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Resume Outline Template
The resume is an important part of any job application. To help you create the perfect resume, our resume outline template is available. This template shows what you should put on your resume, and why. A resume is simply a depiction of what has been important in your formation as a person and as a professional. It is what recruiters … look to for information about you, and it helps them to see if you will be the right person for the job.
The resume is really where you get your foot in the door—it is not going to be what gets you the job in the end. … your foot in the door—it is not going to be what gets you the job in the end. Therefore, the focus of the resume should really be on experience, education and skills—the three most important things that will……
Study Document
...Resume Recruiting and Attracting Talent:
Using HR to Improve Company Performance
A commonly cited cliché is that an organization is as only good as its people; in other words, that talent and organizational performance go hand-in-hand. This is even truer today than it has been in past eras, as companies must strive to differentiate themselves from other organizations with a similar price point. Service is key, which demands recruiting and attracting top talent. It also means retaining such talent with the right balance of extrinsic and intrinsic rewards. According to the McKinsey consulting firm’s senior partners Scott Keller and Mary Meaney, the evidence suggests that the very best people do the majority of the work at most organizations, thus hiring and keeping the right people can result in productivity gains as well as cost savings due to retention. Keller & Meaney (2017) estimate that high performers are 400% more productive than……
Bajic, E. (2013). The 6 steps for retaining good employees. Forbes. Retrieved from: employees/#63a92aa5721f
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… task or issue, revising work processes, and being flexible in design and schedule are essential elements of diversity and inclusion.
3. Accepting of resumes or applications
Once a Job Description has been designed, and the vacancy is made public, it is expected that the application for the ……
Arthur, D. (2012). Recruiting, interviewing, selecting & orienting new employees. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn.
Avery, D. R., McKay, P. F., & Volpone, S. D. (2013). \\\\\\"Diversity staffing: Inclusive personnel recruitment and selection practices.\\\\\\" In Q. M. Roberson (Ed.), Oxford library of psychology. The Oxford handbook of diversity and work (p. 282–299). Oxford University Press.
Becker, W. J., Connolly, T., & Slaughter, J. E. (2010). The effect of job offer timing on offer acceptance, performance, and turnover. Personnel Psychology, 63(1), 223-241.
Breaugh, J. (2016). Talent acquisition: A guide to understanding and managing the recruitment process. Society of Human Resource Management.
Compton, R. L. (2009). Effective recruitment and selection practices. CCH Australia Limited.
Flynn, W. J., Mathis, R. L., Jackson, J. H., & Valentine, S. R. (2016). Healthcare human resource management, 3rd Edition. Cengage Learning, U.S.
Garner, E. (2012). Recruitment and Selection. Bookboon.
Gusdorf, M. L. (2008). Recruitment and Selection: Hiring the right person. USA: Society for Human Resource Management.
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… are all in higher education. Right now, my aim is to retire from the military as a Lieutenant Colonel and use my military resume and background as a leader to take one of two paths—one a path towards becoming a professor at a university or a path ……
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...Resume General Strain Theory
General strain theory (GST) offers a unique explanation of delinquency and crime, which is in direct contrast to control and learning theories. The differentiation is through the type of social relationship that leads to delinquency, and the motivation for delinquency. By analyzing GST, we can determine the effect or how criminal behavior is developed. GST looks at how a negative relationship will affect and individual and their possibility of developing towards crime. A negative relationship can be defined as any relationship of other people that is not consistent with the individual's beliefs of how they should be treated. In this paper, we have analyzed two articles all focusing on GST. However, the two articles differ in the negative stimuli being researched. Cullen, Unnever, Hartman, Turner, and Agnew (2008) is analyzing the impact of bullying while Watts and McNulty (2013) is analyzing the impact of childhood abuse.……
Agnew, R. (2002). Experienced, vicarious, and anticipated strain: An exploratory study on physical victimization and delinquency. Justice Quarterly, 19(4), 603-632.
Agnew, R. (2007). Pressured into crime: An overview of general strain theory. Los Angeles,CA: Roxbury.
Cullen, F. T., Unnever, J. D., Hartman, J. L., Turner, M. G., & Agnew, R. (2008). Gender, bullying victimization, and juvenile delinquency: A test of general strain theory. Victims and Offenders, 3(4), 346-364.
