Study Document
… is limited to a specific objective. This was the case with the Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN), headquartered at 90 Church in New york city. The FBN was very effective in using counterintelligence tactics to undermine and prevent drug trafficking in the US (Unkefer 2013). However, these tactics ……
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... york city Public Administration
How Public Administrative Discretion Works
The main difference between public and private administration is that in the former the administration both administers to the public and is accountable to the public; in the latter, the administration is accountable only to stakeholders, which may or may not include members of the community/public. Other differences include the fact that in private administration, the idea is that the administration is overseeing some business organization that focuses on a goal related to its mission, its business model. Public administration, on the other hand, refers to a political process wherein official administrators are elected or appointed to do a job for the good of the public. They typically control or use public funds; must give a public accounting of how funds are used, and must to all intents and purposes fulfill a mandate given them by the public—though, of course, it is……
Cann, S. (2007). The Administrative State, the Exercise of Discretion, and the Constitution. Public Administration Review, 67(4), 780–782.
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administrations through business process reengineering and simulation: A case study. Business Process Management Journal, 21(2), 419-462.
Rubenstein, D. S. (2015). Administrative Federalism as Separation of Powers. Wash. & Lee L. Rev., 72, 171.
Savoie, D. J. (2006). What is wrong with the new public management?. In Comparative Public Administration (pp. 593-602). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Study Document
… characters and was the person behind Marvel Comics for many years. He was born as Stanley Lieber on December 28, 1922 in New york city. He worked for Timely Comics starting in 1939, and that company became Marvel Comics. Stan Lee was a writer there, and worked with ……
Stan Lee then was promoted and eventually was in charge of all of Marvel Comics. He has appeared in many Marvel films, and the last one was Black Panther. He continued to be highly influential in the company and among all comic book fans. Stan Lee died in 2018 in Los Angeles, and he was 95 years old. His legacy continues today as many of his characters still have best-selling comic books and movies.
Study Document
... york city Problem at Uber
Uber has 22,000 employees worldwide and approximately half of its employees work inside the US. The company has nearly 1 million drivers in the US and approximately 4 million worldwide (Sainato, 2019). The problem that Uber has is that it does not consider its drivers as actual employees even though this categorization has been challenged at the federal level. Regulators have argued in the past that the company should count its drivers as employees rather than as freelancers or contractors. Drivers too have argued that they deserve the benefits, protections and compensation that regular employees receive (Rapier, 2019). However, the National Labor Relations Board's general counsel recently revealed that Uber’s drivers will continue to be classified as contractors. Though the company has viewed this as a victory for its business model, there are plenty of problems that remain as a result of this continuation of what……
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Rogers, B. (2016). Employment rights in the platform economy: Getting back to basics. Harv. L. & Pol'y Rev., 10, 479.
Study Document
… sells the latest, fashionable and chic clothing, shoes, and accessories for women in the market. The company will be situated in Manhattan, New york city. Specifically, the product offerings will include shoes, accessories such as bracelets and earrings, and clothing for women such as dresses, jeans, and blouses.
… them.
5. Ensure product safety for every item sold in the store
6. Respect the social and cultural diversity of consumers in New york
7. Guarantee safety and quality working conditions for the employees at Fero Beauty
8. Ensure that the employees are paid fair wages and ……
Al-Hadban, N., Hadeel, A. G., Al-Hassoun, T., & Hamdi, R. (2014). The Effectiveness of Facebook as a Marketing Tool (Saudi Arabia case study). International Journal of Management & Information Technology, 10(2), 1815-1827.
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Study Document
... york city Q1. At present, COVID-19 has largely been a disease of the developed world. Even so, it has presented significant challenges for developed world nations such as the United States to contain its spread. What unique challenges are presented by Africa’s developing world nations in containing a disease for which there is no vaccine, and which is transmitted through social contact?
