Caregivers Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Preparing For The Death Of A Spouse

Pages: 5 (1586 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:76491981

...Caregivers Introduction
It is complicated and painful to lose a spouse. The family bears the brunt for such a loss. One of the essential things following the loss of a spouse is getting to understand the circumstances that surrounded the loss and its secondary effects. Healing can only take place after the acceptance visits (Glazer et al., 2010). The level of grief is determined by one's social setting, resources, and relationships. People's response to a loss such as a bereavement differs and is unique to individuals, yet it is socially experienced. The survivors affect an individual's response to loss. The response also affects the overall impact. The impact is also affected by the changing circumstances and processes of coping, including their psychosocial and spiritual growth. This study aims at setting the psychosocial and physical coping ground for the loss of a spouse. The study aims at exploring the approaches that can……



Alvariza, A., Häger-Tibell, L., Holm, M., Steineck, G., & Kreicbergs, U. (2020). Increasing preparedness for caregiving and death in family caregivers of patients with severe illness who are cared for at-home–study protocol for a web-based intervention. BMC palliative care, 19(1), 1-8.

Glazer, H. R., Clark, M. D., Thomas, R., & Haxton, H. (2010). Parenting after the death of a spouse. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine®, 27(8), 532-536.

Jones, E., Oka, M., Clark, J., Gardner, H., Hunt, R., & Dutson, S. (2019). Lived experience of young widowed individuals: A qualitative study. Death Studies, 43(3), 183-192.

Kronaizl, S. G. (2019). Discussing death with children: A developmental approach. Pediatric Nursing, 45(1), 47-50.

Kubler-Ross, E. (1969). On Death and Dying. New York: The MacMillan Company.

Madsen, R., Birkelund, R., & Uhrenfeldt, L. (2019). Transition experiences during courses of incurable cancer from the perspective of bereaved spouses. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 38, 28-35.

Turner, M., King, C., Milligan, C., Thomas, C., Brearley, S. G., Seamark, D., & Payne, S. (2016). Caring for a dying spouse at the end of life:‘It\\\\\\\\\\\\'s one of the things you volunteer for when you get married\\\\\\\\\\\\': a qualitative study of the oldest carers\\\\\\\\\\\\' experiences. Age and ageing, 45(3), 421-426.


Study Document Study Document

Pediatric Nursing And Gastroenteritis

Pages: 11 (3217 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Case Study Document #:91020805

… children are admitted, they are exposed to a completely new environment. They are removed from familiar territory. The attachment to parents and other caregivers at home is severed. It does not matter how friendly the hospital may be; it is still a highly strange and discomforting territory ……



Campos, M. C., Rodrigues, K. C. S., & Pinto, M. C. M. (2010). Evaluation of the behavior of the pre-school one just admitted in the unit of pediatrics and the use of the therapeutic toy. Einstein (São Paulo), 8(1), 10-17.

Caplin, D., & Cooper, M. (2007). Child development for inpatient medicine. In Comprehensive pediatric hospital medicine (pp. 1285-1292). Mosby.

Emde, R. N., & Harmon, R. J. (Eds.). (2012). Continuities and discontinuities in development. Springer Science & Business Media.

Hockenberry, M. J., & Wilson, D. (2019). Wong\\\\\\\\\\\\'s nursing care of infants and children E-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Koukourikos, K., Tzeha, L., Pantelidou, P., & Tsaloglidou, A. (2015). The Importance of Play during Hospitalization of Children. Materia socio-medica, 27(6), 438–441. 

Li, W. H., Chung, J. O. K., Ho, K. Y., & Kwok, B. M. C. (2016). Play interventions to reduce anxiety and negative emotions in hospitalized children. BMC pediatrics, 16(1), 36.

National Collaborating Centre for Women\\\\\\\\\\\\'s and Children\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Health; UK. (2009). Diarrhea and vomiting caused by gastroenteritis: diagnosis, assessment, and management in children younger than 5 years.


Study Document Study Document

Traumatic Stress In Age Of COVID 19 Student Teacher Syllabus

Pages: 9 (2722 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Article Review Document #:56613298

...Caregivers Article Review 1: COVID-19
Source: Horesh, D., & Brown, A. D. (2020). Traumatic stress in the age of COVID-19: A call to close critical gaps and adapt to new realities. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 12(4), 331-335.
This article focused on the recent global incapacitation in aspects of finance, transport, government, and other facets of general human existence due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors, Horesh and Brown (2020), described the consequence of the pandemic as significantly inconvenient and transformative of the existing structures of organizations, social interaction, and governmental policies across the globe. The rate of transmission and fatality of the novel Coronavirus is also a major concern, especially in view of the apparent inadequacies of current medical knowledge and research at finding a lasting solution to the pandemic. All these escalations and uncertainties lend to increased mental stress for every person across the world. While……



Richmond, A., Slattery, J., Mitchell, N., & Morgan, R. (2016). Can a learner-centered syllabus change students’ perceptions of student-professor rapport and master teacher behaviors? Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 2(3), 159-168.

