Writing Process Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

End Of Life Decision Making Ethics

Pages: 6 (1761 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:74655175

… is understandable that the daughter wants to see her father get better; on the other, it is understandable that the son sees the writing on the wall and does not want to prolong the father’s suffering unnecessarily. Yet the health care providers have to respect the family’s ……



Bronzino, J. D., & Peterson, D. R. (2016). Bene?cence, Nonmale?cence, and Medical Technology. In Tissue Engineering and Artificial Organs (pp. 1259-1266). CRC Press.

Garrido, M. M., Balboni, T. A., Maciejewski, P. K., Bao, Y., & Prigerson, H. G. (2015). Quality of life and cost of care at the end of life: the role of advance directives. Journal of pain and symptom management, 49(5), 828-835.

Karnik, S., & Kanekar, A. (2016). Ethical issues surrounding end-of-life care: a narrative review. In Healthcare (Vol. 4, No. 2, p. 24). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.

Marijic, P., Buss, A., & Strupeit, S. (2017). Autonomy and social participation of nursing home residents: nurses’perspectives. Innovation in Aging, 1(Suppl 1), 886.

Plakovic, K. (2016). Burdens Versus Benefits: When Family Has to Decide How Much Is Too Much. Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing, 18(5), 382-387.

Sen, A. (1983). Evaluator relativity and consequential evaluation. Philosophy & Public Affairs, 113-132.

Weissman, D. E. (1999). Do not resuscitate orders: a call for reform. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 2(2), 149-152.

Yuen, J. K., Reid, M. C., & Fetters, M. D. (2011). Hospital do-not-resuscitate orders: why they have failed and how to fix them. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 26(7), 791-797.


Study Document Study Document

Indian Removal Act 1830

Pages: 13 (4034 words) Sources: 13 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:92871385

...Writing process The Injustice of the Indian Removal Act 1830
The Indian Removal Act signed by Andrew Jackson in 1830 was meant to establish peace in the nation and to give the Native Americans their own territory where they could practice their own activities, traditions and culture without interference from the American government. However, the Act resulted in the forced migration of thousands of Native Americans from their traditional homelands to a region of the U.S. that did not suit their lifestyle or their culture. Many suffered and died during the march on the Trail of Tears from the Southern states to Oregon. Though Jackson may have had good intentions at the time, the removal can now be viewed as an American tragedy that might have been prevented. In fact, it was just one example of an exercise in human rights abuses in a long history of human rights abuses committed……


Works Cited

Primary Sources

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Secondary Sources

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Study Document Study Document

Social Skills Training With Autism In Secondary Classroom

Pages: 10 (3100 words) Sources: 10 Document Type:Research Proposal Document #:23519150

… practice is really regarded to be evidence-based. The types of research that are considered include meta-analyses, efficacy research studies, effectiveness research concerning interventions, process-outcome studies, ethnographic studies, public health studies, single-case experimental studies, systematic case studies, qualitative research studies, and clinical observations (APA, 2006).
In short, the ……



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