Things They Carried Essays (Examples)


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The Modern World Of Autonomy Vs Heteronomy

Pages: 5 (1560 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:86232532

... carried Introduction
In the world today, information societies, all referred to as digital or postindustrial societies, are among the latest developments and are mainly founded on the generation of services and information. Information societies are powered by digital technology, and high-tech organizations like Microsoft, RIM, and Apple are its version of steel and railroad production companies. Given that the information societies’ economy is steered by knowledge, great power lies among those in control of the production, storage, and distribution of information (Steiner and Stewart, 527). Social classes are subdivided by peoples’ access to an education, because without any communication and technical skills, individuals part of an information society do not have any means to succeed.
Theoretical perspectives on modern society
Whereas several sociologists have conducted various research on social and society interactions, Max Weber and Karl Max established different theoretical strategies to assist us in understanding the development and growth of……


Works cited

Gerth, H. H., and C. Wright Mills. \\\\\\\\\\\\"Politics as a Vocation.\\\\\\\\\\\\" From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology (1946): 77-128.

Little, William. “Chapter 4. Society and Modern Life.” Introduction to Sociology – 2nd Canadian Edition. (n.d.). Web.

Lumen Learning. “Theoretical Perspectives on Society.” Society and Social Interaction. (n.d.). Web.

Marx, Karl, and Friedrich Engels. \\\\\\\\\\\\"The Communist Manifesto.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Selected Works bu Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. Neu York: International Publishers 1363 (1848). 108-127.

Marx, Karl. \\\\\\\\\\\\"Economic and philosophical manuscripts.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Early writings 333 (1844) 75–112.

Marx, Karl. Grundrisse: Foundations of the critique of political economy. Penguin UK, 2005. 82-111.

Steiner, Pierre, and John Stewart. \\\\\\\\\\\\"From autonomy to heteronomy (and back): The enaction of social life.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 8.4 (2009): 527.

Weber, Max. The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism. New Introduction and Translation by Stephen Kalberg. ROXBURY PUBLISHING COMPANY, 2001. 13-37


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Autoethnography On Life In Quarantine

Pages: 9 (2825 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:69295105

... carried Those Who Wear the Mask and Those Who Don t Life in a Time of Quarantine
The quarantined life can be voyeuristically experienced via social media or by way of any number of the various videos submitted to Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, YouTube or Twitter by celebrities seeking to share with the world how they themselves are getting on during a time of lockdown. Conan O’Brien and Jimmy Fallon interview friends from their computers at home and post them for our entertainment, and generally the overall feeling that one has is that in spite of the “serious” nature of the event, life in quarantine is like one big slumber party, where people stay in their pajamas, talk to friends using Zoom, play games, and while away the time reconnecting with family at home. In short, it sounds like an extended and much-deserved holiday for everyone. No problem, right? Then again,……


Works Cited

Branch, S., Shallcross, L., Barker, M., Ramsay, S., & Murray, J. P. (2018). Theoretical Frameworks That Have Explained Workplace Bullying: Retracing Contributions Across the Decades. Concepts, Approaches and Methods, 1-44.

Hilton, J. L., & Von Hippel, W. (1996). Stereotypes. Annual review of psychology,  47(1), 237-271.

McLeod, S. (2008) Social Identity Theory. Simply Psychology. Retrieved from 


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Early Childhood Education Diverse Learners Project

Pages: 6 (1793 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Essay Document #:86067466

... carried Early Childhood Diverse Learners Project
ECE (early childhood education) programs include all sorts of academic programs used to educate children in pre-school years. The early educational system in America experienced significant growth during the latter half of the 20th century. This particular trend allowed most of the children in America to at least have access to some sort of ECE. There are different kinds of ECE programs, and they go by a variety of names such as pre-kindergarten and pre-school. (Advameg, 2020).
Section 1
Name of Public School Selected for the Project: Chicago Public Schools – Bennett Elementary
Your Name:
Section 2
Demographic overview of the early childhood setting
The school is meant for pre-school kids (aged between 3 to 5 years). The school’s physical surrounding is specially designed to meet the needs of all children, and it has two pre-school classrooms. One classroom has 18 students (aged……



