Computer Viruses Essays (Examples)


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Cyber Espionage

Pages: 6 (1662 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:11946972

… Meets Strategic Deterrence”, Journal of Strategic Security 4, no. 2 (2011):1] [2: Atul Agarwal & CERT-IN, “Cyber Espionage, Infiltration and Combating Techniques”, Indian computer Emergency Response Team, 2013.]
Background Information
Cyber espionage has become one of the most important and complex international problem in today’s world. … numerous risks or threats to the owner/possessor of the information. Cyber espionage is carried out through various exploitation methods or techniques on individual computer, networks or the Internet. Some of these techniques or methods include the use of malicious software and computer viruses like Trojan horses and spyware. This practice basically entails intentional activities to infiltrate or penetrate computer systems or networks used by a rival to obtain information within or transmitted through these networks or systems.[footnoteRef:3] Cyber espionage has emerged as ……



Agarwal A. & CERT-IN. “Cyber Espionage, Infiltration and Combating Techniques.” Indian Computer Emergency Response Team, 2013. 

Banks, W.C. “Cyber Espionage and Electronic Surveillance: Beyond the Media Coverage.” Emory law Journal 66, (2017).

Georgieva, I. “The Unexpected Norm-Setters: Intelligence Agencies in Cyberspace.” Contemporary Security Policy (2019).

Hjortdal, M. “China’s Use of Cyber Warfare: Espionage Meets Strategic Deterrence.” Journal of Strategic Security 4, no. 2 (2011).

Libicki, M. “The Coming of Cyber Espionage Norms.” 9th International Conference on Cyber Conflict, 2017. " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">


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Cyber Espionage

Pages: 7 (2040 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:12891464

… Meets Strategic Deterrence”, Journal of Strategic Security 4, no. 2 (2011):1] [2: Atul Agarwal & CERT-IN, “Cyber Espionage, Infiltration and Combating Techniques”, Indian computer Emergency Response Team, 2013.]
Background Information
Cyber espionage has become one of the most important and complex international problem in today’s world. … numerous risks or threats to the owner/possessor of the information. Cyber espionage is carried out through various exploitation methods or techniques on individual computer, networks or the Internet. Some of these techniques or methods include the use of malicious software and computer viruses like Trojan horses and spyware. This practice basically entails intentional activities to infiltrate or penetrate computer systems or networks used by a rival to obtain information within or transmitted through these networks or systems.[footnoteRef:3] Cyber espionage has emerged as ……



Agarwal A. & CERT-IN. “Cyber Espionage, Infiltration and Combating Techniques.” Indian Computer Emergency Response Team, 2013. 

Banks, W.C. “Cyber Espionage and Electronic Surveillance: Beyond the Media Coverage.” Emory law Journal 66, (2017).

Georgieva, I. “The Unexpected Norm-Setters: Intelligence Agencies in Cyberspace.” Contemporary Security Policy (2019).

Hjortdal, M. “China’s Use of Cyber Warfare: Espionage Meets Strategic Deterrence.” Journal of Strategic Security 4, no. 2 (2011).

Libicki, M. “The Coming of Cyber Espionage Norms.” 9th International Conference on Cyber Conflict, 2017. " target="_blank" REL="NOFOLLOW">


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What Is Cybercrime And How To Deter It

Pages: 7 (2243 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:58559500

What is Cybercrime?
Definition of Cybercrime
Cybercrime is any criminal activity that is conducted using computer or the Internet. As today’s digital natives have the most experience with computer, cybercriminals tend to be of the Millennial generation—i.e., born after 1980. They are young, digitally sophisticated, and able to operate with a degree … by professional criminals to lure victims into traps or sites that have the appearance of legitimacy.
Cybercrime is committed by people who know computer code, understand computer systems and networks, know how to navigate databases, access data storage, get past firewalls, exploit cloud computing services, control the Internet of Things … data storage, get past firewalls, exploit cloud computing services, control the Internet of Things and more. They
How Cybercrime Has Evolved over Time
computer and the rise of the Internet ushered in the era of cybercrime. IBM’s first computer arrived in the 1950s, but it was……



Computer Hope. (2019). When was the first computer invented? Retrieved from 

Crane, C. (2019). 33 alarming cybercrime statistics you should know in 2019. Retrieved from 

Schjølberg, Stein. (2017). The History of Cybercrime (1976-2016). Books on Demand.