Saville, B. K., Zinn, T. E., Brown, A. R., & Marchuk, K. A. (2010). Syllabus Detail and Students’ Perceptions of Teacher Effectiveness. Teaching of Psychology, 37(3), 186–189. DOI:10.1080/00986283.2010.488523 

Harrington, C. M., & Gabert-Quillen, C. A. (2015). Syllabus length and use of images: An empirical investigation of student perceptions. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 1(3), 235.

Wilson, J. H., & Ryan, R. G. (2013). Professor–student rapport scale: Six items predict student outcomes. Teaching of Psychology, 40(2), 130-133.

Cullen, R., & Harris, M. (2009). Assessing learner?centredness through course syllabi. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 34(1), 115-125.



Study Document Study Document

Parent Involvement In Child Learning

Pages: 2 (643 words) Sources: 2 Document Type:Essay Document #:26311129

...Caregivers Parent Involvement
Parent involvement is a critical component toward enhancing the learning and development of students, especially deaf and hard-of-hearing students. For deaf and hard-of-hearing students, involvement of their parents in the learning process is essential because of their unique learning needs and styles. Parent involvement refers to active, continuous involvement of a primary caregiver or parent in the education of their children. Parent involvement contributes to improved learning and growth of students through positive impacts on student’s attendance, behavior and achievement. Even though parent involvement is considered critical in student education, educators or instructors still face challenges on how to incorporate parents in their child’s learning. Educators/instructors face the need to identify suitable ways to incorporate parents in education of their children.
One of the ways to get parents engaged in their child’s education is through conducting regular workshops and seminars for parents (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,……



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012). Parent Engagement – Strategies for Involving Parents in School Health. Retrieved from US Department of Health and Human Services website: 

Lotkina, V. (2016, August 7). 5 Ways to Get Parents Involved in Student Learning Beyond Homework. Retrieved April 15, 2020, from 


Study Document Study Document

Culturally Competent Patient Care Advanced Practice Nursing

Pages: 5 (1514 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:73535366

… family members.
Assessing social and environmental variables is also important for advanced practice nurses. It is possible to talk with the patient and caregivers, as well as review the empirical literature on the intersections between social norms and healthcare and also between environmental factors and healthcare risks. ……



Coats, H., Crist, J. D., Berger, A., Sternberg, E., & Rosenfeld, A. G. (2016). African American Elders’ Serious Illness Experiences. Qualitative Health Research, 27(5), 634–648. doi:10.1177/1049732315620153 

“Cultural Awareness and Influences on Health: NCLEX-RN,” (2020). Registered Nursing. Retrieved from: 

Marion, L., Douglas, M., Lavin, M., Barr, N., Gazaway, S., Thomas, L., Bickford, C., (November 18, 2016) \\\\\\\\\\\\"Implementing the New ANA Standard 8: Culturally Congruent Practice\\\\\\\\\\\\" OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 22 No. 1.

Smith, L.S. (2018). A nurse educator\\\\\\\\\\\\'s guide to cultural competence. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy 16(2): 19-23.

Spector, R.E. (2016). Cultural diversity in health and illness. 9th Edition

Wagner, J. (2019). Cultural competency. Medicine Libre Texts. Retrieved from:

Williams, M.T., Duque, G., Wetterneck, C.T., et al. (2018). Ethnic identity and regional differences in mental health in a national sample of African American young adults. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities 5(2018): 312-321.

Young, S., & Guo, K. L. (2016). Cultural diversity training: the necessity of cultural competence for health care providers and in nursing practice. The health care manager, 35(2), 94-102.


Study Document Study Document

Assessment Of Clinical Practice

Pages: 9 (2570 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Essay Document #:36257557

...Caregivers Adolescent Family Counseling for Substance Use and Depression
I. Setting the Scene
1. Destination Hope provides mental health services to a broad client base, with areas of specialization including family care and substance abuse intervention. It is a multifaceted and multimodal treatment center that provides individual, family, and group therapy options. In addition to acute and residential care options, Destination Hope also offers structured outpatient and long term options for individuals and families to help prevent relapses and promote quality of life.
2. Jim is a fourteen year-old Caucasian male, whose sister died in a car accident four months prior. Losing a sister is challenging enough for any individual; for one going through puberty at the same time, the effects of emotional devastation and loss can be confusing and even traumatic. Therefore, Jim’s behaviors, his shift in social scene, and his differential identity during this time do need to be……



American Psychological Association (2007). Record keeping guidelines. American Psychologist 62(9): 993-1004.