Q2. Unlike the West, Africa has already faced a relatively recent pandemic, that of Ebola. How are the challenges posed by COVID-19 similar to those posed by Ebola? How are they different? What particular precautions must be undertaken that were not necessary during the Ebola crisis, and how may existing resources be used to help fight COVID-19? What can be learned from the Ebola crisis, particularly from physicians who were there, treating patients at the time?
Q3. How is it possible to meaningfully introduce social distancing into an African context?……
Study Document
… that shortage is now evident more than ever with the arrival of the novel coronavirus in America—especially in hard hit areas like New york city, where the hospitals are being overrun by patients infected by the virus. Shortages of health care providers is a major concern in the ……
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Foster, M., & Sethares, K. (2017). Current strategies to implement informatics into the nursing curriculum: an integrative review. J Nurs Inform, 21(3).
Haddad, L. M., & Toney-Butler, T. J. (2019). Nursing shortage. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing.
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Snavely, T. M. (2016). A brief economic analysis of the looming nursing shortage in the United States. Nursing Economics, 34(2), 98-101.
Study Document
... york city Purchasing and Supply Management at Best Buy Today
Headquartered in Richfield, Minnesota and founded in 1966, Best Buy Co., Inc. (hereinafter alternatively “the company” or “Best Buy”) is a leading retailer in electronics and other consumer products that competes throughout North America and Mexico today. As of early 2019, Best Buy operated nearly 1,200 large format as well as 51 small-format retail stores (Company profile, 2019). Despite its success in growing its market share in its existing market, the company is faced with the same existential threats as other major retailers, including most especially e-commerce operators such as Amazon (Wack, 2017). The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the relevant literature to develop an informed and timely discussion and explanation concerning Best Buy’s new competitive environment and an analysis concerning how Best Buy's purchasing and supply management strategies contribute to their competitive advantage. In addition, an……
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Mitchell, S. (2009, September-October). The big box swindle: The true cost of the mega-retailers. Multinational Monitor, 27(5), 34-39.
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Wack, K. (2017, June 29). Credit card issuers face peril from rise in store closures: American Banker, 182(124), 37-39.
Study Document
... york city The Founding Fathers stated in the Declaration of Independence (1776) that “all men are created equal”—but it was a statement that only rang partially true if one is to judge by their actions. Even though Thomas Paine (1791) had identified the “Rights of Man” in his treatise by the same name, the Americans were not really interested in applying Enlightenment philosophy to its fullest, for they still wished to deny the Negro his fair share of equality. Slavery persisted for nearly another century and it took the Civil War to bring that issue to the fore, with the Great Emancipator finally taking the first steps in freeing slaves in states still occupied by the Rebels of the South. However, Emancipation Proclamation was still hardly the turning point in African-American relations that was needed—and Lincoln himself had been working on a plan that would see the slaves deported to a new……
Declaration of Independence. (1776). Retrieved from
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Study Document
… care, and complex comorbidities, it is not a surprise that the homeless have very high death rates (Fajardo-Bullón et al, 2019).
In the city of Philadelphia, the age –adjusted death rate of the homeless is nearly four times higher than that of Philadelphia’s general population. While in … Philadelphia, the age –adjusted death rate of the homeless is nearly four times higher than that of Philadelphia’s general population. While in the city of New york, it is about two to three times higher than that of the city’s general population.…[break]…2016). So for the health disparities to be removed, there is a need to deal with the big problem itself and that ……
Andaya, A. (2016). Understanding the Causes Health Disparities among the Homeless. UC Merced Undergraduate Research Journal, 9(1).
Fajardo-Bullón, F., Esnaola, I., Anderson, I., & Benjaminsen, L. (2019). Homelessness and self-rated health: evidence from a national survey of homeless people in Spain. BMC public health, 19(1), 1081.
Koh, H. K., & O’Connell, J. J. (2016). Improving health care for homeless people. Jama, 316(24), 2586-2587.
Plumb J. D. (2000). Homelessness: reducing health disparities. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l\\\\\\'Association medicale canadienne, 163(2), 172–173.
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