Intimate Relationships Essays (Examples)


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Impacts Of Long Distance Relationships On Interpersonal Communication

Pages: 6 (1902 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:90404057

What are the Impacts of Long-Distance relationships on Interpersonal Communication?
Long-distance relationships can essentially go one of two ways: they can make relationships stronger and fortify the bond between people, or they can reveal that distance is too great an obstacle for the relationship to be … to impact interpersonal communication; however, it is the one that this paper will examine. In doing so, this paper will show how long-distance relationships can both fortify interpersonal communication and undermine it, depending on the people involved, what they expect, need and are capable of delivering to … what they expect, need and are capable of delivering to the other person.
Stories and Statistics
With the advent of social media, long-distance relationships have become more possible than ever before. The digital age allows for communication to be instantaneous and for people to connect in the … (Keller, 2013, p. ). However, for……



Etcheverry, P. E., & Le, B. (2005). Thinking about commitment: Accessibility of commitment and prediction of relationship persistence, accommodation, and willingness to sacrifice. Personal Relationships, 12(1), 103-123.

Farrell, J. E., Hook, J. N., Ramos, M., Davis, D. E., Van Tongeren, D. R., & Ruiz, J. M. (2015). Humility and relationship outcomes in couples: The mediating role of commitment. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 4(1), 14.

Johnson, A. J. (2001). Examining the maintenance of friendships: Are there differences

between geographically close and long?distance friends?. Communication Quarterly, 49(4), 424-435.

Johnson, A. J., Haigh, M. M., Becker, J. A., Craig, E. A., & Wigley, S. (2008). College students’ use of relational management strategies in email in long-distance and geographically close relationships. Journal of Computer-mediated communication, 13(2), 381-404.

Keller, M. (2013). Social media and interpersonal communication. Social Work Today, 13(3), 10.

Maguire, K. C., & Kinney, T. A. (2010). When distance is problematic: Communication, coping, and relational satisfaction in female college students' long-distance dating relationships. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 38(1), 27-46.


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Teaching Sexual Education In Public School

Pages: 8 (2487 words) Sources: 9 Document Type:Term Paper Document #:19342188

… it is an ethical imperative. Sexual education allows young people to make informed choices. Moreover, comprehensive sexual education teaches children about communication skills, relationships skills, self-empowerment strategies, and the means by which to develop healthy sexual identities. Sexual education can help reduce the prevalence of mental illness … important as any other life skills course in school. Students have a right to understand their bodies, their minds, and the intricacies of intimate relationships. They also have a right to information about factors such as what constitutes sexual assault, how to avoid risky behaviors, and also how ……



Abbott, K., Ellis, S. J., & Abbott, R. (2016). “We”ve got a lack of family values’: an examination of how teachers formulate and justify their approach to teaching sex and relationships education. Sex Education, 16(6), 678–691. doi:10.1080/14681811.2016.1169398 

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Kirby, D. B. (2008). The impact of abstinence and comprehensive sex and STD/HIV education programs on adolescent sexual behavior. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 5(3), 18-27

Lepore, J. (2015). The facts of life. 94 Foreign Aff. 144 (2015).

National Conference of State Legislatures (2019). State policies on sex education in schools. Retrieved from 

Pardini, P. (2019). The history of sexuality education. Rethinking Schools. Retrieved from 

Planned Parenthood (2019). What is sex education? Retrieved from


Study Document Study Document

Self Assessment Plan For Future Ministry Theology

Pages: 5 (1517 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Essay Document #:49225588

… intend to employ in ministry.
Multiple times in His earthly ministry, Christ retreats from His ministerial demands to draw into a deeper and intimate relationship with God through prayer.[footnoteRef:3] Following His baptism, for instance, Christ retreated into the wilderness, where He spends 40 days and nights fasting ……



Gates, Jeffery. “Self-Care: A Christian Perspective.” Evangelical Review of Theology 35, no. 1 (January 2015): 4-17.

Lassman, Ernie. “The Importance of Continuing Education for Pastors.” Concordia Theological Seminary Journal 19, no. 1 (March 2015): 1-5.

Lish, Allen, Trice Pamela, Root, Alicia, and Gilbert, Nicole. “Care for Pastors: Learning from Clergy and their Spouses.” Faculty Publications – Graduate school of Clinical Psychology, Paper 152 (2005): 

Shirley, Chris. “It Takes a Church to Make a Disciple: An Integrative Model of Discipleship for the Church.” Southwestern Journal of Theology 50, no. 2 (Spring 2008): 207-24.


Study Document Study Document

Biblical Text And God S Character

Pages: 8 (2389 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Research Proposal Document #:46963717

… stories and their collective congregational stories. It is expected that this research will improve the practice of discipleship and help to create an intimate relationship between the formerly oppressed communities and the God of the Bible. The principal investigator will be able to learn and provide useful ……



Elliott, John E. \\\\\\"Oppression, Exploitation and Injustice in the Old Testament: The View from Liberation Theology.\\\\\\" International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 19, No. 10/11/12 (1992): 15-52.

