Cultural Revolution Essays (Examples)


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Why Ageism Needs To Be Stopped In Society

Pages: 9 (2613 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Prompts Document #:38322228

The Issue of Age in cultural Diversity
Age is an important aspect of cultural diversity that often goes ignored. For that reason ageism is a particularly problematic issue. Racism and sexism are often reported on but prejudice … have to give numerous speeches. As Albom (2019) notes, “jabs at Joe Biden mask our growing ageism issue.” This paper will discuss the cultural factors regarding age, developmental theory models, relevant laws, other diversity issues, resources available for special services, and my own personal characteristics towards complementing … models, relevant laws, other diversity issues, resources available for special services, and my own personal characteristics towards complementing age and concerns for my cultural competency. The main point this paper will make is that age is a diversity issue that needs to be given more attention as … as “boomers” and have no problem mocking the elderly for what appears to them to……



Albom, M. (2019). Jabs at Joe Biden mask our growing ageism issue. Retrieved from 

David, K. E. (2018). The Poster Child of the “Second” Cultural Revolution: Huang Shuai and Shifts in Age Consciousness, 1973–1979. Modern China, 44(5), 497-524.

Heggeness, M. L., Carter-Johnson, F., Schaffer, W. T., & Rockey, S. J. (2016). Policy implications of aging in the NIH-funded workforce. Cell Stem Cell, 19(1), 15-18.

Landeiro, F., Barrows, P., Musson, E. N., Gray, A. M., & Leal, J. (2017). Reducing social isolation and loneliness in older people: a systematic review protocol. BMJ Open, 7(5), e013778.

Lassila, S. (2019). Managing Risks of an Aging Workforce. Construction Executive, 2020. Retrieved from 

Liu, S. J., Lin, C. J., Chen, Y. M., & Huang, X. Y. (2007). The effects of reminiscence group therapy on self-esteem, depression, loneliness and life satisfaction of elderly people living alone. Mid-Taiwan Journal of Medicine, 12(3), 133-142.

Lumen. (2019). Theoretical perspectives on deviance. Retrieved from 

McLeod, S. (2018). Erik Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development. Retrieved from


Study Document Study Document

John Lewis Gaddis

Pages: 8 (2280 words) Sources: 9 Document Type:Essay Document #:77530466

… China and was embraced by Mao, who implemented his terroristic actions against his own people. The Great Famine, the Great Leap Forward, the cultural revolution: millions of Chinese died under the totalitarian heal of Mao. China had become infected with the brutal spirit of Stalinism, Gaddis explains.[footnoteRef:15] Stalin … Chinese died under the totalitarian heal of Mao. China had become infected with the brutal spirit of Stalinism, Gaddis explains.[footnoteRef:15] Stalin wanted world revolution. He wanted the world to be remade in his image the way Mao wanted China reshaped in his. Stalin and Mao were more … were more closely united that Gaddis originally believed back in 1972. Mao invited influence from Stalin—and he received it.[footnoteRef:16] Stalin was a romantic revolution and as long as Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union, the Cold War was inevitable. Stalin made the Cold War inevitable … terror to the extent……



Alpha History, “Cold War Historiography.” 

Branch, Mark Alden. “Days of Duck and Cover,” Yale Alumni Magazine, 2000. 

Encyclopedia. “John Lewis Gaddis,” 2020. 

Gaddis, John Lewis. We Now Know: Rethinking Cold War History. Oxford University Press, 1997.

Kaplan, Fred. “America’s Cold War Sage and His Discontents,” NYTimes, 2007.

Lundestad, Geir. "The Cold War According to John Gaddis." Cold War History 6, no. 4 (2006): 535-542.

National Endowment for the Humanities. “John Lewis Gaddis,” 2005. 

Paxton, Robert. Anatomy of Fascism. New York: Vintage, 2012.


Study Document Study Document

Political Correctness In Modern Politics An Assessment Of The Trump

Pages: 10 (3132 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:47385332

… ascent to the presidency – against all odds and expectations – gives rise to the question: are we in the middle of a cultural revolt against a concept that has all along defined the world of politics – political correctness? If the answer to this question is ……



Conway, L.C. (2020). How a cultural revolt against “political correctness” helped launch Trump into the presidency. Retrieved from

Hart, R.P. (2020). Trump and Us: What He Says and Why People Listen. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Morini, M. (2020). Lessons from Trumps Political Communication: How to Dominate the Media Environment. Belmont, CA: Springer Nature.

Marron, M.B. (2019). Misogyny and Media in the Age of Trump. New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield.

