Study Document
… if one ponders over intertextuality may be determined at the individual phrasal level. Linguistic similitudes between Revelation's bowls and trumpets, and the Egyptian plagues described by Exodus have been listed down in the following table;
Table 1. The Exodus' plagues and Revelation’s trumpets
Trumpet in Revelation
Plague in Exodus
1. Rev 8:7, fire, hail
7th, Exod 9:23–25, fire, hail
2. Rev 8:8–9, sea turning into blood, a third of its ……
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Study Document
...Plague Why Ethical Egoism is a Problematic Framework for Intelligence
CI Literature Review
The aim of this examination of the literature is to fill the wide gap that remains in counterintelligence research regarding an appropriate ethical standard that can guide and foster an ethical culture, as called for by Bellaby (2012) and Valentine (2016). The purpose of this review is to identify the lessons that have been learned and presented by researchers on this topic, and to identify an appropriate theoretical framework for assessing the way forward. The research question for this study is: How can the US counterintelligence enterprise support collaboration among the various USIC members and the private sector in an ethical and productive manner? The ultimate purpose of this study is to propose a standardized ethical framework for guiding the counterintelligence program as it works to collaborate with the private sector in the 21st century. Therefore, the……
2020-2022 National Counterintelligence Strategy of the United States. 2020. Washington, DC: National Counterintelligence and Security Center
Bailey, Christopher and Susan M. Galich. 2012. “Codes of Ethics: The Intelligence Community.” International Journal of Intelligence Ethics 35 (2): 77-99.
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Carson, Thomas L. 2010. Lying and Deception: Theory and Practice. Oxford University Press.
Cohen, Shlomo. 2016. "Are There Moral Limits to Military Deception?." Philosophia 44 (4): 1305-1318.
Coyne, John, Peter Bell, and Shannon Merrington. 2013. "Exploring ethics in intelligence and the role of leadership." Interntional Journal of Business and Commerce 2 (10): 27-37.
Erskine, Toni. 2004. "'As Rays of Light to the Human Soul'? Moral Agents and Intelligence Gathering." Intelligence & National Security 19 (2): 359-381.
Godson, Roy, and James J. Wirtz. 2000. "Strategic denial and deception." International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 13 (4): 424-437.
Study Document
… have been developed for the counterintelligence community in the year 2020 reflects the same conflated, mixed, broad, and somewhat vague strategic objectives that plagued the CI’s Phoenix program, which Valentine (2016) has called the “blueprint” for all current intelligence action (50). Tromblay (2017) has concurred with the … “the U.S. government has attempted to partner with the private sector on counterintelligence (CI) awareness and response, [but that] these efforts have been plagued by a limited concept of which industry sectors are at risk, inconsistency in programs, and redundancies across agencies” (1). Overall, there is a ……
2020-2022 National Counterintelligence Strategy of the United States. 2020. Washington, DC: National Counterintelligence and Security Center
Bailey, Christopher and Susan M. Galich. 2012. “Codes of Ethics: The Intelligence Community.” International Journal of Intelligence Ethics 35 (2): 77-99.
Bernardi, Beatrice. 2013. \\\\\\"The Role of Intelligence in the Fight Against International Terrorism: Legal Profiles.\\\\\\" Bachelor\\\\\\'s thesis, Università Ca\\\\\\'Foscari Venezia.
Carson, Thomas L. 2010. Lying and Deception: Theory and Practice. Oxford University Press.
Erskine, Toni. 2004. \\\\\\"\\\\\\'As Rays of Light to the Human Soul\\\\\\'? Moral Agents and Intelligence Gathering.\\\\\\" Intelligence & National Security 19 (2): 359-381.
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Intelligence and National Security Alliance. 2020. Counterintelligence for the 21st Century. Arlington, VA.
Study Document
...Plague Interest rates form the basis for valuation models around the world. They are used in almost every industry, country, and geography. Interest rates can also influence corporate and consumer behaviors. For example, depending on the inherent risk of a consumer, credit card rates determine how much an individual must pay on a month basis to the financial institution. Corporations looking to borrow funds to expand their market share must consider the variable interest rates being changed and their ability to service the debt. Even governments must be mindful of the extent of their borrowers and the corresponding impact of interest rates on their ability to services the debt. Due primarily to their importance in key elements of human civilization, interest rates are a closely watched tool by individual investors, general consumers, and corporations. Banks in particular are heavily influenced by the change in interest rates as they operate as financial……
1. Goodhard, C and E Perotti, 2008 “Maturity mismatch stretching: Banking has taken a wrong turn”, CEPR Policy Insight 81, 6-July
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3. Laubach and Williams. 2003. “Measuring the Natural Rate of Interest,” Review of Economics and Statistics 85, no.4 (November): 1063-70.
4. Rachel, L. and Smith, T.D., 2017. Are low real interest rates here to stay?. International Journal of Central Banking, 13(3), pp.1-42.
5. Schularick, M, and A M Taylor, (2009), “Credit Booms Gone Bust: Monetary Policy, Leverage Cycles and Financial Crises, 1870-2008”, NBER DP 15512
6. Stock, J.H. and Watson, M.W., 2007. Why has US inflation become harder to forecast?. Journal of Money, Credit and banking, 39, pp.3-33
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… by the companies already mentioned. Yet, as Omarova (2011) points out, an industry without self-regulation is one unlikely to address the problems that plague it: at some point, accountability and firm responsibility is needed to address issues that by and large elude regulators by more than a ……
Arner, D. W., Barberis, J., & Buckey, R. P. (2016). FinTech, RegTech, and the reconceptualization of financial regulation. Nw. J. Int'l L. & Bus., 37, 371.
