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In a world full of problems, resilience becomes essential for survival. Resilience theory is based on the premise that therapists or social workers should focus on helping clients build strengths. The goal of resilience theory is to leverage existing resources and build core strengths instead of focusing on problems. This sample essay will describe what resilience theory is, where and how it is applied, and how it is related to other theoretical orientations in professions like psychology and social … is, where and how it is applied, and how it is related to other theoretical orientations in professions like psychology and social work.
Resilience theory began within the social work domain. Now that resilience theory is in its maturity, it has been applied to diverse fields including organizational behavior, leadership, and sociology. When resilience theory was first proposed, it was considered a “cutting edge…paradigm shift,” (Van Breda, 2018, p.……
Ledesma, J. (2014). Conceptual frameworks and research models on resliience in leadership. Sage Open 4(3):
Moore, C. (2020). Resilience theory: What research articles in psychology teach us. Positive Psychology. Retrieved from:
Shean, M. (2015). Current theories relating to resilience and young people. VicHealth. Retrieved from:
Van Breda, A.D. (2018). A critical review of resilience theory and its relevance for social work.
Zimmerman, M.A. (2013). Resiliency theory. Health Education Behavior 40(4)L 381-383.
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… success of the Austin History Center projects, which include the vast resources contained in the Austin History Center’s African American Community Archivist (2019). Building resilience through the arts, culture, and community pride will be the solution-focused approach to addressing persistent disparities in Travis County, Texas.
A needs … Poorer mental and physical health status means increased vulnerability to disaster, and less access to services—plus lower quality of said services—also means decreased resilience.
Menon (2019) found that African Americans are twenty percent more likely to experience serious mental health issues versus the general population, pointing to … unaffordable healthcare services, lack of awareness, and lack of access to lifestyle needs are specific vulnerabilities that can be addressed using a comprehensive resilience-building strategy like this one.
Wealth Disparity and Poverty
Wealth disparity is another major vulnerability for the African American community in Travis County. Without … a key component of this……
Austin History Center (2019). African American Community Archivist. Retrieved from
Castillo, J. (2018). Exhibit on African Americans in Travis County tells stories, reveals gaps. Statesman. 27 Sept, 2018. Retrieved from
Chang, J. (2018). Black children in Travis County 8 times more likely to be removed by CPS than white children. Statesman. 25 Oct, 2018. Retrieved from
Craver, J. (2017). African-Americans spend more time in Travis County jail for same offenses as whites. Austin Monitor. 14 Jul 2017. Retrieved from
Davis, C. (2018). African-Americans are moving to Austin again, but many don’t feel welcome. KXAN. 15 Jan, 2018. Retrieved from
Menon, S. (2019). Conference aims to help more African-Americans get mental health care. KUT. 25 Feb, 2019. Retrieved from
“New report points to racism and longer confinement of African Americans in Travis County Jail,” (2017). Grassroots Leadership. 13 July, 2017. Retrieved from
Prosperity Now (2019). Racial wealth divide in Austin. Retrieved from
Study Document
As Webster and Rivers (2018) point out, the notion of resilience has been promoted in a variety of fields and essentially research on it has focused on the need for individuals to “toughen up”—particularly … stress that living in a world where conflict arises naturally brings. Palahniuk’s novel was about a man dealing with his own lack of resilience and through a clever but twisted plot the hero (at least in the film adaptation) reaches a higher level of resiliency by overcoming … overcome if there is adequate social support for the child. What Domhardt et al. (2015) and Palahniuk both appear to suggest is this: resilience is needed in the modern world to cope with stress, anxiety, trauma, and conflict—but it is not something one can do on one’s … can do on one’s own—which is the point Webster and Rivers (2018) make in their criticism of recent……
Domhardt, M., Münzer, A., Fegert, J. M., & Goldbeck, L. (2015). Resilience in survivors of child sexual abuse: A systematic review of the literature. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 16(4), 476-493.
Fincher, D. (1999). Fight club. Los Angeles, CA: 20th Century Fox.
Koerner, R. (2017). Authoritarians to the Right of Me, Authoritarians to the Left. Retrieved from
Londoner. (2017). Londoner's Diary: Fight Club's Chuck Palahniuk: "I coined 'snowflake' and I stand by it". Retrieved from
Perkins-Gough, D. (2013). The significance of grit: A conversation with Angela Lee Duckworth. Educational Leadership, 71(1), 14-20.
Reivich, K. J., Seligman, M. E., & McBride, S. (2011). Master resilience training in the US Army. American Psychologist, 66(1), 25.
Tough, P. (2013). How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character. NY: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Webster, D., & Rivers, N. (2018). Resisting resilience: disrupting discourses of self- efficacy. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 1-13.
Study Document
...Resilience Allen-Meares, P. & Garvin, C. (Eds.). (2000). The Handbook of Social Work Direct Practice. New York, SAGE. This is not a primary source, but the definition of crisis could be used in the proposal.
An assessment of the customary practices utilized by individuals in times of crisis would not be complete without a clear definition of ‘crisis’ in the context of the said practices. In seeking to define the term crisis, the cited authors of the relevant piece in the volume are definite that we must base our perspectives on subjective reality. This is more so the case given that “what precipitates a crisis episode in one individual might not generate such a response in another person” (327). This is true for communities as well. It, therefore, follows that this is an essential resource in the definition of what constitutes a crisis at both the individual and community levels. This……
Roberts. A.R. (Ed.). (2005). Crisis Intervention Handbook: Assessment, Treatment, and Research (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Sama’ila, A. (2019). Economic crisis and the coping strategies of indigenous automobile entrepreneurs in northern Nigeria, 1983-2014. Sociology International Journal, 3(6), 437-442.