Mooney, A. & Evans, B. (2015). Language, Society and Power. New York, NY: Routledge.

NPR (2016). \\\\\\'Politically Correct\\\\\\': The Phrase Has Gone From Wisdom To Weapon. Retrieved from n

Travers, M. (2019). In New Research, Psychologists Explore The Upside Of Political Incorrectness. Retrieved from 


Study Document Study Document

Female Hip Hop Artists Impact

Pages: 6 (1746 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:79905236

… its ethos evolved as the counterpart to a broader movement for social and political change. Women have remained at the forefront of the cultural revolution that is hip hop, ensuring that feminist values and ideals become mainstream while also making sure that feminism does not become whitewashed. Patriarchal ……


Works Cited

Bruce, La Mar Jurelle. “’The People Inside My Head, Too’: Madness, Black Womanhood, and the Radical Performance of Lauryn Hill.” African American Review, Vol. 45, No. 3 (2012): 371-389.

Jamerson, J’na. ““Best-of” lists and conversations often exclude women. Why?” BBC. 8 Oct, 2019. Retrieved from 

Morris, Tyana. “The Evolution of Women in Hip Hop.” The Pine Needle. 31 Jan, 2018. Retreived from

Orcutt, KC. “Each One, Teach One | What generations of women in hip hop teach us about perseverance.” Revolt. Oct 16, 2019. Retrieved from 

Oware, Matthew. “A ‘Man’s Woman’?” Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 39, No. 5 (2007): 786-802.

Tillet, S. (2014). Strange Sampling: Nina Simone and Her Hip-Hop Children. American Quarterly, 66(1), 119–137. doi:10.1353/aq.2014.0006 

UDiscover (2019). Let’s talk about the female MCs who shaped hip-hop. Dec 9, 2019. Retrieved from 

White, Theresa R. “Missy “Misdemeanor” Elliott and Nicki Minaj.” Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 44, No. 6, (2013): 607–626. doi:10.1177/0021934713497365 


Study Document Study Document

Declaration Of Independence

Pages: 4 (1310 words) Sources: 1 Document Type:Lesson Plan Document #:73104267

Social Science Lesson Plan Part II
Lesson Title:
American revolution: Understanding the Declaration of Independence—Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension Lesson Plan
Unit Central Historical Question(s):
How did the Declaration of Independence justify the American … Understanding the Declaration of Independence—Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension Lesson Plan
Unit Central Historical Question(s):
How did the Declaration of Independence justify the American revolution?
Subject / Course:
American History
Lesson Duration:
55 min
Content Learning Objective (content and product):
Students will be able to determine … will be able to determine the meaning and uses of terms and phrases by examining them in context and relating them to the cultural ideas of the time.
After completing the anticipatory set, a brief review, investigating Document A and B as a class, completing the guided … and explain their meaning.
Historical Thinking Learning Objective (thinking skill and product):
Students will be able to weigh the justifications……


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Comparing Haiti Jamaica And Puerto Rico

Pages: 7 (1964 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Term Paper Document #:72272853

… compromised the growing racially-mixed underclass (Mintz 143).
In Jamaica and Haiti, on the other hand, slavery and race were inextricably entwined. Describing the revolution in Haiti, Dubois describes the New World’s first large-scale successful slave rebellion in Avengers in the New World. Chapter Four, “Fire in the … of which were liberated slaves. Religion can be a means to oppress or to liberate the peasantry, and is a potent form of cultural identity construction. For example, voodoo in Haiti is central to culture, custom, and identity. The peasnatry adapted the religion of the oppressor to ……


Works Cited

Dubois, Laurent. “Fire in the Cane,” in Avengers of the New World, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2007.

Geggus, David. “The Caribbean in the Age of Revolution.”

Godreau, Isar P., Cruz, Mariolga Reyes, Ortiz, Mariluz, et al. “The Lessons of Slavery: Discourses of Slavery, Mestizaje, and Blanqueamiento in an Elementary School in Puerto Rico.” American Ethnologist, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2008, pp. 115-135.

Laguerre, Michael. “The Place of Voodoo in the Social Structure of Haiti.” Caribbean Quarterly, Vol. 19, No. 3, 1973, pp. 36-50.

Mintz, Sidney Three Ancient Colonies: Caribbean Themes and Variations, Harvard University Press, 2012.

Safa, Helen. “The Matrifocal Family and Patriarchal Ideology in Cuba and the Caribbean,” Journal of Latin American Anthropology, Vol. 10, No.2, 2005.