Avdameg. (2020). Early childhood education. Retrieved from 

Illinois Early Learning Project. (2020). 2013 Illinois early learning and development standards. Retrieved from 

Rock, A. (2020). What your child will learn in pre-school. Retrieved from 


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Strategy Development For Nonprofit Organizations

Pages: 3 (935 words) Sources: 3 Document Type:Case Study Document #:80792478

... carried Strategy Development
Big Splash
Making a big splash to establish a new policy has its risks, but this approach can be advantageous as well. The current situation is that there are only a few volunteers working with the organization regularly and they are facing burnout. So there is a problem that may break soon, and threaten the ability of the organization to do its work. The training seminars are going to be a barrier for those who are already working to continue, and a further barrier to attracting new people to do this work. There is no particular evidence that the seminars are going to solve any problem at all, so I would treat them with some skepticism. This is especially true in that 75% of volunteers are one-offs, and the number of one-offs might drop to near zero if they have to attend the seminars before volunteering.
The advantages……



Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley

Carroll, J. & Hatakenata, S. (2001) Driving organizational change in the midst of a crisis. MIT Sloan Management Review. Retrieved March 21, 2020 from 

Wright, B., Christensen, R. & Isett, K. (2011) Motivated to adapt? The role of public service motivation as employees face organizational change.


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Depression In The Military

Pages: 11 (3156 words) Sources: 11 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:55497619

... carried The Military and Mental Health
The military provides an opportunity for men and women to serve their country. However, in the conduct of that service there are certain risks that can damage the mental health of military servicemen. Those risks can be associated with PTSD incurred from situations in combat, abuse, drug addiction, or lack of a positive value system that causes a soldier to deteriorate from within as he has nothing beyond his duty in the military to give him meaning or to sustain him through the long hours, months and years. Some servicemen go to their doctors for assistance and end up being overprescribed medications that only exacerbate their issues and further the decline of their mental health (Snow & Wynn, 2018). If not treated, service-related depression can lead to suicide—and as Kang et al. (2015) show, suicide risk among veterans returning from the Middle East has……



Bonde, J. P., Utzon-Frank, N., Bertelsen, M., Borritz, M., Eller, N. H., Nordentoft, M., ... & Rugulies, R. (2016). Risk of depressive disorder following disasters and military deployment: systematic review with meta-analysis. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 208(4), 330-336.

Bonelli, R., Dew, R. E., Koenig, H. G., Rosmarin, D. H., & Vasegh, S. (2012). Religious and spiritual factors in depression: review and integration of the research. Depression research and treatment, 2012.

Casey Jr, G. W. (2011). Comprehensive soldier fitness: A vision for psychological resilience in the US Army. American Psychologist, 66(1), 1.

Dolphin, K. E., Steinhardt, M. A., & Cance, J. D. (2015). The role of positive emotions in reducing depressive symptoms among Army wives. Military Psychology, 27(1), 22-35.

Griffith, J., & West, C. (2013). Master resilience training and its relationship to individual well-being and stress buffering among Army National Guard soldiers. The journal of behavioral health services & research, 40(2), 140-155.

Kang, H. K., Bullman, T. A., Smolenski, D. J., Skopp, N. A., Gahm, G. A., & Reger, M. A. (2015). Suicide risk among 1.3 million veterans who were on active duty during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Annals of epidemiology, 25(2), 96-100.

Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370.

Reivich, K. J., Seligman, M. E., & McBride, S. (2011). Master resilience training in the US Army. American Psychologist, 66(1), 25.


