Universal Healthcare Essays (Examples)


Study Document Study Document

Single Payer Or Universal Health Care

Pages: 4 (1129 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:78799457

… in which a public agency organizes health care financing but the delivery of care remains largely in private hands, as opposed to a universal health care model like exists in Canada or the UK. The reason single payer makes more sense in America is because the delivery ……



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Ivers, N., Brown, A., Detsky, A. (2018) Lessons from the Canadian experience with single-payer health insurance. JAMA Internal Medicine Vol. 178 (9) 1250-1255.

PNHP (2019) About single payer. Physicians for a National Health Program. Retrieved April 7, 2019 from https://pnhp.org/what-is-single-payer/


Study Document Study Document

US Healthcare Reimbursement And Insurance Issues

Pages: 6 (1653 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:69275488

healthcare Insurance and Reimbursement
Medical Insurance Products and Services
Health and medical insurance represent an insurance coverage form that disburses operation and clinical treatment … organizations to their employees for attracting quality recruits (IMedPub, 2020). It constitutes one means by which individuals in different nations pay for their healthcare needs. When individuals hailing from poor backgrounds without any financial risk protection get sick or injured, they encounter the following difficulty: they may … from poor backgrounds without any financial risk protection get sick or injured, they encounter the following difficulty: they may either make use of healthcare services, further impoverishing themselves by financing these services, or may forego treatment, stay sick/injured, and risk not being able to function properly or … work. Regardless of the differences in funding and corporate structures in different nations, high-income nations currently witness an almost undisputed dedication to guaranteeing universal healthcare access to their citizens.……



Araujo, M. (2020). Health and medical insurance differences: HMO, PPO, POS, EPO. Retrieved from  https://www.thebalance.com/health-and-medical-insurance-2645378 

Bertram, M. Y., Lauer, J. A., De Joncheere, K. D., Edejer, T., Hutubessy, R., Kieny, M. P., & Hill, S. R. (2016). Cost-effectiveness thresholds: pros and cons. Bull World Health Organ, 94, 925–930. http://dx.doi.org/10.2471/BLT.15.164418926

Dey, P., & Bach, P. B. (2019). The 6 functions of health insurance. The JAMA Forum, 321(13), 1242-1243.  DOI:10.1001/jama.2019.2320

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Maruthappu, M., Hasan, A., & Zeltner, T. (2016). Enablers and barriers in implementing integrated care. Health System & Reform, 1(4), 250-256.  https://doi.org/10.1080/23288604.2015.1077301 

Sekhri, N. (2000). Managed care: The US experience. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 78(6), 830-844. Retrieved from  https://www.who.int/bulletin/archives/78(6)830.pdf 

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Study Document Study Document

Healthcare In The US Vs Healthcare In The UK France And India

Pages: 5 (1534 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:91258753

… the US but in the UK they are also high if one takes into consideration how much they are taxed to pay for universal coverage. This paper will compare the health care systems of the US, UK, Japan, France and India to see how they well they … an age or income threshold. France is a mix of both public and private coverage but skews mainly towards public care with a universal system recently put in place. In India, it is primarily private, with only 20% of coverage coming from the government—so the opposite of … UK, coverage is public, but individuals can pay out of pocket for private, home care. In Japan, it is the same situation with universal coverage and private coverage being an option.
In the US, funding comes from taxpayers who support Medicare and Medicaid, ut it also … Graph 1 below shows.. Long-term……



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Study Document Study Document

Homeless Population And Health Disparities

Pages: 6 (1880 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:72425103

… health (Fajardo-Bullón et al, 2019).
In addition to poor social determinants of health, the homeless also face several external and internal barriers to healthcare. Internal barriers entail downplaying health problems, and great pressure to satisfy competing needs such as food, water, clothing, and shelter instead of healthcare. While external barriers entail unavailable primary care services, and prejudices and misconceptions by healthcare professionals. With poverty, several barriers to care, and complex comorbidities, it is not a surprise that the homeless have very high death rates ……



Andaya, A. (2016). Understanding the Causes Health Disparities among the Homeless. UC Merced Undergraduate Research Journal, 9(1).

