winter 2014-15), 78-79.] [7: David E. Sanger and William J. Broad, “US Suspends Nuclear Arms Control Treaty with Russia,” The New York Times, Feb 1., 2019.]
Covert Operations
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Manchikanti, Laxmaiah, Jaya Sanapati, Ramsin M. Benyamin, Sairam Atluri, Alan D. Kaye, and Joshua A. Hirsch. "Reframing the prevention strategies of the opioid crisis: focusing on prescription opioids, fentanyl, and heroin epidemic." Pain physician 21, no. 4 (2018): 309-326.
Study Document
Impact of Drug Abuse on School Children Aged 10 To 18 in Developed Countries (U.S., Canada, France, England, Germany, Italy, Russia, Australia, Japan and China): Narrative Literature Review
The problem addressed in this literature review is that in developed countries around the world, … population—specifically children who are between ages 10 to 18—and the setting is in the following developed countries: U.S., Canada, France, England, Germany, Italy, Russia, Australia, Japan and China. With the opioid epidemic now raging in many parts of the world, it is also a timely study as … and “drug abuse effects youth,” “adolescents,” “school-aged children,” “cannabis,” “marijuana use,” “drug abuse adolescents,” “drug abuse developed world,” “Canada,” “France,” “England,” “Germany,” “Italy,” “Russia,” “Australia,” “Japan,” and “China.” Search timeframe was 1 week.
Inclusion Criteria
Exclusion Criteria
· Written in English
· Published between the year 2004 … school children in the developed world
· Specifically mention……
Baggio, S., Spilka, S., Studer, J., Iglesias, K., & Gmel, G. (2016). Trajectories of drug use among French young people: Prototypical stages of involvement in illicit drug use. Journal of Substance Use, 21(5), 485-490.
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Henkel, D., & Zemlin, U. (2016). Social inequality and substance use and problematic gambling among adolescents and young adults: a review of epidemiological surveys in Germany. Current drug abuse reviews, 9(1), 26-48.
Study Document
… population is divided in its stance towards the U.S. Saudi Arabia remains an ally, but one that is also open to working with Russia. Turkey is openly being courted by Russia. Iran is openly antagonistic towards the U.S. As Mary Habeck notes, the U.S. has many enemies that want to see the U.S. brought ……
Builder, Carl H. “The Masks of War: American Military Styles in Strategy and Analysis.”
Gray, Colin S. “Why Strategy is Difficult,” JFQ.
Habeck, Mary. “Why They Did It,” Knowing the Enemy: Jihadist Ideology and the War on Terror.”
Walt, Stephen. “Why Alliances Endure or Collapse,” Survival, vol. 39, no. 1 (Spring 1997), 156-179.
Study Document
… of the fight against Tsarist oppression that the good comrades of the Soviet world wanted to project. The Cossacks (themselves a symbol of Russian tradition that the Soviet era comrades despised) and the Tsarist cavalry are depicted as brutal thugs, slaughtering the innocent people of Odessa for … largely Jewish in nature and Eisenstein himself was Jewish. Thus, there is a natural sympathy between the filmmaker and the subject. Old World Russia was not beloved by Revolutionary Russia, and the film suggests that the reason was a lack of respect for Russia’s common people—the working class, the everyday soldiers treated worse than dogs by the authorities. It is essentially Orwell’s Animal Farm without the irony. … Lenin: “Revolution is war. Of all the wars known in history it is the only lawful, rightful, just, and truly great war… In Russia this war has been declared and begun” (Eisenstein). Eisenstein……
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