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… it can significantly affect growth. This paper focuses on the Indian business environment by analyzing a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) and an Entrepreneur who has experience of managing change. The analysis of the business will be done through Lewin's Change Management Model. Therefore, this paper analyses … the business will be done through Lewin's Change Management Model. Therefore, this paper analyses EBS Worldwide Inc., formerly known as EasyBuyMusic and the entrepreneur Chris George.
Overview of the Company
EBS Worldwide is an international full-service company that offers business development and general management consulting services for … tools and services and has offices in India, Europe, and the US. Some of its products are MarketBlox, CreditMax, and PeopleMax.
Changes the entrepreneur made
The entrepreneur made a complete transformation of the company, not only the name but also the products offered. However, the company maintained the business model, … name reflected……
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Shirey, M. R. (2013). Lewin\\\\\\\\\\\\'s theory of planned change as a strategic resource. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 43(2), 69-72.
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… Trout and Rivkin (2006) point out, a producer must differentiate or die—and that is what this innovative idea aims to do.
Role of Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship on Innovation
Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship play big roles in the delivery of business innovation. As Weinberger (2016) notes “entrepreneurs are creating jobs at more than twice the rate of established companies.” Enterpreneurs bring creative ideas and solutions to static or stagnant markets, … or stagnant markets, inspiring consumers to try new products (Baron & Tang, 2011). However, there are mitigating factors: indeed, individual traits of the entrepreneur, “such as risk tolerance, entrepreneurial alertness, education and previous entrepreneurial experience, influence innovation in new ventures” (Fuentelsaz, Maicas, & Montero, 2018, p. 686). Entrepreneurs have to be smart about how they approach the marketplace. Betting too much on one single innovation could put an entire firm at … upcoming generations and with car prices soaring it……
Andwari, A.M., Pesiridis, A., Rajoo, S., Martinez-Botas, R. and Esfahanian, V., 2017. A review of Battery Electric Vehicle technology and readiness levels. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 78, pp.414-430.
Angerer, M., Brem, A., Kraus, S. and Peter, A., 2017. Start-up funding via equity crowdfunding in Germany: A qualitative analysis of success factors. The Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance (JEF), 19(1), pp.1-34.
Baron, R.A. and Tang, J., 2011. The role of entrepreneurs in firm-level innovation: Joint effects of positive affect, creativity, and environmental dynamism. Journal of Business Venturing, 26(1), pp.49-60.
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… at an early age and sticks to them throughout life. The cultural domain in different countries affects differently on the business dealings and entrepreneurship in the light of bureaucracy. Hofstede distinguishes four cultural dimensions, out of which collectivism versus individualism relates to the degree that society fellows … cultural dimensions, out of which collectivism versus individualism relates to the degree that society fellows would look after themselves or others. Mainly in entrepreneurship, self-fulfillment, and the accomplishment of personal goals is the highlight of a more individualistic approach. This would entail the entrepreneur’s perceptions (informal institutions) towards the government rules and regulations and whether those would be beneficial for their independence and personal growth. Also, individual … persistence and an urge to chase business aims with freedom of action.
Formal and informal institutions both have their respective effects on the entrepreneurship of a country. If the scope is limited to……
Coelho, A. (2019). The role of informal institutions in the enforcement of rules and how to improve corporate and public governance in Brazil: Studies based on a set of corporate governance cases involving state-owned companies (Working Paper). Retrieved from SSRN website
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Escandon-Barbosa, D.M., Urbano, D., Hurtado-Ayala, A., Paramo, J.S. & Dominguez, A.Z. (2019). Formal institutions, informal institutions, and entrepreneurial activity: A comparative relationship between rural and urban areas in Colombia. Journal of Urban Management, 8(3), 458-471.
