Study Document
health promotion is a behavioral social science that draws from the environmental, biological, physical, psychological, and medical sciences to promote the health of individuals and prevent diseases, premature death, and disability by educating the community. The main purpose of health promotion is to positively influence the health behavior of communities and individuals. There have been increased efforts for cervical cancer screening using PAP tests, which have led to the declining … low even for those who are located in developed countries, which puts them at a higher risk of advanced cervical cancer and poor health outcomes. Considering that cervical cancer is almost entirely preventable or curable if it is detected early middle eastern women must begin undergoing PAP … it is detected. The reasons leading to the women not undergoing the tests should be established and solutions developed to ensure that the health of these women is promoted and……
Abboud, S., De Penning, E., Brawner, B. M., Menon, U., Glanz, K., & Sommers, M. S. (2017). Cervical cancer screening among Arab women in the United States: an integrative review. Paper presented at the Oncology nursing forum.
AL-Hammadi, F. A., Al-Tahri, F., Al-Ali, A., Nair, S. C., & Abdulrahman, M. (2017). Limited understanding of pap smear testing among women, a barrier to cervical cancer screening in the United Arab Emirates. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention: APJCP, 18(12), 3379.
Ali, S., Skirton, H., Clark, M. T., & Donaldson, C. (2017). Integrative review of cervical cancer screening in Western Asian and Middle Eastern Arab countries. Nursing & health sciences, 19(4), 414-426.
Endeshaw, M., Clarke, T., Senkomago, V., & Saraiya, M. (2018). Cervical cancer screening among women by birthplace and percent of lifetime living in the United States. Journal of lower genital tract disease, 22(4), 280-287.
National Council of State Boards of Nursing. (2019). NCLEX-RN examination blueprint. Retrieved from
Payton, M., Parente, M., Al-Hawarri, M., Manasseh, M., Scott, M., & Altshuler, M. (2016). Barriers and Facilitators To Cervical Cancer Screening Among Iraqi Refugees Resettled in Philadelphia: A Qualitative Analysis of Patient and Provider Perceptions.
Vahabi, M., & Lofters, A. (2016). Muslim immigrant women’s views on cervical cancer screening and HPV self-sampling in Ontario, Canada. BMC public health, 16(1), 868.
Ziaei, T., Farahmand Rad, H., Rezaei Aval, M., & Roshandel, G. (2017). The relationship between Sexual self-concept and sexual function in women of reproductive age referred to health centers in Gorgan, North East of Iran. Journal of Midwifery and Reproductive Health, 5(3), 969-977.
Study Document
health Disparities and Homeless Population
The causes of homelessness are complex but its tragic consequences are very clear. Homelessness is a huge problem in … are very clear. Homelessness is a huge problem in many rural areas, towns, and cities across the world. It is also a public health problem. The homeless are a vulnerable population. They not only live a poor quality of life on the streets but they also face … of abuse, those who are victims of family violence, those who are suffering from substance abuse, and those who have no social support. health People 2020 puts emphasis on the significance of dealing social determinants of health to promote great health for everyone. One of the ways of dealing with social determinants is building physical and social environments that bring about good health (Fajardo-Bullón et al, 2019).
Identifying health Disparities in Homeless Population
Homelessness is linked to……
Andaya, A. (2016). Understanding the Causes Health Disparities among the Homeless. UC Merced Undergraduate Research Journal, 9(1).
Fajardo-Bullón, F., Esnaola, I., Anderson, I., & Benjaminsen, L. (2019). Homelessness and self-rated health: evidence from a national survey of homeless people in Spain. BMC public health, 19(1), 1081.
Koh, H. K., & O’Connell, J. J. (2016). Improving health care for homeless people. Jama, 316(24), 2586-2587.
Plumb J. D. (2000). Homelessness: reducing health disparities. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l\\\\\\'Association medicale canadienne, 163(2), 172–173.