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Henrietta Lacks And The Social Covenant Of Nursing

Pages: 6 (1650 words) Sources: 18 Document Type:Essay Document #:48566821

... carried Nurses are always considered helpers and the profession is widely regarded as one for compassionate and helping individuals. The Nursing’s Social Policy Statement is a work that seeks to detail the many ways in which nurses can assist others. How nurses relate with the society is through a relationship. A relationship that is sort of a social contract complete with expectations from both sides. The relationship allows nurses to carry out their professional duties in the provision of care to individual clients and to the society. It also empowers nursing practitioners to engage in policymaking, legislative and political action for the purposes of improving the provision of care, improving nursing practice, improving nursing research, and improving nursing education. It also enables nurses to comprehend the concepts of justice and social ethics and the roles they play in individual and societal health (Fowler, 2015). This work discusses the nursing social contract……



American Nurses Association. (2010). Nursing\\'s social policy statement: The essence of the profession. Nursesbooks. org.

Cruess, R. L., & Cruess, S. R. (2008). Expectations and obligations: professionalism and medicine\\'s social contract with society. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 51(4), 579-598.

Fowler, M. D. M. (2015). Guide to nursing\\'s social policy statement: Understanding the profession from social contract to social covenant. Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Association.

Palmd, (2010). More on Lacks ethics. Science blogs. Retrieved from 

Quinlan, C. (2018). Trust in Medical Research: The Legacy of Henrietta Lacks, Part 1. Science 36 Trial Mix. Retrived from

Reeves, S., van Soeren, M., MacMillan, K., & Zwarenstein, M. (2013). Medicine and nursing: A social contract to improve collaboration and patient-centred care. Journal of interprofessional care, 27(6), 441-442.

Skloot, R. (2010). The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks. Broadway Books.

Stump, J. L. (2014). Henrietta Lacks and The HeLa Cell: Rights of Patients and Responsibilities of Medical Researchers. The History Teacher, 48(1), 127-180.


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Irregular Warfare And United States

Pages: 5 (1609 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Case Study Document #:48593751

... carried Introduction
Irregular warfare refers to the violent process through which various non-state and state actors fight for influence and legitimacy over populations. While the full might of military power may be employed, irregular warfare generally uses asymmetric and indirect approaches to reduce the power, will, and influence of the adversary. Because of the irregular approaches, such a process is usually very “messy” and the actions during such a war cannot be distilled into a clear definite and repeatable process. The process is usually characterized by terrorism, counterterrorism, insurgency, and counterinsurgency (Department of Defense Washington DC, 2017).
Just like in any organization, the execution of war takes place at various levels from the tactical level to the top strategic level. One can understand irregular warfare by breaking it down into various levels. At the top strategic level, influence and control over the target population determine irregular warfare. At the operational level,……



Davis, R. G. (Ed.). (2010). US Army and Irregular Warfare 1775-2007: Selected Papers From the 2007 Conference of Army Historians: Selected Papers From the 2007 Conference of Army Historians. Government Printing Office.

Department of Defense Washington DC, (2017). Irregular Warfare (IW) Joint Operating Concept (JOC). Washington: 2007. 100 p. Cit, 03-02

Lundberg, K. (2006). The Accidental Statesman: General Petraeus and the City of Mosul, Iraq. Kennedy School of Government, Case Program.

White, J. B. (1996). A different kind of threat: Some thoughts on irregular warfare.


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Quality Of The Cross Cultural Experience

Pages: 7 (2170 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Case Study Document #:94739565

... carried Post-Experience
Culture shapes people’s identities and influences their behavior. It is a people’s way of living, and refers to their shared beliefs, language, norms, values, materials objects passed down generations, and behaviors. The U.S is made up of people from different backgrounds such as the African Americans who make up 13% of the population, Whites 80%, Hispanic or Latinos 16%, Asians 5%, Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders 0.2%, and American Indians or Alaskan Natives 1%. Although Native Hawaiians make up only 0.2% of the population, they make a huge contribution to the American society (U.S. Census Bureau, 2009). With globalization, organizations and countries experience cultural diversity. Workplaces, countries, and schools increasingly consist of people with different backgrounds in terms of races, cultures and ethnic groups. Cultural differences impact teamwork in organizations, management decisions, and performance differences (Bass, 2008).
Culture also impacts the organizational structures of companies, legitimizing both its functions and existence.……



Bass, B. M. (2008). The Bass handbook of leadership: Theory, research, and managerial applications (4th ed.). New York: Free Press.

