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This paper discusses the issue of privacy in social networks with respect to advances in machine learning. It shows how machine learning protocols have been developed both to enhance and secure privacy as well as to invade privacy and collect, analyze, predict data based on … as to invade privacy and collect, analyze, predict data based on users’ information and experience online. The conflict between these two directions in machine learning is likely to lead to a system wherein machine learning algorithms are actively engaged in the subversion of one another, with one attempting to conceal data and the other attempting to uncover it. … conceal data and the other attempting to uncover it. This paper concludes with recommendations for social networks and the issue of privacy regarding machine learning.
Social networks have allowed an ocean of personal data to form that is now sitting there waiting for……
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A manufacturing system includes four different components together with the production machine, material handling system, computer control system, and human resources (Lee, 1998). In recent times, due to the technological advancement, automation of manufacturing systems … more processing as well as assembly processes on a starting work material, components, or set of components. The integrated equipment comprises of production machine, material handling, and positioning instruments, and computer systems. In this automotive system, human resources are necessitated either part-time or full time to guarantee … alludes to the usage of control systems, for instance, robotics and computers, as well as information technologies for dealing with various procedures and machine within an industry to supplant a human being (Groover, 2007).
In the contemporary setting, there is progressively more automation in automotive systems and … and also flexibility within a manufacturing system. Specifically, automation minimizes the blunder linked with human beings. Also,……
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Study Document
… the case of self-driving cars? How should an engineer program an autonomous vehicle to respond to such a worst case scenario? Should the machine be programmed to swerve and take the life of an innocent man on the sidewalk so as to avoid taking the lives of … the engineer of the self-driving car is going to have to decide upon what ethical perspective is guiding him and then program the machine accordingly. As Nyholm and Smids point out, other than the legal ramifications of how an engineer programs a self-driving car, the morality of … about what are stipulated to be known and fully certain facts” is just not something that can be effectively left up to a machine that is guided by pre-programmed data (1). People make the mistake of thinking logic and reason can be applied to machine learning—but they forget that long before there were……
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… source material and the…[break]…framework for understanding and detecting fake news proliferation. To detect it, it is necessary to use a hybrid approach with machine learning, network-based behavioral data and filtering and vetting methods. However, as the researchers all indicate, fake news detection is very complicated and human intervention … in the future. Thus, the research suggests that fake news detection is much trickier than one might think and even though algorithms and machine learning can play a part in applying predictive modeling, they will not be completely 100% effective. The trick will be, therefore, to learn from … processes that are being created and implemented now so that human intervention and monitoring can be minimized. By relying wholly on the assistance machine learning and linguistic cueing, developers may have a leg up on fake news detection, but there will still be a need for human intelligence. ……
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… the pros and cons of adopting AI methods in public administration.
Summary of the Technology
AI is a technology that essentially allows the machine to learn how to address new problems based on the information collected and analyzed by algorithms over time. AI can be used to … desired. This is why it is so important to have the right programming team onboard before any the plan is implemented. AI and machine learning is not going to help a public administration office if the computer programmers employed do not know what they are doing.
AI … on a computer program instead of being vested in them. To overcome this obstacle, workers should be made to understand that AI and machine learning are tools to help them in the decision making process—not tools to……
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Study Document
… same idea and concept has to be applied, however, with respect to counter-intelligence. A vigilance and all-seeing eye through the use of cameras, machine learning, and tracking systems has to be developed. Without so many people using digitally connected technology today, it should not be difficult to know ……
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Study Document
...Machine learning Introduction
The growth of big data has had significant transformative effects on several industries including technology, agriculture, health, education, and finance. Over the past decade, the number of humans using smartphones has increased tremendously and this has created a big pool of user data as smartphone users stamp their digital footprint all over the web. The electronic data collected as a result of these activities yield Big Data that provide valuable insights to decision-makers looking for data points to inform their decision processes. The growth of Big Data has necessitated the development of computer algorithms and tools that can analyze the data at scale. Good analysis and interpretation of the data allow organizations to ‘co-create’ solutions alongside their target users and create new value that is highly tailored to the needs of the market (Turner, Schroeck & Shockley, 2013).
The financial services sector is one of the industries that have……
Chen, H., Chiang, R. H., & Storey, V. C. (2012). Business intelligence and analytics: From big data to big impact. MIS quarterly, 36(4).
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Study Document
...Machine learning Framework for Ethics Training
Ethical behavior plays a critical role in the healthcare industry as the industry is faced with numerous difficult decisions that need to be made quickly (Fiske et al., 2020). In many cases, healthcare professionals are faced with ethical dilemmas, and in some cases, they end up making the wrong ethical choice. The framework being developed will educate the healthcare professionals on how to tackle some of the common ethical dilemmas they might face when they are treating patients. All healthcare professionals are required to always demonstrate appropriate knowledge, behaviors, skills, and judgment anytime they are in a clinical setting (Manson, 2018). In case a healthcare professional feels they are not capable to handle a case they should consult with a colleague or refer the patient to a professional they are certain has the knowledge and skills to treat the patient. This way they can be certain……
Fiske, A., Tigard, D., Müller, R., Haddadin, S., Buyx, A., & McLennan, S. (2020). Embedded ethics could help implement the pipeline model framework for machine learning healthcare applications. The American Journal of Bioethics, 20(11), 32-35.
Manson, L. (2018). Ethical Integrated Healthcare Training to Deliver Integrated Care (pp. 213-224). New York, NY: Springer.
Study Document
… analytics; Six Sigma
Marketing skills; write SEO content using current hot keywords; social media usage for content formatting; email marketing, conversion rate optimization; machine learning
Management skills; servant leadership style, transformational leadership style, transactional leadership and democratic leadership styles
Sales; closed on a record 42 houses in one ……
Study Document
Paulo Freire rejected the traditional method of teaching, which consists mainly of passive learning, and advocated a more active learning approach. The style of learning he said worked best at shaping students was something similar to the Socratic method of dialogue and inquiry. This made students more engaged. … into their brains, they become more like participants in their own education, taking ownership of the educative process (Micheletti). The focus on active learning and the Socratic Method is what high schools need now more than ever. Considering that the U.S. Department of Education has found that ……
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