Fadus, M.C., Squeglia, L.M., Valadez, E.A., et al. (2019). Adolescent substance use disorder treatment. Current Psychiatry Reports 21(96).

Godley, M.D., Passetti, L.L. (2019). Behavioral interventions for substance use and relapse prevention. Treating Adolescent Substance Use. 

Hogue, A., Bobek, M., MacLean, A., et al. (2020). Core elements of CBT for adolescent conduct and substance use problems. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice(2020): 

King, G. (2016). The Role of the Therapist in Therapeutic Change: How Knowledge From Mental Health Can Inform Pediatric Rehabilitation. Physical & Occupational Therapy In Pediatrics, 37(2), 121–138. doi:10.1080/01942638.2016.1185508 

Oud, M., de Winter, L., Verimeulen-Smit, E., et al. (2019). Effectiveness of CBT for children and adolescents with depression: A systematic review and meta-regression analysis. European Psychiatry 57(2019): 33-45.

Rodriguez, M., Walters, S. T., Houck, J. M., Ortiz, J. A., & Taxman, F. S. (2017). The language of change among criminal justice clients: Counselor language, client language, and client substance use outcomes. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 74(4), 626–636. doi:10.1002/jclp.22534 

Shulman, L. (2011). Dynamics and skills of group counseling. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.


Study Document Study Document

How Do Marriage And Family Therapist View Fathers As Being The Single

Pages: 6 (1680 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:29707714

...Caregivers Abstract
Children in the 21st century have to confound with a fundamentally different cultural and social environment in the course of their growth and development—one of the most notable developments in the increase of single-father families. Single fathers are also, commonly, the legal guardians of their children. Various reasons lead to these situations. Some single parents may opt to be in such a state by choice. Others are forced into the situation by circumstances such as the loss of their partners or separation. It has also been observed that single parents commonly experience a range of challenges, including stress. Single parents face challenges that emanate from the sheer parenting responsibility. Other sources of stress could include but not limited to, financial obligations and coping with their situations. Children of single parents may find it hard to cope and maybe confused because the rules in one household may not be the……



DeJean, S. L., McGeorge, C. R., & Stone Carlson, T. (2012). Attitudes toward never-married single mothers and fathers: Does gender matter? Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 24(2), 121-138.

Greif, G. L., Finney, C., Greene-Joyner, R., Minor, S., & Stitt, S. (2007). Fathers who are court-mandated to attend parenting education groups at a child abuse prevention agency: Implications for family therapy. Family Therapy, 34(1), 13-26.

Haire, A. R., &McGeorge, C. R. (2012). Negative perceptions of never-married custodial single mothers and fathers: Applications of a gender analysis for family therapists. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 24(1), 24-51.

Jones, E. (1983). Leaving whom? Motherless families: problems of termination for the female family therapist. Journal of Family Therapy, 5(1), 11-22.

Maier, C. A., &McGeorge, C. R. (2014). Positive attributes of never-married single mothers and fathers: Why gender matters and applications for family therapists. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 26(3), 163-190.


Study Document Study Document

Gender Contact Comfort And Sex

Pages: 2 (711 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Essay Document #:86230237

...Caregivers Family and Environment
Emotional attachment, as Harlow’s studies on contact comfort showed, is born of the comfort that comes from contact with something reassuring, soft, and warm. The baby monkey for instance spent all its time on the cloth monkey rather than on the wire monkey because contact comfort served as the basis of attachment rather than food comfort, which the wire monkey gave. The baby monkey also ran to the cloth monkey when the frightening machine was placed in its cage: it sought out the contact comfort to calm its fears before gaining the confidence to confront the frightening machine. Then when the baby monkey was placed in the unfamiliar room it sought out the comfort of the cloth monkey and then felt secure enough to go explore the room like a curious little monkey.
The differences individual attachment matter because children need reinforcement, comfort and security to……



Harlow’s Studies on Dependency in Monkeys. (n.d.). Retrieved from 

Intelecom. (2001). Factors that influence sexual orientation. Links to an external site. [Video file]. Retrieved from

Levy, K. N., Ellison, W. D., Scott, L. N., & Bernecker, S. L. (2011). Attachment style. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 67(2), 193-201.

