Study Document
… Patient safety is influenced by many factors including medication safety, which is identified as one of the most common type of errors in nursing practice (Getnet & Bifftu, 2017). Given the increased focus on patient safety and better outcomes, nurses face the need to enhance medication safety … (Getnet & Bifftu, 2017). Given the increased focus on patient safety and better outcomes, nurses face the need to enhance medication safety and nursing care. However, the healthcare environment is characterized by numerous interruptions that could compromise medication safety and nursing care. Nurses experience different kinds of interruptions in their work including during medication administration. Therefore, reduction of interruptions in nursing work is vital to improve medication safety and nursing care. This quality improvement project demonstrates how this can be achieved by using Plan-Do-Study-Act methodology.
Problem Statement
Patient safety is widely recognized as … in turn affects patient outcomes. As a……
Getnet, M.A. & Bifftu, B.B. (2017, November 20). Work Interruption Experienced by Nurses during Medication Administration Process and Associated Factors, Northwest Ethiopia. Nursing Research and Practice. Retrieved from
Monteiro, C., Avelar, A.F.M. & Pedreira, M.G. (2015, Jan-Feb). Interruptions of Nurses’ Activities and Patient Safety: An Integrative Literature Review. Revista Latino Americana de Enfermagem, 23(1), 169-179.
Taylor, M.J., McNicholas, C., Nicolay, C., Darzi, A., Bell, D. & Reed, J.E. (2013). Systematic Review of the Application of the Plan-Do-Study-Act Method to Improve Quality in Healthcare. BMJ Quality & Safety, 23(4), 290-298.
Westbrook, J.I., Li, L., Hooper, T.D., Raban, M.Z., Middleton, S. & Lehnbom, E.C. (2016). Effectiveness of a “Do not Interrupt” Bundled Intervention to Reduce Interruptions During Medication: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Feasibility Study. BMJ Quarterly & Safety, 26(9), 734-742.
Study Document
Nurses are always considered helpers and the profession is widely regarded as one for compassionate and helping individuals. The nursing’s Social Policy Statement is a work that seeks to detail the many ways in which nurses can assist others. How nurses relate with … allows nurses to carry out their professional duties in the provision of care to individual clients and to the society. It also empowers nursing practitioners to engage in policymaking, legislative and political action for the purposes of improving the provision of care, improving nursing practice, improving nursing research, and improving nursing education. It also enables nurses to comprehend the concepts of justice and social ethics and the roles they play in individual and societal … the concepts of justice and social ethics and the roles they play in individual and societal health (Fowler, 2015). This work discusses the nursing social contract with regards to Henrietta Lack’s……
American Nurses Association. (2010). Nursing\\'s social policy statement: The essence of the profession. Nursesbooks. org.
Cruess, R. L., & Cruess, S. R. (2008). Expectations and obligations: professionalism and medicine\\'s social contract with society. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 51(4), 579-598.
Fowler, M. D. M. (2015). Guide to nursing\\'s social policy statement: Understanding the profession from social contract to social covenant. Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Association.
Palmd, (2010). More on Lacks ethics. Science blogs. Retrieved from
Quinlan, C. (2018). Trust in Medical Research: The Legacy of Henrietta Lacks, Part 1. Science 36 Trial Mix. Retrived from
Reeves, S., van Soeren, M., MacMillan, K., & Zwarenstein, M. (2013). Medicine and nursing: A social contract to improve collaboration and patient-centred care. Journal of interprofessional care, 27(6), 441-442.
Skloot, R. (2010). The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks. Broadway Books.
Stump, J. L. (2014). Henrietta Lacks and The HeLa Cell: Rights of Patients and Responsibilities of Medical Researchers. The History Teacher, 48(1), 127-180.
Study Document
… various diseases and the occurrences of those diseases in the given geographical area over time. Descriptive epidemiology is therefore capable of generating etiological research hypotheses (Liu, 2018). This paper discusses the role of descriptive epidemiology in nursing today.
Descriptive Epidemiology
Descriptive epidemiology refers to a method of data organization and analysis with the goal of understanding the differences that exist … and place are important concepts in epidemiology. Data is usually compiled and analyzed based on these three factors. This is especially true in nursing (Katzmarzyk et al., 2017). Further, accounts created about the health of a population are also expressed using tables, graphs, and maps.
