Stress Management Essays (Examples)


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Workplace Trends And Changes

Pages: 7 (2170 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Term Paper Document #:67790748

… a profession that is generally socially seen as being work that women excel at. Men tend to pursue careers in engineering or in management or in information technology—professions where there is a lot of critical thinking going on. The Administrator must be conscious of this fact and ……


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Study Document Study Document

Motivation In The Workplace

Pages: 3 (1010 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Case Study Document #:53218704

...Stress management 1
Motivation in the Workplace: Recommendations for Case Study Analysis
Addressing Motivation
In order to transform the group at Acme into a working, successful, productive group, they must be motivated. Motivation begins, first, with having a sense of what is expected of one. Transformational leaders must be able to communicate a vision to workers, inspire them to want to be part of that vision and to pursue, provide them with the needed emotional and social support so that they will engage, and give them the logical reasons for why embracing the change is necessary (Xirasagar, 2008). For the workers at Acme, it is clear the goals, objectives and purpose for the group have not been defined. Until these are defined, the workers will not be motivated. Motivating them, therefore, hinges upon their knowing what they are expected to achieve.
Second, motivation can come in terms of extrinsic or intrinsic inputs—i.e.,……



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Pages: 4 (1230 words) Sources: 4 Document Type:Case Study Document #:69370752

...Stress management Problem with Extrinsic Motivation and How Maslow's Theory Can Help
Tesla has been identified as a company that struggles with employee motivation under CEO Elon Musk, who has attempted to push his employees to outperform in order to meet production targets (James, 2019). Rather than using intrinsic motivation to compel employees to self-actualize and reach their fullest and maximum levels of potential, Musk uses extrinsic motivation—which only takes one so far before the trade-off between excessive labor and long hours fails to seem worth it to employees (James, 2019). As Gerhart and Fang (2015) explain, pay, benefits and bonuses are extrinsic motivators that companies use to push employees to meet targets. However, at some point employees will conduct a cost-benefit analysis of their own and determine whether the additional labor and longer hours are worth the extra benefits or bonuses. The reliance by the company upon extrinsic motivators hits……



Automotive News. (2019). Tesla burning through execs like cash. Retrieved from 

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Study Document Study Document

Maslow S Hierarchy Of Needs Model And Its Application In Human Resources

Pages: 12 (3607 words) Sources: 9 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:83319615

… example, a referral who is a family member or friend of the referring source is less likely to have a great relationship with management at the organization and is more likely to leave the company at some point than is a referral who is simply part of ……



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Study Document Study Document

Current Issue In Nursing Nursing Shortage

Pages: 6 (1864 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:72215355

… also notes that the nursing population is becoming more educated than it has been historically, with greater mastery of complex concepts like disease management and greater technical knowledge. This has resulted in advanced practice registered nurses (APRN)s practicing independently in many states, and more than half of … of interest in teaching versus practicing,…[break]…par.4). Thus, addressing the nursing shortage is a quality of life issue for nurses as well as patients. stress can also lead to higher rates of nursing errors and less time spent with patients. This further compounds the level of stress experienced by nurses working on units, which them must work to compensate for the mistakes of others, and are (rightly) subjected to greater … physicians. Such leadership can be empowering to the status of nurses within healthcare, as well as reduce costs. There must also be a stress reduction program and a zero tolerance for……



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Study Document Study Document

Organizational Situations And Interventions

Pages: 6 (1880 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:43843471

… divorced and has to take care of her three daughters. Despite having a full-time job, she experiences…[break]…physical illness, mental health issues, and psychological stress (Bhui et al., 2016). Individual and organizational interventions are required to help manage stress in the workplace. The interventions should be focused on addressing potential causes of work-related stress and establishing measures to lessen workplace stress.
Practical Application
Organizational interventions are among the most suitable approaches to deal with workplace stress. This situation requires the use of an organizational intervention that will help lessen workplace stress. In this regard, a flexible work schedule was implemented in the organization to help lessen work overload and reduce working hours. Following the … depending patient demands for healthcare services and other activities carried out in the acute care setting. After creating the flexible work schedules, the management provided information to nurses regarding their specific roles and responsibilities to……



Bhui, K., Dinos, S., Galant-Miecznikowska, M., de Jongh, B. & Stanfeld, S. (2016, December). Perceptions of Work Stress Causes and Effective Interventions in Employees Working in Public, Private and Non-governmental Organizations: A Qualitative Study. BJPsych Bulletin, 40(6), 318-325.

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Study Document Study Document

Culture And Nursing

Pages: 11 (3252 words) Sources: 14 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:16877652

… differences to find common ground. Culture shapes the way people, families and communities communicate, perceive the self, think about sexuality, express spirituality, manage stress, cope with less, and deal with death and grief. Some cultures are open and indulgent about individuals’ choices, spirituality, sexuality and how they ……



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Study Document Study Document

Pediatric Nursing And Gastroenteritis

Pages: 11 (3217 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Case Study Document #:91020805

… be highly vulnerable due to their health conditions (Hockenberry & Wilson, 2019).
The recommended approaches for managing Gastroenteritis keep evolving. There are new management strategies and treatments proposed every day. Some of the proposals could be controversial. New approaches are being tested for fast rehydration using intravenous … the areas that need health enhancement and healthcare interventions can be pointed out (Caplin& Cooper, 2007).
Critical illness for children exposes them to stress in the end. They are subjected to invasive procedures, separated from their families, exposed to other children who are critically ill, and even … further subjected to light changes, multiple strangers having to administer complicated medical procedures to them, and more. The children, in turn, show their stress through the loss of sleep through numerous awakenings. Once children are admitted, they are exposed to a completely new environment. They are removed … in for children; a different……



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Study Document Study Document

How Does Music And Live Music Affect Our Well Being

Pages: 6 (1756 words) Sources: 12 Document Type:Essay Document #:93478771

… out that music generally has a positive effect on wellbeing. That listening to music can improve mood, increase motivation, deal with insomnia, reduce stress, and improve cognitive performance. The effect of music on wellbeing generally depends on the music and the listener. Based on the above,……



Bottiroli, S., Rosi, A., Russo, R., Vecchi, T. and Cavallini, E., 2014. The cognitive effects of listening to background music on older adults: processing speed improves with upbeat music, while memory seems to benefit from both upbeat and downbeat music. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 6, p.284.

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Ludke, K.M., Ferreira, F. and Overy, K., 2014. Singing can facilitate foreign language learning. Memory & cognition, 42(1), pp.41-52.

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Retention In The National Guard

Pages: 10 (2959 words) Sources: 7 Document Type:Capstone Project Document #:20886677

… the United States military is a high-demand job but with very little control. Some former soldiers say it is one of the most stress jobs they have ever done (Kapp, 2014). Soldiers usually are given tough tasks but not enough resources to complete them quickly and effectively. ……

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