Arnone, M., & Padoan, P. C. (2008). Anti-money laundering by international institutions: a preliminary assessment. European Journal of Law and Economics, 26(3), 361-386.
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Omarova, S. T. (2010). Rethinking the future of self-regulation in the financial industry. Brook. J. Int'l L., 35, criticism. Bus. L. Int'l, 16, 5.
Omarova, S. T. (2011). Wall street as community of fate: Toward financial industry self-regulation. University of Pennsylvania Law Review, 159(2), 411-492.
Pritchard, A. C. (2003). Self-regulation and securities markets. Regulation, 26, 32.
Study Document
...Plague Life-Stage Considerations: Strengths-Based Approach
A strengths-based approach to treatment resonates greatly with resiliency models involving patients and their families, as well as family-focused care grounded in mutually helpful practitioner-patient family therapeutic relationships. In this sort of care setting, patients and their family members actively engage in identifying concerns or issues, making decisions, and formulating steps for patient health restoration and promotion (Swartz, 2017, p. 1). In particular, Ballantyne and Gan (2016, p. 233) delineate a solutions-oriented or strengths-grounded intervention approach for families of teens suffering from severe brain damage. According to the authors, every household possesses the strength, capability, and resources for recovering from adversity. Additionally, they explain that unlike the conventional clinical model, strengths-based therapy revolves around strengths as opposed to deficiencies, promotes teamwork as against hierarchy, makes use of resources as against expert opinion, emphasizes skills and solutions as opposed to what must be resolved, and concentrates on……
Ditton, L. (2015). Depression Treatment: Strengths-based Approaches. Available at
Gan, C., & Ballantyne, M. (2016). Brain injury family intervention for adolescents: A solution-focused approach. NeuroRehabilitation, 38(3), 231-241.
Gottlieb, L. (2014). Strengths-based nursing: A holistic approach to care, grounded in eight core values. American Journal of Nursing, 114(8), 24-32.
Liu, R. T., Kleiman, E., Nestor, B., Cheek, S. (2015). The Hopelessness Theory of Depression: A Quarter Century in Review. Clin Psychol, 22(4), 345-365. DOI:10.1111/cpsp.12125.
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World Health Organization. (1998). Health Promotion Glossary. World Health Organization. Available at
Xie, H. (2013). Strengths-Based Approach for Mental Health Recovery. Iran J Psychiatry Behav Sci, 7(2), 5-10. Available at
Study Document
… hoped-for economic prosperity did not manifest and instead Ukraine lost 60% of its GDP that decade (IMF, 2007). Inflation, crime and corruption so plagued the country that soon workers were striking and protests were appearing en masse. Kuchma gave way to Berezovsky-backed Viktor Yushchenko, who gave way ……
Alexievich, S. (2007). Secondhand Time: The Last of the Soviets. NY: Random House.
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Risen, J. (2019). I Wrote About the Bidens and Ukraine Years Ago. Retrieved from
Study Document
...Plague Gangs
Gangs in America have formed the subject of a large number of research works, thereby becoming a growth sector (Sanchez-Jankowski, 2003). The definition of the term ‘gangs’ is: an ongoing informal or formal group, party, or alliance of at least three individuals whose primary activities include perpetrating at least one of the crimes listed below: 1) attacking using a lethal weapon, 2) murder, 3) burglary, 4) selling or holding in possession for production, selling, offering for sale, transporting, or offering to produce controlled substances, 5) arson, 6) shooting at any occupied automobile or inhabited house, 7) intimidating victims and witnesses, and 8) carrying out a grand robbery of a vehicle, vessel, or trailer, in addition to sharing a common sign, symbol, or name, whose members have separately or, as a group, previously or currently participated in some pattern of hang crime (California Department of Justice, 1993).
Classification of……
California Department of Justice. (1993). Gangs 2000: A call to action. Sacramento, California: Department of Justice.
Department of Public Security. (2007). Definition and classification of gangs: Executive summary. Washington, DC: Organization of American States.
Sanchez-Jankowski, M. (2003). Gangs and social change. Theoretical Criminology, 7(2), 191-216. DOI: 10.1177/1362480603007002413.
Study Document
… to Ebola outbreaks in order to recommend further areas of study.
Significance of the problem
Unlike many other deadly diseases that continue to plague humankind, Ebola is in a category almost by itself in terms of its lethality. Indeed, Ebola infections typically kill between 25% and 90% ……
Allam, M. F. (2014, September). Ebola hemorrhagic fever: Case fatality rate 90%? Central European Journal of Public Health 22(3), 207-210.
Allam, M. F. & Vonka, V. (2015, March). Ebola virus disease: Temperature checks for travelers? Central European Journal of Public Health, 23(1), 84.
Brand, J. E. & Stela, D. (2014, October). Ebola is here: Knowledge, identification, and appropriate infection control are key. American Nurse Today, 9(10), 37-39.
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Hancock, M. (2019, September). After Ebola. African Business, 422, 56-58.
Study Document
… rights in Poland and essentially established their own state within the Polish state. While the rest of Europe was falling to the Black Plague that same century, Poland remained relatively free from the disease. In the century leading up to WWI, Poland was fought over by the ……
Bradberry, B. (2012). The Myth of German Villainy. IN: AuthorHouse.
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Rempfer, K. (2018). Why Poland wants a permanent US military base, and is willing to pay $2 billion for it. Retrieved from
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