With … the exercise and then following the group for the duration of the study to identify any health changes (Katzmarzyk et al., 2017). The research normally considers different exposures and outcomes and they are measured by self-questionnaire, observation, or from linkages……
Liu, L., (2018). “Chapter 1 – Introduction.” In Heart Failure: Epidemiology and Research Methods. Elsevier Health Sciences. p. 1-12.
Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2015). Public health nursing-e-book: Population-centered health care in the community. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Richards, E. A., & Cai, Y. (2016). Integrative review of nurse-delivered physical activity interventions in primary care. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 38(4), 484-507.
Katzmarzyk, P. T., Lee, I. M., Martin, C. K., & Blair, S. N. (2017). Epidemiology of physical activity and exercise training in the United States. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, 60(1), 3-10.
Mandl, M., Halfens, R. J., & Lohrmann, C. (2015). Incontinence care in nursing homes: a cross?sectional study. Journal of advanced nursing, 71(9), 2142-2152.
Oyesanya, T. O., Bowers, B. J., Royer, H. R., & Turkstra, L. S. (2018). Nurses’ concerns about caring for patients with acute and chronic traumatic brain injury. Journal of clinical nursing, 27(7-8), 1408-1419.
Heavey, E. (2018). Statistics for nursing: A practical approach. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Colditz, G., Nguyen, N., & Dart, H. (2016). Physical activity and health. In International Encyclopedia of Public Health (pp. 463-472). Elsevier Inc.
Study Document
...Nursing research Introduction
Adaptive response refers to how the human body protects itself from injury or infection. It is the third line of defense after inflammatory response and innate immunity (Huether & McCance, 2017). Advanced practice nurses should understand patient’s adaptive responses to alterations caused by disease processes. This paper explains the pathophysiology of tonsillitis, irritant contact dermatitis (ICD), and stress responses as determined from scenario 1, 2 and 3 (see Appendix A). In addition, it presents the mind map of tonsillitis that shows epidemiology, pathophysiology, risk factors, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and adaptive responses.
Scenario 1: Acute Tonsillitis
The conclusion from scenario 1 (see Appendix A) is a 2-years-old female patient suffering from on and off fever, sore throat, and swallowing pain for three days. Physical examination shows the patient’s throat is red with 4 tonsils, diffuse exudates, and palpable tender anterior cervical nodes. Patient's vital signs reveal a heart rate of……
Study Document
...Nursing research Nurse practitioners play a crucial role in the modern healthcare system given their responsibilities in administering patient care. One of the critical components in the delivery of healthcare services in the modern healthcare setting is collaboration between different stakeholders. Modern healthcare environments and settings are characterized by the establishment of a multidisciplinary team that provides patient care. Consequently, nurse practitioners are required to collaborate with others, particularly physicians in their respective roles in the care delivery process. Stewart & DeNisco (2019) states that collaboration among healthcare providers or clinicians is based on shared goals and decision making, mutual relationships, and use of collective knowledge of all stakeholders involved in the care process.
Collaboration with physicians has tremendous impacts on the practice and job satisfaction for nurse practitioners. The collaboration changes the practice of nurse practitioners by shifting their focus to patient-care, holistic care. When collaborating with physicians, nurse practitioners help……
Dillon, D. & Hoyson, P.M. (2014, January). Beginning Employment: A Guide for the New Nurse Practitioner. The Journal of Nurse Practitioners, 10(1), 55-59.
Stewart, J.G. & DeNisco, S.M. (2019). Role of development for the nurse practitioner (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Study Document
Current Issue in nursing: nursing Shortage
nursing quality and adequate staffing are intertwined. Adequate levels of nurses, lower nurse to patient ratios, and also more highly trained nurses are associated … recruiting new nurses is a struggle for many hospitals. Also, in a desire to cut costs, many institutions are often unwilling, despite evidence-based research supporting higher staffing ratios as leading to lower-cost and superior patient outcomes, to hire more nurses as healthcare staffing makes up as much … lower-cost and superior patient outcomes, to hire more nurses as healthcare staffing makes up as much as 40% of all intuitional operating costs (“nursing Shortage,” 2019).
The attempt to cut costs by reducing staff levels reflects an unfortunately misguided view of the value of the nursing profession. It also reflects a misguided view of an aging patient population which increasingly consists of patients with multiple chronic conditions, many of … aging……
ANA health care economist Peter McMenamin on the nursing shortage outlook. (2019). Nursing
World. Retrieved from: safety/rnjobmkt_peterminterview_final_030713.pdf
Bond, D. (2017). Will BSN students consider a future nursing faculty role? Nursing Education Perspectives, 38(1):9–17.