Stinchcombe, Arthur. “Planter power, Freedom, and Oppression of Slaves in 18th century Caribbean”, from Sugar Island Slavery in the Age of Enlightenment, Princeton University Press, pp. 125-158.

Stinchcombe, Arthur. “Race as a Social Boundary: Free Colored versus Slaves and Blacks,” from Sugar Island Slavery in the Age of Enlightenment, Princeton University Press, pp. 159-172.


Study Document Study Document

Racial Tension And Violence In To Kill A Mockingbird

Pages: 6 (1655 words) Sources: 1 Document Type:Essay Document #:53390486

… is killed in an alleged escape attempt.
Historically, the film was created during a decade of upheaval. The 1960s was a period of revolution. The second wave of Feminism got underway with Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique, and that set the stage for women getting back into … The hero’s children are almost killed as well, but they are saved by a guardian angel. The evidence of the impact of the cultural, historical, political and social events of the 1950s and 1960s is seen throughout the film and its focus on racial tension, change, and ……


Works Cited

Executive Order 10925. Thecre.


Study Document Study Document

Contact In Canadian Literature

Pages: 11 (3347 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:97950942

Contact in Canadian Literature: The Use of Gothic Elements in the Negotiation of cultural Differences between Settlers and Indigenous Nations
Common elements of gothic literature include mystery, fear, omens, curses, preternatural settings, gloomy atmospheres with a … found elements of the gothic genre to be a useful way to explore and express their feelings and sentiments on the topic of cultural interaction between the indigenous nations and the settlers of Canada. This paper will show how Scott with his “The Onondaga Madonna” (1898) and ……


Works Cited

Gray, Charlotte, and Clara Thomas. "Flint and feather: the life and times of E Pauline Johnson, Tekahionwake." Canadian Woman Studies 23.1 (2003): 183.

Johnson, E. Pauline. “Pagan in St. Paul’s Cathedral.” 

Mulvey-Roberts, Marie, ed. The Handbook to Gothic literature. NYU Press, 1998.

Salem-Wiseman, Lisa. ""Verily, the White Man's Ways Were the Best": Duncan Campbell Scott, Native Culture, and Assimilation." Studies in Canadian Literature/Études en littérature canadienne (1996): 121-144.

Scott, D. C. “The Onondaga Madonna.”

Smith, Andrew. Gothic Literature. Edinburgh University Press, 2007.


Study Document Study Document

The Influence Of International Jewry In The Founding Of Israel

Pages: 6 (1816 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:97404308

… Israeli statehood being recognized around the world viewing religion as incidental to Jewish identity.
Thus, it could best be argued that Jewishness is cultural and that the cultural identity of Jewishness is a combination or integration of religion, politics, society, community, history, ethnicity and shared sense of place in the world. ……



JMW, XII. Jewish Identity Challenged and Redefined: #16

JMW, XI. The Shoah: #21-41

JMW, VIII. Sephardi & Middle Eastern Jewry #32-35

JMW, X. Zionism: #42-55

JMW, IX. American Jewry: #52


Study Document Study Document

Effectiveness Of The War On Drugs

Pages: 14 (4146 words) Sources: 18 Document Type:Reaction Paper Document #:69451857

I. Introduction
A. History of drugs, cross-cultural perspective
1. Opium wars (ACLU, 2020)
2. Since Nixon, the modern “war on drugs” (Pearl, 2018)
3. History of drug use in different ……



ACLU (2020). Against drug prohibition. Retrieved from: 

“America is At War,” (n.d.). Retrieved from: 

Bambauer, J. Y. (2012). How the war on drugs distorts privacy law. Stanford Law Review 62(2012). Retrieved from: 

Benson, B.L., Kim., I., Rasmussen, D.W., et al. (1992, 2006). Is property crime caused by drug use or by drug enforcement policy? Applied Economics 24(7): 679-692.

Best, D., Irving, J. & Albertson, K. (2016). Recovery and desistance: what the emerging recovery movement in the alcohol and drug area can learn from models of desistance from offending. Addiction Research & Theory 25(1): 1-10.

Coomber, R., Moyle, L., Belackova, V., et al. (2018). The burgeoning recognition and accommodation of the social supply of drugs in international criminal justice systems: An eleven-nation comparative overview. International Journal of Drug Policy 58(2018): 98-103.

Coyne, C.J. & Hall, A. R. (2017). Four decades and counting. CATO Institute. Retrieved from: 

Farabee, D., Prendergast, M. & Anglin, M.D. (1998). The effectiveness of coerced treatment for drug-abusing offenders. 62 Fed. Probation 3 (1998).

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