Study Document
Adolescent choices can determine outcomes that emerge later in life. Setting aside congenital conditions that adversely affect adolescent physical or mental health, adolescents and young adults also face risks related to lifestyle choices. Those risk factors increase among some demographic cohorts, especially low- and middle-income … young adults also face risks related to lifestyle choices. Those risk factors increase among some demographic cohorts, especially low- and middle-income groups. Mental health is a major concern among adolescents and young adults, which is why numerous community-level task forces address these concerns. In fact, the American … and young adults, which is why numerous community-level task forces address these concerns. In fact, the American government’s Office of Disease Prevention and health promotion (ODPHP, 2020) lists mental health disorders at the top of the list of concerns for adolescent population health.
In “Peer-facilitated community-based interventions for adolescent health in low-and middle-income countries,” Rose-Clarke, Bentley,……
ODPHP (2020). Adolescent health. Retrieved from:
Rose-Clarke, K., Bentley, A., Marston, C., & Prost, A. (2019). Peer-facilitated community-based interventions for adolescent health in low-and middle-income countries: A systematic review. PloS one, 14(1).
Study Document
Optimizing Merged health Information Systems
Although the merger of two comparably sized companies competing in the same industry is a relatively commonplace business strategy, the process … information systems involved that must also be merged successfully. The purpose of this paper is to explicate the responsibilities involved in implementing a health information system (HIS) that meets current health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical health (HITECH) Act and the health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Security and Privacy regulatory requirements. To this end, a discussion and analysis of health information systems, a description concerning how a system will affect patient care and documentation and an explanation concerning how using a system to … of the research and important findings about the challenges and issues involved are presented in the paper’s conclusion..
A. Discussion and analysis of health information systems
1. Summary of advantages and disadvantages of a system.
Abouzhar, C. & Boerma, T. (2009, August). Health information systems: The foundations of public health. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 83(8), 578-583.
Cresswell, K. & Aziz, S. (2013, May). Organizational issues in the implementation and adoption of health information technology innovations: An interpretative review. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 87(5), 73-86.
Drazen, E. L. (2006, February). Maximizing the benefits of health care information systems. Journal of Medical Systems, 10(1), 51-56.
Kruse, C. S. & Smith, D. (2017, July). Security techniques for the electronic health records. Journal of Medical Systems, 41(8), 127.
Kumar, V. (2011). Impact of health information systems on organizational health communication and behavior. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, 9(2), 37-44.
McGrail, K. M. & Black, C. (2009, August). Access to data in health information systems. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 83(8), 563-569.
Murphy, M. L. (2019, March). Mastering accounting for business combinations: Mergers and acquisitions present challenges that finance can overcome by staying involved with the deal and preparing in advance of the closing. Journal of Accountancy, 227(3), 24-27.
NAHQ code of ethics for healthcare quality. (2019). National Association for Healthcare Quality. Retrieved from .
Study Document
health Care Reform and Equity
The author of the “health Care Reform and Equity: Promise, Pitfalls, and Prescriptions” article delves into the subject of the US’s failure to make desired progress within the … nation, though it requires additional laws for doing so. Two key challenges hampering progress are addressed in the article: alignment of the nation’s health resources with the requirements of patients and primary care revitalization, mainly for the underserved population (Fiscella, 2011). Gaps in health service provision have been impeding progress towards more equitable health. This article puts forward the following six interconnected domains: insurance cost and coverage related access, doctor salary modifications, strengthening of primary care, health IT improvements, better accountability, and disparity monitoring, and national quality adoption (Fiscella, 2011).
This paper will deal with how the system’s prescriptions, promises, … deal with how the system’s prescriptions, promises, and pitfalls, as described by the article’s author,……
Fiscella, K. (2011). Health care reform and equity: Promise, pitfalls, and prescriptions. Ann Fam Med, 9(1), 78-84.
Starfield, B., Shi, L., & Macinko, J. (2005). Contribution of primary care to health systems and health. Milbank Q, 83(3), 457-502. Retrieved from PMC2690145/
Study Document
health Care Institutional Organization and Management
Question 1: Critical Thinking and Blooms Taxonomy Revised
1. What are the pros and cons of this approach … and Management
Question 1: Critical Thinking and Blooms Taxonomy Revised
1. What are the pros and cons of this approach to learning about health?
Bloom’s Taxonomy revised comprises of the following six dimensions as illustrated below:
There are advantages to Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy as an approach to … revised comprises of the following six dimensions as illustrated below:
There are advantages to Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy as an approach to learning about health care. One of the benefits is that it is purposed to enable the educators to ascertain the logical and knowledgeable level at which … as the learners get prepared to attain such levels. Bloom’s taxonomy is a significantly potent tool that can be effortlessly applied in the health care profession. Greater cognitive thinking……
Booker, M. J. (2007). A roof without walls: Benjamin Bloom’s taxonomy and the misdirection of American education. Academic Questions, 20(4), 347-355.