Fajardo-Bullón, F., Esnaola, I., Anderson, I., & Benjaminsen, L. (2019). Homelessness and self-rated health: evidence from a national survey of homeless people in Spain. BMC public health, 19(1), 1081.

Koh, H. K., & O’Connell, J. J. (2016). Improving health care for homeless people. Jama, 316(24), 2586-2587.

Plumb J. D. (2000). Homelessness: reducing health disparities. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l\\\\\\'Association medicale canadienne, 163(2), 172–173.


Study Document Study Document

Using An Epidemiological Approach To Critically Analyze A Population

Pages: 7 (2136 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:49902014

… well- being serves as a key component of employee strategy. Of late, there has been considerable focus on this element, particularly in the healthcare sector and with healthcare workers. In western countries, the combination of an unappealing workplace atmosphere, work-linked stress, a shortage of practitioners, and an increasingly elderly population underscores … between basic and contingent sources (which are termed, elsewhere, as sufficient and probabilistic grounds respectively). The relationship between a contingent source and a healthcare outcome is dependent on the association of the former with any fundamental source. Hence, psychosocial adversity may end up, resulting in greater illness ……



Cladellas, R., & Castelló, A. (2011). University Professors\\\\\\\\\\\\' Stress and Perceived State of Health in Relation to Teaching Schedules. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 9(23), 217–240.

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Goetz, K., Berger, S., Gavartina, A., Zaroti, S., & Szecsenyi, J. (2015). How psychosocial factors affect wellbeing of practice assistants at work in general medical care? – a questionnaire survey. BMC Fam Pract, 16, 166. DOI: 10.1186/s12875-015-0366-y

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Jardim, J., & Pereira, A. (2016). Perceived impact of lifelong training in teachers. Interacções, 31(42), 22–31.

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Study Document Study Document

Ethics And Health Information

Pages: 8 (2462 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Term Paper Document #:87876213

… in once.
Information Tools and Security Safeguards Needed for the HIS
Reeder, Ion and Consolvo (2017) point out that there is no single, universal way to guarantee 100% security of health information systems. While end user training is really the first line of defense against data breaches, ……



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Study Document Study Document

Holistic Care And Nursing How To Care For The Whole Person

Pages: 6 (1655 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:84476580

...Universal healthcare Personal Philosophy of Nursing
Having a personal philosophy of nursing is important because it provides the nurse with an understanding of the framework that will be applied in the nurse’s own career of caring for patients. Personal understanding is the bedrock of growth and development. So it is appropriate to stop and consider how one’s own philosophy of nursing aligns with one’s view of the nursing metaparadigm. This paper will identify the factors that have influenced my development of my personal nursing philosophy. It will also discuss my thoughts regarding the nursing metaparadigm. Finally, it will examine the nursing theory that is most compatible with my personal philosophy.
Factors Influencing the Development of My Personal Nursing Philosophy
Factors that have influenced the development of my personal nursing philosophy are 1) my education, and 2) my own experience and understanding of nursing. My education has taught me the basics of……



Erickson, H. L. (2007). Philosophy and theory of holism. Nursing Clinics of North America, 42(2), 139-163.

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Study Document Study Document

Traditional Medicine Usage In African Nations

Pages: 12 (3615 words) Sources: 30 Document Type:Essay Document #:38085332

… extensively from investment and development, and that has thus seen its structural, dramaturgical and institutional formal health care approach change and reflect modern universal trends (Shuaib et al., 2014). It has also demonstrated a formal ability to stop the spread of pandemics—as recently as the Ebola pandemic ……



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Study Document Study Document

The Transformation Of The US Into Oceania

Pages: 9 (2807 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Essay Document #:33502677

… others. In practice, however, few people besides some miserable hermits living in caves can be regarded as enjoying this ability completely. Nevertheless, the universal right to privacy is enshrined in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) 1948, Article 12 which clearly states that: “No one ……



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