Botha, E., Gwin, & Purpora, C. (2015). The effectiveness of mindfulness based programs in reducing stress experienced by nurses in adult hospital settings: a systematic review of quantitative evidence protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 13(10):21–29. Retrieved from:
Crawford, C. (2019). Addition of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses to the trauma team: An integrated systematic review of literature. Journal of Trauma Nursing. 26(3):141–146,
Gillespie, G. L., Grubb, P. L., Brown, K., Boesch, M. C., & Ulrich, D. (2017). ‘Nurses eat their young:’ A novel bullying educational program for student nurses. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 7(7), 11–21. doi:10.5430/jnep.v7n7P11
Haddad, L.M., Toney-Butler, T.J. (2019). Nursing shortage. StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing. Retrieved from:
Nurse staffing crisis. (2019). Nursing World. Retrieved from:
Study Document
… of the group before the desires of the individual. Nurses can use and understand culture by utilizing models like Leininger’s transcultural model of nursing, by adopting a patient-centered care strategy, or simply by developing their cultural competencies. In doing so, nurses can promote safe, effective, and quality … they serve within the realm of nurses’ care. To promote cultural awareness among nurses, one of the best places to start is Hofstede’s research on cultural dimensions.
Literature Review
What is Culture?
Culture has been defined in terms of the values that it promotes, as Hofstede (1980) ……
Bassert, J. M. (2017). McCurnin\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Clinical Textbook for Veterinary Technicians-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Bovee, C.L., & Thill, J.V. (1992). Business Communication Today. NY, NY: McGraw- Hill.
Burnett, M.J., & Dollar, A. (1989). Business Communication: Strategies for Success. Houston, Texas: Dane.
Davidson, L., Tondora, J., Miller, R., O’Connell, M. (2015). Person-Centered Care. Person-Centered Care for Mental Illness. WA: American Psychological Association.
Hambrick, D.C., Davison, S.C., Snell, S.A. & Snow, C.C. (1998). When groups consist of multiple nationalities: Towards a new understanding of the implications. Organization studies, 19(2), 181-205.
Hofstede, G. (2011). Dimensionalizing cultures: The Hofstede model in context. Online Readings in Psychology and Culture, 2(1), 8.
Hofstede, G. (1980). Motivation, leadership, and organization: do American theories apply abroad?. Organizational Dynamics, 9(1), 42-63.
Hofstede Insights. (2019). Retrieved from,the-usa/
Study Document
Culture in Advanced nursing Practice
Culturally competent nurses can assess the psychological, spiritual, physiological, social, environmental, and epidemiological data on a particular cultural group to provide … on a particular cultural group to provide culturally sensitive and patient-centered care. Since Madeleine Leininger first proposed that cultural competency was essential to nursing, various means of incorporating cultural learning and assessment have been incorporated into advanced nursing practice. Culture includes but is not limited to ethnic, linguistic, religious, and national heritage, and can also include subcultural domains, age, socioeconomic status, … the advanced practice nurse to understand the complex intersections between health status, cultural needs, disease prevalence, spirituality, agency, and more.
Culturally Competent Advanced nursing Practice
Since Madeleine Leininger first proposed that cultural competency was essential to nursing, various means of incorporating cultural learning and assessment have been incorporated into advanced nursing practice. Cultural competency is important in nursing because “culture……
Coats, H., Crist, J. D., Berger, A., Sternberg, E., & Rosenfeld, A. G. (2016). African American Elders’ Serious Illness Experiences. Qualitative Health Research, 27(5), 634–648. doi:10.1177/1049732315620153
“Cultural Awareness and Influences on Health: NCLEX-RN,” (2020). Registered Nursing. Retrieved from:
Marion, L., Douglas, M., Lavin, M., Barr, N., Gazaway, S., Thomas, L., Bickford, C., (November 18, 2016) \\\\\\\\\\\\"Implementing the New ANA Standard 8: Culturally Congruent Practice\\\\\\\\\\\\" OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 22 No. 1.
Smith, L.S. (2018). A nurse educator\\\\\\\\\\\\'s guide to cultural competence. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy 16(2): 19-23.
