Studyspark Study Document

Health Care in the Federal Term Paper

Pages:6 (2109 words)



Topic:Prisoners Rights

Document Type:Term Paper


" ((Patton, 1990).

The data analysis procedure is therefore one which emphasizes participation and observation. As the author states,"As a Convict Criminologist (an ex-prisoner who has academic training), I had the opportunity to analyze prison culture from the perspectives of participant and observer." (Murphy 2005)

It is also important to note that the author as an academic and trained criminologist would be capable of selecting and synthesizing the data available.

9. Strengths and limitations

One of the limitations of this qualitative study is a common limitation that is endemic to many qualities studies; namely that there is always the possibility of subjective and individual bias in both the selection and the interpretation of the data. "The presence of an observer is likely to introduce a distortion of the natural scene which the researcher must be aware of, and work to minimize. (Hoepfl 1997)

However this can also be seen for another angle as an advantage in that this form of research study provides a view of the problem that would not be possible with more defined and purely quantitative research methods. The experiential component in this study adds depth and allows aspects that would not reveal themselves in a quantitative research study to be known.

A second limitation of this study is the inadequate stipulation of a clear research question and the linkage of the various sub-sections of the main question. A more cohesive introduction would have added a sense of thoroughness and increased the validity of the study. The most positive aspect of this study is the way that it interweaves and combines the literature, experiential data and interviews to provide a convincing view of the reality of healthcare in the prison system more Jungian approach to qualitative analysis suggests that "there are no operationally defined truth tests to apply to qualitative research" (Eisner, 1991, p. 53). This implies that a joint responsibility is shared by the researcher and the reader is ascertaining the value of the research. (Glaser and Strauss, 1967, p. 232) This suggests a more phenomenological approach to qualitative studies of this nature; where the final analysis of the worth of research is seen as combination of the interaction between the researcher and the reader.

However the ultimate test of a study lies in the instrumental utility or the usefulness of the study in helping us to understand the situation and problems. In this respect the study by Murphy achieve its intentions and brings the problem of health in the prison environment to light in a clear and forthright way.


Eisner, E.W. (1991). The enlightened eye: Qualitative inquiry and the enhancement of educational practice. New York, NY: Macmillan Publishing Company.

Lofland, J., & Lofland, L.H. (1984). Analyzing social settings. Belmont, CA:

Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc. Retrieved 29 September, 2006, at

Glaser, B.G., & Strauss, a.L. (1967). The discovery of grounded theory.

Chicago, IL: Aldine Publishing Company.

Hoepfl Marie C. (1997) Choosing Qualitative Research: A Primer for Technology

Education Researchers. Retrieved 29 September, 2006, at

Murphy, Daniel S. (2005)

Health care in the federal bureau of prisons: fact or fiction." Californian Journal of Health Promotion 3:2 (June 1, 2005), p. 23-37. Retrieved 29 September, 2006, at

Patton, M.Q. (1990). Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods (2nd ed.).

Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. Retrieved 29 September at

QUALITATIVE RESEARCH. Retrieved 29 September, 2006, at

Qualitative research: Wikipedia. Retrieved 29 September, at

Sample Source(s) Used


Eisner, E.W. (1991). The enlightened eye: Qualitative inquiry and the enhancement of educational practice. New York, NY: Macmillan Publishing Company.

Lofland, J., & Lofland, L.H. (1984). Analyzing social settings. Belmont, CA:

Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc. Retrieved 29 September, 2006, at

Glaser, B.G., & Strauss, a.L. (1967). The discovery of grounded theory.

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