Public Schools Essays (Examples)


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Right Of Informed Refusal For Minors

Pages: 9 (2623 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:16932208

… Likewise, some young people may abjectly refuse to attend their first day of kindergarten due to their perceptions of what takes place in schools, perceptions that have been fueled by high-profile media reports of violence and mass shootings in the nation’s schools unless forced to attend by their parents. These issues beg the question as to when a minor can be regarded as possessing the … are placed on lofty pedestals where they enjoy a wide array of special treatments, benefits and freedoms. A common refrain heard in many public debates demands that “we think of the children first,” and this view is held by the overwhelming majority of Americans today. This special ……



Black’s law dictionary. (1990). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company.

Bryden, J. (2016, February 25). Medical help in dying should be widely available, with few restrictions: Report. The Canadian Press, 6.

Hursthouse, R. & Pettigrove, G. (2018, Winter). Virtue ethics. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from .

Katz, A. L. & Webb, S. A. (2016, August). Informed consent in decision-making in pediatric practice. Pediatrics, 138(2), 30-37.

Lemmens, C. (2009, September). End- of- life decisions and minors: do minors have the right to refuse life preserving medical treatment? A comparative study. Medical Law Review, 28(3), 479-497.

Physician-assisted suicide. (2019). CNN. Retrieved from physician-assisted-suicide-fast-facts/index.html.

Salsberry, P. J. (1999, January 1). Caring, virtue theory, and a foundation for nursing ethics. Scholarly Inquiry for Nursing Practice, 6(2), 155-160.

Williams, Z. (2012, October 25). Early puberty: why are kids growing up faster? The Guardian. Retrieved from .


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Building Resilience In Travis County

Pages: 7 (1950 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Essay Document #:90529532

… work closely with existing organizations in order to create the most cost-effective means of reducing specific vulnerabilities and for increasing resilience. Both the public and private sector need to be on board with implementing these strategies in order for them to have measurable and meaningful outcomes. Strengthening ……



Austin History Center (2019). African American Community Archivist. Retrieved from 

Castillo, J. (2018). Exhibit on African Americans in Travis County tells stories, reveals gaps. Statesman. 27 Sept, 2018. Retrieved from 

Chang, J. (2018). Black children in Travis County 8 times more likely to be removed by CPS than white children. Statesman. 25 Oct, 2018. Retrieved from 

Craver, J. (2017). African-Americans spend more time in Travis County jail for same offenses as whites. Austin Monitor. 14 Jul 2017. Retrieved from 

Davis, C. (2018). African-Americans are moving to Austin again, but many don’t feel welcome. KXAN. 15 Jan, 2018. Retrieved from 

Menon, S. (2019). Conference aims to help more African-Americans get mental health care. KUT. 25 Feb, 2019. Retrieved from 

“New report points to racism and longer confinement of African Americans in Travis County Jail,” (2017). Grassroots Leadership. 13 July, 2017. Retrieved from 

Prosperity Now (2019). Racial wealth divide in Austin. Retrieved from


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The Rite Of The Sacraments Of Healing And Of The Sick

Pages: 5 (1627 words) Sources: 1 Document Type:Essay Document #:66309687

… Church since the Council of Trent in 1551.
The liturgical development of Penance has not evolved greatly over the history of the Church: public penance has always been recommended, particularly during Lent, but the sacrament of Penance has always been restricted to private confession—except for certain persons … during Lent, but the sacrament of Penance has always been restricted to private confession—except for certain persons like St. Augustine who wish to public confess their sins out of a sense of repentance for having lived as a public sinner.
Only since the Second Vatican Council has it become more common for the idea of penance to be approached as something done … own most tender mercy may the Lord pardon thee whatever sins or faults thou hast committed by sight, by hearing, smell,…[break]…part of America to have schools, run by the Jesuits, meant for the catechesis and conversion of the native Americans.……



Toner, Patrick. \\\\\\"Extreme Unction.\\\\\\" The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 5. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1909.


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Gangs In New York City

Pages: 3 (989 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:33226417

… instance, while Bill de Blasio – the City’s mayor – has in the past pointed out that one of the main threats to public safety in the city is gang activity, various organizations such as Brooklyn College’s Policing and Social Justice Project are adamant that the situation ……



Asbury, H. (2016). The Gangs of New York: An Informal History of the Underworld. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

Chapman, B. (2019). Shootings Rise in New York City, but Overall Crime Stays Low. Retrieved from 

Mangual, R.A. (2019). No, NYC can’t afford to stop tracking gang members. Retrieved from 

Watkins, A. (2019). Why Violence Is Spiking in Pockets of Brooklyn, Even as the City Gets Safer. Retrieved from


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Role And Purpose Of Advocacy In The Health Care Delivery System