Shriner, B and Shriner, M. (2014). Essentials of Lifespan Development: A Topical Perspective. Bridgepoint Education: San Diego, CA.


Study Document Study Document

Formulating An Effective National Response To Ebola In Nigeria

Pages: 17 (5038 words) Sources: 20 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:83371879

...Caregivers Abstract
Today, there are dozens of deadly diseases in the world, but the Ebola virus disease (alternatively “EVD” or “Ebola”) is among the most virulent and lethal. Although intensive research is underway, there is no cure currently available for Ebola and the death toll attributable to this disease continues to increase. To date, there have been nearly 30,000 cases of Ebola infections that caused more than 11,000 deaths, primarily in West Africa, but the disease has the potential to spread worldwide unless first responders, emergency management managers and the health care community take aggressive steps to identify infections and contain outbreaks. The main purpose of this study is to provide a systematic and critical review of the relevant juried, scholarly and governmental literature about the Ebola virus disease to create an awareness manual that is targeted at educating Nigerian citizens concerning this disease. A secondary purpose of this study is……



Allam, M. F. (2014, September). Ebola hemorrhagic fever: Case fatality rate 90%? Central European Journal of Public Health 22(3), 207-210.

Allam, M. F. & Vonka, V. (2015, March). Ebola virus disease: Temperature checks for travelers? Central European Journal of Public Health, 23(1), 84.

Brand, J. E. & Stela, D. (2014, October). Ebola is here: Knowledge, identification, and appropriate infection control are key. American Nurse Today, 9(10), 37-39.

Brown, G. (2015, Winter). Ebola in America: An epidemic or a pandemic? ABNF Journal, 26(1), 3-5.

Ebola. (2019). Doctors without Borders. Retrieved from https://www.doctorswithout

Ebola outbreak. (2019). U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from .

Ebola virus disease. (2019). U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from .

Hancock, M. (2019, September). After Ebola. African Business, 422, 56-58.


Study Document Study Document

Management Of Type 2 Diabetes Literature Review

Pages: 4 (1211 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Capstone Project Document #:72846876

… future research should focus on the long-term efficacy of intervention tools on medication persistence as well as the role of formal and informal caregivers on patient adherence. Whitehead et al. (2017) recommend that additional research is required to explore the value of group sessions over individual interventions ……



Balducci, S., D’Errico, V., Haxhi, J., Sacchetti, M., Orlando, G., Cardelli, P., ... & Lucisano, G. (2019). Effect of a Behavioral Intervention Strategy on Sustained Change in Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: The IDES_2 Randomized Clinical Trial. Jama, 321(9), 880-890.

Costa, E., Giardini, A., Savin, M., Menditto, E., Lehane, E., Laosa, O., ... & Marengoni, A. (2015). Interventional tools to improve medication adherence: review of literature. Patient preference and adherence, 9, 1303.

Guo, Z., Liu, J., Zeng, H., He, G., Ren, X., & Guo, J. (2019). Feasibility and efficacy of nurse-led team management intervention for improving the self-management of type 2 diabetes patients in a Chinese community: a randomized controlled trial. Patient preference and adherence, 13, 1353.

Johansen, M. Y., MacDonald, C. S., Hansen, K. B., Karstoft, K., Christensen, R., Pedersen, M., ... & Iepsen, U. W. (2017). Effect of an intensive lifestyle intervention on glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomized clinical trial. Jama, 318(7), 637-646.

Mohd, M. M. A. H., Phung, H., Sun, J., & Morisky, D. E. (2016). Improving adherence to medication in adults with diabetes in the United Arab Emirates. BMC public health, 16(1), 857.

Sapkota, S., Brien, J. A., Greenfield, J., & Aslani, P. (2015). A systematic review of interventions addressing adherence to anti-diabetic medications in patients with type 2 diabetes—impact on adherence. PloS one, 10(2), e0118296.

Supachaipanichpong, P., Vatanasomboon, P., Tansakul, S., & Chumchuen, P. (2018). An Education Intervention for Medication Adherence in Uncontrolled Diabetes in Thailand. Pacific Rim International Journal of Nursing Research, 22(2), 144-155.

Whitehead, L. C., Crowe, M. T., Carter, J. D., Maskill, V. R., Carlyle, D., Bugge, C., & Frampton, C. M. (2017). A nurse?led education and cognitive behaviour therapy?based intervention among adults with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes: A randomised controlled trial. Journal of evaluation in clinical practice, 23(4), 821-829.

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