Hayes, John H., and Carl R. Holladay. Biblical exegesis: a beginner\\\\\\'s handbook. Westminster John Knox Press, 2007.

Klein, William W., Craig L. Blomberg, and Robert L. Hubbard Jr. Introduction to biblical interpretation. Zondervan Academic, 2017.

Pontifical Biblical Commission. The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church: Address of His Holiness Pope John Paul II and Document of the Pontifical Biblical Commission. Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1993.

Thiselton, Anthony C. Hermeneutics: an introduction. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 2009.

Thomas, James, and Angela Harden. \\\\\\"Methods for the thematic synthesis of qualitative research in systematic reviews.\\\\\\" BMC medical research methodology 8, no. 1 (2008): 45.

Tikito, Iman, and Nissrine Souissi. \\\\\\"Meta-analysis of systematic literature review methods.\\\\\\" International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science 11, no. 2 (2019): 17.

West, Gerald O. \\\\\\"Locating \\\\\\'Contextual Bible Study\\\\\\' within biblical liberation hermeneutics and intercultural biblical hermeneutics.\\\\\\" HTS Theological Studies 70, no. 1 (2014): 1-10.


Study Document Study Document

How PTSD Affects Combat Veterans

Pages: 4 (1280 words) Sources: 6 Document Type:Case Study Document #:45113003

… to survive their post-discharge years, life can be incredibly difficult with respect to securing and maintaining gainful employment or actively participating in an intimate relationship. In the final analysis, it is reasonable to conclude that the real price of freedom can be seen in……



Beks, T. (2016, April). Walking on eggshells: The lived experience of partners of veterans with PTSD. The Qualitative Report, 21(4), 645-651.

Britvic, D. & Anticevic, V. (2015, May 1). Comorbidities with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among combat veterans: 15 years postwar analysis. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, 15(2), 81-85.

Howley, E. K. (2019, June 28). Statistics on PTSD in veterans. US News & World Report. Retrieved from

Pressley, J. & Spinazzola, J. (2015, Spring). Beyond survival: Application of a complex trauma treatment model in the Christian context. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 43(1), 8-12.

Sloan, D. M. & Bovin, M. J. (2012, May). Review of group treatment for PTSD. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development, 49(5), 689-695.

Vet Centers. (2019). Department of Veterans Affairs. Retrieved from https://www.


Study Document Study Document

Domestic Violence Trauma

Pages: 7 (2069 words) Sources: 5 Document Type:Annotated Bibliography Document #:76636110

… health care issue.
Smith, T. J. & Holmes, C. M. (2018, January 1). Assessment and treatment of brain injury in women impacted by intimate partner violence and post-traumatic stress disorder. The Professional Counselor, 8(1), 1-4.
The first author, Smith, is a resident in counseling and a senior……


Plumb, J. L. & Bush, K. A. (2016, April 1). Trauma-sensitive schools: An evidence-based approach. School Social Work Journal, 40(2), 37-41.

If 20 million people were infected by a virus that caused anxiety, impulsivity, aggression, sleep problems, depression, respiratory and heart problems, vulnerability to substance abuse, antisocial and criminal behavior, . . . and school failure, we would consider it an urgent public health crisis. Yet, in the United States alone, there are more than 20 million abused, neglected and traumatized children vulnerable to these problems. Our society has yet to recognize this epidemic, let alone develop an immunization strategy.

Smith, T. J. & Holmes, C. M. (2018, January 1). Assessment and treatment of brain injury in women impacted by intimate partner violence and post-traumatic stress disorder. The Professional Counselor, 8(1), 1-4.

In 1981, the U.S. Congress declared October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month, marking a celebratory hallmark for advocates and survivors nationwide (National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, 2012). Since this time, similar social and legislative initiatives have increased overall awareness of gender inequality, thus influencing a decline in women\\\\\\'s risk for intimate partner violence (IPV; Powers & Kaukinen, 2012). Recent initiatives, such as a national briefing focused on brain injury and domestic violence hosted by the Congressional Brain Injury Task Force, continue to call increased attention to the various intersections and implications of this national public health epidemic (Brain Injury Association of America, 2017). Unfortunately, despite various social advocacy movements, IPV remains an underrepresented problem in the United States (Chapman & Monk, 2015). As a result, IPV and related mental and physical health consequences continue to exist at alarmingly high rates (Chapman & Monk, 2015).