Jensen, M. C., & Heckling, W. H. (1995). Specific and general knowledge and organizational structure. Journal of applied corporate finance, 8(2), 4-18.
Katzenbach, J. R., & Smith, D. K. (2003). The Wisdom of Teams (lst ed.). New York: First Harper Business.
McGrath, R. G. (2013). The end of competitive advantage: How to keep your strategy moving as fast as your business. Harvard Business Review Press.
Taylor, N., Clay-Williams, R., Hogden, E., Braithwaite, J., & Groene, O. (2015). High performing hospitals: a qualitative systematic review of associated factors and practical strategies for improvement. BMC health services research, 15(1), 244.
Verenna, A. M. A., Noble, K. A., Pearson, H. E., & Miller, S. M. (2018). Role of comprehension on performance at higher levels of Bloom\\\\\\'s taxonomy: Findings from assessments of healthcare professional students. Anatomical sciences education, 11(5), 433-444.
Zelman, W. N., Pink, G. H., & Matthias, C. B. (2003). Use of the balanced scorecard in health care. Journal of health care finance, 29(4), 1-16
Source Link:
Study Document
When it comes to health marketing there are certain restrictions that have to be followed under U.S. law. For example, the FDA has rules for companies that want … to disseminate ideas about news and what brands to trust. As Hawn (2009) points out, social media itself is changing the nature of health care by altering where patients go for information about health and healing. In this new complex landscape of regulations and changing technology, health marketing faces new challenges. Fortunately, old formulas can still apply. This paper will describe the strategies and tools that can still be effective … faces new challenges. Fortunately, old formulas can still apply. This paper will describe the strategies and tools that can still be effective in health marketing while allowing marketers to navigate the rules and laws that can lead one into pitfalls if not careful.
Ethics, Rules and Regulations
… the……
Arnold, D. G., & Oakley, J. L. (2013). The politics and strategy of industry self-regulation: the pharmaceutical industry's principles for ethical direct-to-consumer advertising as a deceptive blocking strategy. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 38(3), 505-544.
Blythe, J. (2009). Key Concepts in Marketing. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Chand, S. (2019). Target Marketing: Four Generic Target Marketing Strategies. Retrieved from
Dolliver, M. (2009). Take care when targeting the younger generations. Retrieved from younger generations-online-113643/
Goi, C. L. (2009). A review of marketing mix: 4Ps or more?. International journal of marketing studies, 1(1), 2.
Hartley, K. & Rudelius, W. (2001). Marketing, The Core, 4th Ed., McGraw-Hill.
Hawn, C. (2009). Take two aspirin and tweet me in the morning: how Twitter, Facebook, and other social media are reshaping health care. Health affairs, 28(2), 361-368.
Lane, T. (2019). Healthcare marketing laws. Retrieved from
Study Document
Public health Inconvenient Truth
Article Summary
The article describes the public health sector as an institution that was established with altruistic motives, while businesses are considered as profit-oriented. This presents a ground for skepticism on … was established with altruistic motives, while businesses are considered as profit-oriented. This presents a ground for skepticism on the part of the public health sector, especially to protect the financial interest of its clients/beneficiaries. However, considering the current hike in the cost of care and health research, the public health sector may no longer resist such a partnership due to the observed need for financial support available through businesses (Majestic, 2009). This expected … financial support available through businesses (Majestic, 2009). This expected partnership between the two bodies is also seen as slightly mutually beneficial. The public health sector gets the funding it needs, while businesses get top/priority medical considerations for its staff and……
Johnson, T. D. (2009). Public health benefiting from private-sector partnerships: Health departments reaping results. The Nation\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Health.
