Innovation Essays (Examples)


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Challenges In Management Facing Transformational Leaders Service

Pages: 5 (1606 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Annotated Bibliography Document #:57833590

… and Accounting Challenges facing Transformational Leaders: Service and Technology
Carreiro, H., & Oliveira, T. (2019). Impact of transformational leadership on the diffusion of innovation in firms: Application to mobile cloud computing. Computers in Industry, 107, 104-113.
The authors of this article maintain that leadership forms one of the main … computing. Computers in Industry, 107, 104-113.
The authors of this article maintain that leadership forms one of the main factors for organizational adoption of successful innovation. But researchers have yet to delve into the subject of leadership elements impacting adoption stages (namely, initiation, implementation, and ‘routinization’). This research involved … implementation, and ‘routinization’). This research involved authors formulating and empirically testing a model based on transformational leadership elements as well as diffusion of innovation model phases, utilizing PLS technique and information from as many as 154 companies, for studying the implementation of novel technology, namely MCC (mobile … the personal needs of others……



Al Ahmad, S., Easa, N. F., & Mostapha, N. (2019). The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Innovation: Evidence from Lebanese Banks. European Research Studies Journal, 22(4), 215-240.

Aldholay, A. H., Isaac, O., Abdullah, Z., & Ramayah, T. (2018). The role of transformational leadership as a mediating variable in DeLone and McLean information system success model: The context of online learning usage in Yemen. Telematics and Informatics, 35(5), 1421-1437.

Carreiro, H., & Oliveira, T. (2019). Impact of transformational leadership on the diffusion of innovation in firms: Application to mobile cloud computing. Computers in Industry, 107, 104-113.

Zappalà, S., & Toscano, F. (2019). Transformational leadership and innovation adoption: Is there a moderation role of personal initiative and job control?. Psychologica, 119.

Zhang, Y., Zheng, J., & Darko, A. (2018). How does transformational leadership promote innovation in construction? The mediating role of innovation climate and the multilevel moderation role of project requirements. Sustainability, 10(5), 1506.


Study Document Study Document

The Cleveland Clinic Health

Pages: 7 (2139 words) Document Type:Case Study Document #:69047640

… than for physicians who are often more specialized by their nature.
A second element of the differentiated strategy is the focus on IT innovation. Information technology is becoming increasingly important in health care, not just for the things in the case like electronic health records and use … of differentiation. A large, wealthy organization like the Cleveland Clinic is in a much better position than smaller providers to invest in new innovations, which typically cost more during their early rollout stages than they do later when the technology becomes more commoditized. Furthermore, using innovation requires taking risks, and that entails fostering an innovation and risk-taking mindset. The Cleveland Clinic appears to have had significant success in this regard. The organizational culture appears conducive to innovation – to the point where two executives were in favor of a reorganization that threatened to eliminate their jobs. This culture, combined with ………


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Electronic Health Records EHR

Pages: 8 (2498 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:76313206

… not straightforwardly engaged with the reviewing and execution process. This can make them feel less constrained to completely acknowledge and embrace the new innovation and might be all the more testing with regards to preparing, hence not augmenting the genuine advantage and capability of the EHR framework. … upon to increment drastically in the coming months and years. Meaningful use criteria direct how qualified suppliers and medical clinics must utilize EHRs innovation, while accreditation measures indicate what abilities that EHR must have so as to help significant use (Murphy & Yale, 2014). A portion of ……



Gagnon, D., Simonyan, E.K., Ghandour, G., Godin, M., Labrecque, M., Ouimet, M.R. (2016). Factors influencing electronic health record adoption by physicians: A multilevel analysis, Int J Inform Manage, 36, pp. 258-270.

Hasanain, H. (2014). Cooper Solutions to overcome technical and social barriers to electronic health records implementation in Saudi public and private hospitals, J Health Inform Dev Ctries, pp. 46-63.

Kierkegaard, P. (2019). Electronic health record: Wiring Europe\\\\'s healthcare: Computer Law & Security Review. 27 (5): 503–515.

Murphys, E.V., & Yale, J. (2014). Clinical decision support: effectiveness in improving quality processes and clinical outcomes and factors that may influence success. Biol Med; 87, pp. 187–97.