Statista. (2020). Global digital population. Retrieved from 

Taylor, R. W., Fritsch, E. J., Liederbach, J., Saylor, M. R., & Tafoya, W. L. (2019). Cyber crime and cyber terrorism. NY, NY: Pearson.


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Autoethnography On Life In Quarantine

Pages: 9 (2825 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:69295105

… with the world how they themselves are getting on during a time of lockdown. Conan O’Brien and Jimmy Fallon interview friends from their computer at home and post them for our entertainment, and generally the overall feeling that one has is that in spite of the “serious” … respond accordingly by lying down in it and drowsily tuning out the lecture that I am supposed to be listening to on the computer.
To make matters worse, I hear my mother’s phone conference calls with her colleagues. Since everyone is now working from home, everyone is ……


Works Cited

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Hilton, J. L., & Von Hippel, W. (1996). Stereotypes. Annual review of psychology,  47(1), 237-271.

McLeod, S. (2008) Social Identity Theory. Simply Psychology. Retrieved from 


Study Document Study Document

Cyber Crime IT Security Auditing

Pages: 11 (3165 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:36684821

… technology system.
ICT advancements have meant the availability of vast quantities of data, which also creates considerable risks to the data itself, computer systems, and critical infrastructures and operations it supports. Despite developments in information security, numerous information systems continue to display susceptibility to both external … accessing data without permission, including information leakage, fraud, endpoint security, and data privacy. This class also encompasses broad threats from external sources (e.g., viruses), and more focused attacks on particular users, data, or applications. A survey performed by Ernst and Young revealed security incidents costing as much … companies.
According to a Security Administrator and System Auditor having nearly two decades of experience, it is imperative to routinely monitor the following computer activity domains: user access control, audit trail, and system activity monitoring (Davis & Yen, 2019; Suduc et al., 2010). The abovementioned tasks are ……



Almatari, O. and Helal, I., and Mazen, S., and El Hennawy, S. (2018). \\\\\\"Cybersecurity Tools for IS Auditing.\\\\\\" The 6th International Conference on Enterprise Systems, At Limassol, Cyprus 10.1109/ES.2018.00040.

Davis, W. S., & Yen, D. C. (Eds.). (2019). The information system consultant\\\\\\'s handbook: Systems analysis and design. CRC press.

Diamantopoulou, V., Tsohou, A., & Karyda, M. (2019). From ISO/IEC 27002: 2013 Information Security Controls to Personal Data Protection Controls: Guidelines for GDPR Compliance. In Computer Security (pp. 238-257). Springer, Cham.

Khan, M. (2017). Computer security in the human life. International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), 6(1), 35-42.

Lenghel, R. D., & Vlad, M. P. (2017). INFORMATION SYSTEMS AUDITING. Quaestus, (11), 178.

Manaseer, S., & Alawneh, A. (2019). ON CYBERSECURITY AUDITING AWARENESS: CASE OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY SECTOR. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), 17(7).

Suduc, A. M., Bîzoi, M., & Filip, F. G. (2010). Audit for information systems security. Informatica Economica, 14(1), 43.


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Ethics And Health Information

Pages: 8 (2462 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Term Paper Document #:87876213

… on security questions. This type of training is more interesting, generally, to workers—and more meaningful and effective ultimately—than mundane Power Point presentations or computer-animated videos that are watched for five minutes and then forgotten about. The goal here is to get the workers thinking about what matters ……



Campbell, R. J. (2004). Database Design: What HIM Professionals Need to Know.

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Crossler, R. E., & Posey, C. (2017). Robbing Peter to Pay Paul: Surrendering Privacy for Security's Sake in an Identity Ecosystem. Journal of The Association for Information Systems, 18(7), 487-515.