Spector, R.E. (2016). Cultural diversity in health and illness. 9th Edition
Wagner, J. (2019). Cultural competency. Medicine Libre Texts. Retrieved from:
Williams, M.T., Duque, G., Wetterneck, C.T., et al. (2018). Ethnic identity and regional differences in mental health in a national sample of African American young adults. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities 5(2018): 312-321.
Young, S., & Guo, K. L. (2016). Cultural diversity training: the necessity of cultural competence for health care providers and in nursing practice. The health care manager, 35(2), 94-102.
Study Document
… for patients experiencing illness and seeking treatment. The role of the nurse is complex, requiring effectiveness, efficiency, compassion, and understanding. Some aspects of nursing science involve research and use of evidence-based practice to provide the high quality and safety standards patients deserve. How are quality and safety measures adopted and … deserve. How are quality and safety measures adopted and implemented? This essays aims to look at the role quality and safety play in nursing science using a contemporary example, and seeing how real world strategies aim to test and assess standards of care to deliver the positive … into real-world application of quality and safety measures, one can determine the process from cultivation of concepts, implementation, and assessment.
Quality measures in nursing science
Often a good way to understand if a patient is experiencing a high quality of care is through patient outcomes and patient … quality of……
Brasait?, I., Kaunonen, M., Martink?nas, A., Mockien?, V., & Suominen, T. (2016). Health care professionals’ skills regarding patient safety. Medicina, 52(4), 250-256. doi:10.1016/j.medici.2016.05.004
Jones, T. L., Hamilton, P., & Murry, N. (2015). Unfinished nursing care, missed care, and implicitly rationed care: State of the science review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52(6), 1121-1137. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2015.02.012
Lood, Q., Kirkevold, M., Sjögren, K., Bergland, Å., Sandman, P., & Edvardsson, D. (2019). Associations between person?centred climate and perceived quality of care in nursing homes: A cross?sectional study of relatives’ experiences. Journal of Advanced Nursing. doi:10.1111/jan.14011
Murray, M., Sundin, D., & Cope, V. (2017). New graduate registered nurses’ knowledge of patient safety and practice: A literature review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(1-2), 31-47. doi:10.1111/jocn.13785
Sahlström, M., Partanen, P., Rathert, C., & Turunen, H. (2016). Patient participation in patient safety still missing: Patient safety experts\\' views. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 22(5), 461-469. doi:10.1111/ijn.12476
Smeds-Alenius, L., Tishelman, C., Lindqvist, R., Runesdotter, S., & McHugh, M. D. (2016). RN assessments of excellent quality of care and patient safety are associated with significantly lower odds of 30-day inpatient mortality: A national cross-sectional study of acute-care hospitals. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 61, 117-124. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2016.06.005
Tobiano, G., Marshall, A., Bucknall, T., & Chaboyer, W. (2015). Patient participation in nursing care on medical wards: An integrative review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52(6), 1107-1120. doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2015.02.010
Twigg, D. E., Pugh, J. D., Gelder, L., & Myers, H. (2016). Foundations of a nursing-sensitive outcome indicator suite for monitoring public patient safety in Western Australia. Collegian, 23(2), 167-181. doi:10.1016/j.colegn.2015.03.007
Study Document
The Importance of Effective nursing Leadership Today
Today, the nursing profession is under unprecedented pressures to deliver high quality patient-centered care in the wake of the ongoing global coronavirus pandemic. In far too … this paper is to provide a review of the relevant literature, including the student handbook, to describe the importance of leadership for professional nursing practice. Finally, a summary of the research and important findings about professional nursing practice and leadership are presented in the paper’s conclusion.
Review and Discussion
In some ways, the nursing profession is unique because it calls upon virtually all professional nurses to be prepared to “hit the ground running” in a leadership role … leader based on the situation” (p. 52). Likewise, the American Nurses Association (ANA) also emphasizes that, “Leadership is an integral part of the nursing profession” (ANA leadership and governance, 2020, para. 4).
Taken together, these professional requirements therefore……
ANA leadership and governance. (2020). American Nurses Association. Retrieved from .
Delgado, C. & Mitchell, M. M. (2016, January-February). A survey of current valued academic leadership qualities in nursing. Nursing Education Perspectives, 37(1), 10-13.
Meliniotis, C. (2015, March 30). Effective nursing leadership. Elite Healthcare. Retrieved from .
Student handbook.
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