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EV Market Business Opportunity Analysis Report

Pages: 8 (2311 words) Sources: 16 Document Type:Term Paper Document #:80511114

… point out, a producer must differentiate or die—and that is what this innovative idea aims to do.
Role of Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship on Innovation
Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship play big roles in the delivery of business innovation. As Weinberger (2016) notes “entrepreneurs are creating jobs at more than twice the rate of established companies.” Enterpreneurs bring creative ideas and solutions … However, there are mitigating factors: indeed, individual traits of the entrepreneur, “such as risk tolerance, entrepreneurial alertness, education and previous entrepreneurial experience, influence innovation in new ventures” (Fuentelsaz, Maicas, & Montero, 2018, p. 686). Entrepreneurs have to be smart about how they approach the marketplace. Betting too … Maicas, & Montero, 2018, p. 686). Entrepreneurs have to be smart about how they approach the marketplace. Betting too much on one single innovation could put an entire firm at risk—which is the problem currently facing Tesla, as Elon Musk, the……



Andwari, A.M., Pesiridis, A., Rajoo, S., Martinez-Botas, R. and Esfahanian, V., 2017. A review of Battery Electric Vehicle technology and readiness levels. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 78, pp.414-430.

Angerer, M., Brem, A., Kraus, S. and Peter, A., 2017. Start-up funding via equity crowdfunding in Germany: A qualitative analysis of success factors. The Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance (JEF), 19(1), pp.1-34.

Baron, R.A. and Tang, J., 2011. The role of entrepreneurs in firm-level innovation: Joint effects of positive affect, creativity, and environmental dynamism. Journal of Business Venturing, 26(1), pp.49-60.

Car, 2019. Best EVs 2019. Retrieved from 

Crum, R. 2018. Elon Musk says Tesla nearly died during Model 3 production ramp. Retrieved from 

Ewing, J. 2017. What Needs to Happen Before Electric Cars Take Over the World. Retrieved from

Fuentelsaz, L., Maicas, J.P. and Montero, J., 2018. Entrepreneurs and innovation: The contingent role of institutional factors. International Small Business Journal, 36(6), pp.686-711.

Inman, P., 2019. Is a global recession imminent? Retrieved from


Study Document Study Document

Best Buy Purchasing And Supply Management

Pages: 10 (2932 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Term Paper Document #:84472318

… examples concerning Best Buy's impact of building relationships with their suppliers as well as a discussion and examples concerning how Best Buy drives innovation .and how Best Buy improves their quality and reputation to remain competitive are followed by a summary of the research and important findings … achieved impressive cost savings by improving the company’s computer-based transportation suite’s ability to coordinate, schedule and monitor its loading and consolidation capabilities. This innovation not only generated cost savings through improved inbound transportation operations, it also succeeded in eliminating the need for the antiquated tools that its … the need for the antiquated tools that its supply chain team had relied upon in the past for these activities (Murphy, 2009). These innovations have helped the company remain competitive during an especially perilous period in history for traditional retailers, but Best Buy has not rested on ……



Chan, R. (2011, June 29). Best Buy. Marketing, 20.

Corporate responsibility and sustainability. (2019). Best Buy Co., Inc. Retrieved from .

Best Buy supply chain. (2019). Best Buy Co., Inc. Retrieved from com/site/help-topics/ca-transparency-act/pcmcat263000050003.c?id=pcmcat 263000050003.

Company profile. (2019). Yahoo! Finance. Retrieved from  BBY/profile?p=BBY.

Mitchell, S. (2009, September-October). The big box swindle: The true cost of the mega-retailers. Multinational Monitor, 27(5), 34-39.

Ong, T. (2018, May 1). Best Buy is closing all 250 of its mobile stores in the U.S. The Verge. Retrieved from .

Thomas, L. (2019, August 28). Best Buy revs up supply chain ahead of the holiday season. CNBC. Retrieved from .

Wack, K. (2017, June 29). Credit card issuers face peril from rise in store closures: American Banker, 182(124), 37-39.


Study Document Study Document

Field Of Organizational Leadership

Pages: 5 (1434 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Admission Essay Document #:68447409

...Innovation Organizational Leadership in Today's Society
Organizational leadership is a term used to refer to management approach through which leaders help establish strategic goals and objectives while motivating employees toward the achievement of these goals/objectives. In the modern business environment, organizational leadership is critical toward achieving the desired success given increased competitiveness. Modern organizations face intense competition from their rivals because of rapid technological advancements and increased globalization. These advancements have brought new ways of doing business, which has in turn generated new demands on organizational leaders. Therefore, organizational leaders need to establish strategic approaches that enhance competitiveness, success or profitability.
The Concept of Leadership
Based on insight obtained from the course, leadership primarily refers to the process of influencing others toward common goals or objective. Leadership determines the success or failure of any organization or project because of its role in influence (Wadhwa & Parimoo, 2013). Therefore, leadership is important……



Chirimbu, S. (2014). Challenges of Leadership in Modern Organizations: Knowledge, Vision, Values. Annals of Spiru Haret University Economic Series, 14, 39-48.