Pages: 5 (1453 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:38970574

...Public schools Introduction
Advocacy in health care refers to the action of promoting and fostering social, economical, political and educational changes that reduce the risk of suffering of individuals and communities by implementing preventive strategies, increasing health literacy, and boosting access to care and health equity (Earnest, Wong & Federico, 2010). Health care advocacy agents can thus address health outcomes by advocating for changes to the current practices, environments, awareness, and access to care that populations face. This paper will discuss health care advocacy at the local, regional and international levels, the challenges and opportunities that exists in international healthcare advocacy and the ways these challenges can be addressed.
How Health Care Advocacy Agents Address Health Outcomes
The role and purpose of advocacy in the health care delivery system is to help to better ensure that the patient receives the type of quality care he or she needs no matter where he……



Ahmadinejad, F., Abbaszadeh, A., & Davoodvand, S. (2016). Patient advocacy from the clinical nurses\\\\' viewpoint: a qualitative study. Journal of medical ethics and history of medicine, 9(5).

Benatar, S. R. (2013). Global Health and Justice: R e?examining our Values. Bioethics,  27(6), 297-304.

Earnest, M. A., Wong, S. L., & Federico, S. G. (2010). Perspective: physician advocacy: what is it and how do we do it?. Academic medicine, 85(1), 63-67.

World Health Organization (WHO). (2015). Global Health Ethics Key issues Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Bioethics. Retrieved from:;jsessionid=BF56A5C93A3B735876DBBF060A0652FC?sequence=1 

World Health Organization. (2016). Online public hearing to help inform the scope of the forthcoming WHO guidelines on health policy and system support to optimize community based health worker programs. Retrieved from:


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Hypothesis Testing

Pages: 2 (677 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:question answer Document #:15783241

… test is testing the claim that the mean score of the gender male is higher than the scores of the gender female in public institutions.
-Provide an example of a hypothesis where a two-tailed hypothesis
test would be used.
An example in this case is testing the …
An example in this case is testing the claim that the mean scores between the gender male and the female are different in public high schools in the United States.
-If a researcher has set alpha at 0.05 for a two-tailed hypothesis test,
what is the p-value required to ……


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Gender And Veterans Differences In Access To Mental Health Care Services

Pages: 10 (2880 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:literature review Document #:16426783

Does Gender Affect the Utilization of Mental Health Care Services among Veterans?
The decision one takes when choosing a career poses a lifelong effect on his own life as well as of his family members. The deployment decision of a career that the person has to face sometimes harms his mental health and family both (Brooks & Chopik, 2020). For example, if the person belongs to the army, he might be deployed in a war zone, which later would have disastrous impacts on his mental health in the form of stress, depression, and excessive use of alcohol, etc. The intensity of trauma might increase if the diagnosis is not done on time and may lead to family problems like divorce, social dysfunction, substance abuse, difficulties in future employment, legal complications, and, most of all, physical health troubles.
Recently, women's inclusion in almost all areas of life……



Adams, R.E., Urosevich, T.G., Hoffman, S.N., Kirchner, H.L., Figley, C.R., Withey, C.A., Boscarino, J.J., Dugan, R.J. & Boscarino, J.A. (2019). Social and psychological risk and protective factors for veteran well-being: The role of veteran identity and its implications for intervention. Military Behavioral Health, 7(3), 304-314. 

Allore, H.G., Ning, Y., Brandt, C.A., & Goulet, J.L. (2013). Accounting for the hierarchical structure in veterans’ health administration data: Differences in healthcare utilization between men and women veterans. International Journal of Statistics in Medical Research, 2(2), 94-103. DOI: 10.6000/1929-6029.2013.02.02.03

Brooks, C. & Chopik, W. (2010, June 17). Research finds deployment affects mental health of veterans differently. Michigan State University. 

Duggal, M., Goulet, J.L., Womack, J., Gordon, K., Mattocks, K., Haskell, S.G., Justice, A.C. & Brandt, C.A. (2010). Comparison of outpatient health care utilization among returning women and men veterans from Afghanistan and Iraq. BMS Health Services Research, 10 (175). 

Harpaz-Rotem, I. & Rosenheck, R.A. (2011). Serving those who served: Retention of newly returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan in mental health treatment. Psychiatric Services, 62(1), 22-27. DOI: 10.1176/ps.62.1.pss6201_0022.

Haskel, S.G., Brandt, C.A., Krebs, E.E., Skanderson, M., Kerns, R.D., & Goulet, J.L. (2009). Pain among veterans of operations enduring freedom and Iraqi freedom: Do women and men differ? Pain Medicine, 10(7), 1167-1173. 4637.2009.00714.x

Kaur, S., Stechuchak, K.M., Coffman, C.J., Allen, K.D., & Bastain, L.A. (2007). Gender differences in health care utilization among veterans with chronic pain. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 22(2), 228-233. DOI: 10.1007/s11606-006-0048-5

Koo, K.H., Madden, E. & Maguen, S. (2015). Race, ethnicity, and gender differences in V.A. health care service utilization among U.S. veterans of recent conflicts. Psychiatric Services, 66(5), 507-513.