Donovan, F. (2018). Judge Gives Final OK to $115M Anthem Data Breach Settlement. Retrieved from (2018). Health Information Privacy, Security, and Your EHR. Retrieved from 

The IMIA Code of Ethics for Health Information Professionals. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.imia

Jackson, R. (2018). Pulling strings. Retrieved from 

Prince, B. (2013). Programming Languages Susceptible to Specific Security Flaws: Report. Eweek, 12.  Retrieved from


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Cross Training Staff For COVID 19

Pages: 2 (675 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:52445677

… care areas (Lawson, 2020). Several efforts or strategies can be employed for such training, which can be done through in-person classroom training or computer-based training (CBT).…



Agrawal, S., Smet, A.D., Lacroix, S. & Reich, A. (2020, March 7). To Emerge Stronger from the COVID-19 Crisis, Companies Should Start Reskilling Their Workforces Now. Retrieved June 28, 2020, from 

Kshirsagar, A., Mansour, T., McNally, L. & Metakis, M. (2020, March). Adapting Workplace Learning in the Time of Coronavirus. Retrieved June 28, 2020, from 

Lawson, J.T. (2020, May 7). COVID-19 FAQs: Cross-training Nurses, Nonclinical Workers. Retrieved June 28, 2020, from 


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Shortages Of Health Care Providers

Pages: 7 (2037 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:32789324

...Computer viruses Informatics Telehealth and the Health Care Shortage
Snavely (2016) shows that the looming nursing shortage is due to hit America hard in the coming years, and that shortage is now evident more than ever with the arrival of the novel coronavirus in America—especially in hard hit areas like New York City, where the hospitals are being overrun by patients infected by the virus. Shortages of health care providers is a major concern in the US, especially since the US is meant to be a world leader among other nations—and yet an element of its critical infrastructure, health care, is sorely lacking in support in the form of providers. Now that the country has gone into lockdown mode, it is only making matters worse from an economic point of view: going to school for medicine is expensive and individuals and families may reassess their commitment to the field if they see……



Clemmer, T. P. (1995). The role of medical informatics in telemedicine. Journal of Medical Systems, 19(1), 47-58.

Demiris, G. (2003). Integration of telemedicine in graduate medical informatics education. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 10(4), 310-314.

Foster, M., & Sethares, K. (2017). Current strategies to implement informatics into the nursing curriculum: an integrative review. J Nurs Inform, 21(3).

Haddad, L. M., & Toney-Butler, T. J. (2019). Nursing shortage. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing.

Hasbrouck, L. (2016). Strengthening local health department informatics capacity through advocacy, education, and workforce development. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 22(Suppl 6), S3.

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O’Brien, J. (2003). How nurse practitioners obtained provider status: Lessons for pharmacists. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 60(22), 2301-2307.

Snavely, T. M. (2016). A brief economic analysis of the looming nursing shortage in the United States. Nursing Economics, 34(2), 98-101.


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Technocrime And Insider Trading

Pages: 1 (348 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:question answer Document #:15149634

… is technocrime and what are its principal defining elements?
Technocrime is defined as a type of crime which is not simply facilitated by computer and technology, but which could only take place through the existence of computer. Examples include hacking into computer system to embezzle money, pranks such as malware and viruses, seizing hold of computer systems through ransomware for profit, identity theft, and other types of computer-driven crimes (Kelly, 2020). Not all forms of technocrime are perpetuated against computer users, although these are the most common scams. Skimming off of ATMs and hacking into other devices are also types of technocrime (Kelly, ……



Insider trading. (2019). Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute. Retrieved from:

Kelly, M. (2030). Technocrime: Forms and examples. Retrieved from: 


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Change Management At Nike

Pages: 8 (2482 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:61161012

...Computer viruses Why Nike Needs to Cut Colin Kaepernick
Executive Summary
Nike’s decision to tap into “woke culture” and turn the out of work former NFL quarter Colin Kaepernick into a brand ambassador has been a controversial one since the sportswear company launched its Colin ad campaign in 2018. Nike needs to change the way it approaches its consumer base in America while simultaneously addressing the supply chain issues that have arisen as a result of COVID-19, which has caused major production problems for Nike in Asia. While Nike has been active in promoting the ultimate Trump antagonist in Colin Kaepernick, it is now time to bury the hatch and put America first but cutting ties with Kaepernick and opening up production in the US so as to 1) bring manufacturing back to America and solve the supply chain problems caused by the virus, and 2) to help put Americans back to……


Bibliography and References

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