Warner, B. D., & Fowler, S. K. (2003). Strain and violence: Testing a general strain theory model of community violence. Journal of Criminal Justice, 31(6), 511-521.
Watts, S. J., & McNulty, T. L. (2013). Childhood abuse and criminal behavior: Testing a general strain theory model. Journal of interpersonal violence, 28(15), 3023-3040.
Study Document
… onboarding of new personnel. In this process, they are usually required to maintain massive amounts of paperwork, comprising of different aspects such as resumes, job roles, responsibilities and descriptions, and also tax firms. Usually, these are also paperwork procedures that shift from one person to another. However, ……
Boone, L. E., Kurtz, D. L., & Khan, M. H. (2009). Contemporary business. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
Chui, M., George, K., Manyika, J., Miremadi, M. (September 2017). Human + machine: A new era of automation in manufacturing. McKinsey & Company.
Deng, W., Luo, Q. (2012). Advanced Technology for Manufacturing Systems and Industry. New York: Pearson.
Groover, M. P. (2007). Fundamentals of modern manufacturing: materials processes, and systems. John Wiley & Sons.
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Joshi, V., Adhikari, M. S., Patel, R., Singh, R., Gehlot, A. (2018). Industrial Automation: Learn the current and leading-edge research on SCADA Automation. New Delhi: Pearson.
Krar, S. F., & Gill, A. (2003). Exploring advanced manufacturing technologies. Industrial Press, Inc.
Ladet, P., & Vernadat, F. (Eds.). (2013). Integrated manufacturing systems engineering. Springer.
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...Resume The Tactics of the British Intelligence against the IRA
History of the IRA
The Provisional IRA formed in response to a war between the Irish Republican Army and the British state in Northern Ireland from 1969 to 1998. The IRA or what is commonly referred to as the IRA in the West was actually a breakaway from the Army and is better known as PIRA in Ireland. However, because it stood as the fighting force and face of the Irish resistance, it is typically referred to as IRA for short. The IRA was a formal fighting force up until the 1970s when fears of British infiltration caused the IRA to become a secret organization with a cell structure. The IRA published its Green Book, which laid out the rules of being an IRA volunteer. Meanwhile, on the political front was Sinn Fein, which negotiated behind the scenes with the British……
Bamford, B. (2005). The Role and Effectiveness of Intelligence in Northern Ireland. Intelligence and National Security, 20(4), 581-607.
Branch, S., Shallcross, L., Barker, M., Ramsay, S., & Murray, J. P. (2018). Theoretical Frameworks That Have Explained Workplace Bullying: Retracing Contributions Across the Decades. Concepts, Approaches and Methods, 1-44.
Coogan, T. P. (2002). The IRA. New York: Palgrave.
Hilton, J. L., & Von Hippel, W. (1996). Stereotypes. Annual review of psychology, 47(1), 237-271.
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Maloney, E. (2010). Voices from the Grave: Two Men’s War in Ireland. NY: Faber, Faber.
McLeod, S. (2008) Social Identity Theory. Simply Psychology. Retrieved from
Study Document
...Resume Introduction
Higher education continues to be a significant aspect within an economy with professions necessitating individuals with such educational attainments. However, institutions of higher education have continued to experience several challenges, including deteriorating student enrollments, increasing student debt across the United States, and also concerning student completion rates for the different educational programs. The Higher Education sector in the United States is experiencing major challenges. California State University, Los Angeles, is the leading all-inclusive public university that is situated at the heart of Los Angeles and is committed to engagement, service, and the public good. It is one of the renowned higher education institutions not only in Los Angeles but also in the state of California as a whole. The purpose of this report is to conduct extensive research to offer prospective solutions to an organizational problem being experienced at Cal State LA as a setting for higher education.
California State University Los Angeles. (2020). Strategic Plan. Retrieved from:
Chavez, M. (2019). Cal State LA has proposed a plan to cut enrollment for incoming freshmen beginning Fall 2020. University Times. Retrieved from:
Finney, J. E. (2014). Why the finance model for public higher education is broken and must be fixed. Public Policy Initiative 2(6).