Emory University. (2020). About Us. Retrieved from Emory University website:

Environmental Health and Safety Office. (2019). Organizational Chart. Retrieved from Emory University website:

Finley, M. (2016). Chaplain’s Leadership May Come in Unconventional Forms. Retrieved April 21, 2020, from

Rennaker, M. (n.d.). PhD in Organizational Leadership. Retrieved from Indiana Wesleyan University website:

Wadhwa, S. & Parimoo, D. (2013). Leadership and its Challenges in the Globalizing World. Journal of Management Sciences and Technology, 1(1), 30-37.



Study Document Study Document

Lululemon Strategic Management

Pages: 3 (976 words) Sources: 1 Document Type:Case Study Document #:50037389

… adopt a brand differentiation strategy in order to reach a wider target market.
Third, Lululemon’s CEO and management should capitalize on its constant innovation to develop new products that reach the wider target market in order to deal with the threat of new entrants who copy its ……



Gamble, J.E., Peteraf, M.A. & Thompson, A.A. (2019). Essentials of strategic management: The quest for competitive advantage (6th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.


Study Document Study Document

Barriers That Prevent Implementation Of IoT Within Small Businesses

Pages: 18 (5252 words) Sources: 37 Document Type:Case Study Document #:25628514

… IoT within Small Businesses
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Chapter Introduction
The review of literature will be critical to establishing the current scope of innovation related to the IoT as well as its potential for expansion, especially into use by SMEs. To this end, this chapter describes more … below were based upon the UTAUT and were designed to explicate the respective levels of acceptance of technology acceptance and willingness to adopt innovations by stakeholders . Moreover, there is a growing body of research that confirms the effectiveness of the UTAUT model for guiding future research … security risks for its implementation and administration (Banham, 2016). For example, a study by Celik, Fernandes, Tan and McDaniel (2019) noted that recent innovations in IoT technologies have made it possible to interconnect billions of devices in ways that not only facilitate the aggregation of data but ……



Ahamed, J., & Rajan, A.V. (2016). Internet of Things (IoT): Application systems and security vulnerabilities. 2016 5th International Conference on Electronic Devices, Systems and Applications (ICEDSA), 1-5.

Aishah, S., Sahandi, R., Prakoonwit, S., & Khan, W. (2019). Big data and IoT opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In Handbook of Research on Big data and the IoT. doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7432-3.ch005

An, N. & Wang, J. (2018, October). Research and practice on innovative methods of ideological and political education for college student. Educational Sciences Theory and Practice, 18(5), 2386-2391.

Banham, R. (2016, July-August). IoT complexity: As the Internet of Things expands, the risks-and questions of liability-become more complicated. Risk Management, 63(6), 39-44.

Bhardwaj, A., Subramanyam, G. V., Avasthi, V. & Sastry, H. (2016). Review of solutions for securing end user data over cloud applications. International Journal of Advanced Computer Research, 6(27), 2277-2291.

Bok, H. (2014, September). An empirical study on factors influencing Internet advertising effects. Advances in Management, 7(9), 6-9. (2018). Disaster preparedness for small businesses., September 26. Retrieved from .

Cass, J. (2019). Internet of Things: What it is, how it works, examples and more. Just Creative. Retrieved from .


Study Document Study Document

Clausewitz The Future Of The Air Power

Pages: 5 (1412 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:29434498

… the changing the social elements of war and downplayed the technological ones. In this paper, my argument is that the technological advances and innovations in the airpower, cyberspace, and space industries will alter the future of war and lead to social changes, political changes, new war concepts, … because such capabilities are needed in non-conventional wars such as those being fought in areas like Afghanistan. [8: Grissom, The future of military innovation studies, 905-934]
As it is evident above, airpower has already changed and will further change the future of war. The core missions ……



Bender, Willaim J., and William D. Bryant. Assuring the USAF core missions in the information age. Office of the Secretary of the Air Force Washington United States, 2016.

Clodfelter, Mark. "Back from the future: The impact of change on airpower in the decades ahead." Strategic Studies Quarterly 3, no. 3 (2009): 104-122.

Grissom, Adam. "The future of military innovation studies." Journal of strategic studies 29, no. 5 (2006): 905-934.

JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF-JCS. "Joint Operating Environment JOE 2035: The Joint Force in a Contested and Disordered World. US Joint Chiefs of Staff, J7, Joint Force Development [cit. 2016-07-01]." (2016).

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