Study Document
… from everyday objects to provide real-time analyses and new applications for these technologies are being developed every day. Indeed, there are already more mobile device in use around the world than there are people, and most authorities agree that the Internet of Things deployments will continue to increase … – and software engineers and IT professionals are hard at work to exploit these technologies even further, including using cloud-based technologies and sensor-equipped device to collect, aggregate and analyze a wide range of data in real time.
Although there are different IT platforms that are currently being … many businesses at present is the Internet of Things or IoT. For example, according to An and Wang (2018), “After the Internet and mobile communication network, the Internet of Things has become an important trend in the development of information technology, greatly promoting the reform of the … advantage, especially in an……
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… symbol of freedom (C-147)
1.3.2. The need to express feelings and experiences without a character constraint. The popularity of internet and social media device has allowed social media companies to ensure that their platform is optimized for mobile device. Encouraging real-time interactions. (C-141)
1.3.3. Global celebrities like Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Jimmy Fallon, and Taylor Swift use Twitter to communicate with their fans, … million (C-143)
1.5. Ecological
1.5.1. Data centres require electricity and total energy use is increasing. (C-142)
1.5.2. In order to access social media, mobile phones and laptops are often used. These device have their own carbon footprint.
1.6. Legal
1.6.1. Freedom of speech is suppressed in Jared Taylor case. Users believe that platforms like Twitter …
· Twitter's global platform allows users to instantly share real-time breaking news, clip opinions, and knowledge and can be accessed using desktop or mobile web browsers (C-142).
3.2 Marketing and……
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… on the app for all the health professionals to access it. For women who can’t access a teleultrasound, the program will have the device placed in offices near the women so as to alleviate the need to travel a long distance to the nearest hospitals offering ultrasound … of complications in high-risk pregnancies e.g. hypertension, diabetes, obesity. In addition to a tool to manage these complications, there will also be wearable device for use as educations and/or counseling tools. The app will provide a notification system where women can be reminded on time for their ……
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… the results of the investigation could provide the basis for legal action with the options available for the organization being inclusive of: personal device subpoena, permanent injunction, or just a restraining order.
Section II
Question 1: Identify, for the lab, what digital or non-digital evidence you would … interest given that Mr. Belcamp could have tried to cover his tracks by either deleting stored data or transferring it to other storage device.
Question 2: Locations outside of Mr. Belcamp's immediate work space where pertinent digital evidence might be found
Outside of Mr. Belcamp workplace, there ……
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… and information sharing may seem like two diametrically opposed concepts in the context of social media, and to a high degree they are. mobile device allow users to set information sharing settings that allow algorithms on other applications to identify a person’s location, habits, and view other information ……
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Security risks
Two classes of risks exist, against which corporate information systems require protection: logical and physical. The latter, more to do with device as compared to the actual information system, encompasses natural calamities like floods, earthquakes, typhoons, among others, terror attacks, vandalism, fire outbreak, illegal tampering, … the most frequent risk (49 percent of respondent firms). The next most commonly occurring event was insider network abuse (44 percent) and, subsequently, mobile device (including laptop) theft (42 percent) (Suduc et al., 2010). Even corporate security measures concentrate on external threats owing to their disturbingly high incidence … security measures include authenticating principals (including who said it, or which entities have access to that data – i.e., individuals, groups, programs, or device). Moreover, these measures also include authorizing access ("Which entities are permitted to carry out what operations on a given object?") and decision auditing ……
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… these symptoms throughout the day and immediately report to the Director of Student Health Services (SHS). The institution could work towards developing a mobile app or tool that works like the PiratePort Tool at East Carolina University, which allows students and faculty to voluntarily register their mobile device and thereafter receive alerts reminding them of their obligation to conduct self-screening and provide CDC guidance on the screening process and self-isolation. This ……
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...Mobile device Managing Medical Records and the Implementation of Tools and Safeguards Required within HIS
Few practices are more important in managing health information systems than managing medical records, safeguarding patients’ medical history, and ensuring that all end users of medical information technology are approved and trained. Some of the biggest factors in security breaches are end users themselves (Rhee, Kim & Ryu, 2009). This is why training of staff on how to use equipment and the importance of protecting passwords is so important (Jackson, 2018). However, the system itself should have system protections built-in that can protect against end user mistakes—protections such as double security via multi-factor authentication (Crossler & Posey, 2017). This paper will discuss the programming language and relational databases that should be used to accommodate security needs for the HIS, the information tools and safeguards required to protect it, the security needed for electronic health records, an……
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