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… such a way that they would never ever question their place in society vis-à-vis the ruling class. They would be content with their computer games, the entertainment shows put out by Disney, their music, and so on. This would be their happiness and they would be good consumers ……
Works Cited
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Study Document
What is Cybercrime?
Definition of Cybercrime
Cybercrime is any criminal activity that is conducted using computer or the Internet. As today’s digital natives have the most experience with computer, cybercriminals tend to be of the Millennial generation—i.e., born after 1980. They are young, digitally sophisticated, and able to operate with a degree … by professional criminals to lure victims into traps or sites that have the appearance of legitimacy.
Cybercrime is committed by people who know computer code, understand computer systems and networks, know how to navigate databases, access data storage, get past firewalls, exploit cloud computing services, control the Internet of Things … data storage, get past firewalls, exploit cloud computing services, control the Internet of Things and more. They
How Cybercrime Has Evolved over Time
computer and the rise of the Internet ushered in the era of cybercrime. IBM’s first computer arrived in the 1950s, but it was……
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… all sizes and types operate their businesses, and current trends indicate that these implementations are increasing exponentially. The Internet of Things allows conventional computer-based networks to incorporate data collected from everyday objects to provide real-time analyses and new applications for these technologies are being developed every day. … 2018), and the quality and extensiveness of the data that is collected in only dependent on the respective processing speeds of the host computer network and the sensors that are used in a given configuration (Davis, 2017). These attributes mean that the IoT can be applied by …
Some of the most important features of IoT applications include the fact that conventional mobile devices such as smartphones, various types of personal computer, video systems and other handheld devices as well as objects that have traditionally not been viewed as being amenable can be incorporation into … video systems and other handheld……
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… learning experience.
Technology and ESLs
Virtual worlds are not the only way for students to gain from technology. Simply being able to use computer in the classroom can help ESLs (Ybarra & Green, 2013). computer assisted instruction has been found to enhance the learning experience by giving students the opportunity to practice in a more engaging way. Given … by giving students the opportunity to practice in a more engaging way. Given the fact that most learners today are used to having computer in their lives, they enjoy being given the autonomy, responsibility and freedom to have computer as part of their basic education in the classroom. Beetham and Sharpe (2013) show that it improves their scores across the board, too: … the classroom. Beetham and Sharpe (2013) show that it improves their scores across the board, too: when these students are able to use computer assisted instruction their……
Alvarez-Marinelli, H., Blanco, M., Lara-Alecio, R., Irby, B. J., Tong, F., Stanley, K., & Fan, Y. (2016). Computer assisted English language learning in Costa Rican elementary schools: an experimental study. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 29(1), 103-126.
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Park, J. Y. (2011). Design education online: Learning delivery and evaluation. International Journal of Art & Design Education, 30(2), 176-187.
Study Document
...Computer games Observation Portfolio – Special Education Classroom
This observation portfolio paper presents a summary of my experience and knowledge gained from analyzing four observation sessions in a special education classroom setting. Observation 1 and 2 was conducted in the morning, observation 3 of 4 took place during lunch break, and observation 4 of 4 was conducted in the afternoon. Each of the four observation sessions is discussed below.
Observation 1 of 4
Observation Summary
The class consisted of nine students; eight students were male and one was female. During my observation, I walked and looked around as the students started each morning with snacks, milk, and orange juice for breakfast followed by typing lessons, mathematics lessons, group calendar practice, and personal information binders. Before starting the mathematics lesson, the students played a game as a way to facilitate smooth transition from one activity to another. Personal information binders included practicing……
Hallahan, D. P., Kauffman, J. M., & Pullen, P. C. (2018). Exceptional Learners: An Introduction to Special Education (14th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.
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Study Document
… prize. The trivia would focus on understanding security issues and increasing workers’ security intelligence. The weekly trivia contest could be like the trivia games played in restaurants and pubs, only here it would focus on security questions. This type of training is more interesting, generally, to workers—and … on security questions. This type of training is more interesting, generally, to workers—and more meaningful and effective ultimately—than mundane Power Point presentations or computer-animated videos that are watched for five minutes and then forgotten about. The goal here is to get the workers thinking about what matters … matters in terms of security and then using that energy to keep them engaged and knowledgeable. (2018) offers privacy and security training games that staff can play to build up their knowledge of how to ensure that systems are kept safe and secure. As Health ……
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… billion and more than 780 stores in the U.S. and Canada, Best Buy is North America's number one retailer of consumer electronics, personal computer, entertainment software and appliances. It was named Forbes's 2004 Company of the Year and has been cited by AMR Research as having one … the transition from pre-paid to collect terms for inbound shipments. In addition, Best Buy also achieved impressive cost savings by improving the company’s computer-based transportation suite’s ability to coordinate, schedule and monitor its loading and consolidation capabilities. This innovation not only generated cost savings through improved inbound ……
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Study Document
...Computer games Introduction
The elderly population, like every other population in the world today, can benefit from changes that have occurred in the world thanks to technological revolutions. The Internet, for instance, has allowed a virtual world to emerge that rivals the real world in terms of social opportunities. News spreads instantly thanks to the Internet, and people can communicate with one another and retrieve information more easily today than at any point in human history. Technology can thus be used to address some of the changes and challenges within the elderly population today. Those changes and challenges include changes in environment as the population moves into assisted living and combating isolation and depression, which can occur in this population. Likewise, because of the nature of the globalized world it is more likely that this population will be more diverse than it has been in the past, which means there will be……
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Brojeni, S. A., Ilali, E. S., Taraghi, Z., & Mousavinasab, N. (2019). Lifestyle and its related factors in elderly. Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences, 6(1), 32.
Cornwell, E. Y., & Waite, L. J. (2009). Measuring social isolation among older adults using multiple indicators from the NSHAP study. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 64(suppl_1), i38-i46.
Landeiro, F., Barrows, P., Musson, E. N., Gray, A. M., & Leal, J. (2017). Reducing social isolation and loneliness in older people: a systematic review protocol. BMJ Open, 7(5), e013778.
Liu, S. J., Lin, C. J., Chen, Y. M., & Huang, X. Y. (2007). The effects of reminiscence group therapy on self-esteem, depression, loneliness and life satisfaction of elderly people living alone. Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine, 12(3), 133-142.
Moore, E. G., & Rosenberg, M. W. (2001). Canada's elderly population: the challenges of diversity. Canadian Geographer, 45(1), 145.
Study Document
… disciplines link: HSS11.2
English Language Development (ELD) Standards link: WHST.11-12.4-5
Required Materials for lesson (including realia/real objects):
· Textbooks.
· Teacher-created sourcebook/notebook.
· computer and projector.
· PowerPoint presentations.
· Pen/Pencils and papers.
· Student journals
Essential Questions for lesson (2-4):
• Broad and open-ended lesson questions ……
Gay, G. (2010). Culturally responsive teaching – theory, research and practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Study Document
… an order straight from the table where the order is being taken straight to the kitchen and it will go straight to the computer for check-out as well. It eliminates several steps and creates a more efficient environment. Cloud computing would come into play here as well, ……
Gallardo-Echenique, E. E., Marqués-Molías, L., Bullen, M., & Strijbos, J. W. (2015). Let’s talk about digital learners in the digital era. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 16(3), 156-187.
Gibson, C., & Homan, S. (2004). Urban redevelopment, live music and public space: Cultural performance and the re?making of Marrickville. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 10(1), 67-84.
Lawson, C. (2007). Victorian Young Planners: News and Views-Pot, Parma and Trivia Night. Planning News, 33(6), 12.
Queensland. (2020). Key components of a digital strategy. Retrieved from
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