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Individual Self Esteem Growth And Development

Pages: 4 (1244 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:45484325

...Public schools Development of Self-Esteem
As self-aware and self-reflective beings, numerous individuals instinctively identify the significance of self-esteem. Self-esteem is, therefore, more of perception instead of a reality. It alludes to an individual’s belief regarding whether one is whether appealing or competent, and it does not necessarily mean anything regarding whether the individual is appealing and competent. Conventionally, the majority of people consider self-esteem to be significant. It is hard, in not intolerable, for people to continue being unconcerned to information that impacts their self-esteem, for instance, being told that they are stupid, ugly, or deceitful. An escalation or decline in self-esteem usually generates significant emotional responses. Furthermore, these changes are usually corresponding with key successes and failures experienced in life. Therefore, self-esteem facilitates happiness, greater performances, and also improved standards of living.
By Maslow (1943), the actions of human beings are motivated to accomplish particular needs. Maslow delineates five various levels……



Baumeister, R. F., Campbell, J. D., Krueger, J. I., & Vohs, K. D. (2003). Does high self-esteem cause better performance, interpersonal success, happiness, or healthier lifestyles? Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 4(1), 1–44.

Cosentino, B. W. (2020). Loving Yourself. How to raise your self-esteem.

Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370.

Robinson, R. B., & Frank, D. I. (1994). The relation between self-esteem, sexual activity, and pregnancy. Adolescence, 29(113), 27–35.

Watts, R. (2015). Adler’s individual psychology: The original positive psychology. REVISTA DE PSICOTERAPIA, 26 (102) 123-131.


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The Bell Jar Shows How Shock Therapy Makes Women Strong

Pages: 7 (2016 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:74900001

...Public schools How Esther is a Model of a Self-Sufficient Woman in The Bell Jar
Sylvia Plath’s first person narrator in The Bell Jar comes across as a Holden Caulfield type—a disaffected, somewhat lost, but highly intelligent individual capable of critical thought and therefore exceedingly lonely in a world of conformists, who seem to show no desire to question anything or to know themselves. The narrator of Plath’s novel is Esther Greenwood—a young woman living in New York, a city she loathes. As a result of an acute sense of not being able to fit in anywhere, Esther suffers from depression and tries to kill herself. She ends up receiving a number of shock therapies—such as insulin shock therapy and electroshock therapy—before finally beginning to feel free to be her own person without fear. From a Feminist Criticism perspective, it can be argued that Esther is the model of a strong,……



Alberga-Parisi, A., & Pope, B. (2018). Loss and the Perfection Crucible in The Bell Jar and The Catcher in the Rye. When Loss Gets Personal: Discussing Death through Literature in the Secondary ELA Classroom, 141.

Bell, E. (2016). Adolescence and Liminality in Carson McCullers’ Short Fiction. In Childhood through the Looking Glass (pp. 89-98). Brill.

Codina, N., & Pestana, J. V. (2019). Time Matters Differently in Leisure Experience for Men and Women: Leisure Dedication and Time Perspective. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(14), 2513.

Effthimiou, O., & Franco, Z. (2017). Heroic intelligence: The hero\\\\\\'s journey as an evolutionary and existential blueprint. Journal of Genius and Eminence, 2(2).

Plath, S. (1996). The bell jar. New York, NY: HarperCollins.

Short, E. C., ed. (1991). Forms of curriculum inquiry. New York, NY: SUNY Press.

Tyson, L. (2006). Critical theory today: A user-friendly guide. New York, NY: Routledge.


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Social Work Policy For Sex Trafficking

Pages: 8 (2423 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:78918009

… they are United States citizens, are eligible for immigration help and assistance in case of experiencing trafficking. Moreover, there is a recommendation that schools need to establish and advance curricula that include education on human trafficking and also developing protocols on how to pinpoint and report any ……



Alliance to End Slavery and Trafficking. (2017). Summary of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) and Reauthorizations FY 2017. Retrieved from: 

Benoit, C., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Healey, P., & Magnuson, D. (2019). “The prostitution problem”: Claims, evidence, and policy outcomes. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48(7), 1905-1923.

Brooks, A., & Heaslip, V. (2019). Sex trafficking and sex tourism in a globalized world. Tourism Review of AIEST - International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism, 74(5), 1104-1115. doi:

Bruckert, C., & Parent, C. (2002). Trafficking in human beings and organized crime: A literature review (pp. 1-35).

Clawson, H. J., Dutch, N., Solomon, A., & Grace, L. G. (2009). Human trafficking into and within the United States: A review of the literature. Washington, DC: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, US Department of Human and Health Services. Retrieved December 25, 2009.

Greenbaum, V. J. (2017). Child sex trafficking in the United States: Challenges for the healthcare provider. PLoS medicine, 14(11).

International Labour Organization. (2017). Global Estimates of Modern Slavery. Retrieved from: 

Kelly, C. (July 30, 2019). 13 sex trafficking statistics that explain the enormity of the global sex trade. USA Today. Retrieved from:

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