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...Entrepreneur Poverty and Income Inequality
Poverty and income inequality draw a great deal of attention from activists, scientists, and politicians who are attempting to propose a permanent solution to these two socio-economic issues. State intervention is often anticipated in this area. There is, however, no agreement regarding the most effective instruments and techniques, as well as regarding the extent of public outlay for the sole purpose of reducing inequality and poverty. Various researches have, as an outcome, been carried out to develop the efficiency of different intervention that is intended to solve the issue of income inequality and poverty that exists in most economies, both in the developing and developed countries. Given the different challenges that are posed by income inequality and poverty within the society, together with the numerous opinions on the various proposed solutions, there is no doubt that there is a need for additional research. This paper……
Bonito, J. D. M., Daantos, F. J. A., Mateo, J. C. A., & Rosete, M. A. L. (2017). Do entrepreneurship and economic growth affect poverty, income inequality, and economic development. Review of Integrative Business & Economics Research, 6(1), 33-43.
Chiazor, I. A., Egharevba, M. E., & Ozoya, M. I. (2016). Widening Inequality and Poverty in the Developing World-Micro-Financing as a Viable Solution. The Social Sciences, 11(13), 3286-3293.
Chotia, V., and Rao, N.V.M. (2017). Investigating the interlinkages between infrastructure development, poverty, and rural-urban income inequality: Evidence from BRICS nations. Studies in Economics and Finance, Vol. 34 No. 4, pp. 466-484.
Cyrek, M. (2019). Government social spending in the EU countries: efficiency in poverty and income inequality reduction. Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, 14(3), 405-424.
Omar, M. A., & Inaba, K. (2020). Does financial inclusion reduce poverty and income inequality in developing countries? A panel data analysis. Journal of Economic Structures, 9, 1-25.
Study Document
...Entrepreneur Allen-Meares, P. & Garvin, C. (Eds.). (2000). The Handbook of Social Work Direct Practice. New York, SAGE. This is not a primary source, but the definition of crisis could be used in the proposal.
An assessment of the customary practices utilized by individuals in times of crisis would not be complete without a clear definition of ‘crisis’ in the context of the said practices. In seeking to define the term crisis, the cited authors of the relevant piece in the volume are definite that we must base our perspectives on subjective reality. This is more so the case given that “what precipitates a crisis episode in one individual might not generate such a response in another person” (327). This is true for communities as well. It, therefore, follows that this is an essential resource in the definition of what constitutes a crisis at both the individual and community levels. This……
Roberts. A.R. (Ed.). (2005). Crisis Intervention Handbook: Assessment, Treatment, and Research (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Sama’ila, A. (2019). Economic crisis and the coping strategies of indigenous automobile entrepreneurs in northern Nigeria, 1983-2014. Sociology International Journal, 3(6), 437-442.
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...Entrepreneur Introduction
The implementation plan for the Meal Prepping business is to design the organizational structure: the company will necessarily have to be organized as a non-profit with 501(c)3 status to ensure that big donors can write off donations, which is a major incentive for many who wish to support non-profits. The business will need to be self-sustainable, however, and cannot count on relying on federal dollars, as the government itself is already heavily in debt and future years are likely to see big cuts in federal spending. The business’s success will thus depend upon partnering with other local businesses to gain visibility, using crowdfunding (Zhou & Kuo, 2018) to gain seed money that will support early investment in the business’s development, and using social media in the same way Elon Musk at Tesla has done to turn his $10 a share electric vehicle car company into a world-saving environmentally-friendly car……
Lunt, T., & Nicotra, E. (2018). Event Sponsorship and Fundraising: An Advanced Guide. Kogan Page Publishers.
Malhotra, C. K., & Malhotra, A. (2016). How CEOs can leverage twitter. MIT Sloan Management Review, 57(2), 73.
Stever, G. S., & Lawson, K. (2013). Twitter as a way for celebrities to communicate with fans: Implications for the study of parasocial interaction. North American journal of psychology, 15(2).
Yauney, R. H. (2018). Leadership Development: A Study of Elon Musk. Marriott Student Review, 2(2), 4.
Zhou, S., & Kuo, C. (2018). How Social Media are Changing Nonprofit Advocacy: Evidence from the Crowdfunding Platform in Taiwan. The China Nonprofit Review, 10(2), 349-370.
