Study Document
… spatial organization, and location of some of the major regions in the world. Sixth grade students are given the opportunity to study some ancient civilizations. This instructional unit seeks to provide social studies instruction as a component of world history in relation to district instructional goals and … social studies.
Discipline of Study
Given the focus of the instructional unit, the discipline of study is 6th grade World History, Geography and Ancient Civilization. This is an important discipline of study since a deeper understanding of historical issues helps to develop a deeper understanding of social … of social justice standards and issues facing African American/minority community. In this regard, students will make connections on the role and impact of ancient civilizations on the development and growth of African American/minority community. These connections help to create a suitable foundation for development and understanding social … in the module based on……
Archdiocese of Santa Fe. (2011). Social Studies Curriculum. Retrieved April 27, 2020, from
This publication provides an overview of world history and geography as part of social studies curriculum for 6th grade students. It provides an outline of learning outcomes and assessments/strategies that can be employed in a 6th grade history class. These strategies, assessments, and learning outcomes are developed in line with common standards and based on what students at this grade level should achieve by the end of the unit. It was utilized to determine suitable strategies, assessments and learning outcomes to incorporate for the success of this unit.
Blake, C. (2020). Teaching Social Justice in Theory and Practice. Retrieved April 27, 2020, from
This article examines the process of teaching social justice in relation to existing theory and best practices. The author examines how classrooms are designed to be avenues for social change by promoting learning of new ideas. This article was used to identify a contemporary educational theme in diversity and social justice. The identified theme was utilized to shape the unit content and teaching strategies.
California Department of Education. (2000). History – Social Science Content Standards for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve. Retrieved from California Department of Education website:
The publication provides an overview of standards relating to the study of history and social science from kindergarten to grade twelve. Standards are used as the premise for shaping learning content, expectations, and outcomes for students in different grades. Insights from this publication was used to shape learning content, expectation, outcomes, and strategies for this instructional unit.
edCount. (2014). World History and Geography: Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, and Ancient Israel. Retrieved from Tennessee State Government website:
The article examines grade 6 topic on world history and geography in relation to common standards. The author reviews different subject areas relating to this topic including ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and ancient Israel. Through this review, the publication seeks to enhance knowledge of grade-appropriate social studies concepts, skills, and knowledge. The publication was used to identify relevant knowledge, skills and social studies concepts relating to this instructional unit.
Study Document
Analysis of The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the few great literatures that survived the ruin of ancient civilizations, more particularly the ancient Mesopotamia. It is a poem that tells the story of two great heroes, friendship, adventure, and the gods. Comprised of twelves tablets, each … heroes “Gilgamesh and Enkidu”, their relationship, the actions of the gods, and the overall significance of this Epic—as regarding its depiction of the ancient Mesopotamian civilization.
Gilgamesh and Enkidu
Gilgamesh was the first character, of the two, to be introduced. In the introduction, Gilgamesh was described as … In the introduction, Gilgamesh was described as one who had exceptional qualities that transcends that of mere men. He had esoteric wisdom of ancient things (Abusch 615), the strength of many men, and the pomposity that is often common in men of extreme capacity. It is also … even……
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Study Document
In ancient Athens, it was customary for women to be kept indoors. They were not supposed to be out in public places or mixing with … Greek playwright Euripides had a line in his play The Trojan Women: “What causes women a bad reputation is not remaining inside.”[footnoteRef:3] In ancient Sparta, however, it was just the opposite: women there held positions of power and even ruled the city-state. Spartan women could own land … that lead to some women staying in the home and other women have roles outside the home are cultural—just as they were in ancient Greece. Athens was known for its artistic and political culture. Sparta was known for its warrior culture. The former was more refined and … Fleck, Robert K., and F. Andrew Hanssen. \"“Rulers ruled by women”: an economic analysis of the rise and fall of women’s rights in ancient Sparta.\" Economics of Governance 10, no.……
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Study Document
… the earliest historical records, schizophrenia has been viewed as both a physical and spiritual malady, depending on the culture and the times. The ancient Egyptians saw it as a physical disease, while the Chinese and the ancient Greeks viewed it as spiritual problem (Vazquez & Santone, 2011). In ancient India, Hindus believed it to be a combination of both spiritual and physical disorders, and throughout the Middle Ages the different approaches to ……
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Study Document
… and vilification (Sheldon 1997). Yet as Sheldon (1997) shows, clandestine operations are not new or unique to the modern world and in fact ancient Rome used them whenever military operations were impractical. Thus, “political influence operations, seeding, propaganda, political patronage, safe havens, political assassination, and paramilitary operations” … political patronage, safe havens, political assassination, and paramilitary operations” can all be traced back more or less to similar operations implemented by the ancient Romans (Sheldon 1997, 299). Today, there are many different facets to clandestine operations, and many agencies that use them—from the CIA to the … really goes on behind the scenes.