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Depression And Social Media

Pages: 8 (2464 words) Sources: 13 Document Type:Research Paper Document #:12318199

… subjective, unwelcome feeling of lack or loss of companionship. It happens when we have a mismatch between the quantity and quality of social relationships that we have, and those that we want” (Office for National Satistics).  As Horne notes, loneliness and depression play off one another. Loneliness … that they lose touch with the real world.
But, on the other hand, as Chester…[break]…that when social media users have at least one intimate friendship in the real world that they take part in on a regular or consistent basis they are less likely to feel lonely ……


Works Cited

Andreassen, Cecilie Schou, Ståle Pallesen, and Mark D. Griffiths. \\\\\\\\\\\\"The relationship between addictive use of social media, narcissism, and self-esteem: Findings from a large national survey.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Addictive behaviors 64 (2017): 287-293.

Bandura, A. “Toward a psychology of human agency: Pathways and reflections.”  Perspectives on Psychological Science 13.2 (2018): 130-136.

Chester, Jeff, and Kathryn Montgomery. \\\\\\\\\\\\"No escape: Marketing to kids in the digital age.\\\\\\\\\\\\" Multinational Monitor 29.1 (2008): 11.

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Klinenberg, Eric. \\\\\\\\\\\\"Is loneliness a health epidemic?.\\\\\\\\\\\\" New York Times (2018): SR8.

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Lohmann, R. What\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Driving the Rise in Teen Depression? 2019.

Mayo Clinic. “Depression.” MayoClinic, 2019.


Study Document Study Document

CEOs And Presidents

Pages: 11 (3242 words) Sources: 13 Document Type:Essay Document #:96542123

… then it is explained how the organization can get there. That is step one. Step two is motivating the people, which requires an intimate understanding of them, how they think, what they need, and how to reach them. As Maslow (1943) points out in his hierarchy of … the wrong way but will be appreciated by others for being a decision maker. Influence is a highly personal exchange, and no two relationships will be alike.
Methodology Used to Identify and Research the Leaders Selected
There is no one definition of leadership that is one size ……



Bromley, H. R. (2007). Are you a transformational leader?. Physician Executive, 33(6), 54.

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Kolodny, L. (2018). Elon Musk’s extreme micromanagement has wasted time and money at Tesla, insiders say. Retrieved from


Study Document Study Document

Postpartum Depression In New Moms

Pages: 8 (2337 words) Sources: 8 Document Type:Essay Document #:23988239

...Intimate relationships Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Postpartum Depression
Becoming a new mother can be a very overwhelming experience for some women and the symptoms of postpartum depression that follow birth can confuse and deject them. It is important that women receive the therapeutic help they need in these situations. This paper will discuss the symptoms and causes of postpartum depression, how a counselor can develop strategies to work with clients experiencing postpartum depression, how a counselor can build rapport, barriers to care, and psychological interventions the counselor can use to treat the client.
Symptoms and Causes
Symptoms of postpartum depression for new mothers include a range of signs that can go from mild to extreme. On the mild end of the scale one may experience mood swings, anxiety, sadness, irritability, feelings of being overwhelmed, crying, inability to concentrate, loss of appetite and trouble sleeping (Mayo Clinic, 2020). These symptoms can last……



American Psychological Association. (2002). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. American Psychologist, 57, 1060-1073.

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Baka, J., Csakvari, E., Huzian, O., Dobos, N., Siklos, L., Leranth, C., ... & Hajszan, T. (2017). Stress induces equivalent remodeling of hippocampal spine synapses in a simulated postpartum environment and in a female rat model of major depression. Neuroscience, 343, 384-397.

Firman, D. (2009). Stepping up: Strategies for the new counselor. Counseling with confidence: From pre-service to professional practice, 15-28.

Jones, J. & Lyddon, W. (2000). Cognitive Therapy and Empirically Validated Treatments. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly, 14(3): 337-345.

Ko, J. Y., Rockhill, K. M., Tong, V. T., Morrow, B., & Farr, S. L. (2017). Trends in postpartum depressive symptoms—27 states, 2004, 2008, and 2012. MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report, 66(6), 153.

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Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review, 50(4), 370.


Study Document Study Document

Israel And United States

Pages: 8 (2543 words) Sources: 9 Document Type:Policy Proposal Document #:35099199

...Intimate relationships Introduction: the Policy Problem under Consideration
When it comes to foreign policy, there are many different issues in foreign policy that the government needs to address—from tensions regarding missile treaties with Russia to wars in the Middle East to money given to the state of Israel, which has been recognized by the United Nations as a violator of human rights for its treatment of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and on the West Bank (Human Rights Watch, 2018). Of these, America’s special relationship with Israel is perhaps the most unsettling. Israel receives more than $3 billion in foreign aid from the U.S. every year, which is one-fifth of the entire foreign aid budget of the U.S., and the U.S. is further committed to giving $38 billion in military financial aid over the next several years (Sharp, 2018). Essentially, the U.S. is helping to fund a human rights violator by continuing……



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Verhaeghe, P. (2014). Neoliberalism has brought out the worst in us. The Guardian. Annotated Bibliography

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