Study Document
… Theatre (it was then named “The Coffee Pot”). The Madam Walker Theatre was named after Madam C. J. Sarah Breedlove Walker, an African-American entrepreneur who specialized in hair care and beauty products that were manufactured and sold in the building that now serves as her namesake. She … Indianapolis, Madam Walker gave her all to make sure her business and her community would benefit from the money she made as an entrepreneur. South Africans of all stripes can appreciate such a gesture. That is why I want to be part of the revitalization.
Differentiating My ……
Benedict-Browne, T. (2019). The Icon of Indiana Avenue. Retrieved from
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National Park Service. (2019). Madame C. J. Walker Building. Retrieved from
Trout, J. & Rivkin, S. (2006). Differentiate or die. In The marketing Gurus (ed. Murray). NY: Penguin.
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… to enterprise resource management and customer relationship management, play a pivotal role in everyday business operations. Significantly, in the contemporary setting, companies and entrepreneurs in the accounting sector are no longer constantly installing software apps on their computers or computer systems situated within the premises to operate ……
Bauer, E., & Adams, R. (2015). Reliability and availability of cloud computing. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
Chang, W. Y., Abu-Amara, H., & Sanford, J. F. (2018). Transforming enterprise cloud services. New York: Springer Science & Business Media.
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Hsien, W. F., Yang, C. C., & Hwang, M. S. (2016). A Survey of Public Auditing for Secure Data Storage in Cloud Computing. IJ Network Security, 18(1), 133-142.
Jamsa, K. (2016). Cloud computing. New York: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
Maguire, M., & Delahunt, B. (2017). Doing a thematic analysis: A practical, step-by-step guide for learning and teaching scholars. AISHE-J: The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 9(3).
Mehmood, R., Katib, S. S. I., & Chlamtac, I. (2020). Smart Infrastructure and Applications. New York: Springer International Publishing.
Prabhu, C. S. R. (2015). E-governance: concepts and case studies. New Delhi: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
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...Entrepreneur Compare and Contrast Paper on Servant Leadership
Servant Leadership Theory was given by Robert Greenleaf that focuses on the leaders being the servant of their people, serving them in every possible way (Burkus, 2010). The words' servant' and 'leader' are both contradictory to each other, but the subtleties of this relationship, in which the servant leads through serving others, is unique and distinctive, fulfilling the aspects of successful leadership (Rachmawati, 2014). This theory was emphasized and analyzed more by other theorists like Larry Spears, who laid out the character traits of a servant Leader including, understanding, listening, encouragement, health-giving, far-sightedness, stewardship, conceptualization, assurance to growth and progressing the community (Burkus, 2010).
If we carefully look at the servant leadership characteristics, they coincide with the laws of leadership by Maxwell. For case in point, listening, which is very important in servant leadership as their main motive is to serve the people……
Burkus, D. (2010, April 01). Servant Leadership Theory. David Burkus.
Maxwell, J. C. (1998). The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Nelson Publishing.
Maxwell, J. C. (n.d.). Ethics 101: What Every Leader Needs To Know. Center Street.
Rachmawati, A. W. (2014). Servant Leadership Theory, Development & Measurement. The 5th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business (IICIES 2013), (pp. 387-393).
What is Servant Leadership? (2014, November 25). STU Online.
Study Document
… influenced by groups and individuals in different ways. As Briggs and Helms (2015) point out, both groups and individuals will have their policy entrepreneurs, who are “people willing to invest their resources in return for future policies they favor” (p. 22). That exchange, however, is the issue ……
Briggs, S., & Helms, L. B. (2015). The practice of American public policymaking. New York: Routlege Taylor & Francis Group.
Reich, R. (Harvard Book Store, Producer). (2010). Robert B. Reich: The next economy and Americla's future. Frontline: Inside the Meltdown Series. [Video] Retrieved from [ ]
Schaufele, B., McMillian, M. L., Boxall, P. C., Adamowicz, W. L., & Rivera, C. S. (2010). Measuring social preferences in groups versus as individuals: Income inequality aversion using the leaky bucket method. Journal of Applied Economics and Policy, 29(1), 1-1
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