This literature review has shown that clandestine operations predate modern society by thousands of years. The ancient Romans practiced clandestine operations in lieu of warfare to satisfy state ambitions. Statecraft today is replete with instances of clandestine operations that range ……
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Study Document
… Nations. Both Western and Eastern cultures developed the first and most fundamental ethical framework in virtue ethics, with Aristotle summarizing the framework in ancient Greece and Confucius summarizing the framework in ancient China thousands of years ago (Hursthouse 2016). Cohen’s (2016) position is not rooted in such a tradition but rather in the tradition of ……
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Study Document
… your essay become more organized and easy to read.
I. Introduction
A. The concept of servant leadership can actually be traced back to ancient China but the term “servant leadership” was coined by Robert Greenleaf in 1970 (Wesson, 2017).
B. Servant leadership refers to placing the needs … rise to a number of theories that have informed subsequent organizational behavior. Several of the prevailing theories of leadership trace their roots to ancient civilizations and their models of governance. For example, the concept of servant leadership can actually be traced back to ancient China even though the term “servant leadership” was coined by Robert Greenleaf in 1970 (Wesson, 2017). Servant leadership refers to placing the needs ……
Citroen, L. (n.d.). What is servant leadership? Retrieved from:
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Jenkins, M.A. (n.d.). Compare and contrast servant leadership with followership. Retrieved from:
Wesson, C. (2017). The NCO. Army University Press. Retrieved from:
Study Document
… assumes a pro death penalty stance. The arguments in favor of the death penalty include the following. First, the death penalty stems from ancient traditions that define American culture and society. Second, the death penalty encourages respect for the law and possibly prevents some crimes from being … echoed in the Bible, which is why the principle of retributive justice seems embedded into the fabric of American culture and consciousness.
Its ancient roots are not a sufficient reason to retain the death penalty. Many modern countries have in fact abolished the death penalty on various ……
ACLU (n.d.). The case against the death penalty. Retrieved from:
The Code of Hammurabi. Trans. By L.W. King. Retrieved from:
“Top 10 Pro & Con Arguments,” (2016). ProCon. Retrieved from:
World Population Review (2019). Countries with death penalty 2019. Retrieved from:
Study Document
… We Go From Here?”
Democracy was meant to be government by the rule of the people. Athens is most famous for being the ancient city-state to represent democratic government and in a way the city-state was best situated for democracy: the people were educated and keen on ……
Works Cited
Dahl, Robert. On Democracy.
Ferejohn, John. Is Inequality a Threat to Democracy?
Friedman, Milton. Capitalism and Freedom. University of Chicago Press.
Mansbridge, Jane. On the Importance of Getting Things Done. PS, 2012.
Runciman, David. The Confidence Trap. Princeton University Press.
Study Document
… man, since the young man showed interest in the old man’s daughter. It was the kind of test that one might see in ancient mythologies or in the Old Testament when Jacob is given a bunch of tasks to perform in order to marry Rachel. It is … told in the oral tradition was the Iliad by Homer. Though most people read this story today, it was actually part of the ancient Greeks’ culture to memorize it and then…[break]…I loved this story because it is about two brothers and the one who is stand-offish finally ……
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