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...Resilience Case information and intake information
Presenting Problem:
The patient is a Caucasian female that is 29 years old. She presented the symptoms and signs of a mental health condition. Apart from having sleepless nights, she stated that she often felt sad, had crying spells almost daily, and that she was overeating. She stated that her sleeping was not right in the sense that it took her a couple of hours before finally falling a sleep. She also added that during certain nights, falling a sleep was impossible and if it happened, she would only sleep for few hours. She mentioned that she found herself thinking a lot and worrying during the time that she was awake. She said that her worries included the thoughts of her not being a good mother, and she felt as though she was a burden to her husband. She also acknowledged that she often thought……
American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. BMC Med, 17, 133-137.
Buntrock, C., Ebert, D. D., Lehr, D., Smit, F., Riper, H., Berking, M., & Cuijpers, P. (2016). Effect of a web-based guided self-help intervention for prevention of major depression in adults with subthreshold depression: a randomized clinical trial. Jama, 315(17), 1854-1863.
Davaasambuu, S., Aira, T., Hamid, P., Wainberg, M., & Witte, S. (2017). Risk and resilience factors for depression and suicidal ideation in Mongolian college students. Mental health & prevention, 5, 33.
Gilbert, P. (2016). Depression: The evolution of powerlessness. Routledge.
Hammen, C. (2018). Risk factors for depression: An autobiographical review. Annual review of clinical psychology, 14, 1-28.
Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking, fast and slow. Macmillan.
Khoury, B., Langer, E. J., & Pagnini, F. (2014). The DSM: mindful science or mindless power? A critical review. Frontiers in psychology, 5, 602.
MacGill, M. (2017). What is depression and what can I do about it? Medical News Today. Retrieved from
Study Document
… of fact, as Sinclair and Britt (2013) point out, “many of history’s great armies have distinguished themselves by demonstrating superb individual and organizational resilience” (79). Towards this end, there are various strategies that a CSM/SGM could employ in an attempt to not only manage organizational stress, but … in an attempt to not only manage organizational stress, but also develop resilient organizations. To begin with, it should be noted that the resilience building ought to be a continuous exercise. It is not a one-time exercise. This essentially means that resilience ought to be normalized and embraced as part and parcel of organizational identity. The institutionalization of resilience as a behavior that is largely normative calls for constant training.
The CSM/SGM should see to it that resilience is underpinned by physical wellbeing. On this front, physical wellbeing has got to do with the effective management of fatigue and implementation of……
Meredith, L.S., Sherbourne, C.D., Gaillot, S., Hansell, L. Rtschard, H.V., Parker, A.M. & Wrenn, G. (2011). Promoting Psychological Resilience in the U.S. Military. Retrieved from
Sinclair, R.R. & Britt, T.W. (2013). Building Psychological Resilience in Military Personnel: Theory and Practice. New York, NY: American Psychological Association.
Study Document
… to tackle the Wild West. Yet, as Perkins-Gough, Tough and Domhardt et al. all point out, children cannot succeed—academically or professionally—without developing grit, resilience, and determination. Rorabaugh’s argument is that bringing the Internet into the classroom and allowing students to engage in self-directed learning can help to … argument is that bringing the Internet into the classroom and allowing students to engage in self-directed learning can help to build that grit, resilience and determination as it allows them room to spread their wings in a controlled environment (under their teacher’s eyes) and begin sifting and … classroom could benefit from a bit more Internet. The problem with this is that while, yes, kids do need to develop grit and resilience as other researchers have noted, they also are very vulnerable to misinformation and still require a great deal of guidance. Even Dante the ……
Works Cited
Domhardt, Matthias, et al. \\\\\\\\\\\\"Resilience in survivors of child sexual abuse: A systematic review of the literature.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 16.4 (2015): 476-493.
Perkins-Gough, Deborah. \\\\\\\\\\\\"The significance of grit: A conversation with Angela Lee Duckworth.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Educational Leadership 71.1 (2013): 14-20.
Rorabaugh, Pete. “Trading Classroom Authority for Online Community.” Hybrid Pedagogy, 5 Jan 2012.
Tough, Paul. How children succeed: Grit, curiosity, and the hidden power of character. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012.
Study Document
… stimulating effects on the brain and may help neurons from dying. One of the main keys to prevention, however, is to boost one’s resilience (Livingston et al., 2017).
Resilience can be increased through intellectual stimulation early in life and continued throughout one’s adulthood. The evidence suggests that the more engaged one’s mind … exercise and diet well, can suffer from heart attacks or strokes. However, what Livingtson et al. (2017) indicate is that building up one’s resilience can reduce the risk of dementia developing later in life—and the best way to boost resilience is through intellectual activity according to the findings of researchers who have shown that more highly educated individuals tends to have lower raters ……
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2015). Non-pharmacologic Interventions for Agitation and Aggression in Dementia. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from
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Study Document
… solutions as opposed to what must be resolved, and concentrates on what works as against what doesn't.
The relationship between strengths-focused care and resilience theory within the context of nursing literature has been expounded upon further by Gottlieb (2014, p. 26), whose work describes a comprehensive strengths-based ……
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Study Document
… promote and teach to new recruits and soldiers (Bonde et al., 2016). One of the major reasons for this is that soldiers lack resilience—i.e., the ability to bounce back from adversity. Instead of taking a mental or emotional hit and bouncing back, they stay down and develop ……
Bonde, J. P., Utzon-Frank, N., Bertelsen, M., Borritz, M., Eller, N. H., Nordentoft, M., ... & Rugulies, R. (2016). Risk of depressive disorder following disasters and military deployment: systematic review with meta-analysis. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 208(4), 330-336.
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Reivich, K. J., Seligman, M. E., & McBride, S. (2011). Master resilience training in the US Army. American Psychologist, 66(1), 25.
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