Study Document
… in a fair manner (Academic Partnerships, 2016). However, not every professional in the field adheres to the code of ethics because of various factors such as corruption and greed. This paper analyzes the ethical dilemma in the City of Sunville that has left the Deputy Director of … last five years was identified after a new computer system was installed in the warehouse to track inventory of the city’s agencies.
Key Actors
The key actors in this ethical dilemma scenario are Commissioner Richard Mitchell, his wife, Director of Transportation, Nick Kellogg, Deputy Director of Transportation, the City Council, … Transportation staff, and the public. These key actions in the scenario have different roles that can further be described through the following table.
(#2) Actor Relationship
(#3) Roles
(#4) Values
Commissioner Richard Mitchell
Commissioner of the City, Manager of a shelter for pregnant substance abusers
Providing foster children ………
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Whitton, H. (2001, February). Implementing Effective Ethics Standards in Government and the Civil Service. Retrieved June 18, 2020, from
Study Document
… brought by changes in one of the company’s area telephone that started to operate differently by permitting users to place free calls.
Key Actors
The key actors in this case are the classmates, friends, first-year cadets, cadets from other company areas, and members of the upper classes. These major actors have different roles in this scenario that can further be described through the table below.
(#2) Actor Relationship
(#3) Roles
(#4) Values
Classmates – U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Honest and incorruptible
Friends – me
Honest and … devotion to duty
Ailing Roommate
Ailing roommate – U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Honest, honor and devotion to duty
Roles among the Key Actors
Classmates, friends, first-year cadets, members of the upper classes are students at the United States Coast Guard Academy. They are required to uphold … they remain committed to duty.
Values Surrounding these Relationships……
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… top priority for the then newly elected president should be to protect…[break]…in intelligence and cyber-security areas. Considering the heavy involvement of private sector actors in critical infrastructure protection, private actors can support the federal government in the protection of critical infrastructure in several ways (Dugulin & Niglia, 2015).
First, private actors can act as advisers to government agencies and international agencies. There are many private sector consultancy firms that are directly involved in advising … experience they can share with government agencies and international agencies to help with the protection of critical infrastructures. For instance, some private sector actors do directly evaluate critical infrastructure operator needs. They also help critical infrastructure operators in their day to day operations. Therefore, they have valuable … they have valuable information that they can share with government agencies to develop policies for critical infrastructure protection (Dugulin & Niglia, 2015).
Second, private actors can be involved……
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… Stevens. Stevens shot never-ending number of set-ups in his films. While he didn’t shoot multiple takes of his movie scenes, Stevens made his actors and actresses do scenes from several angles (Eyman, 2004). This would in turn provide him different angles and alternatives of the scene during … This film is regarded as an footnote of Stevens’ remarkable career in the filmmaking industry as a director. The film stars two major actors of the time: Elizabeth Taylor and Warren Beatty. Through this film, George Stevens accurately captures the emotional agony and superficial values that characterize … watching the movie, I wondered how a movie featuring Elizabeth Taylor and Warren Beatty could be considered boring given the reputation of these actors.
The Only Game in Town (1970) is a story about Fran Walker (Elizabeth Taylor), an aging Las Vegas chorine who drifts into an ……
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… the OSP. The OSP in turn unmasked Plame, forcing her out of the field. It was in short an all-out war between clandestine actors in what turned out to be a major foreign policy shift in the wake of 9/11 based not on hard intel but rather ……
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… and enemies were well-defined. After 9/11, concerns about nuclear weapons began shifting from aggressive acts of nation states to the possibility that terrorist actors could take control of some of the stock piles to cause harm. Nevertheless, even though the push for nonproliferation began during the cold … the first Gulf War in the 1980s that pitted Iran against the Iraqi Kurds (Pilat, 2009, 15). The threat is real as non-state actors are the ones that have mainly used biological and chemical attacks. In 2006/2007, Iraqi insurgents used Chlorine with traditional explosive devices in an … on consistency in both policy and actions. The filling of such gaps will help nations curb most of the threats posed by non-state actors (Jennings 2013, 6).
Methods of Evaluation
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… 2018). It was a measured and monitored treaty—but then the US pulled out of it and Iran…[break]…to fully address the problem to a satisfactory degree.
The big threat is the threat making enemies instead of friends with state actors, who have great influence over non-state actors. Diplomacy is a strategy that should not be ruled out—but the current administration has attempted to try different strategies instead and the result … the risk of WMDs spreading is growing in the Middle East.
International strategies, the rise of terrorism and counter-proliferation strategies are all factors to consider in the goal of reducing the risk of CBRN WMDs from spreading around the world. Security Council Resolution 1540 is one … utilization of proxies is bound to occur as well. Already this can be seen with Iran, which has threatened to support proxy non-state actors in fighting the US in the Middle……
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… a framework for analyzing the past; and 4) the need for clarity and collaboration in counterintelligence efforts among the various agencies, organizations and actors.
The Problematic Nature of Deception
Deception is at the core of counterintelligence: yet, it is a problematic core because of the corruption associated … the globe. Developers, technicians, production personnel, IT personnel, business development personnel, human resources personnel, and facility personnel are all potential targets of foreign actors and foreign collectors of intelligence (National Counterintelligence and Security Center n.d.). Private industry is at risk because it possesses intellectual property that foreign … and foreign collectors of intelligence (National Counterintelligence and Security Center n.d.). Private industry is at risk because it possesses intellectual property that foreign actors covet and business activities can be exploited. Cyber operations are also at risk, as is confidential information, which can be mishandled by employees. … as is confidential information, which……
2020-2022 National Counterintelligence Strategy of the United States. 2020. Washington, DC: National Counterintelligence and Security Center
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… easy process. Developers, technicians, production personnel, IT personnel, business development personnel, human resources personnel, and facility personnel are all potential targets of foreign actors and foreign collectors of intelligence (National Counterintelligence and Security Center n.d.). Private industry is at risk because it possesses intellectual property that foreign … and foreign collectors of intelligence (National Counterintelligence and Security Center n.d.). Private industry is at risk because it possesses intellectual property that foreign actors covet and business activities can be exploited. Cyber operations are also at risk, as is confidential information, which can be mishandled by employees. … as is confidential information, which can be mishandled by employees. Counterintelligence operations could be used to deliberately leak false information to known foreign actors, but doing so runs the risk of escalating a larger conflict among nations, as Bernardi (2013) notes, and from an ethical standpoint it ……
2020-2022 National Counterintelligence Strategy of the United States. 2020. Washington, DC: National Counterintelligence and Security Center
Bailey, Christopher and Susan M. Galich. 2012. “Codes of Ethics: The Intelligence Community.” International Journal of Intelligence Ethics 35 (2): 77-99.
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… American Public Policymaking lays out what the book examines in the succeeding chapters. First, Briggs and Helms (2015) define policymaking as “the activities, actors, institutions, practices, and technologies that combine to ‘deliver the goods’ to the American people” (p. 3). Public policy is defined as “the art … (2015) point out that some of the most controversial public policies—like those on privacy or abortion—are byproducts of technological breakthroughs. Institutional and historical factors are also considered, as everything in the realm of public policymaking is viewed as a work in progress. Briggs and Helms (2015) explain … also considered, as everything in the realm of public policymaking is viewed as a work in progress. Briggs and Helms (2015) explain that actors today are much different from the actors of a hundred years ago. Because the authors use the case study method for explaining public policymaking in America, they provide the……
Briggs, S., & Helms, L. B. (2015). The practice of American public policymaking. New York: Routlege Taylor & Francis Group.
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