Majestic, E. (2009). Public health\\\\\\\\\\\\'s inconvenient truth: the need to create partnerships with the business sector. Preventing chronic disease, 6(2), A39.
Study Document
Advocacy in health care refers to the action of promoting and fostering social, economical, political and educational changes that reduce the risk of suffering of individuals … and fostering social, economical, political and educational changes that reduce the risk of suffering of individuals and communities by implementing preventive strategies, increasing health literacy, and boosting access to care and health equity (Earnest, Wong & Federico, 2010). health care advocacy agents can thus address health outcomes by advocating for changes to the current practices, environments, awareness, and access to care that populations face. This paper will discuss health care advocacy at the local, regional and international levels, the challenges and opportunities that exists in international health advocacy and the ways these challenges can be addressed.
How health Care Advocacy Agents Address health Outcomes
The role and purpose of advocacy in the health care delivery system is to help to better ensure……
Ahmadinejad, F., Abbaszadeh, A., & Davoodvand, S. (2016). Patient advocacy from the clinical nurses\\\\' viewpoint: a qualitative study. Journal of medical ethics and history of medicine, 9(5).
Benatar, S. R. (2013). Global Health and Justice: R e?examining our Values. Bioethics, 27(6), 297-304.
Earnest, M. A., Wong, S. L., & Federico, S. G. (2010). Perspective: physician advocacy: what is it and how do we do it?. Academic medicine, 85(1), 63-67.
World Health Organization (WHO). (2015). Global Health Ethics Key issues Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Bioethics. Retrieved from:;jsessionid=BF56A5C93A3B735876DBBF060A0652FC?sequence=1
World Health Organization. (2016). Online public hearing to help inform the scope of the forthcoming WHO guidelines on health policy and system support to optimize community based health worker programs. Retrieved from:
Study Document
… nursing science (Twigg, Pugh, Gelder, & Myers, 2016). In part 2, analysis and application of safety programs were explored and Kenneth E. Waldenberg health Care facility was used as a model in the analysis. The findings of the paper was that leadership plays a key role in … model in the analysis. The findings of the paper was that leadership plays a key role in sustaining quality improvement programs in any health care organization (Stetler, Ritchie, Rycroft-Malone, & Charns, 2014). In this third part of the quality and sustainability paper, a change theory that will … quality and sustainability paper, a change theory that will support the implementation of a quality and safety program will be discussed.
Change Theory
health facilitates are required to implement new process or technologies that improve patient safety and quality of care (Hughes, 2007). There exists a formula … technologies that improve patient safety……
Alenius-Smeds, L., Tishelman, C., Lindqvist, R. Runesdotter, S. & McHugh, M.D. (2016). RN assessments of excellent quality of care and patient safety are associated with significantly lower odds of 30-day inpatient mortality: A national cross-sectional study of acute-care hospitals. International Journal of Nursing Studies. Retrieved from (06)005
Brasait?, I., Kaunonen, M., Martink?nas, A., Mockien?, V., & Suominen, T. (2016). Health care professionals’ skills regarding patient safety. Medicina, 52(4), 250-256. doi:10.1016/j.medici.2016.05.004
Campbell, R. J. (2008). Change Management in Health Care. The Health Care Manager, 27(1), 23-39. Retrieved from
Hughes, R.G. (2007). "3 Barriers to quality improvement and quality improvement research." Institute of Medicine (IOM). Advancing quality improvement research: Challenges and opportunities: Workshop summary. doi:10.17226/11884.x
Lennox, L., Maher, L., & Reed, J. (2018). Navigating the sustainability landscape: a systematic review of sustainability approaches in healthcare. Implementation science: IS, 13(1), 27. doi:10.1186/s13012-017-0707-4
Stetler C.B., Ritchie J.A., Rycroft-Malone J. & Charns M.P. (2014) Leadership for evidence-based practice: strategic and functional behaviors for institutionalizing EBP. Worldviews on Evidence Based Nursing 11(4), 219–226.
Twigg, D. E., Pugh, J. D., Gelder, L., & Myers, H. (2016). Foundations of a nursing-sensitive outcome indicator suite for monitoring public patient safety in Western Australia. Collegian, 23(2), 167-181. doi:10.1016/j.colegn.2015.03.007
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