Wiley Education Services. (2020). Top Challenges Facing U.S. Higher Education. Retrieved from:
Unigo. (2020). California State University – Los Angeles: What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why? Retrieved from:
Mitchell, B. C. (February 22, 2018). America\\\\\\\\\\\\'s colleges and universities have a serious revenue problem. Hechinger Report. Retrieved from:
Hussain, S. (February 25, 2019). Cal State L.A.\\\\\\\\\\\\'s plan to raise admissions standards faces pushback from students and faculty. Los Angeles Times.
Zeleza, P. T. (March 12, 2020). Money Matters: The Financial Crises Facing Universities. The Elephant. Retrieved from:
Study Document
… delivering Telemedicine, especially to remote and rural communities, are empowered…[break]…Western World are leading since it saves on time and allows patients to quickly resume whatever they were doing before a telemedicine video visit. As shown by Meyer et al. (2018), Telemedicine is even more useful in helping ……
Meyers, A. J., Pontarelli, E., Dutta, S. K., Grinberg, G., & Yenumula, P. R. (2018). Telemedicine Follow-up After Bariatric Surgery. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, 14(11), S168.
Tiago, M. T. B., Tiago, F., Amaral, F. E. B., & Silva, S. (2016). Healthy 3.0: Healthcare digital dimensions. In Reshaping medical practice and care with health information systems (pp. 287-322). IGI Global.
Conklin, T. P. (2002). Health care in the United States: An evolving system. Michigan Family Review, 7(1).
Board on Health Care Services; Institute of Medicine. (2012). \\\\\\\\\\\\"3The Evolution of Telehealth: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going?\\\\\\\\\\\\" in The Role of Telehealth in an Evolving Health Care Environment: Workshop Summary. National Academies Press, Washington (DC).
Sada, A., Asaad, M., Reidt, W. S., Kellogg, T. A., Kendrick, M. L., McKenzie, T. J., & Habermann, E. B. (2019). Are In-Person Post-operative Clinic Visits Necessary to Detect Complications Among Bariatric Surgery Patients?. Obesity Surgery, 1-4.
Krupka, D. C., Sandberg, W. S., & Weeks, W. B. (2012). The impact on hospitals of reducing surgical complications suggests many will need shared savings programs with payers. Health Affairs, 31(11), 2571-2578.
Fasano, P. (2013). Transforming health care: The financial impact of technology, electronic tools, and data mining. John Wiley & Sons.
Burch, S., Gray, D., & Sharp, J. (2017). The power and potential of telehealth what health systems should know: proposed legislation in Congress offers the promise that the nation\\\\\\\\\\\\'s healthcare policy will support the expansion of telehealth, allowing hospitals and health systems to fully realize the benefits of this important emerging approach to care. Healthcare Financial Management, 71(2), 46-50.
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...Resume Of Workforce Management
Workforce management is one of the most important aspects of operating a business (Randolph Thomas & Horman, 2006). From a Workforce Management standpoint, Bass Pro Shops is strategically committed to the pursuit of quality over the long term. However, there are areas for improvement, as employee complaints of cutbacks, lack of job security, pay reduction, and so on, have led workers to view what was once a great place to work as now an organization that is more focused on customer service than it is on employee support. This paper will discuss the workforce environment of Bass Pro Shops, the nature of engagement and performance at Bass Pro, and how the workforce and leadership are being developed there. It will conclude with a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of Bass Pro’s workforce management, opportunities for improvement, and proposed actions.
Field of inquiry #1: Workforce Environment……
Babin, B. J., & Attaway, J. S. (2000). Atmospheric affect as a tool for creating value and gaining share of customer. Journal of Business research, 49(2), 91-99.
Bass Pro Shops Employee Reviews. (2017). For manager. Retrieved from
De Vries, M.F.K., 1998. Charisma in action: The transformational abilities of Virgin's Richard Branson and ABB's Percy Barnevik. Organizational Dynamics, 26(3), pp.7-21.
Klein, H. J., & Polin, B. (2012). Are organizations on board with best practices onboarding. The Oxford handbook of organizational socialization, 267-287.
Life at Bass Pro Shops. (2018). Careers. Retrieved from
Orpen, C. (1997). The effects of formal mentoring on employee work motivation, organizational commitment and job performance. The Learning Organization, 4(2), 53-60.
Randolph Thomas, H., & Horman, M. J. (2006). Fundamental principles of workforce management. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 132(1), 97-104.
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