Cacioppe, R. (1997). Leadership moment by moment! Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 18, 335-345.

Cep, B. (2011). Samoan Umu. Retrieved from 

Quinn, R. E. (2000). Change the world: How ordinary people can achieve extraordinary results. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

The Budding Anthropologist. (2016). Samoan Umu. Retrieved from https://thebuddinganthropologist.wordpress. com/food/samoan-umu/

U.S. Census Bureau, USA QuickFacts, accessed December 2019.


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Contact In Canadian Literature

Pages: 11 (3347 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Essay Document #:97950942

... carried Contact in Canadian Literature: The Use of Gothic Elements in the Negotiation of Cultural Differences between Settlers and Indigenous Nations
Common elements of gothic literature include mystery, fear, omens, curses, preternatural settings, gloomy atmospheres with a hint of being haunted, some dimension of the supernatural, romance, an arch-villain, nightmare situations, anti-heroes and ladies in distress (Mulvey-Roberts; Smith). Popular examples on both sides of the Atlantic include works by the Bronte sisters, works by Poe, and Shelley’s Frankenstein. The gothic was a popular genre form in the 19th century. It was romantic, vibrant, dark, brooding, frightening, exciting, and visceral. It resonated with readers because after a century of Enlightenment (hyper-emphasis on reason and naturalism), the romantic era had ushered in something desperately needed: feeling. Thus, authors of the 19th century, like Duncan Campbell Scott and Pauline Johnson, found elements of the gothic genre to be a useful way to explore……


Works Cited

Gray, Charlotte, and Clara Thomas. "Flint and feather: the life and times of E Pauline Johnson, Tekahionwake." Canadian Woman Studies 23.1 (2003): 183.

Johnson, E. Pauline. “Pagan in St. Paul’s Cathedral.” 

Mulvey-Roberts, Marie, ed. The Handbook to Gothic literature. NYU Press, 1998.

Salem-Wiseman, Lisa. ""Verily, the White Man's Ways Were the Best": Duncan Campbell Scott, Native Culture, and Assimilation." Studies in Canadian Literature/Études en littérature canadienne (1996): 121-144.

Scott, D. C. “The Onondaga Madonna.”

Smith, Andrew. Gothic Literature. Edinburgh University Press, 2007.


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Child Protection

Pages: 6 (1880 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Case Study Document #:91826674

... carried NRS311 – Life Stage Considerations: Child, Adolescent & Family Health
Assessment Task Two: Child Protection Case Study
Young people and children are the most vulnerable groups in society. As a Registered nurse in NSW, I can identify, consult others, and respond to situations where a young person or a child is at risk of harm. Some of the common reasons that predispose young people and children to risk include family and domestic violence, sexual, emotional, and physical neglect. In Fiona's case, the important risk of harm is neglect (NSW Government, 2018b). Fiona burnt part of her feet on the heater three days ago. Susanna, on noticing, cleaned the wound using tap water. She applied papaw ointment and covered it with an adhesive bandage. In this case, the most significant risk is neglect. Under the circumstances, a question suffices to ask where the mother was when Fiona, a three-year-old, got……



Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC). (2010). Family violence: A national legal response. Canberra: ALRC.

Child Family Community Australia (CFCA). (2016). Australian legal definitions: When is a child in need of protection? (CFCA Resource Sheet). Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies.

New South Wales Government. (1998). Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998.

NSW Government, (2018a). Child wellbeing and child protection fact sheet for NSW Health workers. Retrieved from

NSW Government, (2018b). About child protection and wellbeing. Retrieved from

WHO (2002). \\\\\\\\\\\\"Chapter 3: Child abuse and neglect by parents and other caregivers.\\\\\\\\\\\\" World report on violence and health. Retrieved from

World Health Organization. (2006). Preventing child maltreatment: a guide to taking action and generating evidence. Geneva, WHO.

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